Sad face/R/I
Kelsey Ruth
Said 'smooth' to Jesse's footnote that he's not a wolf
Interpreted Zach's R as meaning Rowan
Agreed that Rama could be who Zach meant, as mentioned by Abby/Says Zach might not even know who killed him - if he's a villager, he definitely won't?? Or that's he's trying to implicate the wrong people because he can now pick what side he's on according to the role statement
Says the ghost shouldn't be trusted (but it seemed joking-serious rather than serious-serious)
Said that the quietness was most likely due to sheepishness - and made a pun out of it (banter that reveals nothing is a good way to stay active in the thread)
Says she's never right about her suspicions
Says she hasn't been paying attention and will read back
Expressed sympathy for Zach/Waiting to see who else is around
Says that the first day sucks and she's happy waiting
Says that she doesn't see how she's suspicious by doing what everyone else does/Voted for Kathy to save herself and that she might not be able to post because of work e.g. reason for not changing her vote later
Says that Kathy's argument is convincing, switched vote to Abby
3. Kathy [2] [1]
10. Abby [7]
Expressed sadness at Zach's death
Is generally wary of not voting, but can see why you wouldn't on the first day as its so random
Also says she feels Daph's role didn't play a part in her death (this feels more constructive than Abby's agreement, but am I just reading into Abby's too much?)
Says she thinks Zach is spelling 'RIP'
Agreed with Kathy, particularly on the edited post/Voted for Abby
Said to Abby that Kathy had given reasons for her vote, and Abby hadn't explained them
Posted during the night/Said we're back to square one
Made a table of who posted, but didn't vote/Seems suspicious of KR/Wants to vote, but also hear what other information people have to offer
8. Abby [5]
Said she had nothing interesting to add, and has no gut instincts
Said she's most suspicious of people that want to start voting, but that she knows that suspicion could go either way/Happy not voting to make it harder for the wolves
Refuted Abby by saying that she personally prefers to play the game this way, that people should still try, and that she is still trying - just not in a way that will more quickly contribute to the wolves win.
Sh*tshow of a post - needs to take a chill pill/Voted for Abby
4. Abby [1]
Agrees with Daph about the start being hard
Continues to talk about Daph's death - how is that helpful? Doesn't think she would have guarded anyone this early in the game
Voted for Abby due to evidence
12. Abby [9]
Immediately put pressure on everyone by saying 'let's see who's active and posting as we can't accuse yet'/Sounds like shes purposely misleading people about Daph's role, wanting to think who she might have guarded, and that they might have been wolves that ate her
Said 'maybe we should have lynched

'/Is raising questions about Daph's role, sounds like she's purposely misleading people
Implicated herself with Kait on standing back and waiting to see/Thinks Daph would have used her role no matter how early, so not directly attacked (assuming the person she guarded was actually a wolf, which lower chance - and we usually get told if that's the case as well)/Thinks Jesse might be trying to frame Kait and that he and Abby are working together/Voted for Abby
Defended Abby's editing of posts, but still thinks it's her
Said 'we did a bad thing'
Admitted that she jumped on the Abby bandwagon - something a wolf might do
7. Abby [4]
<S>Thinks Zach can say one letter today but he already posted a sad face/Is interested in why Teigan thinks the beginning is so telling, as she herself thinks it's too random
I feel like she deliberately misinterpreted Teigan, saying that the people going for leads were the innocent ones trying to save people/Brought up the mention of 'are we voting for someone?'/Edited her post
Liked Teigan's post about the wolves attacking Daph directly/Expressed sadness at losing a good role/Agreed with the general consensus about Daph - but is it just a bandwagon opinion to seem active? Didn't say anything new, just repeated the same things as everyone else
Says 'not voting reduces our chances of killing a wolf if we're not even trying?' - true, but people who have nothing to fear from my suspicions wouldn't feel the need to respond to me and defend random lynching, would they?
Thought Zach's 'R' referred to Rama/But apparently 'R' meaning 'Rory' meaning 'Aurora' was her first thought/Edited her post (whick KR's quote handily tells me didn't involve me the first time, so what already feels like reaching feels even more so now)
Says she's been suspicious of Kait too 'now that Jesse says s' and that Teigan seems suspicious to her too, and is leaning towards those two
Defended herself against Kathy/Voted for Kait as her vote for Kathy was 'suspicious'
Says she wasn't suspicious of me, but now thinks I'm trying to keep attention away from myself (yes, giant posts tend to make you blend into the background for sure)
Last minute defence of herself explaining everything she did that was noticed
5. Kait [2]