Apparition Exam

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Irene Finch

Head of the Dept of Magical Transportation
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Knotted 14 Inch Rigid Spruce Wand with Doxy Wing Core
Irene Finch had specifically asked for the tables to be left in place for the exam. If the sixth years were going to be licensed, then they would need to possess the ability to work with their surroundings. Apparating across an empty room was convenient for beginners to practice, but the chances of apparating to a truly empty space were going to be slim to none in the real world. There'd be tree filled forests, garbage strewn alleys, and perhaps, when they were lucky, the occasional field or valley. This would be an especially important test for those students who were interested in careers in the Ministry as apparating was a requirement for many of the positions. It was an important skill, allowing independence of movement.

Irene arrived at the castle just in time to greet the students who were waiting just outside the Great Hall. The students were seated on the benches that had been provided to await their turn. "Good afternoon" she greeted, her icy blue eyes taking them in one by one. "In a moment, I'll begin calling you in alphabetically by your last name. Once I do, I'll ask you to apparate to a spot in the room. You will only get one shot. I will not pass you if even a hair, button, or shoelace remains where you once stood." Irene's gaze drifted by several students. Irene let them sit with that for a moment, wanting it to be clear because she hated the annoying begging for another chance that came when a student failed. She looked at their faces, wondering which ones she would be seeing in the courses that were provided by the Ministry throughout the year. Many people failed the exam on their first try, but the woman did nothing to reassure the students of this fact. It had been an interesting semester of lessons with this group, so she wasn't sure how successful they would be.

Stepping back into the room, where her clipboard was already charmed to take notes, Irene looked to be sure all was in order and then glanced at the list and called the first student forward. Once the student was inside, Irene shut the door tightly and began the exam.

Out of Character:Roleplay your character's attempt to apparate to a point in the room. Don't forget that the Great Hall would look as it would on a regular day minus the students. :pYou will get an exam grade of A or T depending on whether you roleplay your character succeeding or failing. Extra credit will be given for the level of detail in your roleplay regardless of passing or failing. Feel free to godmod Irene if it is necessary to your roleplay.If you have any questions, PM me. No replies will be accepted beyond Wednesday, the end of exam period!
Liusaidh got the great hall and was stood waiting with other students. She was ready for this, she’d apparated now a couple of times, so there was no way this would go wrong. It was frustrating that she could just go first, and had to wait to be called, which took all too long in her opinion. She was better than all these people here, she felt she should be able to go first. However, eventually her name was called and she stepped forward and entered the hall.

Liusaidh immediately clocked the fact the hall wasn’t at all like she’d seen during the lessons and gelt that was pretty rude of the professor to do. But she focused, if she failed she now had something to blame. Liusaidh looked to where the woman told her go and without preamble just focused, concentrating and remembering all that she’d been taught and when that tug came she leaned in. In seconds she was across the hall, she didn’t check herself to see if she’d left anything behind, assuming that she hadn’t. She’d done it. She felt no pain and knew not a hair was out of place.
Flynn was feeling pretty confident about his apparition exam. Of course, it was rather annoying that he couldn't get in extra practice whenever he wanted, but it didn't really bother him as he was sure he could manage it easy enough. He'd done perfectly fine in the lessons, so why was an exam going to be any different?

Huffing as he heard they were going by alphabetical order, Flynn slouched in his seat, deciding to get comfortable as he was going to be sitting there for a little while. N was hardly at the beginning of the alphabet. But eventually, he heard his name and stood up, shoving his hands into his pockets as he wandered into the Great Hall. Though when he enter the room he did have to note that the tables were all still sitting where they usually did. Which was just annoying, really. They had been practicing in an empty room and now for the exam, they were suddenly expected to do it with obstacles in the way. Maybe he wouldn't have minded so much if they had a practice lesson like this. But no, apparently that was too much to ask.

He gave the woman a look for a moment, perfectly showing that he was very not impressed by this development before rolling his eyes and pulling his hands out of his pockets. He'd just been told to apparate to a spot in the room. Not a specific spot. A spot. He already knew exactly where he was heading, focusing exactly on where he was going as he remembered the three D's and let himself lean in when he felt the familiar tug. Then with a crack he vanished and popped out again right next to his usual seat at the Gryffindor table at the other end of the room. He didn't even need to check himself over to know he hadn't done anything wrong, shoving his hands back into his pockets again as he wandered back across the Great Hall towards the door. That had been about as easy as he had been expecting it to be.
Tilly wasn’t sure if she was thrilled or terrified that her surname was at the beginning of the alphabet. She waited behind the few students who would go before her. The Hufflepuff had eaten a light breakfast, not wanting Irene Finch to see the partially-digested contents of her stomach. If she passed, she could sneak down to the kitchens for a celebratory sweet roll. If she failed, at least she had a bag of Honeydukes chocolates in her dorm to console her.

