Matthew John Harper

Matthew Harper

📷 Honest | Photographer | 2046 Graduate | Father
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Bisexual (Jason)
Knotted 11 Inch Whippy Oak Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
4/2028 (34)
Matthew John Harper

The worst thing about being lied to is knowing you weren't worth the truth
NAME:Matthew John Harper
Matthew: English form of Matthaios, which was a Greek form of the Hebrew name Mattityahu meaning "gift of YAHWEH".
John: English form of Iohannes, the Latin form of the Greek name Ioanne, itself derived from the Hebrew name Yochanan meaning "YAHWEH is gracious".
Harper: Originally belonged to a person who played the harp or who made harps.
CURRENT RESIDENCE:Obsidian Harbour, New Zealand
PLACE OF BIRTH:Austin, Texas, The United States
BIRTHDAY:18 April 2028

ZODIAC SIGN:Being an Aries born on April 18th, you can be defined by a generous and optimistic nature. There is little you would not give to a loved one in need. In fact, you display a generous and giving attitude to everyone you interact with, even complete strangers. Your kindness may be a product of the positivity that defines all aspects of your life. Whether it be a situation, person or experience, you can always find a way to see the bright side. Those closest to you would be the first to admit their appreciation for your optimism. In a cynical world, your optimism is truly refreshing.
ELEMENT:Fire. Your sign's paired element is fire and of all 12 zodiac signs, only the Aries has a cardinal connection to fire. In many ways, your personality takes on the self-starting and initiating qualities of a spontaneous flame. Fire's influence also links to your leadership abilities, as passion and determination burn deep within your being. When you are in the face of adversity, your passion burns with intense focus until your goals are achieved. The positive qualities of fire will become one of your greatest assets, if you avoid the impulsiveness that plagues all fire signs.
PLANET: Mars. The Aries is subject to the planetary rule of Mars, but as you were born in the third Decan, or part, of the sign, you also receive a dose of Jupiter's mysterious power. While it is the influence of Mars that can be credited with your assertive and action-oriented qualities, it is the power of Jupiter that is witnessed in your generosity, optimism and idealism. Your combination of planetary powers makes you the most knowledge-driven and adventurous of all the Aries Decans. You are always seeking truth and will be on a life long journey to obtain understanding. Your philosophical and spiritual interests give you the limitless mind of a dreamer. While this quality can be considered a great strength, it may also be a weakness if you let your optimism outweigh your realistic inclinations. Take time to consider all sides of a situation to avoid falling into undesired situations. In love, find a partner that helps you develop a more grounded attitude, as this will play a key role in your future success.

Muggle University Student, Freelance Photographer
FORMER EDUCATION:Ilvermorny, Hogwarts New Zealand
FORMER HOUSES: Horned Serpent, Hufflepuff
CLUBS AND ACTIVITIES: Brotherhood of Magic, Quidditch Team (Keeper)
FAVORITE CLASS: Muggle Studies
LEAST FAVORITE CLASS: Defence Against the Dark Arts

WAND:Knotted 11 Inch Whippy Oak Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
Wood: Oak wands are excellently reliable no matter the situation they are found in - they withstand the greatest challenges and remain largely unscathed.
Core: Phoenix Tail Feather
Phoenix tail feathers are not easy to come by. The animal is known for its versatility, making wands with this core useful for wand casters who seek to become good with different types of magic.
PLAY BY:Niclas Gillis
HAIR:Blond and straight
:Average height and build.
STYLE:Matthew likes wearing light colors, he doesn't pay too much attention to fashion but tends to wear nice clothes.

PERSONALITY:Matthew is a very open and honest person. He's often quiet in a group but opens up around friends. Matthew is creative and loves photography. He likes capturing small moments and details and looking back at them later. He prefers muggle photographs to wizarding ones, something that isn't really understood by his family. Matthew hates lies and deception. He can be naive and too trusting of others, which can get him into trouble sometimes. He is very protective of his younger sisters, and would do anything for them.

