Hufflepuff Camp Fire Y37/S2

Professor Landon Carter

herbology 1-4 | laid-back | father of 4 girls
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 9 1/2 Inch Sturdy Alder Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
As always, Landon had enjoyed his couple of weeks of break before the second semester. His Christmas had gone well, and he was very happy with how his daughter had been getting along. She had just turned three years old and was already able to recite the alphabet on her own, which really made the man proud. He always wished he could see her more often though and just couldn't wait until his next break to see her again. Luckily, Landon had an exciting thing planned for the Hufflepuffs upon their arrival to the common room, which would definitely be a good distraction, and he couldn't wait for it.

Pinned to the Hufflepuff common room door was the following note:

Welcome back Hufflepuffs!

In light of a new semester, please join me at the Great Lawn for a special treat. Feel free to bring a warm blanket and pillow.

Looking forward to seeing all of you there,
Professor Carter.
Landon left dinner early, heading straight to the Great Lawn where he began setting everything up. An abundance of magical tents surrounded a large fire pit on the grass. There were logs for people to sit on and packets of marshmallows for people to roast and eat. Perhaps it wasn't a good idea to load them up on sugar before sending them to bed on their first night, and so Landon also prepared a table for sage burning. It contained feathers, shells, and sages bounded with string. Only the fourth years and up would recognise this, but Landon would encourage everyone to try it out and was happy to teach those that didn't know what they were doing. A flower crown making table was also set up, which would be an easier activity for those who couldn't quite get the sage burning. He was excited for this, and hoped that the students would enjoy it as much as him.

As the students arrived to the Great Lawn, Landon encouraged everyone to take a seat around the fire on the logs provided, handing them a stick and a marshmallow to roast whilst they waited for everyone else. A lot of them looked confused as to why they were there and not in the common room for this meeting, and so Landon was quick to start his speech once he realised everyone had arrived. He cleared his throat before doing so.

"Welcome back Hufflepuffs to another semester! I hope you all had a good Christmas break. As promised last semester, here is a little surprise for you all - just a night for you to all relax and involve yourself in some activities." The man smiled around at them all before gesturing to the two tables he had set up. "Over there is a table for sage burning, which essentially just negates all of your negatives feelings, and so I definitely recommend it if you have perhaps had quite a hard semester or even a hard break. It can be difficult to get the hand of, but I am more than happy to help you with it. There is also a flower crown making table for you to make some flower crowns. I will be handing out a prize for the person who can make the best flower crown, so be sure to hand your flower crown in to me if you wish to participate!" Landon wasn't exactly the best at making flower crowns himself, but he knew that some of his students were creative and was looking forward to seeing what they would make. "As for sleeping arrangements, only groups of boys and only groups of girls will be sleeping together. There will be no mixed gender tents and that is the only rule for tonight. Enjoy yourselves!"

OOCOut of Character:
Just thought I would do something different for this semester's meeting! It is definitely not compulsory as the common room will still be open to the students, but I encourage everyone to participate.
Jenna was not sure if she wanted join but she was here wirh outhers. She looked sad when she have a broken heart and mayby this will be help her forgot Daintree. She take deep breath and with sad voice say hello to proffessor and she looked around with sad eyes. Mayby better be sleap?She listened proffessor words and take deep breath. Why love was so hard?Jenna was sitting around the fire with others.
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Samantha was ready, to begin with, the second semester of her fifth year. She had enjoyed her break, spending time with her family and catching up with them. She was a little shocked that the year had gone by pretty quickly. Sam was excited to see her school friends again, as she hadn't seen them during the break, and was a little surprised at the fact that she was a little excited to start back with classes again.

