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I actually had a book of mondegreens and misquotes because I am that type of nerd. :r

One of the most recent raids in Final Fantasy XIV has a song that starts with "wild shrieks knife through the deep" and I can NOT unhear "wild freaks" and neither can like 90% of players. Judge for yourself if you like, I hear it as "wild freaks run through the streets". The joys of Japanese speakers singing in English I suppose. Freaks totally sounds better.

I'm pretty fond of hearing I'm A Believer as 'then I saw her face, now I'm gonna leave her' though. :lol: I feel like that just makes it funnier, completely defeating the purpose of the song.
I have two favorites. both of which i believe make the songs better (unpopular opinion)

Lithium Evanescence
Lithium, don't wanna lock me up inside
Lithium, don't wanna forget how it feels without
Lithium, I wanna stay in love with my sorrow Soul
Oh, but God I wanna let it go

strong by London Grammar
Excuse me for a while
While I'm wide-eyed
And I'm so damn caught Cold in the middle
I excused you for a while
While I'm wide-eyed
And I'm so damn caught cold in the middle
What's your favorite Halloween treat?
Any candy corn lovers in the house?

I love a nice mini Twix or Snickers.
Oohh I've never had candy corn (or even seen it here as far as I can remember), what does it taste like?

I've honestly never really had candy at Halloween, but if there are mini chocolates hanging around I will happily eat all the Bounties that nobody else wants xD
I think I had candy corn once when a friend brought it back from the US? Halloween is only starting to be a thing here so I've never really done anything for it :lol: though I saw Aldi had halloween reeces mini cups so I should grab some...
Halloween is not a birthing here. we usually get some chocolate in just in case. but often don't have anyone visit.

But if there is mini chocolates hanging around I would go for (in a general order) Boost, twix, moro, mars, crunchy. and of course almost any kind of jelly lollies.
I grew up not being allowed to celebrate Halloween (so I've only trick-or-treated once), but I do love anything that is made spooky (like monster cupcakes or cookies). They just feel very festive!
What's your favorite slang word/phrase (and what does it mean :r)?

I have a bunch, but I recently taught Donna the phrase - 'it's mad brick outside' which means it's very, very (mad) cold (brick) in NYC slang and then we did have a cold spell xD
I probably have a few but one that I do like is saying
[something] is up woop woop
[something] is very far away.
I think woop woop is the name of a fictitious town in the middle of nowhere. so saying something is up (in/near/past) woop woop is very far
Ahaha we have that same slang Mia but we've always spelled it wopwops - my nan's place is out in the wopwops.

I don't use it that much anymore but I have a soft spot in my heart for "munted", I used to use it all the time as a teenager. It generally means something's broken/damaged/not quite right. Eg; my leg's been a bit munted since the car accident. My gate's latch is munted, it doesn't close properly. I also used to use "chur" a lot, which is basically like cheers. Eg; "I made you a cup of tea." "Oh, chur!" "Sweet as" is another slang term with similar meaning, which I use more often these days. And then there's GC, which I definitely can't explain the meaning of on HNZ but it's a classic :r This list (warning for strong language!) has a pretty good rundown of kiwi slang (including some I didn't know were specific to us!) and I use most of these from time to time :r
This list (warning for strong language!) has a pretty good rundown of kiwi slang (including some I didn't know were specific to us!) and I use most of these from time to time :r
I use 'yeah nah' or 'nah yeah' waaaay too much xD
I have a friend who keeps using 'gomen' for 'sorry' (as in the colloquial Japanese form) so in that group I keep using it without thinking about it. I am also internet poisoned so I used 'based' way too much. :lol:

Mostly I just use Aussie slang without thinking and inevitably confuse a lot of people when I say I'm going to the bottle-o. Hey, it sounds better than 'liquor store'!
Ok so I was just wondering since I feel like we are from such many different country's and am curious at that.

Where do you come from? Which country?

I'm from the Netherlands/ close to Utrecht
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I'm from Aotearoa New Zealand, specifically the southern part of Te Waipounamu :3
United States/ NY
Australia! I'm from Brisbane, Queensland, but I've been living in regional Victoria, about 3 and a half hours drive away from Melbourne, since the start of 2020.

because that's what you do at the start of a pandemic move somewhere isolated where you know literally nobody beyond your parents
I was born in South Africa! But I moved to Aotearoa New Zealand when I was 6, so pretty much a kiwi now!
US - Born in MD but pretty much grew up and now live in WV. Although, I'm always thinking about moving xD
Born in the uk. Now live in (western) Australia
(for those calculating time zones I am utc+8)
I was born in Scotland, and still live in Scotland. Though I used to live on the west coast, then I lived in the highlands briefly, and now I live on the east coast.
US - Born in MD but pretty much grew up and now live in WV. Although, I'm always thinking about moving xD
Why move? Then I remember that there's not much in WV is there. Probably looks similar to Eastern KY xD
Why move? Then I remember that there's not much in WV is there. Probably looks similar to Eastern KY xD
I've lived in eastern KY, too... and it is very similar to some places here :lol: More so moving because most of the people my age have left... it's hard to have a community here. But also I love WV so it's a very complicated relationship.

west virginia GIF
I swear I am going to make a road trip to the HNZers that live in the east. I am finding more and more of y'all that are within a stone's throw apparently.

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