Plotty Plots!

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Chloe Thompson

☆ '56 Grad ☆ Bubbly ☆ Macaws Chaser
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 14 1/2 Inch Flexible Larch Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
04/2038 (23)
Hiya! I've got way to much time on my hands between work shifts (it's winter and since I work in a themepark there's just less work hours to go around) and going back to uni halfway february so I need some plots.

Faye Burrows • 27 • American • Hit Witch
Faye is Evelynn's older (half) sister. They share the same father, but do not have the same mother. Since their dad and Evelynn's mother died in a car crash a year ago, Faye has also been granted guardianship of her teenage sibling. It has been hard on her, but she's trying her best. Faye works as a hit witch at MACUSA and truly loves her job, but she's also slighty struggling with the combination of her job and having someone to take care of. She'd be a good person to have at your side in a fight. She's persistent and doesn't easily take no for an answer when she has her mind set on something. Faye is protective and would go through fire for the ones she loves, which is how she expresses her incredibly caring nature. She wants to protect and help others. She can look stoic, doesn't trust easily and has trouble sharing and talking about her emotions.

She could use: friends, work relations, possible love interests and perhaps even people to bump heads with.

Evelynn Burrows • 15 • American • Ilvermorny, Thunderbird 5th year
Evelynn suffered a great loss when both her parents died and went from a happy ball of energy to a quiet kid for her entire fourth year. Over the break she had been able to give her grief a place and has turned back into her old self for most part. She's a huge Quidditch enthusiast and would love to play, but has always been scared she'd fail and therefore never really bothered to try out for their school's team. She is, however, always happy to strike up a conversation about the sport. Even though Evelynn and Faye differ greatly in personality, there are some similarities between the two. Evelynn might not be as though as her older sibling, but she's fierce and has always learned to stand up for herself and look out for others who don't.

She could use: at the moment, mainly friends but other ideas are always welcome

Freya Odegard • 21 • Norwegian • Ministry of Magic Norway, Department of International Magical Cooperation
Freya has settled down in a cosy appartment after she had put quits to her travels and has finally gotten her life back on the rails. She decided she didn't want to lose ties with her home country and now works for the Norwegian Ministry, but continues to live in her New Zealand appartment since she finally managed to settle down. Freya is kind and has come a long way from the shy girl she was when she first attended Hogwarts. She has slowly but surely made her way out off her shell and personality wise might be difficult to recognize for anyone who went to Hogwarts with her.

She could use: friends, a possible roommate, love interests, work associates/relations from ministries around the world

Leif Odegard • 18 • Norwegian • Jobless
Leif has graduated Hogwarts last year and is struggling to figure out what it is he wants to do with his life. He's currently feeling rather lost with it all, but will figure it out within a short while. Leif's a nice kid and is ever as charming as he has always been. He cares deeply for others and always tries his best to keep his friends and those close to him happy, even if it might be at his own cost. He is in a relationship with Therese Rosenberg, but their break-up topic is currently happening so he will not be as upbeat as usual after that as he's dealing with that heartbreak.

He could use: friends, people who care, flings, future love interests

Archer Thompson • 16 • French • Beauxbatons, 6th year
Archer here is Chloë's older brother. After his family left France for New Zealand the kids both got to make their own choice regarding which school they wanted to attend. Archer chose Beauxbatons. Archer's easy-going and often doesn't have too much trouble making friends as he'll chat up anyone. However he also likes the cool-kid act and can be overconfident and cocky from time to time. However, he's grown good in noticing when it's best to tone it down. There's more to him than people often think at first glance. Archer is highly empathic and has no trouble stepping into someone else's shoes. He's curious, and his confident nature will guide him in getting things out of people they normally won't tell so easily. Yet, he is not one to misuse this information and can be trusted with any secret.He's a calm, protective kid and isn't easily irritated. If someone does somehow manage to anger him, however, he'll have trouble calming himself down again.

He could use: friends, people who dislike him, enemies, flings, love interests, anything basically

Chloë Thompson • 12 • French • Hogwarts New Zealand, Gryffindor 2nd year
Chloë's a confident kid. She's outgoing and doesn't shy away from a little prank here and there, at least if the risk of losing many house points isn't too big. She's an ambivert; she enjoys hanging out with others, but is also completely fine on her own and needs her space from time to time. She's smart and knows what she wants to be when she grows up and how to get there. Small as she is, she won't back down from a confrontation. Chloë loves the nightsky and everything that has to do with stars and planets.