Tilly ignored all of her peers, wanting to focus on just herself today. She knew she could earn her license in the future if she couldn’t impress the instructor, but that would be such a pain. In fact, Tilly would be happy never to see Irene Finch again if she could help it. She’d taught them an invaluable skill, and Tilly would be happy to run with it. Well, Apparate with it, really.

When her name was called, Tilly stepped forward. She knew her dad had failed this exam four times before he finally passed. As much as she loved him, she had to admit she probably wanted this more than he ever had. She took a deep breath when the doors to the Great Hall shut with a resounding thud behind her.

Picking a spot to Apparate to was easy enough- the Hufflepuff table, a place she sat every day. She wanted to show the Ministry Official she could more than pass the exam. She was tempted to place herself on top of the table, but she better not push her luck.

Instead, Tilly braced herself, her destination in mind. The now familiar whoosh of Apparition carried her to the front of the Hall, just next to her table. She smiled when she realized she’d made it. If a hair was out of place, it was because one had naturally fallen out of her head, not because she’d splinched it. Thanking the instructor on her way out, she tried not to gloat as she left, ecstatic to have earned her license on the first try. Now this was something to write home about.
Out of all Ivy's exams, this was probably the most important one. She had to pass this if she wanted to apparate next year. Not passing would be humiliating and inconvenient. She wanted to apparate places, it would make meeting up with her friends or with Flynn over break so much easier. Ivy arrived at the Great Hall and took a seat on the bench. Miss Finch arrived not long after and explained how it was going to work. She told them it would go alphabetically by last name, which meant Ivy was probably going to be one of the first. They would only get one shot and couldn't leave behind as much as a button. She understood why, but the words still made her nervous.

It didn't take long for her name to be called. She swallowed, waving at Flynn before stepping into the Great Hall. To her surprise, the Great Hall looked exactly the way it usually did. Ivy folded her hands and listened to Miss Finch as she told her where to apparate. She had to move to a spot near the Gryffindor table, quite a bit away with a few obstacles in the way. She nodded, then started to focus. She thought of the three D's and took a deep breath. Then, she apparated to the right spot. Ivy knew immediately she had done it correctly, though she still checked subtly for any sign of a button or shoelace missing. She then thanked the teacher and left once she was dismissed.
Out of all her exams Rose was most nervous for her Apparition one. It was all or nothing now and if she managed to just leave one hair behind she wouldn’t get her license. Apparating was almost necessary to travel quickly and thus Rose knew how much weight was on this moment. Sweat ran over her forehead in little drops it ended up on her plant or on the ground. She was nervous and the nerves didn’t help her in remembering the three D’s. She wanted to succeed, just like all the others in her group. A clipboard was making notes magically, pretty sure it was saw everything. Each hair, piece of skin or piece of clothing that was left behind.

The great hall was empty, but she needed to manoeuvre past some chairs and tables. That didn’t matter, the fact was she couldn’t leave a trace of evidence behind she had ever done something. Rose shrugged and the first couple of students made it. When Rose her name was called she focussed on everything she had learned. She wanted the license pretty badly. There was no failing and Rose looked at the spot she wanted to get to. Rose took one more peek and then focused on the Hufflepuff table. A familiar feeling washed over her and she felt the headache she usually got when apparating. Rose looked and couldn’t see anything that was left behind. Edgar was still whole and her hair was still in her usually pony tail. She had actually done it.
Emmaline felt extremely stressed about her Apparition exam. It was one of the exams that she could not revise for. She only had three classes containing only two practiced. Although, she had managed it both times, this time would be the most difficult. She had to do it right on the first chance, no splinching, no missing the mark. The pressure was unsurmountable; however Emmaline was quite used to the pressure. She was the one in her family who always had to handle it, handle her sister and mother fighting, handle being perfect all the time. She had to handle this as well. As always, the young Gryffindor did not have a choice. Thoughts were rushing through her head, taking over her full mind, when the ministry worker greeted them outside of the Great Hall.

Emmaline turned her attention to Ministry worker, Miss Finch. Miss Finch explained what they would be doing today, which was just as Emmaline had expected. She was happy that they would be going in one by one. That certainly made the pressure decrease slightly. She still felt her heart beating faster as the Ministry worker went back into the Great Hall. The moments that she spent waiting was not helping. She continued to read about apparation. Every word was coming into her mind, she was revising what she could. The three D's mostly.

