Happy Pride Month!! 🏳️‍🌈

I am also a proud asexual! If I put a label on my romantic orientation, it would have to be either gray or demi romantic. I hate telling people outside of friends about it because the concept is hard to grasp for them. Even at work, I know that if I say anything, I will have to explain it in thorough detail and they will still end up confused. I still am proud of being ace, and always will be.
I am also a proud asexual! If I put a label on my romantic orientation, it would have to be either gray or demi romantic. I hate telling people outside of friends about it because the concept is hard to grasp for them. Even at work, I know that if I say anything, I will have to explain it in thorough detail and they will still end up confused. I still am proud of being ace, and always will be.

I'm proud of you too!! :hug:
Thanks for posting, Anna! Definitely a time where the solidarity and positivity is needed most of all. I figured I'd confirm since I know a few people have asked and felt weird about it, but I am non-binary and queer AF. I don't have any preferred pronouns, (seriously, zero preference), so just use whatever makes you the most comfortable :p 🏳️‍🌈
Thanks for posting, Anna! Definitely a time where the solidarity and positivity is needed most of all. I figured I'd confirm since I know a few people have asked and felt weird about it, but I am non-binary and queer AF. I don't have any preferred pronouns, (seriously, zero preference), so just use whatever makes you the most comfortable :p 🏳️‍🌈
:hug: :wub: Love you Kris!
🏳️‍🌈 Happy pride month. 🏳️‍🌈
what is pride to me? honestly, I don't know.

There are some things I do know. I Identify as ace. but feel like the umbrella term gay is more comfortable. I don't know anyone else who identifies this way in real life. but somehow know a collection on HNZ (is it an ace magnet)
romantically I don't know. I do think I like girls more than guys. but I don't know but lesbian panromantic and biromantic don't feel right to me.
my pride is subtle. I have a dainty necklace with rainbow stones on it (when I first wore it to work one of the ladies asked if it was a chakra necklace and I said I just liked the colours, and I make sure to take it off when I meet up with one of my very religious friends) and converse with rainbow stitching and pride aglets (which when I first wore them and pointed them out to a (gay) friend he said he liked my ally shoes (I didn't correct him) and just over a year ago I brought this beautiful butterfly painting and the artist sent me a flag as well both of them are displayed in my room where no one else can see (picture below and shameless link to her Etsy store). I have also just updated my bitmoji to wearing the ace flag shirt but no one has noticed/commented yet...
To me pride month is knowing that I have a community and I am not alone if I was brave enough to make the first move. why I am not brave enough I don't know. I know my support systems are there. my family and the majority of my friends are more than accepting even some have surprised me. and I have even told the girls at work I am ace after one of them brought rainbow flags for a display because she wanted bright colours and I pointed out that they were pride flags so she knew before she put them up (she went with balloons instead) but they wanted to know how I knew so much about flags.
anyway that is my rant and I didn't mean to be such a Debbie Downer, Sorry, but it does feel good to say it out loud so thanks for listening/reading
:wub: 🏳️‍🌈


For the longest time i didn’t know what i was and, for the most part, i still don’t. i’ve identified as many different things in my life, straight, gay, bi, demi, but it’s only been that last couple of years i’ve had more of an idea who i was and i’ve started to come to terms with what that means. As a panromantic asexual, ive been incredibly lucky to have people in my life who not only understand me but are also accepting of me and willing to learn more about what asexuality is as i learn more about how it represents me. For a really long time I thought there was something wrong with me and there are times when i still do, because on the surface i just don’t feel the same way about a lot of things as most people do. Whilst i still don’t talk about my sexuality openly with people, mostly because it’s a hard thing to wrap my head around, i have been out online for almost as long as i’ve known what an asexual was. It’s been a long process. one i’ll still be working on long into my elder years i fear, but, as with anything, it’s a journey of growth i’m happy to observe and i’m proud and excited to see so many of my brothers and sisters joining me, and me joining them.​
Thanks for trusting us enough to share Mia!
it is easier to say things online when I am somewhat anonymous. and I am trying to be more open about things. besides, I have known you guys for a good while, longer than most of my RL friends.

and that was quite a bit of a series of contradictions.
It's really nice that people can express themselves here. Love to you all! Xx:wub:

It has reminded me, I went to a pride event with friends a couple of years ago. When I was there I spotted someone who had been in my class at school. He had gone through quite the transformation, half shaved head, half dyed purple hair, loads of piercing. I went over to say hi and we chatted for a about 10 minutes. He remembered me too so we caught up, he told me what he was doing and how he had come out and how he felt more confident thanks to the LGBT+ community.