She could use: friends mainly, possibly ideas for future plots/love interests

That's it folks! Let me know if you have any ideas or if you want to know more about any of these babies :hug:

Hey Marijke!

For Evelyn, My resident Ilvermorny student is on exchange for the year, but Ive for my new 4th year, AJ, who just joined the quidditch team. He's a bit friendless at the moment and joined the team as a way to branch out, I'm sure he and Evelyn could strike up a quidditch conversation.

For Chloë, we can always have her and Sully hang out more, but I thought maybe she could meet my 2nd year, Nicole. She's a bit of a follower a likes to befriend anyone with a smidge of confidence. I'm planning to do an open thread with her in a hot minute, or we could maybe do a thread of their own together?
Hey Marijke!

I always can offer Noel for Chloe. They have met before and I think they could be good friends.
Also I got Gabriella Davenport who know works at the Norwegian MOM in the same department as Freya so we can do something with them perhaps too?
Hey Marijke!

For Evelyn, My resident Ilvermorny student is on exchange for the year, but Ive for my new 4th year, AJ, who just joined the quidditch team. He's a bit friendless at the moment and joined the team as a way to branch out, I'm sure he and Evelyn could strike up a quidditch conversation.

Krissssss, sounds fun! Evelynn is up for Quidditch talk anytime anywhere and if he joined the team she'd be extremely excited for him, even if she doesn't really know him.

For Chloë, we can always have her and Sully hang out more, but I thought maybe she could meet my 2nd year, Nicole. She's a bit of a follower a likes to befriend anyone with a smidge of confidence. I'm planning to do an open thread with her in a hot minute, or we could maybe do a thread of their own together?

Nicole & Chloë sounds like such an interesting combination! I'm cool with joining the open thread when it's there and see how it goes.

Hey Marijke!

I always can offer Noel for Chloe. They have met before and I think they could be good friends.
Also I got Gabriella Davenport who know works at the Norwegian MOM in the same department as Freya so we can do something with them perhaps too?

Jamie! I liked Noel & Chloë last time so definetely up for that. I think Gabriella & Freya will be interesting as well. Since Freya only recently joined maybe she can show her around or something idk?
So an offer for you

Chloe Thompson and Ajaccio Skey - He's a second year ravenclaw. very outgoing, loves adventures, really good at managing on his own, loves skateboarding and saying yes to things. He's very laid back and chill. We could see how they play off each other and do friends first and then see?
Krissssss, sounds fun! Evelynn is up for Quidditch talk anytime anywhere and if he joined the team she'd be extremely excited for him, even if she doesn't really know him.
Yes, perfect~ I can start something in a bit for them, I think a have a decent idea for a starter 🤔

Also speaking of Quidditch, with Orélie as one of the beaux co-captains, we could always have a thread with her bugging Archer for not trying out for the team, since she knows he can fly at the very least.
So an offer for you

Chloe Thompson and Ajaccio Skey - He's a second year ravenclaw. very outgoing, loves adventures, really good at managing on his own, loves skateboarding and saying yes to things. He's very laid back and chill. We could see how they play off each other and do friends first and then see?

He sounds like someone Chloë would definitely get along with so I'm up for that! Could you start something or do you want me to give it a go?

Yes, perfect~ I can start something in a bit for them, I think a have a decent idea for a starter 🤔

Also speaking of Quidditch, with Orélie as one of the beaux co-captains, we could always have a thread with her bugging Archer for not trying out for the team, since she knows he can fly at the very least.

Awesome! We could do AJ & Evelynn + Nicole & Chloë now and perhaps some more Chloë & Sully, Orélie & Archer in a little bit?
He sounds like someone Chloë would definitely get along with so I'm up for that! Could you start something or do you want me to give it a go?
Would you be able to? If not just let me know and I can add it to my list
Would you be able to? If not just let me know and I can add it to my list

I noticed this one as I was about to start a new one in the courtyard, so I hope you don't mind me reacting to it instead of starting a new one for now?
Hey Marijke!

I’ve got a couple ideas. I remember that we had a thread between my Nicolas Mariani and your Faye? I’m not too sure of the details that we discussed before but I don’t really have anything planned for Nick in terms of love interests so I’d be happy to rp them again?