Finally, Emmaline's name was called. Emmaline took a deep breath as she entered the Great Hall. Her eyes grew wide as she noticed that all the tables were still in their places. This was not what she was expecting. Normally the Great Hall was cleaned out during the practicing. This was definitely a hiccup, but the young Gryffindor had to contain herself. This isn't a big deal The young Gryffindor thought. She stood up straighter, nodding to show Miss Finch that she was ready.

The three D's were swirling around in her head. She had to focus now. Emmaline focused on them as she looked to find the spot that she would be appariating to. She focused on the spot that she had chosen. Emmaline closed her eyes, she concentrated and concentrated. The feeling of being pulled through a water slide tube, tight in her stomach. When she opened her eyes, Emmaline found that she was in the exact spot that she had been focusing on. She had done it. She let out a sigh of relief, before looking over everything on her person. She did not lose a single hair. She had appariated.

Emmaline let a smile fall on her face. She could not believe that she had managed it. The young Gryffindor felt a weight off her shoulder. She hoped it was enough to pass. The young Gryffindor glanced at the Ministry worker before leaving the Great Hall.
Delilah had been dreading this day. Ever since her splinching incident during the last lesson she had considered not taking the exam at all. Part of her had been convinced she would fail immediately but that hadn’t been the case. It all came down to this last and final exam. Her face felt hot and she felt like everyone was staring at her. She had no way of knowing if they were since she forced herself to stay focused and stared at her shoes. They were going by last names which meant she had a long time to wait as the rest of her classmates got called. She bounced her leg nervously without thinking about it. It was her injured leg and while thought she could feel a phantom ache deep inside she knew it was just in her head and it was completely healed. Delilah had been so wrapped up in her own anxious world that she almost didn’t register when her name was called until a student next to her nudged her gently. She shot up from her seat and swallowed hard before entering the great hall.

Ms. Finch greeted her and Delilah nodded politely before being asked to apparate to the opposite side of the hall, right in front of the head table where the professor’s sat. She swallowed again as her heart started to race. That was far. Farther than she had attempted before and she tried not to think about how her last attempt had gone. But she was here and she was going to try, she thought determinedly. She straightened her shoulders and took a deep breath as she tried to clear her mind. Thankfully there was no one watching this time, except for Ms. Finch, and she was able to relax a bit. Delilah pulled out her wand and gripped it firmly in her hand. Over the years she had thought about snapping it in half countless times but she knew that it wouldn’t have solved any of her problems. That all of her struggles had more to do with her than anything else. But she had been through so much since she had gotten this wand and she knew she would get through this exam and everything else that came after. Ivy had called her tough and was going to try and believe that. With one more steadying breath she went over the three D’s in her head and focused on the spot on the other end of the hall. She pictured herself there, whole and safe. Then it happened like a snap, her body felt squeezed to the point of discomfort until she could breath again and she was on the other side of the hall. Instantly she started patting herself down to make sure nothing was missing or, Merlin forbid, injured. But she felt fine and everything seemed to be in place. She let out a relieved laugh and beamed at the instructor who seemed unmoved by what Delilah felt like a miracle. Quickly she nodded to Ms. Finch one last time before nearly skipping out of the great hall for the next student to go.
Harper had found the test to get her restricted driver's license to be a rather nerve-racking affair, but it turned out that experience was nothing compared to this. She'd gone into that test with several months of driving practice under her belt. She would be taking the apparition exam after just two hours of practice. Harper tried to take comfort in the knowledge that the apparition exam would be over in a matter of seconds, but even that failed to completely quell her nerves. The stakes of this exam seemed to be much higher. No one entered their driving test expecting to lose an arm or a leg, but those were both very real possibilities during an apparition exam.

In a bid to make the exam easier, Harper had ditched her robes and bag and tried to dress as simply as possible. She reminded herself that she'd successfully apparated multiple times during the last lesson. She just needed to do it one more time. One more successful apparition and then she'd be able to travel freely for the rest of her life. As Harper stood outside the Great Hall with her classmates, she was reminded of the very first night, when they had waited restlessly in this very spot for the Sorting Ceremony. The memory made her smile.

