🐺 Birthday Werewolf! 🐺

Also I'm pretty sure Donna's timezone means this is the most awkward time for her to be awake?
Nope, just at work but heck.

Honestly, time zones have been a major factor. A lot of conversation happens when I’m asleep or at work. The people who have been lynched off for being too quiet (which is where the suspicion started with me) were all villagers - Zazz, Dan and Mia.
Then I’m suspicious because I jump on bandwagons and don’t offer new information but…I’ve said I’m not good so I don’t have any information 🤷🏼‍♀️ and then I read what people say and I’m like omg yes that makes sense so I guess it is jumping on a bandwagon. After it being said I was suspicious for being too quiet I tried to make more of an effort but they’ve been small and little because yeah, I don’t got no info! Having me around as a villager is annoying because I’m obviously not helpful, but at least that’s one more alive villager.

I’m gonna vote for June Davenport (Jamie) because I have to go back to work now and wont be able to give anymore of my incredible input 😋
Honestly I feel like if Jamie isn't the Hypnotist, she's probably the other wolf. I'm happy to change my vote if there's enough momentum towards it.

I mean there's still plenty on time to see what else plays out :r
Is there no chance it can be a villager to you? What do you feel about Ana I’m curious. You think she is a villager? Never been sus?
Is there no chance it can be a villager to you? What do you feel about Ana I’m curious. You think she is a villager? Never been sus?

If you are a villager, then there have definitely been some questionable acts xD

What do I think about Ana? Ana has always picked theories apart and given not just her opinion / perspective of things, but everything she has also said has also come to light as being correct. If Ana does happen to be a wolf then she's done an incredibly convincing job of pretending to be a villager, because everything she comes up with would have to have been part of a much more elaborate plan in my eyes xD Even that last post about what Ana said about Donna, things like that just wouldn't add up to Ana being a wolf unless there was a ton of psychological cross firing going on.

Also the way that you're trying to ask about other people instead of defending the points that we make about you is again incredibly suspicious. What do you have in response to the things we're saying about you?


Same question to you but reversed. What do you have against Ana?
If you are a villager, then there have definitely been some questionable acts xD

What do I think about Ana? Ana has always picked theories apart and given not just her opinion / perspective of things, but everything she has also said has also come to light as being correct. If Ana does happen to be a wolf then she's done an incredibly convincing job of pretending to be a villager, because everything she comes up with would have to have been part of a much more elaborate plan in my eyes xD Even that last post about what Ana said about Donna, things like that just wouldn't add up to Ana being a wolf unless there was a ton of psychological cross firing going on.

Also the way that you're trying to ask about other people instead of defending the points that we make about you is again incredibly suspicious. What do you have in response to the things we're saying about you?

Than we/ you can laugh when I’m getting lynched about my actions. But i’ve made my life hard in this game for sure.

Well I don’t see how that is gonna help me since all I’n saying is getting questioned or doubt so how good does it? I’m only doing dumb stuff and actions more xD But since I have nothing left to lose I can try.

Kris: I was not protecting Kris. As I already mentioned a few lot of times , I was looking in different perspectives and naming facts. Not to win people over but to look at the whole picture. And perhaps I followed in a decision but who didn’t in this game with someone.

Also I don’t understand the part of how I would know Dan is a
Villager?? I’m kind of lost in that point. I made a good guess and was defence since I felt like the reason to vote for him was not strong. I got adreneline about being right. Also about Mia. Donna was also voting for her two times.

If I missed something I am half sleeping.
...I still don't know what to make of Donna x_x

On one hand, she still isn't saying much of anything. And being busy is a good excuse for a wolf, whether true or not. (Also she's clearly keeping up with the thread if she keeps popping in). And I don't really buy the "I'm not good" excuse (not after that one game when she and another wolf lynched off their fellow wolf and escaped suspicion for basically the entire game).

On the other hand, there are just so many inconsistencies in Jamie's actions compared to Donna. But also Donna's posts are so brief and uninformative that it'd be hard to find inconsistencies anyways?
...I still don't know what to make of Donna x_x

On one hand, she still isn't saying much of anything. And being busy is a good excuse for a wolf, whether true or not. (Also she's clearly keeping up with the thread if she keeps popping in). And I don't really buy the "I'm not good" excuse (not after that one game when she and another wolf lynched off their fellow wolf and escaped suspicion for basically the entire game).

