Back again

Professor Leif Odegard

norwegian • charmismatic transfiguration 1-4
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 14 Inch Flexible Rowan Wand with Boomslang venom Core
3/2032 (29)
Hey all, it's me again.

I think it's been like 7 months, but things have finally calmed down for me, concerning uni and stuff, and since I can honestly say that I've missed being on here I figured it's time to give HNZ another try. Mainly because I'm almost done with all my courses and will be working a lot from now untill the end of the year in order to save as much money as I can (I will be going to Australia next year to study there for a semester and man that's expensive) and will definetely need something fun to do next to that (which won't take up too much energy). So yeah, that's basically all for now.

Hope to see you all around the board again!
Marijke ^_^
Welcome back to HNZ!
Welcome back Marijke! :party:
Welcome back, Marijke! :party:

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