Get To Know You...r Characters!

Ainsley Lynch

🌼head in the clouds🌼6'3"🌼 🪄ollivanders🪄
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Amber ) ( Pansexual
Knotted 12 Inch Flexible Pine Wand with Fwooper Feather Core and 6'5" Sturdy Carved Walnut Staff With Phoenix Tail Feather Core
3/2030 (31)
So originally I was just gonna start a thread to ask this one weird character development question I was chatting about with Anna the other day, but thinking more about it I thought it might be fun to have a version of the GTKY thread that was IC, for asking the same kind of questions about our characters to do a bit of character development and think about aspects of their lives that might not otherwise come up. Feel free to answer about as many or as few of your characters as you feel like (maybe under a spoiler if your post gets super long?) and anyone can drop a new question to get things going again if it's been a while since the last one!

So here's the first question that I have a lot of Opinions about...

What does your character smell like?

I started thinking about this AGES ago because the fact that Hogwarts is full of teenage boys means it must be full of.... Them..... the Lynx boys. I think it's called Axe in America? But you all Know. That one super strong deodorant/body spray teenage boys love to bathe in til you can smell them from a block away. Kauri had a Lynx phase, and Blake and Connor are both definitely Lynx boys. You can smell Blake from OUTSIDE the Slytherin common room if he's just freshened up. Just douseing himself in body spray to cover up the sports stank. Lizzie uses Lynx too but she's figured out moderation.

Ainsley basically smells like dirt and sap most of the time. She's not a big perfume person and probably had some Yucky Years in her early teens but she's figured out deodorant since then. Deodorant doesn't cover up the fact that her dress is covered in potting mix tho! Emily somehow always smells like a mixture of the beach and super cheap Cool Charm body spray. Clifton smells mostly like peppermints cause he always has some in his pocket. October smells like expensive perfume and rosin. Kahurangi smells like Old Spice.

I'm aware this is a SUPER WEIRD question to start off on, but the whole goal is to think about aspects of your character's life you might not usually consider! So how many Lynx kids we got stinkin up the halls at Hogwarts?
The Lynx Boys I can't.
Watch out, here comes the Lynx Boys.

I have never thought about it. Christopher is definitely a lynx boy. I'm sure Lysander would use some generic brand like lynx, probably chocolate scented or something fun (Or even borrow that one Hello Kitty bubblegum spray if he wants to smell really nice), but a lot of that would probably be covered up by the smell of dirt and grass from messing about in the garden or on the lawn, or the smell you get in clothes that have been wet and then dry out, because of how much time he spends at the lake without really caring for what gets wet.

Katherine is always fresh and clean, though I imagine whatever scent she'd wear is subtle. You probably wouldn't be able to smell it from the other side of her desk. She'd never wear anything overpowering or beyond her "aura".

Aeon smells faintly like dog. Sorry. He does enjoy his plants though, and has a lot in his office, or from his small greenhouse at home, so he'd likely smell of some kind of herb or spice, like vanilla, depending on the time of day.
I want to say Alistair also smells like dog, but he wouldn't excluding once a month. I do think because he's having a difficult time, he'd be prone to wearing a lot of the same clothes for days at a time, and just uses scourgify to clean up, so he probably wouldn't smell like much except misery and guilt.

Adam wears something masculine and expensive. I don't know if it would necessarily smell amazing, but it wouldn't be cheap, and he'd brag about it.

Esme does a lot of fire-based divination, so I imagine she smells like incense most of the time, or freshly burned leaves. I want to say Eustacia would smell like the grave, but I do imagine she also wears something expensive, and unlike Katherine, you'd be able to tell when she enters a room.
Here in Europe it's called Axe, at least in my country. Basically if u spray that thing somewhere the smell just gets stuck there for days and it usually spreads very fast inside a room. Before u know it all you smell is Axe and honestly after a while I get headaches cuz of it.

