Midsummer Werewolf

Sssh guys, it's still night. It'll be day within an hour or so, hold on a little longer! ;)
Shaken by the day's loss of an innocent, the village people departed to their own homes that night with sorrow filling them. They had been so sure that they would get a wolf, and yet they had only made it worse. What had they done to deserve this? When they woke up the next morning, they found that the wolves had silently struck once again. One of their number had fallen to a vicious attack. They only hoped they could kill a wolf in the coming day...

Professor Sloane Stark, a villager has been killed. It is day.
Good job Kathy :r :p

Here's the updated list
Professor Katherine Alicastell-
James Cade-
Amber Chou WilsonBodyguard
Professor Sloane StarkVillager
Amy Rosemary-
Professor Monty Pendleton-
Ainsley Lynch-
Samuel Phillips-
Georgiana Night-
Professor Justin CliffetonGhost / Villager
Professor Wren Louise-
Evelyn Manning-
Lyra Potter-
Sara Moon-
Aurora Night-
Professor Kida Frost -
Rama Mowry-
Geovanna Volt-
Marisol WoodsVillager

Dire wolf



Its too quiet today :erm:
Everyone's feeling a bit sheepish, I suppose.

Get it.

Wolves. Sheepish.
You should be lynched just for that pun :tut:
Professor Justin Cliffeton said:

I can't think of what else this means xD

Without trying to point fingers at myself, perhaps a Wolf is someone who jumped on the Abby bandwagon knowing it was an easy kill?
Like Kait did? :r
Though really my suspicions of her well less founded than Kathy was of Abby so I don't even know where to start at this point :p

Its definitely RIP. Though we should really stop looking too much into anything Zach posts this early on. Look where yesterday's "R' got us :p
I'm so bad at this game I just shouldn't hunt wolves point blank. I am never, ever right :(
With no other leads to go on, since yesterday was a big 'ol u-turn, Imma go back and see who posted yesterday but didn't vote, if anyone, because I always find that a bit weird.
Professor Katherine Alicastell- Posted, Voted (Kait)
James Cade- Posted, Voted (Abby)
Amber Chou WilsonBodyguard
Professor Sloane StarkVillager Posted, voted (Kathy)(Changed to Abby)
Amy Rosemary-
Professor Monty Pendleton-Posted, Voted (I think the thumbs up emoji for Abby meant Claire voted for Abby when she was silenced, but I'm a bit unsure, so feel free to correct me.)
Ainsley Lynch-Posted
Samuel Phillips-
Georgiana Night-Posted
Professor Justin CliffetonGhost / Villager
Professor Wren Louise-Posted
Evelyn Manning-
Lyra Potter-Posted, Voted (Kathy) (Changed to Abby)
Sara Moon-Posted, Voted (Abby)
Aurora Night-Posted, Voted (Abby)
Professor Kida Frost -
Rama Mowry-Posted, Voted (Abby)
Geovanna Volt- Posted, Voted (Abby)
Marisol WoodsVillager-Posted, Voted (Kait)

Okay, so looking at that, I have some thoughts. I always find it a little bit suspicious when people post but don't vote, though obviously people can just be busy and not able to get at their computer. However, what I did note, because I thought I'd made a mistake and that they had voted, was that KR actually posted quite a bit yesterday, while the other two who posted but didn't vote only posted once. KR was also the first person to suggest that Zach's spelling out could be a clue, though he died very early on so I don't see how he could know very much at that point. Also, KR then said that we shouldn't take the words of the ghost as gospel because he might be lying, which is sort of a confusion of what to think, so I'm unsure at the minute. On the other hand, Steph said in her post that we should maybe not vote again, and while I agreed on the first day, I'm not really a fan of abstaining from voting once we at least have some sort of speculation to do. On top of that there are four people who didn't post at all, and the wolves could be doing a sort of lying-low tactic. I'm not going to vote yet, I want to wait and hear what other people think.
I think that, at the very least, one of the Abby voters has to be a wolf.
It would be the logical thing to do, since all the reasoning was done out for them they could just say they agreed, but I don't imagine all of them would've jumped on the bandwagon because they wouldn't want to seem to united.
I didn't see your post :p

I would be suspicious of people who aren't particularly active, but there's always a good chance they might not be too invested because they got a shitty role, so I think we'd have a higher chance of killing a villager? Then again, it really does vary depending on who the wolves are, and their tactics as a group/if they're acting alone during the day phase.