Ms. Finch arrived and explained the exam format. It sounded fairly straightforward, and Harper tightened her ponytail, glad she'd dressed so simply. Thankfully, they were going in alphabetical order by last name, and it barely took any time before Harper was called in. She strode into the room, immediately noticing that that tables were back. While the sight of all the furniture was a little jarring, Harper tried to remind herself that they didn't matter. She wasn't going to be running across the room; she would be teleporting.

After receiving her assigned target — a spot near the middle of the Ravenclaw table — Harper took a deep breath and cleared her mind of any thoughts except those related to her destination. She then visualized herself appearing there and started to turn. Immediately, the space around her constricted, and she reappeared with a loud crack directly on the spot Ms. Finch had chosen. Harper knew instantly that she'd apparated perfectly. She had even landed so that she was facing Ms. Finch. Beaming, Harper thanked the ministry official and headed out the Great Hall, feeling lighter than she had in a long time.
This was it. This was where Sutton's journey was reaching the moment right before her grand adventure. Like any hero, she was about to set sail. The young Ravenclaw was about to appariate, and of course hopefully pass. She had been dreaming about this day. She was Annabeth Chase right before she went into the tombs to find the Mark of Athena, right before she faced the spider that had haunted her dreams for years and years. Sutton was ready. She was more than ready, she was ecstatic. She was ready to face her own 'spider,' in a sense.

The blonde girl stood outside of the Great Hall, bouncing with excitement. She wanted to be let in now, pass her exam. Although she knew she would not be able to really appariate places until she turned of age, since she could not at Hogwarts, that was not going to damper her mood in the slightest. Just having the ability, the license, was enough for now. It would open up a whole new world of adventures for her, ones that she did not have to just get sucked into from the words on a page.

The ministry worker greeted them, explaining the exam. It seemed just like the rest of the practices, well the more fun practices. The only issue was that Sutton would have to wait forever. Alphabetical order never worked in her favor. But she waited and waited, bouncing on the heels of her feet as students went in and came out. No emergencies seemed to occur, not that Sutton was paying too close of attention to all that. She just wanted her turn. She wanted to get on that boat and go into the unknown.

Finally, Sutton's name was called. She rushed into the Great Hall, stopping when she saw all the tables still there. Plot Twist Sutton thought, the smile still on her face. This just made it more exciting of course. The young Ravenclaw stood still, as still as she possibly could at the moment. She had one chance at this. She looked around the Great Hall, finding the target that she was aiming for, right across the Great Hall to the left in a corner. She would have to make it through all the tables, well kind of. Sutton wanted it to be a challenge, prove herself.

She closed her eyes, focusing on the destination. She had the determination. She thought about the corner of the Great Hall, every aspect of it like she would do with nonverbal magic. She visualized it. Concentrating hard, she felt that feeling in her stomach. She felt her insides twisting and her balance at a total loss. But just for a moment. For that moment she was free, weightless in a way. The young Ravenclaw felt her feet hit the ground, hard but she remained balanced. Her head was spinning a little bit, but she took a deep breath.

As Sutton looked down at her feet, she realized she had hit her mark. Her feet firmly planted on the target spot that she had been determined to hit. She did not move for awhile, looking over to make sure she had not lost a body part or even a button from her cloak. She did not. Everything was in place. Even her stomach was settling down. The excitement grew. She had appariated to the corner of the Great Hall, just as she had pictured. She had done it! She wanted to yell out, to jump in excitement, but thought they may not be the best method. Restraining her emotions, Sutton smiled at the professor, thanking her for her time, as she headed out of the Great Hall. The second she was away from the mass of students still outside the Great Hall she let out a triumphant "Yes! Yes! Yes!" She did not know if she had even passed, but she did what she had come to do. Surely that was worth a passing grade.

*Book References from Mark of Athena by Rick Riordan
One exam that Estella was nervous for was definitely the apparition exam. The Ministry lady was so strict and she always made Estella feel so tense. There was so much pressure to do well now that the exam was upon them, and so Essie reluctantly made her way to the Great Hall, just wishing it was all over already. She was most worried about embarrassing herself.

When instructed, Essie lined up in alphabetical order with her peers. Soon enough, it was her turn, so she stepped forward a little shakily, keeping her arms by her side as she tried to clear her head of all of her thoughts. She closed her eyes and tried to think of happy and calm things, such as her favourite songs. She also focused on her end goal, which was apparating to the other side of the room in the corner. She was determined, picturing the spot in her head and her already there, celebrating her success. She could do it, for sure. Her father would definitely be proud of her, and he would no longer be needing to apparate her everywhere. She was doing this for him.