Samantha walked to the common room, after the feast, as she was honestly excited to head to bed and rest for all eternity, but once she reached the common room, she had noticed that there was a note placed on the common room door by their head of house. While reading that note, Samantha had been quite confused as to why they were going into the Great Lawn. She had decided to bring a blanket with her when she made her way down to the Great Lawn. She had noticed that there were a fire pit and logs around it. Sam looked at it with confusion, as well as gasp a little, as she was excited to be around a camp-like fire. She smiled as she notices the marshmallow on the stick, giving her some fond memories and flashbacks of her family going out camping when she was younger. Sam takes a seat on the log, marshmallow on a stick in hand and a blanket draped over her body. She listens to Professor Carter carefully as he speaks about what they were going to do tonight. The more the professor spoke about what they were going to do tonight, the more excited she was. Once the professor had finished speaking, Samantha had decided that she was going to continue sitting on the log, around the fire, looking around at the scenery that she had missed while she was away on Christmas break.
Tilly didn’t need to be told twice to go outside. After reading the note in the common room, she rolled up some blankets into a bundle and tied them around her pillow with some string. A real sleeping bag would be better, of course, but this would have to do. She walked with a few of her classmates down to the Great Lawn.

She threw her bundle unceremoniously into one of the girl’s tents and parked herself on one of the logs. Tilly listened to Professor Carter, and wrinkled her nose at the thought of sharing a tent with boys. Eww, no way would she do that. She wasn’t up for stringing together flower crowns (that sounded more like Rosemarie’s deal) but she was certainly up for tasting marshmallows and burning some sage, although she’d never done either.

Tilly speared a stick with four marshmallows (who, after all, could eat just one?) and held it over the fire. She swore when two of the marshmallows caught fire, and she quickly blew it out. The girl ended up with two toasty golden ones and two burnt ones. She quickly found that the ones that were charred and blackened tasted better- sticky and sweet on the outside, gooey on the inside.
It was nice to warm up by the fire and she looked around the school. She missed that feeling with all the Hogwarts students and she felt a little better herself. Jenna felt and knew for sure that everything would be fine in time. The girl noticed one girl who was two years younger than her and decided that she should stop getting annoyed today and start a conversation. It wouldn't be more Jenna if she didn't find a company for herself. "Hello" She smiled the younger girl." How was your day and are you enyoi camp?" Jenna started talk to her.

@Tilly Drage
Tilly turned as an older student spoke to her. While everyone was nice enough, the only students above second year who usually interacted with her were on the Quidditch team. “Hi,” Tilly said, smiling widely, “it’s been a good day so far. This is fun- it’s different.” She felt a little sorry for the students in other houses. No one else was out here camping. “I’m Tilly.” She didn’t know the other girl’s name.
"Yes, this different and i realy like" Jenna smiled and looked here around and mayby Wendall will be join her? It was so strange that he don't speak her so long time. "Nice to meet you, I'm Jenna" Hufflepuff girl gave her hand to shake it.

@Tilly Drage
TIlly almost gave Jenna her right hand to shake, but then she realized it was sticky with marshmallow residue. She held out her palm for Jenna to see, grinning, then she gave her the left hand instead. Awkward, but she imagined the older girl would appreciate not getting her hands yucky with goo.

“Nice to meet you too, Jenna.” Tilly looked over at the other table. “Have you ever done the sage thing?”
She was looked her hand with marshmallow residue and she was happy that she was take hers to. After shaking hands, the girl took a branch and pressed the marshmallow on top and turned it against the fire. She brought chocolate and cookies for marshmallows. "What you mean? Sorry, i lost my thoughts." Jenna don't get it about sage and what was that?

@Tilly Drage
Tilly pointed at the table opposite the treats, grinning at Jenna. “Professor Carter said we could burn that sage stuff,” she said, “but I’ve never done it before.” Tilly could certainly use help taking away negative feelings. She felt that all her life, and even more so lately, she had carried this undercurrent of anger. And she didn’t know why; she usually had no reason to feel upset or unhappy.
"Sure, we can do that and i think that would be fan.
Do you wanna some choclet? Sweets somtimes make happie thoughts. "
She asked the girl with warmaly smile and she was felt lot of better right now and she forgot for the moment Daintree.
“Sure, I’ll take some chocolate,” Tilly said. She speared a few more marshmallows onto her stick. She could eat for now and set the herbs on fire later. Tilly smiled at Jenna. “I agree, sweets do make me happy…” She burned her marshmallows, this time on purpose.
Elliot wasn't sure what to expect when he saw the note on the common room door after heading up from dinner, though he did quietly hope it wouldn't involve him having to wrangle any of his housemates out of the forest or lake this evening. He headed upstairs quickly to grab a few blankets and pillows, just in case anyone didn't bring their own, before heading out to the lawn.