Oh no, 100% not all of the wolves voted, but they wouldn't not take advantage of the opportunity. But I think 1-2 would have at least.
I haven't been active, forgot a bit of this game sorry! But I am reading back but have no clue of anything at the moment. Gonna take the time to get in the game.
- Maia brings up inactive people
-Jamie suddenly appears for the first time
Professor Katherine Alicastell said:
I didn't see your post :p

I would be suspicious of people who aren't particularly active, but there's always a good chance they might not be too invested because they got a shitty role, so I think we'd have a higher chance of killing a villager? Then again, it really does vary depending on who the wolves are, and their tactics as a group/if they're acting alone during the day phase.

Oh no, 100% not all of the wolves voted, but they wouldn't not take advantage of the opportunity. But I think 1-2 would have at least.

I think it's fair to suggest that at least one wolf is going to be lying low while the rest are talking, or vice versa. That's the problem with villagers not playing just because they're villagers... :( it makes it hard to weed out the quiet wolves from among them.

I was also a bit suspect of the people who just jumped in to vote for Abby but who hadn't otherwise been contributing very much to the game, but on the other hand, once Abby had more votes than Kait, it wouldn't have been necessary for any wolves to chime in at all, because Abby was already going to die. Still, I have absolutely nothing else to go on right now, and so that is where my suspicions most lie.

I would suspect Jamie for that, but several times in past games people have done the exact same thing and turned out not to be wolves =)) so unless Jamie's taking advantage of that, it doesn't bother me much right now.
For the record I've been pretty sick the last couple of days, which is why I didn't post during the last round. :doh:

As I look at that list of people who posted, I do think that the people who posted, but did not vote, are more suspicious than people who have been inactive for the whole game. I also agree with the idea that at least one of the wolves would have voted for Abby.

Out of the people that voted, Kait has me suspicious because she initially voted for Kathy, and then changed her vote to Abby without much of an explanation. This might have been an attempt to join the bandwagon and try not stand out too much from the crowd. Though Teigan did the same thing according to that list, and Kait might be a villager, too, she has still gone with what everyone else has been saying from the beginning of the game which makes it seem like she's just agreeing with everyone else to avoid standing out.

And out of the people that did not vote, I'm a little suspicious of Steph, because she hasn't been contributing much which could be a ploy to seem innocent, and then choose not to vote so she stays under the radar. I'm not sure if this is the case at all and I might be waffling on for nothing, but just made her stand out to me more than anyone else who posted but did not vote.

I'm not going to cast my vote just yet, but I'm definitely leaning towards voting for Kait as she seems like the most suspicious person at the moment.
So I'm about to embark on a nice balancing act between convincing everyone that I'm a villager and convincing the wolves that they should keep me alive to use as a scapegoat. You might have noticed I've included another spoiler for you - this is my table, and it is not for the faint of heart. But also, be warned - when I was the Devil in a previous game (where the rules on talking outside the thread weren't so hard and fast), I faked an entire table to prove I was a villager - and they only discovered I had lied after the game had finished. That person still has me named as 'Kathy the Sneak' on Skype to this day. Betrayed I tell you, betrayed.

Employ critical thinking. I'm not sure enough of anything in this right now - I was very half-convinced about Abby, and look where that lead. But I'm still arrogant enough to think that I'm clever enough that the wolves might eat me to shut me up, and I thought I'd at least post this all here to help the other clever people and hard workers. Some of it will totally be up the wrong tree, but there's probably at least one, maybe even two right suspicions on there.