Protagonists are natural-born leaders, full of passion and charisma. Forming around two percent of the population, they are oftentimes our politicians, our coaches and our teachers, reaching out and inspiring others to achieve and to do good in the world. With a natural confidence that begets influence, Protagonists take a great deal of pride and joy in guiding others to work together to improve themselves and their community.

Tolerant ✉ Reliable ✉ Charismatic ✉ Altruistic ✉ Natural Leaders

Overly Idealistic ✉ Too Selfless ✉ Too Sensitive ✉ Fluctuating Self-Esteem ✉ Struggle to Make Tough Decisions


HISTORY:Matthew grew up in America with both parents and his younger sister. Their family has always been well off because of John Harper's business in the muggle world.Matthew was excited to start working for his father when he was older. But as he grew up, he started to notice things about his father and his business that just didn't feel right. Some things he heard and saw made him realize his father thought little of his muggle business associates and would joke about using magic to get his way. Matthew couldn't shake the feeling that these weren't really jokes, but his father really did use magic to get ahead. He had no proof, but his feelings about his father slowly turned negative as he witnessed these things and he lost interest in working for him, though John still wants him to. Instead, Matthew dreams of pursuing photography as a career, something his parents would hate. During his fourth year at Ilvermorny, Matthew found out a secret that made him dislike his father even more than he already did. His father had had an affair twelve years before, resulting in a child that is Matthew and Charlotte's half sister. He transferred to Hogwarts in New Zealand to meet his half sister, and Charlotte followed him there soon after. After some struggles, he connected with Odette before he graduated. He never returned to his parent's home, settling down in New Zealand by himself. Matthew decided he wanted to study muggle photography at a muggle university.
LIKES:Photography, coffee, puns
DISLIKES:Lies, cold, bullies, Muggle haters.
GOALS:To distance himself from his father and make a career of his own.
FEARS: Becoming a bad person, failing, small enclosed spaces.
STRENGTHS: Matthew is very honest and dependable. If you are his friend, he would never let you down.
WEAKNESSES: Matthew can be naive and always believes the best of people until they show him otherwise. He's also sometimes oblivious to other people's emotions.
: Himself as a successful photographer with both his sisters by his side.
BOGGART:Being shut in a small box.
PATRONUS: Labrador
AMORTENTIA:Tea, parchment, chocolate.


Name: Jane Barbara Harper - Reynolds
Relation: Mother
Age: 42 (2001)
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Marital Status: Married
Occupation: Socialite
Name: John David Harper
Relation: Father
Age: 41 (2001)
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Martial Status: Married
Name: Odette Giselle Madison (x)
Relation: Half-sister
Age: 18
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Marital Status: -
Occupation: Moutohora Macaws Beater
Former House: Slytherin
Name: Charlotte Jane Harper (x)
Relation: Sister
Age: 16
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Marital Status: -
Occupation: Student at Hogwarts NZ
House: Slytherin






Credits: Name Meanings from here, Zodiac, Element and Planet from here, personality type and description from here
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Roleplays Before Fifth Year
ShadowfeetWith Leah MustardThe Americas
Sisters and SecretsWith Charlotte HarperThe Americas

Fifth Year


"Hogwarts was a very different and new experience, but the people here have made the transition very easily. Though I still miss my best friend, I'm happy with the friends I made here that helped me feel at home. I was a little worried about my exams after moving to a new school, but there were no problems. Not on that front, at least."