It was a surprise to see the impressive set up Professor Carter had put together, and Elliot had to admit a night out on the lawn sounded pretty nice as long as everyone behaved. He set down the blankets and pillows once Professor Carter had finished speaking before heading over towards the fire to get comfy and roast a marshmallow. He twirled the stick in his hand as the other students got settled or chatted, enjoying the fire and the cooling evening air.
Jordan was excited to go out to the lawn, eager for the trip outside. Of course, in his haste, he had forgotten to bring anything. He pouted a little but shrugged it off, it wasn't that big of a deal. He spotted Tilly right away, but she seemed busy with someone else. He pouted and looked around. Ooh, flower crowns. He went there immediately and set to work looking through the flowers. He hummed happily as he worked, enjoying his solitude but knowing he would go looking for company as soon as he finished if it didn't find him first.
Lily was feeling very deflated this semester. She almost didn't want to go out to the event, but she knew she needed to. She took a deep breath, gathering her pillows and blanket and rolling them carefully. She hoped Penne didn't follow her. She hesitated as she saw the group there, but relaxed as she saw a familiar face. She put her things in a tent, got herself a stick and marshmallows, and went to sit next to her friend while she had the chance. "Hey, you," She greeted with a warm smile as she sat down, nudging his arm.

@Elliot Briar
Aonghas was making his way outside, he didn’t get the point of holding the meeting outside but he would do as instructed. He would go outside if he had to but he didn’t think this was a productive use of his time. It was just not really. He spotted the crowd of Hufflepuffs and found a spot within all of it to sit. He had brought a book or two to occupy himself and after listening to the professor speak he opened one of them. He would much rather sleep in his own bed, but given this was to be his last semester why wouldn’t he at least go and be a part of the event here. But he’d just read his book till he was supposed to sleep, here and a part of it but perhaps not really participating. It wasn’t that he was above flower crowns but he would rather not for once.
Jenna smiled younger girl when she take the choclet. "I always made with marshmalows and cookies together." Huffleluff girl take of marsmalow when he was burn a little and put down woth cokie and choclet. "Hey, do you wanna to with cokie, choclet and marshmalow?" She asked the boy who looked familiar. @Tilly Drage @Aonghas Fergusson
Lillith had never gone camping before, but the idea of smores had enticed her enough to want to try. She wasn’t sure what to bring so she had just peered at the others girls to see what one might’ve needed to camp. Along with a new stuffed toy that her parents brought from a carnival for her, she brought a blanket, a pillow and her basket of newly stocked sweets.

Upong arriving at the tents she gently placed her things in the tent. She wondered if the boy’s tents looked similar to theirs, maybe Lillith would be able to take a peek before it was time to sleep. From her basket, Lillith took a few bars of chocolate and some crackers, hoping to make a really really nice treat for herself. Giddy, she sat down and got her things ready.
Alice was glad to be back at school, even if it was terrifying to be in her final year. She had vowed to herself to make the most of her final semester, and work hard. The note on the Hufflepuff common room door had surprised her, but she was curious and excited about it. Alice grabbed a soft blanket from her dormitory, then headed to the lawn. She was amazed at the sight of the tents and firepit, as well as the other things Professor Carter had set up, like the flower crown table. He greeted them, and Alice smilmed as he explained this was a night to relax and do some activities. It was nice, not to tsart the semester immediately cramming and stressing for the NEWTs. Alice headed over to Elliot, ready to sit down with him and relax by the fire. But just as she approached, Lily also got there and sat next to him. Alice gave her a smile too, then sat on Elliot's other side, placing her own blanket down. "Hi." She said, giving Elliot a small kiss on the cheek before waving at Lily. "Hi Lily." It was a little disappointing to have to share her boyfriend the first night back, but she understood he and Lily had a very close and special relationship. Besides, she liked the younger girl too. She had no issue spending time with them both.