Taking a deep breath, she suddenly felt a little dizzy, and quickly opened her eyes, feeling like she was going to faint. But as she opened her eyes, she realised she had made it. She steadied herself a little before walking again, happy that she had succeeded.
Ares made his way to the Great Hall, more than ready to get this apparition exam over and done with. He never really liked exams, and never really understood the stress, especially after watching Jordie go through so much stress with everything he had to endure. He knew Jordie was feeing it a lot at that moment, and so tried his best to always be there for his boyfriend. It was tough, but Ares would help him get through it.

As the teen entered the Great Hall, he gathered around as the Ministry lady told them what to do, and took a spot in the line where he was meant to. When it was his turn to try, he confidently stepped forward, taking a deep breath as he just thought of Jordie and how happy he made him. But then he tried not to get too distracted, immediately thinking of the destination where he had to be in the corner of the room right where the 'x' marked the spot. Eventually, Ares had done it without much effort, however now his head was sore and he was admittedly a little light headed too. Apparition really took a lot out of him.
Marlow waited outside the Great Hall for her Apariation exam. They certainly had not practiced enough for her to feel too confident, but Marlow wanted this more than she would ever say. She wanted to travel the world, find the perfect places to paint. Get away from her family when need be. It was her ticket out of her, her ticket to exploring and getting the inspiration when all else failed. She needed to pass this exam. She had been able to apariate a few times in the practices, struggling a bit. But she had never splinched herself, so that was saying something. She knew she could do this. It was for her art after all and Marlow would do anything for her art.

The young Slytherin listened as the Ministry worker explained what they would be doing for the exam. It seemed just like all the practices. I can handle this She thought a little annoyed that she would have to wait awhile for her turn. She should have brought her sketchbook to pass the time. But she had not brought anything really, not even her bag. She had just her wand tucked in her pocket and nothing else on her person. The waiting took forever. Marlow grew more and more impatient for the Ministry worker to finally call the S last names.

When Marlow was finally called, she had had enough of everything by now. She entered the Great Hall, seeing that it looked the same as it had during meal times, minus the food of course. The Ministry worker did not even clear it out for them. Obstacles on a test without practice. Does she even know what she is doing Marlow let the thought cross her mind. But no obstacle was going to stop her from passing this exam.

Marlow found the spot that she was to focus on, right next to the Slytherin table. Easy enough. She spent enough time at that table to know all the details. That would help. Marlow closed her eyes and focused. She thought about the spot, wishing it was a little more exciting like appariating to a snowy mountain or something. But this would have to do for now. She focused on the spot, picturing it in her mind as she closed her eyes and focused all her thoughts, her magic, everything on that spot.

The dizziness began with the tightening of her stomach. She found herself feeling quite ill as she opened her eyes to find her feet planted firmly in the spot by the Slytherin table. She had hit her mark. She composed herself, making sure the professor had seen that she had landed in the right place. Marlow knew that was enough. She had focused on the spot and landed exactly there, nothing missing from her person. When she was free to go, Marlow left the Great Hall, ready to get her appariation license. She hated to have to wait any longer. The exam had gone as well as she could have hoped.
Fenton waited outside the Great Hall for his appariation exam. It was finally time. His brother had owled him a bunch of tips and tricks for getting it just right. Fenton certainly appreciated it. He had not qite had a lot of time to work through the three D's other than the practice that they had had previously. The young Gryffindor waited patiently, which was extremely difficult for him. He was happy that his name came rather early though. He was called eventually. The young Gryffindor boy entered the Great Hall.

He noticed that it looked the same as it had this morning, which was not normal for the appariation class though. He shrugged. Didn't really matter did it? He was just ready to pass this thing. Fenton focused on a spot across from himself in the Great Hall just as he had in the previous lesson. He thought about all the tips that his brother had given him, the most important was to focus. To visualize was a close second tip though. Fenton tried to do that. He focused and pictured the spot in his head.

Fenton closed his eyes tightly. He pictured the spot, focusing on the details of where his target was. The young Gryffindor waited. It was taking a little bit of time, which worried him, but he did not let up. He had to do this. He kept thinking and trying as his eyes were closed. Suddenly it happened. He felt himself moving almost as if he was going through time and space like the muggle television show Doctor Who. He luckily did not get distracted and think about the theme song though. He kept thinking about the target spot.

When Fenton opened his eyes, he was on his target spot. He looked down at his feet. Then he looked up and down. All his body parts were intact. He was still wearing all his clothing. Definitely a good sign. He had hit his target without losing anything. That was the goal after all. Fenton was soon dismissed. The exam was over. Now he just had to find out the results.
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