Wolves, I'm expecting to be eaten. Guess what, I'm only a villager. Leave me till last - spend your time going after that seer (who if they find you, definitely knows you're a wolf, remember that). Or that nice Cursed person - you'll get another wolf to add to your little team, won't that be great?
Pointed out that Zach is more handicapped than dead
Took Claire's table and added another villager - He's done that before when he was a wolf
Says we don't have to vote now, and thinks that no one will die if that happens
Says less people dying helps the special roles suss people out (although it also makes it harder with more people to get through - not well thought out, or a logic hole?)/Basically says important roles shouldn't be targeted, which they may well be with random voting
Started a discourse questioning Phoebe's talk of Daph's role/Updated the role list
Agreed with Rowan that Daph is a good candidate for wolves to go after, as well as Claire, as they generally talk a lot (do I not talk a lot xD)
Seems to think the only good special role left is the Seer, so wants to vote to kickstart the game rather than endlessly talking back and forth/Is suspicious of Kait because she seemed to want to see who was active, and then was waiting to see 'like everyone else' (blending in, says Jesse)/Is disappointed no one has been spellcasted - does this mean they're an inactive player?
Refuted Jesse by saying that he remembers me as doing exactly what I've said in each game, so it seems like he doesn't agree with Teigan about me being suspicious
Thinks Zach is just spelling out a random word
Says now that someone is definitely dying today he's going with his suspicion of Kait
After reading Kathy's post 'has no idea what to think'
Updated the role list
Remarked that it was too quiet
Tangentially agreed with Phoebe by saying that Kait did just what the former had suggested, but that he is less sure of his thinking now/Discounted anything Zach is saying
Thinks at least one of the Abby voters has to be a wolf
Points out that Jamie turns up as soon as inactive people are mentioned

[th colspan="4"]Midsummer Werewolf 2017[/th]

2. Kait [1]​


Said 'RIP Zach' and agreed that this was the hardest part
Said he 'couldn't argue with Kathy's argument' so voted for Abby​

9. Abby [6]

Says the start is always difficult (a minute after Phoebe)
This game she's not going to vote straight away without proof, even though she still genuinely believes there could be a payoff in randomly lynching (no Daph! Odds are always in wolves favour due to sheer percentages!)
Thinks the start is actually the most telling part of the game
Thinks that the people who are trying to find leads the most are the least invested (because they're actually wolves trying to lead the scent elsewhere is what I read into that)</S>
Agrees with Jesse that Daph's death feels like a direct attack rather than the result of guarding someone
Said she didn't know Zach could pick a side now that he's a ghost
'Doesn't know why' but is suspicious of Kathy due to her 'laid back and watch' approach to the game (which others are doing that too, Steph literally just said it above you) so voted for her
Changed vote to Abby after reading Kathy's post

1. Kathy [1]
6. Abby [3]

Jumps into conversation with Teigan that watching werewolf from outside the game is like a horror movie/Says lynching someone will be random and that it never works out well
Voted for Abby based on evidence
Posted during the night/Said it's awkward that they were wrong​

11. Abby [8]

Expressed sadness at Zach's death/Disagrees with Teigan from personal experience
Edited her post to add a roles list
Thanked Jesse for fixing her table/Agrees with not voting on the first day, but points out that this makes the second day harder - which she is right about that/Says she's not trying to start a lynching bandwagon
Gif of John Simm zipping his lips shut - guess the spellcaster is active then (Rowan who just turned up and I know loves that role?)
Voted for Abby
Is most suspicious of people who voted for Abby who previously hadn't contributed much, but also says that they wouldn't have needed to vote for her after she was clearly going to die - but doesn't name any names​

5. Abby [2]

Thinks that Daph is an early target because she always plays so competitively and it's easier to get her out of the game (perhaps not wolf then, cause if that's his thinking, wouldn't I be a more appropriate target considering what he knows of my thinking regarding the game he hosted?)​

