
Demetrius Wagner

Magiconservationist Intern | Rich kid
OOC First Name
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Straight 10 1/2 Inch Whippy Larch Wand with Vampire Blood Core
Hi, I'm a new person. I've never really done any written role-playing before but hopefully I'll figure it out. My friend told me about this place and I thought I'd give it a go.

I'm an actual kiwi if that gets me any street cred. Well, not actually a kiwi, but you know what I mean.
Hey Sarah!!! Glad you decided to give HNZ a go, hope you'll enjoy your time here!

If you ever wanna plot or just talk, or literally anything, feel free to hit me up!:wub:

Welcome to HNZ!:party:
Heyy fellow kiwi! I'm also a kiwi! hehe! Welcome to HNZ! I hope you enjoy it here! If you ever just want to plot or just have a chat, don't be afraid to pm me! I'm always happy to chat! hehe!

Hi Sarah, I'm Cyndi, one of the admin. I'm not a Kiwi but am from the Big Apple. :p
If you need any help navigating, let me know! Hope you enjoy your time on the site. ^_^
Hey new-person Sarah!
Welcome to HNZ! :)
Hey Sarah.
welcome to HNZ. I am Mia and I from just across the ditch in Australia, It sounds like a friend that will help you out. but if you need anything you can shoot me a DM. and everyone on the site if friendly and happy to help someone new out. don't worry about being new to roleplaying we were all there once and are happy to help out.
It looks like you have met nick and cyndi, who along with Emzies (Stefan Archer) are our awesome admins.
I'm an actual kiwi if that gets me any street cred. Well, not actually a kiwi, but you know what I mean.
idk im confused are you the fruit, the bird, or someone from nz :r

Welcome! Really hope you like it here :p
AH! I wasn't sure you'd jump in or not, hello my wonderful new person, Sarah! (If it's not clear, surprise, I was the friend. Sarah and I have known each other since we were SIX, a pact forged by the sandpit at primary school) Of course you know you can ask me if you have any questions and see, I told you everyone was nice.
Hi Sarah, welcome to HNZ!! :party: I'm Rowan, and I'm an Actual Kiwi™ too :D I'm the one who dragged Kris on here so we're all links in the same chain :p If you ever wanna chat or plot feel free to drop me a DM!
Welcome to HNZ! :D
Hi Sarah!! Nice to "meet" you finally! Welcome to HNZ! I'm about to hit 2 years since Kris roped me into this too haha. If you have any questions I'm happy to help or even just chat :D
Welcome Sarah! Feel free to hit me up if you have any questions.

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