On the other hand, there are just so many inconsistencies in Jamie's actions compared to Donna. But also Donna's posts are so brief and uninformative that it'd be hard to find inconsistencies anyways?
In my defence. What is more true to you than. Me a new player who is the dumbest villager of all times from what I start to believe. Or Donna who claims to be a bad villager. But knows how to play as wolf.

Edit: I’m not gonna tell you what to do or not to do. But how hard to believe it is on this account with June lying gurl ( I could use her skills) I’m telling you the truth please make the right choice. And if you decide to vote for me after all let the information you get help. I don’t even care anymore. I don’t even think about my actions since I just want to say everything before it’s to late.
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I feel like every game, there's at least one new player who's a wolf who tries to play the "I'm a new player who doesn't know what they're doing" card :p
I feel like every game, there's at least one new player who's a wolf who tries to play the "I'm a new player who doesn't know what they're doing" card :p


I feel like there's many tactics that the enemy could use to convince us, whether it be busy or new or confused or sleeping or whatever. They all kinda fall into the same bracket to me and I see Jamie's "Im really new at this" on the same level as Donna's "I'm busy" - It's not that it's not true, it's just that it could be hidden behind.
I feel like every game, there's at least one new player who's a wolf who tries to play the "I'm a new player who doesn't know what they're doing" card :p
Still waiting on a vote
I'm going to vote for June Davenport for now. I could honestly be convinced otherwise. (I think there's still like an hour and a half left in the day?) Hopefully all my handwringing is for nothing and Jamie and Donna are team wolf, which I do think is extremely likely. I'll keep checking in, but I'm going to try and catch up on RP posts. I just need to take a break from staring at this thread lol.
I am also going to switch my vote from Analei to June Davenport
Still waiting on your thoughts of Ana
Didn’t knew you asked but ok sure.

I feel like what you just said but to me it’s she has an answer ti everything and is really good at this game. Next to the one time she got spell casted (as only one we saw) she hasn’t been in the spotlight or been suspected so much. And just go with the flow. Waiting so long and now dropping some extra information at the right time and backing up Donna.

I’m not sure why I’m still up it’s the middle of the night so not gonna quote and search stuff. It is what it is and you have to do with what I said and make your choice.

I just trust you more and Daph and Kiersten so that’s why. .

But you will regret changing to me 100% even if you don’t believe. I can beg you but nothing will change . With me gone you won’t gonna win. Since one is getting killed tonight. So congrats team wolf.

I think it’s even or someone has to change. So RNG be good to me.
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I feel like if we've come to the point of GG wolves you've won, why wouldn't you quote things to save a village? :r
I feel like if we've come to the point of GG wolves you've won, why wouldn't you quote things to save a village? :r
Since I’m half a sleep, have a burn out so my concentration is not really well. And don’t feel like it’s helpful. And this is all I have to say.

But it’s even so that means RNG right?

Edit: Also the village is not trusting me. So done. I kind of hope now the RNG lands on me so I can say I told you so. xD And I will sleep on time.
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Im so unsure =))

I hate that the outcome of the village lies in RNG but theres no clear cut path to me atm. All I can say is the wolves are playing a dang good game
Didn’t knew you asked but ok sure.

I feel like what you just said but to me it’s she has an answer ti everything and is really good at this game. Next to the one time she got spell casted (as only one we saw) she hasn’t been in the spotlight or been suspected so much. And just go with the flow. Waiting so long and now dropping some extra information at the right time and backing up Donna.

I’m not sure why I’m still up it’s the middle of the night so not gonna quote and search stuff. It is what it is and you have to do with what I said and make your choice.

I just trust you more and Daph and Kiersten so that’s why. .

But you will regret changing to me 100% even if you don’t believe. I can beg you but nothing will change . With me gone you won’t gonna win. Since one is getting killed tonight. So congrats team wolf.

I think it’s even or someone has to change. So RNG be good to me.

I wouldn't say I'm backing up Donna (if anything, I think I made Kiersten more suspicious of Donna earlier in the thread). It's just that right now, you're acting much more suspicious than her, and I feel like if you were innocent, you'd be doing everything you could to save the village instead of making ominous statements.