Lovely story….

I then used his name and he said it wasn't his name. Turns out that he hadn't recognised me but was too polite not to say. We had a laugh about it and went our separate ways.

When I got home I looked up the person I thought it was and he had no piercing or dyed hair… and a girlfriend! x_x
I do love how HNZ has a thriving little ace community. I hovered around the a-spec line for a long time and I know for me figuring out gender stuff was a huge factor in helping me find words and an identity that made me feel comfortable. While I lean more towards "queer" now as a more comfortable label (and when gender stuff is involved for me, it doesn't really matter who I'm interested in if at all), but considering that the a-spec folks get a lot of crap from some members of the LGBTQ+ community, I do love how many ace/aro folk are on HNZ and how accepting everyone is. I remember the broken and confused feelings a lot and it's very refreshing to find a larger group of people here to share their experiences. 💜 ⚪ 🖤
So proud of everyone for talking openly :hug:
@Willow Cullen you're absolutely accepted here and thank you for trusting hnz! :wub:
@Zennon Baros I'm so happy you're more comfortable now! :console:
I am also so thankful that there are so many ace folk on hnz, it has definitely helped to know I'm not alone in the world, it definitely feels that way sometimes, but having a community on the internet like hnz as an escape, that also as a great ace community is honestly so reassuring :hug:
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Happy pride month everybody 🏳️‍🌈 :wub: :wub:

Another asexual checking in here! Or at least, that's how I've identified for the last 5 or so years. Lately I've been questioning but it's going to be a long process I think. A lot of the feelings I've had for girls in my life I mistook for strong admiration so it's taken me a long while to realise that I am at least, if nothing else, romantically attracted to women!

But asexual still feels right to me at the minute. Maybe that'll change, maybe it won't. I am incredibly grateful to have such supportive friends and family in either case. ❤

I can relate to feeling broken or like something is wrong with you. It's not always easy to accept how you're feeling. You can always reach out to me if you need to talk.

You guys are amazing, thanks for sharing and giving me the courage to post as well :wub:
idk why there isn't a normal pink heart emoji

I don't really talk about it a ton, but I'm bisexual 🏳️‍🌈 and probably ace-spec too, though I personally identify more with being bi.

Happy Pride everyone! And thanks Anna, for making this topic ^_^
Happy Pride Month!!

I would consider myself demisexual, and bi-ish to be honest. I just say, whatever happens, happens.
I'm just glad there is a community like this to just openly exist. It's great, and we need to keep supporting the community to keep it going. Remember years and years ago, it was harder to love someone of the same sex. Remember the hardship they went through to be themselves. I recommend watching A Secret Love on Netflix, it's a documentary about these two women who fell in love in the 1940s. You'll love, laugh, and cry. I did. There are lot more of those documentaries, I think one of them is Stonewall. I need to watch that myself. Anyways, Happy Pride Month!!
HECK YES Happy Pride Month!!!!

Thank you for posting this Anna! And honestly thank you to everyone on HNZ for helping make everyone feel so comfortable and trust us all enough to share. I absolutely love that HNZ can be a safe space and I just love you all heck.
Cries I'm so proud of everyone :cry: Thank you for being so open!! :hug:
Happy pride month everyone!!!

My own preference is something even to this day I am unsure about. I've been through years thinking I was asexual, bisexual or demisexual (including someone trying to tell me what I was) that it's really hard to put a specific label on it. For that reason, I tend not to at all, and I try not to feel "broken" when I say I don't know xD I like who I like, and I just want to encourage everyone to be themselves and do what feels right, even if that changes as you grow! I'm so proud of our lil HNZ community :wub:

🏳️‍🌈 Love y'all ♡
🌈 Happy Pride folks! So please people feel comfortable to share their stories with us and of the inclusive community hnz has. 🌈
Happy Pride Month. I'm glad to be part of a community that is so open and welcoming and has made people comfortable enough to share who they are and I hope above all HNZ continues to be that.
I hadn't come out when I joined HNZ (Though I was definitely "Too Young To Care" at the time, too :p ) and I don't think I had any reservations about doing so when I did realise I was gay.

The whole realisation and coming out process was pretty smooth and natural for me in general. I haven't really had any struggle with it, just struggles with other peoples opinions about it :tut:

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