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I had a cheat sheet for pronunciation once, but of course I lost it
New question courtesy of Mia!
if you could use your time in isolation/quarantine/lockdown to learn a new skill or pick up a new hobby what would it be?

I haven't picked up anything new and don't plan to, but have learned that I'm a fairly good cook when I give myself the time to do so properly.
I have learned that I am a bad cook because I don't know how to cook anything outside of rice, eggs, and whole wheat pasta. BUT, I will be learning how to do acrylics. I want my nails to look pretty all of the sudden.
BUT, I will be learning how to do acrylics. I want my nails to look pretty all of the sudden.
Good luck! I got into doing my nails about two years ago and it's a great hobby. I never got into acrylics because I don't like them, but you can do some wicked nail art with them. I've become lazy recently, so now I just do festive nails when/if I can be bothered. xD
New question! I read an article the other day that mentioned that about 30% of people toss their pizza crusts so thought I'd ask here. xD

What do you do with your pizza crusts: Eat it or toss it?

I eat the crust! On a good pizza, it's equally as good as the rest!
As a (half) Italian this may sound weird, but I eat the crust of the pizza if the pizza has a thin base (because I’m not a fan of the Napoletan/thick-based pizza). If it doesn’t, I leave the crust until I’ve eaten the rest of the pizza, and then if I still have space I eat it and if I’m too full I leave it haha
Oh god, I'm part of that 30% of people lol =)) I personally don't like crust. I just feel its to bland.
It depends. If I am walking around with a piece of pizza (like at an event or literally when i was doing chores this morning), I will eat the crust. If I have a good dipping sauce, I will also eat the crust. But if I am just sitting around (w/o a dipping sauce), I will not eat the crust. I don't know what my rationale is for this process, but I just realized this after looking back at many pizza experiences xD xD
Depends on the pizza. I will never pass up the opportunity to have stuffed crust so generally I'd eat it.
I eat the crust first. Then the rest of the slice. I know it's inconvenient cause like... pizza handle, but............ want the good bite last + don't wanna waste the crust = balancing weird sloppy crustless pizza mess in my hand is the Correct way to eat
I usually eat it! Depends on the type of pizza I generally get cheese filled crusts anyway so then I definitely eat it :teehee: 🤤
2 words

Stuffed Crust.
Yes to crust! Stuffed is my favourite but I'll still eat thin and crispy if that's what I've got.
Stuffed crust is amazing!

I'll always eat the crust, I really like the crust xD
I eat the crust first. Then the rest of the slice. I know it's inconvenient cause like... pizza handle, but............ want the good bite last + don't wanna waste the crust = balancing weird sloppy crustless pizza mess in my hand is the Correct way to eat
I thought i was the only person that did that yes crust first and then the rest of the slice. but it does vary a little depending on the pizza. if it really needs the structure of the crust I start with the nose but i usually leave a bit of the middle for last (usually the bit with the most/best toppings)
I agree with @Professor Cyndi Kingsley that on a good pizza, the crust is just as good as the rest!

Protip: Turn the pizza sideways when you eat the crust so you get some of the toppings and sauce with it (hope that visual makes sense.)
I didn’t know there was more than one way to eat pizza @Willow Cullen and @Ainsley Lynch so thank you for that education!

I eat the crust, usually after I’ve eaten all the rest of the pizza bits bc sometimes I like to add extra toppings to the crust
Since we are on the topic of food, I have a very important question:

Do you add the milk before or after the cereal?

People think I’m weird because I pour in the milk first:teehee:

Edit: I decided to answer most of the initial questions mentioned in the topic starter post by Cyndi.

  • I think Wanda is pretty cool. Or Robin.
  • I would say Slytherclaw. I’ve been a Puff and a Gryff too at some point.
  • Lemon and Amarena and Vanilla but all of them, tbh
  • I’m not sure
  • I’m a leftie
  • Yellow
  • OOC this section, IC the castle for sure.
  • I actually love all of the HP book series. I haven’t read any others set in the HP world.
  • Peeves!
  • Hippogryff
  • Definitely not an early bird but I hate getting up too late, at the same time I could be a night owl if I wanted to be. I’ve always been the one in my family that can stay up the longest.
  • Spring :wub:
  • Unfortunately yes, had them since I was 9, I wear contact lenses most of the time though they’re more comfortable for me.
  • Yoghurt & cereal, with tea on the side (aka breakfast :lol: )
  • NO.

    Jokes I don’t really care, probs because I grew up in a country that does have pineapple on pizza and I used to like it a lot as a I don’t find it so great.
  • Definitely a clean person, I can’t work in a mess it stresses me out so much
  • A witch’s costume actually haha. That was my favourite. Halloween 2018 my friends and I dressed up as skeletons/dead people I think.
  • Eh no, the same way I don’t like toffee popcorn. Popcorn is meant to be salty (just like me)
  • Are you superstitious about anything? If so, what? I have to come back to this one, I definitely am but can’t remember what.
  • I almost always cut bread wrong. I’m so not coordinated.
  • Anywhere in Scotland (I sincerely hope that’s where they filmed the films)
  • What's the strangest thing you've eaten? Will come back to this too.
  • Definitely! Surprisingly, it snowed twice in SA when I was there (2/11 years), and before I moved i used to have snowball fights with my siblings here in Italy.
  • Do new songs on the piano count? :lol:
  • The basic ones actually: Accio and alohomora because they’re so useful and wingardium leviosa because I love watching things float in the air it’s so satisfying for some reason.
  • Many many many times. The ocean is my best friend.
  • xD is my most used emoji
  • I can’t cook anything fancy so I’m gonna go with pasta, I’m basic
  • I love thunderstorms!! (Unless they take my WiFi away then I can’t HNZ)
  • New Zealand for sure, been wanting to go for a while. Canada too, which for some reason seems more possible than NZ haha. I’m trying to convince my family :lol:
  • My eye colour is blue
  • Tried fishing once years ago, not a fan
  • Cluedo and Taboo/30 Seconds (yes they’re equally my favs)
  • I’m planning to learn how to knit these next few months since I have no uni again until Sep. I used to know, back in high school we had one day a year where you had to do 60 or 90 mins of service and they made us knit squares that would then be stitched together by someone and given to orphanages.
  • I have answered this
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Personally, I put the milk after, so that the milk takes up less space in the bowl and I can eat more cereals :p
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i put milk after the cereal (cereal first and then the milk)
I didn’t know there was more than one way to eat pizza @Willow Cullen and @Ainsley Lynch so thank you for that education!
Teigs... I eat crust first like, 80% of the time. Have you never noticed? xD
crust first is the best way to eat pizza

I usually go cereal and then milk, because I tend to eat clustered grains, which make a big splash. However, most of the time, I'll overestimate the perfect milk to grain ratio, and put too much milk in, so then I'll have to put in more grains, and then the cycle continues until I get it right, or give up. :tut:
Cereal first...the only proper way.

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