Also, I sorted Thalia Pourroulis this year, who is a first year Ravenclaw. She isn’t like Chloe, she’s pretty shy and reserved unless she’s with her twin (though even then if she’s a little more confident she’s still a quiet kid). Thalia always does what she’s told and can be naive, always thinking the best of people. She also doesn’t judge others and it’s not always good for her. I think her and Chloe could be friends? Thalia absolutely hates confrontation. She’s book-smart and has a thirst for knowledge.

Let me know what you think ^_^
Hey Marijke!

I’ve got a couple ideas. I remember that we had a thread between my Nicolas Mariani and your Faye? I’m not too sure of the details that we discussed before but I don’t really have anything planned for Nick in terms of love interests so I’d be happy to rp them again?

Also, I sorted Thalia Pourroulis this year, who is a first year Ravenclaw. She isn’t like Chloe, she’s pretty shy and reserved unless she’s with her twin (though even then if she’s a little more confident she’s still a quiet kid). Thalia always does what she’s told and can be naive, always thinking the best of people. She also doesn’t judge others and it’s not always good for her. I think her and Chloe could be friends? Thalia absolutely hates confrontation. She’s book-smart and has a thirst for knowledge.

Let me know what you think ^_^

Hiya Clara! I think we just put Nick & Faye together last time to see how they worked/if they could be love interests, but never really discussed it further? I'm definitely up for it though!

As for Thalia I think she and Chloë could be friends. I can imagine Chloë not being too sure of it at first because of she's quiet, but then somehow deciding that yes they should be friends. I can also see her getting a little bit protective over Thalia if she's being naive or someone's being mean to her or something. Idk, let me know if that sounds like an idea?
Hiya Clara! I think we just put Nick & Faye together last time to see how they worked/if they could be love interests, but never really discussed it further? I'm definitely up for it though!

As for Thalia I think she and Chloë could be friends. I can imagine Chloë not being too sure of it at first because of she's quiet, but then somehow deciding that yes they should be friends. I can also see her getting a little bit protective over Thalia if she's being naive or someone's being mean to her or something. Idk, let me know if that sounds like an idea?

Ooh yeah we did, we can throw them in another and perhaps the interest sparks there, or something?

Aw yeah that definitely sounds like an idea! I’d love for them to be friends, maybe over the years chloe could help thalia learn to stand up for herself, etc?
I got some ideas for you!

Evelyn Burrows: I have Natia Kyle, who might be transferring to Ilvermorny with her siblings sometime. If not, just her alone. She lost her parents several years ago, so she would understand what Evelyn is going through. Natia could be a potential friend for her. She is Samoan American as well.

Archer Thompson: I have two people possible for friends in Beauxbatons. I have Azelle and Blaise Chevalier. They are in their 7th and 5th year respectfully. They both are easy going, and Azelle has a crush on another girl right now, and Blaise is just discovering his sexuality himself.

Chloe Thompason: I have a Gryffindor her age, Louise Romanes who is a part-veela and very talented at singing and music but hates it since that was what his mom went into, and left him and his dad. I think he is free for just about anything actually.
I can offer Mara Zephyr for Evelyn! They're both Ilvermorny fifth years in Thunderbird! They could be friends or enemies or anything in between! Mara craves adventure and all she really wants to do is leave the school to travel with her brother who she talks about at every opportunity. She holds him on quite a pedestal because he is living her dream, so I could see her annoying people because she doesn't shut up about it but I could also see people loving her for it.

We could give them a try?

Let me know.
Ooh yeah we did, we can throw them in another and perhaps the interest sparks there, or something?

Aw yeah that definitely sounds like an idea! I’d love for them to be friends, maybe over the years chloe could help thalia learn to stand up for herself, etc?

Sounds good for both of those! Do you want to start one and I can do the other?

I got some ideas for you!

Evelyn Burrows: I have Natia Kyle, who might be transferring to Ilvermorny with her siblings sometime. If not, just her alone. She lost her parents several years ago, so she would understand what Evelyn is going through. Natia could be a potential friend for her. She is Samoan American as well.

Archer Thompson: I have two people possible for friends in Beauxbatons. I have Azelle and Blaise Chevalier. They are in their 7th and 5th year respectfully. They both are easy going, and Azelle has a crush on another girl right now, and Blaise is just discovering his sexuality himself.

Chloe Thompson: I have a Gryffindor her age, Louise Romanes who is a part-veela and very talented at singing and music but hates it since that was what his mom went into, and left him and his dad. I think he is free for just about anything actually.