Im so unsure =))

I hate that the outcome of the village lies in RNG but theres no clear cut path to me atm. All I can say is the wolves are playing a dang good game

Same x_x Hopefully it's just a matter of hypnotist vs wolf
If it turns out that its actually ana and daphne im gonna :pop:
Ngl a tiny part of my brain keeps going what if Camilla really was an absurdly lucky fool and it's been Daphne and Pheeb this entire time??

(To be clear, I don't think Pheeb is a wolf. Please don't suspect her :p)
The unanimity of the previous day was fading like a dream. Was it Analei, or was it June? Unable to decide, and conscious that night was quickly approaching, the villagers settled it with a coin toss, and Analei Westwick was hauled onto the lynching post. There was no time for last words; without a sound, the villager was lynched.

Night roles have 24 hours to PM Cyndi and I with their actions.​
The village was losing hope quickly, but they locked their doors just as tight as ever. The wolf still found its way in to the home of its target, leaving the door wide open for anyone who might want to witness the carnage. As daylight swept through Killmoor, there was another set of prints that looked to have retreated hastily. It was the spellcaster, Adorah Zumwalt, who lay slain on the ground. The villagers wept openly at the loss, knowing what this meant for the village.

Team wolf wins!

Alpha Wolf -
Elliot Briar
Wolf - Harper Alston
Seer- Poppy Perkins
Fool - Aine Thompson
Doctor- Professor Killian Borisyuk
Spellcaster - Professor Adorah Zumwalt
Hypnotist - Amber Chou Wilson
Villagers - June Davenport, Professor Elvera Le Fey, Analei Louw, Ainsley Lynch, James Cade, Mary Lou Layton, Amortentia Layton-King

What a fun game to host! Congrats to team wolf. It was very, very well played. I'm sure I have more thoughts but it is the end of my night so may be back with some more tomorrow.

Camilla was so great with her choices. She didn't play night one but then chose three people we'd pre-determined she'd get the correct roles for...in a row! The only night she would have gotten an incorrect role was the night the wolves chose to kill her.

There was a point that I thought Kiersten was going to get killed off before she could succeed in using her role. It was not for lack of effort as she tried to get it in play! I was very glad she succeeded the one time as it's one of my favorite roles! ^_^
Ngl a tiny part of my brain keeps going what if Camilla really was an absurdly lucky fool and it's been Daphne and Pheeb this entire time??
So guess who found out she was an absurdly lucky fool right as she got killed off? :r

I saw Jamie on the last night knowing I would die but not wanting to waste it on the off chance I survived and lo and behold, confirmation because Jamie was NOT the doctor. Not gonna lie, I am really not a fan of the fool's workings, I feel like it should be 100% incorrect instead but it is what it is. :lol: I wish I hadn't completely slept on the first night because I just straight up forgot it had started, oops.

I absolutely should've just stuck with that hail Mary gut vote though, apparently. I was starting to have a feeling Daphne was the hypnotist, too. Neither of these had any basis apart from intuition but hey sometimes you just gotta back yourself.

Thank you Cyndi and Claire! I have a lot of emotional baggage with mafia/werewolf but I did genuinely have fun once I got into it more. It was a good game! :D
I don't have many reflections right now other than

1) I kneeeeeeeeew Ana was a wolf since like day 2 and I am so frustrated that I didn't trust myself more.
2) At one point (as I just looked back at my notes), I literally had a theory it was Ana, Daphne, and Kris and just went... no.
3) I am not very good at this game.

Thank you Cyndi and Claire for hosting!
I didn't realize we'd win if we just killed a villager yesterday. Could've saved me a lot of stress trying to figure out whether I stood a better chance of convincing Pheeb that I was innocent if I was up against Jamie or if I was up against Donna xD

*deletes the essay I had pre-written about why Jamie was the last wolf and I was innocent*

Daphne, I gotta know, why did you hypnotize me day three??? I mean, it helped in the long-term since I could out myself to you, but Kris and I were very upset in the moment xD

So guess who found out she was an absurdly lucky fool right as she got killed off? :r

I almost wondered if you might be the fool because you saw Kris as "a wolf" but I couldn't figure out if you were just leaving the alpha part off because it didn't really matter or if you genuinely saw them as a wolf instead of the alpha.
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