Says she's cool with waiting, and that it seems like a better idea not to lynch anyone on the first day because of special roles
Says she's been sick, and agreed with Claire about active non-voters/Is most suspicipus of Kait because she thinks she's still going with the flow​

First said 'RIP Zach' then edited her post almost straight after - was it to add the sad smiley?
Says its her first time playing, so she has no input
Can't decide which strategy for getting wolves is better, so is sitting back - cautious first-time player, or using that to her advantage as a wolf?​

Sad face/R/I​
Kelsey Ruth​
Said 'smooth' to Jesse's footnote that he's not a wolf
Interpreted Zach's R as meaning Rowan
Agreed that Rama could be who Zach meant, as mentioned by Abby/Says Zach might not even know who killed him - if he's a villager, he definitely won't?? Or that's he's trying to implicate the wrong people because he can now pick what side he's on according to the role statement
Says the ghost shouldn't be trusted (but it seemed joking-serious rather than serious-serious)
Said that the quietness was most likely due to sheepishness - and made a pun out of it (banter that reveals nothing is a good way to stay active in the thread)
Says she's never right about her suspicions​

Says she hasn't been paying attention and will read back​

Expressed sympathy for Zach/Waiting to see who else is around
Says that the first day sucks and she's happy waiting
Says that she doesn't see how she's suspicious by doing what everyone else does/Voted for Kathy to save herself and that she might not be able to post because of work e.g. reason for not changing her vote later
Says that Kathy's argument is convincing, switched vote to Abby​

3. Kathy [2] [1]
10. Abby [7]

Expressed sadness at Zach's death
Is generally wary of not voting, but can see why you wouldn't on the first day as it’s so random
Also says she feels Daph's role didn't play a part in her death (this feels more constructive than Abby's agreement, but am I just reading into Abby's too much?)
Says she thinks Zach is spelling 'RIP'
Agreed with Kathy, particularly on the edited post/Voted for Abby
Said to Abby that Kathy had given reasons for her vote, and Abby hadn't explained them
Posted during the night/Said we're back to square one
Made a table of who posted, but didn't vote/Seems suspicious of KR/Wants to vote, but also hear what other information people have to offer​

8. Abby [5]

Said she had nothing interesting to add, and has no gut instincts
Said she's most suspicious of people that want to start voting, but that she knows that suspicion could go either way/Happy not voting to make it harder for the wolves
Refuted Abby by saying that she personally prefers to play the game this way, that people should still try, and that she is still trying - just not in a way that will more quickly contribute to the wolves win.
Sh*tshow of a post - needs to take a chill pill/Voted for Abby​

4. Abby [1]

Agrees with Daph about the start being hard
Continues to talk about Daph's death - how is that helpful? Doesn't think she would have guarded anyone this early in the game
Voted for Abby due to evidence​

12. Abby [9]

Immediately put pressure on everyone by saying 'let's see who's active and posting as we can't accuse yet'/Sounds like shes purposely misleading people about Daph's role, wanting to think who she might have guarded, and that they might have been wolves that ate her
Said 'maybe we should have lynched :r'/Is raising questions about Daph's role, sounds like she's purposely misleading people
Implicated herself with Kait on standing back and waiting to see/Thinks Daph would have used her role no matter how early, so not directly attacked (assuming the person she guarded was actually a wolf, which lower chance - and we usually get told if that's the case as well)/Thinks Jesse might be trying to frame Kait and that he and Abby are working together/Voted for Abby
Defended Abby's editing of posts, but still thinks it's her
Said 'we did a bad thing'
Admitted that she jumped on the Abby bandwagon - something a wolf might do​