About my most active characters I's say that Ruben smells sweet, like a sugary scent, the kind of scent that you wish you could eat. It would not be very noticeable, you'd need to be real close to him to notice it.
Hunter would probably smell like sunscreen, he is outdoorsy so he puts some sunscreen often, whatever deodorant he used it wouldn't be noticeable as the sunscreen would stand out more giving him that beach-y, summer like, sandy smell.

Beckett would probably smell like books since he studies a lot and is surrounded by books a lot but he'd probably also use some sort of "mysterious stranger" kind of fragrance. It would be nice and discreet and everyone couldn't but be drawn by the smell.

Blake would smell expensive and popular, chanel number five maybe, something that would get easily spread, the kind of thing that you could tell she was around or that she had been there due to the presence ofthe smell of her perfume.

Veronica would probably have some oriental kind of smell, warm, sweet and spicy. It would probably be a luxurious fragrance with some cardamom, cinnamon, vanilla, something that wouldn't soread as much as Blake's but something that you could easily recognise as Veronica's. Aaliyah would probably smell more like flowers such as jasmine and lilies, i think a flower-y scent would be more associated with a shy personality which makes sense for her.
that is an interesting question. I had never really thought about it at all before.

Selene I imagine would smell like something subtle. maybe like a soft jasmine smell. mixed with something like books.
Elvera I can totally see wearing this perfume or something like it layered on top of the smell of baking.
Briar would smell like fresh air and (if she has just been for a run fresh sweat). I will have to agree with jesse that there would be some subtle dog/animal smell too. either from the full moon or running Bjorn.
Chayton: probably the most obvious one of mine he smells like engines and oil.
Linden, I can see smelling like pine or other trees mixed with fresh air and a slight animal smell. he would probably be a lynx boy following his friends
Willow: I actually have no idea what she would smell like. has anyone got any thoughts?
Bridget: I have hardly used her but she would smell sharp like metal.
Rhiannon: would probably smell like soap and shampoo with a slight she when she puts perfume on it will probably be something subtle with a fresh and fruity scent.

bonus: one of madz's charictors Dederick cullen certainly smells like salt water and fresh musky sweat.
Teenage James smelled like Lynx Africa. If you know, you know.
I am trying to think of what Styx would smell like.

I think something forest-y with natural leather but very subtle. Not that people get too close to him to smell him.
I cannot even imagine all of my other students, but I think that Lucien Snow would have been an Axe boy.
This is making me realise I've always sort of associated Kalif with aniseed? I'd picture him smelling sort of like leather and licorice. Literally didn't know that was in my mind until I read your post and it didn't say aniseed and I was like 'hang on...?'
It's a spice, quite similar to licorice, very much a love it or hate it flavour. (I love it personally) Most recognisable uses would probably be black jellybeans and absinthe. I have NO idea why I mentally associated it with Kalif, but apparently it's been in the back of my mind?
I want in on this conversation but at the same time I have such a sensitive nose that thinking back on my days drowning in lynx smell on the bus gives me like a flashback headache.

I think Elliot's very unassuming, probably just laundry soap and the faint smell of soil from being in the wild patch. Possibly with something sweet on top from Lily smuggling baked goods into his bag all the time.
Sully is a lynx boy. There is no escaping it. I think Anna commented to me that the Gryff locker room is a den of lynx smell, rip.
Sydney I think is pretty grungy just to be contrary, but it's often covered up perhaps luckily by the smell of tea.
Nicole would probably worry too much about smelling like cat hair and over compensate with way too much cheap cool charm that you get ahold of when you're 13/14, though once she's over that phase I imagine something lavender scented would suit her.

(Legit this is so hard for me the idea of my chars smelling like anything gives me like a contact headache I hate smells)
I think Anna commented to me that the Gryff locker room is a den of lynx smell, rip.
Ooo I like this thread!! Very interesting!! I know for sure that Issac and Ricky would be lynx users lol!!! I'm sure of it. Samantha, I think she'd smell like chocolates or maybe a lolly type of smell with a hint of flowery perfume, as she loves chocolate. Its hard to say what my other characters would smell like though.
I also stand behind the assumption the real duty of quidditch captains is letting all the boys borrow lynx when they've forgotten to bring their own or have run out.