@Elliot Briar @Lillian Lockwood
Abian had immediately been excited when he saw the note. The boy loved the outdoors, and rushed outside happily to see what Professor Carter had planned for them. He hadn't expected it to be this cool, and he grinned at the sight of the tents and activities the professor had prepared for them. Other Hufflepuffs were already there, chatting quietly or roasting marshmallows. The idea of roasting some marshmallows was pretty good, and Abian grabbed some and took a seat by the fire. He started roasting one, scooting a bit closer to the fire because he hadn't actually brought a blanket. He'd forgotten in his haste to get outside. The professor spoke to them, and Abian grinned at him to show his gratitude for this fun event. Then he glanced around to see if there was anyone to talk to. Abian had never made that many friends in his own house. He spotted a girl who he knew only because she was a prefect, and because she was in Aisa's year. "Hey, Samantha, right?" He asked, giving her a small wave. "Isn't this the coolest?"

@Samantha Jacobs
Lucas was eager for the new semester, though it had been nice to be home again too. He'd returned to school eagerly, and had really enjoyed seeing magic all around him again. He headed to the common room to go to bed, until he realized there was a note pinned to the door. He stood on tiptoes to read it, as there were a few other students trying to read it as well. But when he did, he grinned. That was a fun idea! He rushed inside to grab some things, then headed out to the great lawn. The tents were cool, and Lucas listened eagerly as the professor explained why they were doing this and what they could do. Lucas decided to sit by the fire for now, hoping that his friends would join soon. He looked around for them while he put a blanket around himself, enjoying the comfortable warmth of the fire.
Padme wasn’t sure she wanted to sleep outside, but when she’d spotted the note on the door to hufflepuff, Padme knew she had to go along. It was important that she participate in such things and she always liked being in hufflepuff and found it the easiest of houses. Even if she hadn’t quite made a mark in the same way as others had. She reached the area as it appeared a good number of other hufflepuffs did too. She found a seat and looked to the professor as the man told them what they would be doing. She took some of the flowers and very clumsily began putting them together into a crown. She definitely wasn’t going to be winning any awards.
Samantha looked up from the fire while she was roasting her marshmallow on a stick when she heard a voice. She turned to where the voice was coming from and saw it was a boy, that was slightly older than her. "Hey. Yep, That's me! Abian right?" Sam responses to the boy. She didn't really know him, only that he was the co-captain of their house Quidditch team. She looks around with a small smile as he tells her how cool this is. "I know right! It's so awesome!" Samantha says with an excited smile as she takes a bite out of her roasted marshmallow.

@Abian Hunter
Ana Sofia had been extremely curious from the second she had read the note on the common room door. She'd quickly grabbed some stuff, including a pillow and a blanket, and made her way down to the lawn. As soon as she noticed the fire she smiled, happily taking a seat along it and waiting for the professor to start his speech. Her attention was immediately grabbed by the flower crown making table and she could almost feel her hands itching. Once the professor was done talking she got up to put her stuff in one of the tents, before heading over to the table to grab a whole bunch of things from the flower crown table and taking it with her. She was definitely going to make a flower crown, but she wasn't going to do it on her own at the table. Instead she sat down next to one of her dormmates. "Hi!" She happily smiled at the girl as she carefully put her flower crown supplies down on the grass in front of her. "Whatcha doing?" @Lillith Montgomery
Lauren was on her way to this Hufflepuff meeting stuff. She had been smiling all day since Aonghas had asked her to the Valentines Dance. It was the best thing he could do for her, and the last change to go to an event together. Since he would leave her next year. When she came to the common room she saw a lot of people walking away and after reading the note it made sense and she followed them. What was this? When she came there she found an place next to Aonghas and smiled shortly to her best friend. When she spotted her head of house and he spoke about negative stuff. She could have tons of things. And it made her think of something her sister had written to her. She had to speak with the headmistress together with her head of house. She needed to talk to him soon, her head of house always seemed to have know. It wasn't like she would ask Styx who had read her mind and knew of her situation at home. Styx was not the person she would ask for help. Her head of house had proven to be good for her. And she tried to trust him, just as she had done with Bryce.

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