7. Abby [4]

<S>Thinks Zach can say one letter today but he already posted a sad face/Is interested in why Teigan thinks the beginning is so telling, as she herself thinks it's too random
I feel like she deliberately misinterpreted Teigan, saying that the people going for leads were the innocent ones trying to save people/Brought up the mention of 'are we voting for someone?'/Edited her post
Liked Teigan's post about the wolves attacking Daph directly/Expressed sadness at losing a good role/Agreed with the general consensus about Daph - but is it just a bandwagon opinion to seem active? Didn't say anything new, just repeated the same things as everyone else
Says 'not voting reduces our chances of killing a wolf if we're not even trying?' - true, but people who have nothing to fear from my suspicions wouldn't feel the need to respond to me and defend random lynching, would they?
Thought Zach's 'R' referred to Rama/But apparently 'R' meaning 'Rory' meaning 'Aurora' was her first thought/Edited her post (whick KR's quote handily tells me didn't involve me the first time, so what already feels like reaching feels even more so now)
Says she's been suspicious of Kait too 'now that Jesse says s' and that Teigan seems suspicious to her too, and is leaning towards those two
Defended herself against Kathy/Voted for Kait as her vote for Kathy was 'suspicious'
Says she wasn't suspicious of me, but now thinks I'm trying to keep attention away from myself (yes, giant posts tend to make you blend into the background for sure)
Last minute defence of herself explaining everything she did that was noticed

5. Kait [2]​


I suppose I should condense that slightly - most suspicious of Phoebe, but not suspicious enough I'll vote for her right now. Top of my list though. Newly suspicious of KR, but again, circumstantial.

Dan, Clara, Lovi - in that order. Voted for Abby with no real opinion behind it, other than that I'd convinced them.
Anna - was active and then quiet again, but she beat my table just now.

Also Kait I just don't know - but unless Jesse's playing me real good I trust his logic right now, so if people wanna put some pressure on that 'doing what everyone else is doing' excuse, I'd be happy to see where that goes.
Woah! xD

Okay, so I agree with the part about Rowan probably not being a wolf. He'd likely have taken Kathy out pretty early on =)) (unless they're working together :glare: )

But one other thing I want to mention quickly is that KR has always joked around during games of werewolf, so this isn't new behaviour for her or striking me as overly suspicious in itself :lol:

I'm a little curious about Dan. He's only posted twice, and one of those times was to vote for Abby? :erm: I'm also interested to know why Anna hasn't brought Dan up at all. She seems to be quite insistent that Kait is guilty, even though Dan's behaviour was a far more exaggerated version of Kait's, and she hasn't mentioned him at all. Could she be trying to divert the attention from him?

Further thoughts edit: Anna did this right after Phoebe and I suggested the people who voted for Abby but who haven't contributed much yet might be guilty...
Another edit: I think Phoebe's being a bit too vocal for me to suspect her. She strikes me as someone who would lay low as a wolf =)) but instead she's been actively trying to suggest and contribute. I see where Kathy's coming from, looking at that table, but Phoebe hasn't actually struck me as suspicious yet!
SO MANY EDITS: I trust Jesse's logic too at the moment
Okay so I get that people will start to think its me, I'm just trying to point out things from a different perspective, not saying I am a wolf. Really, I'm not.

Claire mentions KR is often joking around, but it's really strange to me that she came across quite sure that Zach's R meant Rowan. How could she have been sure enough to mention that if she wasn't protecting Rama?

Before Kathy put that table up, I had already considered she was trying to lay out some theories purely to show that she's innocent and working on figuring it out. Since now she's said that that's something she's done in the past, it feels like another bluff so we don't think that. Also she managed to convince everyone to lynch a villager.

I'm not voting right now, but my main suspicions are for KR and Kathy.
Geovanna Volt said:
Claire mentions KR is often joking around, but it's really strange to me that she came across quite sure that Zach's R meant Rowan. How could she have been sure enough to mention that if she wasn't protecting Rama?
You know what, I hadn't thought of that :o but wouldn't it be a bit too obvious to jump in like that? I don't know, possibly. Food for thought!

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