Matthew went to Hogwarts New Zealand with a very specific purpose: to find his long lost half-sister. That particular part of his school-year didn't go very well, as she refused to have anything to do with him in disbelief of the situation. But even though this was a disappointment to him, there were other aspects of life in New Zealand he really enjoyed. He fit in in his new house, made a few friends, found the material very interesting and enjoyed taking photo's of the grounds and surrounding area. The only thing he missed dearly was the company of his best friend Leah who he wrote to during his school year.
And If You Look to Your Right...With Aurora Night and Professor Monty PendletonThe First Floor Corridor
A Friendly MissionWith Reuben LagowskiHufflepuff Common Room
A Capturing the WorldWith Madeline Walden and James CadeThe Great Lawn
Across a Distant SeaWith Leah MustardThe Owlery
A Simple SolutionWith Reuben LagowskiThe Library
Visual ArtsWith Freya OdegardThe Student Lounge
Define LightWith Cairo SavageThe Lakefront
Fancy seeing you hereWith Professor Landon CarterThe Great Lawn
Picking a SideWith Rudolf LagowskiThe Third Floor Corridor
Family Talk/More Family TalkWith Charlotte HarperThe Owlery
A Date with the Snack TableYule Ball
With Amy Rosemary
Great Hall
Quite A Lot to Deal WithWith Leah MustardNew Zealand
Questionable PlansWith Aurora Night, Harley Tsuji, Rose Holland, and Hayley ElridgeThe Student Lounge
Y28 Duelling Match #15Duelling Tournament
With Rudolf Lagowski
The Duelling Chamber
Release of TensionWith Rudolf LagowskiThe Dungeons
You've got a loverWith Evelyn ManningHufflepuff House Table
Truth Or DareValentine's Dance
With Bethany Zanders
Great Hall
Questionable ConfrontationsWith Odette Harper, Aurora Night, and Harley TsujiGreat Hall

Fifth Year Marks
5th Year PotionsO
5th Year History of MagicO
5th Year CharmsO
5th Year Muggle StudiesO
5th Year Ancient RunesO
5th Year Care of Magical CreaturesO
Grade Point Average for this year:6 (O Average)
House points earned during year: 427
Fifth Year Photos


Sixth Year


"After a year at this school, I felt more at ease. Though it made me sad that my good friend Reuben had transferred, I still had friends at the school. It was a total shock that Charlotte also started attending Hogwarts this year, instead of Ilvermorny, but at least it is nice to see her sometimes. Even if it complicates things."

After spending the break with Cairo and Leah, Matthew's sixth year started with a big surprise when he saw his little sister Charlotte get sorted. Unable to get himself to tell her the truth about Odette, he tried his best to keep the two separate. He encountered new people and worked hard on his assignments, but often found himself distracted by the family drama around him. He grew closer to Madeline Walden during this year, and now considers her his closest friend at the school.​

When I See You AgainWith Leah MustardLeaky Cauldron
WanderlustWith Cairo SavageNew Zealand*
Invisible InkWith Dahlia BeauregardThe Student Lounge
Surprise Surprise!With Charlotte HarperHufflepuff House Table
Its Not Easy For Me To Talk AboutWith Madeline WaldenThe Cliffs
Revelation in the Light of DayWith November AlbertsonHufflepuff Common Room
Deal with the DevilWith Mervyn StrangewayesThe Dungeons
Dead rocksWith Aion Zephyr and Danielle CorelliThe Student Lounge
Jealousy and Dancing: not the best mixYule Ball
With November Albertson
Great Hall
Lost TreasureRoleplay Roulette
With Evelyn Manning and Professor Misha Haden
Entrance Hall
Ripping Apart Like PaperWith Charlotte HarperThe Great Lawn
Final Yellow RoseReceiving a Rose
With Lyra Potter
The Fourth Floor Corridor
Flowers and PhotographyValentine's Dance
With Alessio Benivieni and Aion Zephyr
Great Hall
*Written on the Fan Fictions & Alternate Roleplay board

Sixth Year Marks
6th Year PotionsO
6th Year History of MagicO
6th Year CharmsO
6th Year Muggle StudiesO
6th Year Ancient RunesE
6th Year Care of Magical CreaturesE
Grade Point Average for this year:5.7 (Between an E and O)

House points earned during year: 422

Sixth Year Photos


Seventh Year


"I felt quite at home at Hogwarts when my seventh year started, and I'm sad to leave it behind now. I made some good memories there, even if my final year was somewhat quiet. I'm happy with my grades, and glad I got to talk to Odette before I graduated. Now I'm ready for a future with Leah, whatever it may entail."