Also, do we think each team smells of a different lynx/axe?? I imagine Gryffindor and Slytherin are adamant their choice is better than each other but their both equally as terrible x_x

Anyway!! Knox is a lynx cloud boy and it's awful, someone help him learn better pls.

I have mentioned in the past Samuel has a collection of the most expensive colognes and brags about it + judges anyone who uses scents in the wrong way/uses too much. He has a favourite scent that is a mix of cinnamon and mint I believe? something like that, basically likes to smell like christmas all year round.

Archie also likes nice floral scents and probably smells like whatever bath bomb he's used recently since he's been really into pampering and lush esque products lately!!
Hi sorry just here to update Eustacia's scent
I not sure what Jenna smell but something nice. Mayby fruits smell and she like perfume. Clara mayby with Lillies. I not sure what Jarica but she liked so much old books smell and she is book worm mayby for that xD?
What an excellent question for character development :O

Olivia would smell like fresh earth and whatever plants she's working with that day.

Lydia, like tea leaves (she drinks it non-stop) and lilac soap.
Tilly, like sweat and dirt. Maybe she'll steal a can of Lynx/Axe from one of the boys to cover it up. xD

And @Ainsley Lynch I 100% agree that Kalif should smell like aniseed/black licorice. Now that you've brought it up I can't "unsmell" it.
I guess Rose smells like dirt mixed with a floral scent. I think that one is a bit obvious.
Finn smells like sweat mixed with a lot of deodorant. I think he is an axe boy. xD
Nicola smells like chocolate, but also somewhat spicy.
Emily smells like parchment and rosewater, I think.

Lynn (Roses little sister) Probably smells like fire or something else unpleasant.

Monty wears a lot of vintage clothes so honestly if you get close enough he smells a bit like old clothes =))

But also I imagine he wears sandalwood cologne or something

I've never really thought about my other characters but now I'm going to have to :o
New question! Prompted by a conversation I had with Jesse this morning :p

What is your character's house like? Style of architecture, decor, etc?

Ainsley grew up in a tiny semi-run down cottage in the middle of absolutely nowhere, but now she lives in a flat in Obsidian with Amber. Probably not a big one since they're both pretty young, but I like to think they're saving for something nicer. I think the decor is a bit all over the place, with Ainsley trying to reign in her eccentricity and mess and Amber trying not to organise Everything. Every Windowsill Is Plants.

Lizzie lives in her family's ski lodge, which is your traditional wooden A-frame with plenty of space for guests. William's family live in a cabin in the woods outside of Te Anau and it's exactly as Rustic as you'd imagine. Maria and Kyle live in relatively big houses (Kyle because of family money and Maria because she just keeps adopting dang kids) that I've tried and failed to build in the sims, but a while back Anna and I succeeded in building Ruby & Ignacio's home together (this is pretty out of date though, since Vivian's LONG since moved out :p ) The Westwick twins live in a super run-down Victorian mansion in Oamaru & spent most of their childhood exploring the rotten out half collapsed parts of the property and I feel like that explains their whole Thing

Acacia's parents are pretty well to do in America, but since disowning them she lives in a spare room in her brother's flat, which probably isn't especially nice, but the freedom is worth it. Blake's family live in a kind of modern farmhouse that's p common in NZ, it's relatively recently built and the architecture is v modern but it's still a capital F Farm. Most of my other characters live in flats or homes in various degrees of too small/run down, particularly this style of house I was trying to explain to Jesse that's weirdly common in NZ (certainly my part of the country at least.) We have a ton of late 1800s houses that were designed to be temporary homes for workers but are somehow still around, and all of them seem to have last been renovated in the 1970s. They're all super ugly and I'm really fond of them because I've lived in them my whole life. Give me the paisley carpet give me the beige on beige on beige give me peeling wallpaper and scratched paint give me foundations falling apart because the house has gone more than 10x its expected lifespan. Most of my chars live in flats or homes of that variety in my mind. (Harley, October, Cedar, DEFINITELY Hester's entire family crammed into a house designed for half as many people...) Kahurangi TECHNICALLY rents a house like that but at this point she barely leaves Hogwarts grounds so it's pretty much empty.
For a long time I found it very difficult to settle on what would end up being James's house, previously Ezra's house and their family home. With some help I landed on the below (the statues in my head would be prominent family members through the years, yes they are THAT kind of family). The Cade family is definitely unique among my characters and families, most being from relative comfort middle class backgrounds and a few poorer whereas the Cade family had always meant to be unimaginably wealthy. As such this is the only house I've felt the need to have a visual for because its the central home of the Cade family.