Hi! I think it would definitely be good for Evelynn to have someone who knows what she had to deal with, so whenever(/if) Natia transfers I'm up for that then.

For Archer I think both of them could work, so maybe we could do whichever one you'd like to rp more?

Chloë will literally talk to anyone, extra credits for someone who's in her year or house and since Louise is both that should be totally fine! She curious and likes talking to people, not always with the intention to make friends but it often just happens because that's just how she is. I think they'd be fun to put together.

I can offer Mara Zephyr for Evelyn! They're both Ilvermorny fifth years in Thunderbird! They could be friends or enemies or anything in between! Mara craves adventure and all she really wants to do is leave the school to travel with her brother who she talks about at every opportunity. She holds him on quite a pedestal because he is living her dream, so I could see her annoying people because she doesn't shut up about it but I could also see people loving her for it.

We could give them a try?

Let me know.

This is interesting! Since they're in the same year and house I could see them being friends already. Evelynn could have always been fine with Mara talking about her brother on and on (even if it might be a little annoying at times idk), but then after what happened to her last year she might accidentally snap one time? If that sounds like something to you? If not, I'm up for anything else because I think they'd make for an interesting dynamic.
Hi Marijke!

For Evelynn I have Dominic Torres, who’s also a 5th year Thunderbird and has just joined the quidditch team. He is a really lovable and kind hearted guy. He’s the kind of person who goes out of his way to try and be everyone’s friend. So while I don’t think he’s been through anything quite as hard as what Evelynn’s going through he would be a great shoulder to cry on if she ever needed it. And since they’re the same year and house they’re probably already somewhat acquainted.

And for Archer I have Simone Moreau-Chen who’s in 6th year at Beauxs as well. She’s a bit of a trouble maker and would do nearly anything to get someone to laugh. It could be fun if they actually don’t like each other much. If he’s cocky I can see them clashing and challenging each other and of course neither of them back down. But I’m open to anything, would love to do something more with Simone.
This is interesting! Since they're in the same year and house I could see them being friends already. Evelynn could have always been fine with Mara talking about her brother on and on (even if it might be a little annoying at times idk), but then after what happened to her last year she might accidentally snap one time? If that sounds like something to you? If not, I'm up for anything else because I think they'd make for an interesting dynamic.
Yeah! this sounds good. Really Mara needs someone to tell her to shush tbh. Let me know when you wanna do it :D
Hi Marijke!

For Evelynn I have Dominic Torres, who’s also a 5th year Thunderbird and has just joined the quidditch team. He is a really lovable and kind hearted guy. He’s the kind of person who goes out of his way to try and be everyone’s friend. So while I don’t think he’s been through anything quite as hard as what Evelynn’s going through he would be a great shoulder to cry on if she ever needed it. And since they’re the same year and house they’re probably already somewhat acquainted.

And for Archer I have Simone Moreau-Chen who’s in 6th year at Beauxs as well. She’s a bit of a trouble maker and would do nearly anything to get someone to laugh. It could be fun if they actually don’t like each other much. If he’s cocky I can see them clashing and challenging each other and of course neither of them back down. But I’m open to anything, would love to do something more with Simone.

Hiya! Sounds good. I think they’d get along. I’m cool with them getting to know each other a bit better, but it might also be fun to have them be friends already since they're in their fifth year. Whatever works for you.

As for Archer I like the sound of that! I think it would be interesting dynamic to have them be clashing and challenging each other. Archer isn't a mean kid, but he is very competitive and I could see him accidentally saying or doing something that might hurt her at a certain point intime, but then doing everything he can to apologize and make up for it.
Yeah! this sounds good. Really Mara needs someone to tell her to shush tbh. Let me know when you wanna do it :D

Yesss, I like that. I'm up for it anytime really :r
I don't know if you'd be up for it but I have Joey who Chloe could prank. I'm honestly not sure how Joey would take it but I think it would at least be fun to thread :)
Can you start please? I'm literally about to head to bead. (its nearly 3 am) and I can reply in the morning (or whenever you get it done?) :D

I tried, I hope it's okay lol (if not I can change it)

I don't know if you'd be up for it but I have Joey who Chloe could prank. I'm honestly not sure how Joey would take it but I think it would at least be fun to thread :)

Sounds like a fun thread. I'd need to find an accomplish for Chloë because she wouldn't often plan a prank on her own but if I do I'll let you know :shifty:
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