Matthew was quite nervous for his final year. The stress of the NEWTs was weighing on him, as well as uncertainty about his future. His final year was relatively calm, if busy with studying, and made infinitely better by finally getting together with Leah during the Christmas holidays. Before the end of the year, Matthew managed to sit down with Odette and have his first good talk with her. When graduation came around he still felt unsure about the future after leaving the school, but felt more confident about being able to achieve his goals and stand on his own two feet.
Emptying My MindWith Charlotte Harper The Quidditch Pitch
I'd Turn Around and Come Back to YouWith Leah MustardThe Owlery
But It's the Only Thing That I KnowWith Caro Taylor The Hogwarts Garden
Final Date with the Snack TableYule Ball
With Lily Grace
Great Hall
The Final StretchWith Lily Cliffeton Flourish and Blott's
Holiday CheerWith Ruby Folsom Honeyduke's
The Truth Finally Reaching OutWith Leah MustardNew Zealand
Bound by BloodWith Odette Harper The Lakefront

Seventh Year Marks
7th Year PotionsE
7th Year History of MagicO
7th Year CharmsE
7th Year Muggle StudiesE
7th Year Ancient RunesE
7th Year Care of Magical CreaturesA
Grade Point Average for this year:5.2 (Between an E and O)

House points earned during year: 346

Seventh Year Photos

Everything about this day felt surreal to Matthew. With every portrait, suit of armor or window he had passed he kept thinking this was the last time he would see this particular thing, as he was leaving the school. It wasn't perhaps a home to him as it had been to most of his classmates, as he had transferred in in his fifth year, but it still felt like a loss. He didn't feel ready to go. But it was time.

Matthew listened from his seat as the Headmistress talked about the graduation ceremony. She reminded them that their lives were just beginning, which only made him feel more nervous. There was pressure on them to do something amazing after school, and he didn't know if he would be able to achieve that. Then the Head boy and girl took the podium, Tholomyes going first. He listened as he spoke, and then listened to Charlotte as well. Both speeches were nice, but he was mostly happy he didn't have to give a speech himself. He was sure he would have stumbled over his words if it had been him on there. It was bad enough that they had to get up there to get their diplomas. He watched as a few of his classmates went up to get them before his own name was called as well. He got up, walked over to the Professor and took the diploma with a muttered thanks. He quickly found his seat again, his mind flashing to his parents. He wondered if they were thinking of him, even if he didn't want them to be here today. He was sure his sister would tell them everything about it, so they wouldn't miss much. He glanced at Leah, who was one of the spectators, and gave her a grin. She was here for him today, and he was happy about that.

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After Graduation


Election Results PartyWith Xiomara Rojas, Phillip Zanders,
And various others
The Medley
Safety NetWith Maria MadisonNew Zealand
First ChristmasWith Maria Madison, Charlie Madison, Emily Madison, Finn Madison, and Odette HarperNew Zealand
Familiar SightWith Jason TsujiThe Medley
Photographer Needed!With Evelyn ManningObsidian Harbour
Familiar CompanionshipWith Jason TsujiNew Zealand
Nervous HopeWith Charlotte HarperThe Three Broomsticks
A Stolen MomentWith Jason TsujiThe Three Broomsticks
Muggle and Magical Q&A eventWith Claudia Holland, ~Professor Katherine Alicastell, Adelia Kolter, Jason Tsuji,
And various others
Leaky Cauldron
Familiar ClosenessWith Jason TsujiNew Zealand
SnapshotsWith Simone Moreau-ChenAotearoa Magical Wildlife Sanctuary
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