I don't have a lot of character's homes thought out. Christopher lives in some tiny apartment by himself, full of empty pizza boxes and probably a mattress without an actual bed frame because he's just not bothered.

Emmett I know has a workshop out the back of his house for wand-working, but I haven't ever thought about the actual house itself. For a long time, Esme lived in the loft above The Silver Snake, since Eustacia has her own home close to or in Bleak Street somewhere, but I think she might be living with her partner now? I'm not sure. The Lancasters do have some kind of old Victorian manor in England thats been in the family for forever since I imagine they're quite well off just because they're old, and the interior screams "flash sale at Borgin & Burkes" with how many creepy or dark artefacts they'd have collected or created over the years. There's a lot of history to the house, and everything comes with its own story. But a lot of them are in NZ now and have downgraded to their own smaller places instead of residing in the "family home". Eustacia's place in NZ I think I imagine as being akin to Malory Archer's apartment? Very classy, but not really a "house". It's more a place to live since she's in the country for quite some time.

Katherine owns a simple little one bedroom townhouse, but she'd practically live at the castle, so I imagine its akin to Grimmauld place, just kind of magically protected from would-be thieves, but otherwise its collecting dust and doxies. She's a minimalist, and none of the colours in her home would be very flash. White everything, for the most part, or generally cooler colours.

The Summers house I DID build in the Sims so I know exactly how it should look, but the Sims is tough to work with in terms of sizes, and the furniture range is quite limited. I'd take screenshots but Origin wants to update :tut:

Basically Brodie built it near Obsidian after forever of saving up to have their own home, and I've always said it was close enough for Aeon and his family to walk to their shop, and Lysander would have spent a lot of time growing up around the harbor and playing in the water (which is probably why he spends so much time at the lake now that I think about it?)
It's rustic, and I've used images like this to get the most accurate depiction of the overall "look". It's not massive or particularly "out there", they're comfortable but they aren't exactly rich, though it is slightly bigger on the inside because magic, I think? There's a garden out the front Aeon prides himself on maintaining full of different magical flowers and herbs. Floorplan wise, walking through the front door has you in a hallway that ends in a door to the kitchen, and a staircase along one side leading upstairs. You've got the dining room to the left, which isn't frequently used because everyone eats in the kitchen most of the time, and you've got a cozy living room to the right. (Its got your typical dad armchair(s), and a couch for everyone else). Fireplace for the floo network, with a little cushion/mat in front for the pets to curl up on when its just being used to warm the house, which is most of the time. Lots of typical magical clutter and oddities, and a ton of pet toys laying around, though that could be said for the whole house. The kitchen has a small room attached that leads into the backyard, which is kind of their "laundry" room but mostly its there because theres stairs leading into a cellar, and Nana has a little room down there for herself. Upstairs has the parents bedroom and the two kids have one each for themselves now that they're too old to share a bunkbed. Theres a bathroom, and a small office for Aeon to bring his work home to. The interior decor is all quite dark woods and soft lighting, and a lot of wizardy trinkets and things, it probably wouldn't pass for a muggles home on decor alone. There's a detached garage out the back for Brodie to work on vehicles, a small greenhouse for the plants Aeon can't keep in the garden, and an unassuming dog house that's actually his private den he's expanded on the inside, since he's the only (adult) who can fit into the hole ala animagi. I imagine it just functions similarly to the magical tents, though its not actually all that huge, its just a comfortable space to have his own time in.

Agatha lives in a gingerbread house. Or a run-down hovel in Bleak Street.

Fenris lives in Azkaban :r

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