Y37 Sorting Reactions

Sorting Hat

Well-Known Member
Sorting is still a few days away, but that doesn't mean we can't have some fun sorting chats here! It's never too early, amirite? :D

We love to hear your thoughts and reactions as we work through the process of sorting and transfers and exchanges! :party:

Are you having a character sorted or transferred this year? Maybe more than one? Ten? (You know who you are. :p )

Are you going to try for an exchange student? :o

Where do you think they'll end up? 🦁🐍 🦅 🦡

Do you think they'll be happy about it? How is it going to impact their first year or their entire schooling? Do you think the sorting hat will have a difficult time placing them?

If you've already been sorted: Did you get what you expected? Did the sorting hat say something funny to you? What'd you think of that? How nervous was your character to be sorted? How nervous were you?

Happy Sorting! ^_^
Kinda leaning towards Gryffindor or Hufflepuff with Noah here but sensing major Gryffindor vibes. Couldn't be more excited not going not lie, it feels like sorting can't come soon enough. This years I'm JUST sticking with Noah I promise!
(@Professor Kalif Styx) Kaitlyn, I know you sort a lot of characters usually but this year the sorting hat means me. Last year I sorted exactly 10 characters 😜😜😜😜Eventually saw that 10 characters are a ton of work and dropped half of them but those are just detailsxDxD
It was tempting, but I'm just sticking with Salem this year! She's already giving me pretty strong Gryffindor vibes, but there might be some puff in there too. Curious to see if my opinion will change with the sorting form or not 👀
I have Elara here and then will hopefully be transferring a student I intended to transfer last year but then COVID happened so I never managed it. Michael is Samantha Jacob's cousin, and I'm thinking Hufflepuff or Gryffindor. I'm not sure about Elara yet - still working on her. Feels like a puffle so far.

Also Kris, what does "knight in tacky armor" mean related to @Salem Lee ? Because I love it and want it on a t-shirt.
Also Kris, what does "knight in tacky armor" mean related to @Salem Lee ? Because I love it and want it on a t-shirt.
Hahha, well she's very earnest but she doesn't have the right style vibe to be in shining armor 🤔
omg!! so exciting!! its that time of year again! I'm not particularly sure what house i think valencia would be most suited for at this stage but i kinda have a feeling she's either a ravenclaw or a Slytherin! but who knows, ill probably be surprised by the result!
Ah yes nothing like the the rush of sorting time once again!! This year I'm sorting just one character, like usual lol. Indi is going to be a little tricky to predict but I feel pretty confident she'll end up in either Ravenclaw or Slytherin. I am quietly hoping for Slytherin though, so I don't end up with THREE Ravenclaw girls all at oncex_x
Yessssssss sorting time :wub:

I am........ breaking my own rule about cutting down on characters, and sorting two this year. (I'LL BALANCE IT OUT SOMEWHERE I DON'T HAVE ANY PLANNED FOR NEXT YEAR AT ALL RN SSSH DONT @ ME)

Jenna Irons is Blake's little sister and she's a spoiled bratty menace who is here to Ruin Blake's Life, and probably a few others along the way. I can see Gryffindor as a posssssibility for her, but realistically, she's almost certain to follow her brother into 🐍

Maggi Watties is cousins with Anna's character Chip, and she's a sweetheart with big dreams of stardom. She's got big energy and big personality, and I can see her going just about anywhere. Slytherin for the ambition, Gryffindor for the boldness, Hufflepuff for the sweetness, Ravenclaw for the dedication to her craft. (Smart doesn't just mean booksmart, she's studied hard for her dreams!)
This is now the second year I'm breaking my 'only one sortee per year' rule :lol:
But I can't help it :teehee:

I have my darling Bea Sparkles! I'm definitely getting Gryffindory vibes from her, but wouldn't be surprised if she got Slytherin as she is quite resourceful and is a sssssssneaky ssssssnake! But she's also very daring and loves playing pranks, so I'm so looking forward to that. She would love to be in her brothers house as well :r

Then I have Rayna Zhefarovich II! She doesn't really like people, but will be loyal to the ones she does like. She is very stand offish though, and doesn't let people in easily. She a hard worker and ambitious, so I am sensing Slytherin but not really too sure!
I can belive so soon will be sorting hat. I not sure where i wanted Aurelia sorting and Hailey. But can please not be the same house with her sister @Jennifer Wade.
This year I am sorting the last of the Vernier's - Lucie and her twin Louis! I'm feeling either Hufflepuff or Slytherin for Lucie (I'm hoping Slytherin as I have no Slytherin's now :( ) and potentially Gryffindor for Louis, which would be exciting because he would be the first Gryffindor in the whole Vernier line! But I don't really mind where he goes as long as it isn't Ravenclaw because I already have two of those and don't want a third lol.

Bring on sorting :party:
I can't believe its sorting time already... (almost)

I only have one kid this year, for the first time since I sorted Amber here xD I have to cut down a bit but I still can't bring myself NOT to sort anyone.

I have Natalia Novak who is a bit of an ice princess, very cold and seemingly arrogant/too good for those around her. I don't think she's going to have a ton of friends. I'm very excited for her development, though. I made her an aesthetic board that I really like.

I have no idea what house she would be in, but I'm hoping a little for a 🐍 as my youngest snakes are sixth years now x_x it's been a while
I just have Eoin this time, a very book smart irish-italian muggleborn who thinks that magic and everything to do with it is completely ridiculous. I have a very strong feeling that he's going to end up in Ravenclaw, though I do sense some Snakey undertones as well so he may end up in Slytherin. But, my main bet is still on 'claw.
Not me!(!!)

I was curious, with Jacob graduating, are you sorting anyone?
Not this IC year. I'm going to enjoy one year with 0 students. It's been a while since that's happened for me!
I am totally just sticking to the one character this sorting because I know I will not be able to manage any more :teehee:
I'm going from 15 students to 14 with sorting just the one, which will make a huge difference yes :r
I'm sorting three characters which is pretty tame for me :p All siblings.

I have River (who I am extremely excited about both in the aspect that she is an awesome character and also how it can develop Emmaline's backstory a bit more). River's house I am so unsure about. I have hopes of Hufflepuff but honestly I'm good in any house. Gryffindor would be challenging due to sibling rivalry but I will take what I can get :p

I'm also sorting Marlow's twin brothers Ryder and Rune. I couldn't let the Addison/Sanderson bloodline end. Ryder will probably be Slytherin or Gryffindor. Rune I'm not so sure. Still have to work out a lot of Rune and Ryders bios before I even sort them. So no time to waste!
Even though I've already planned out my next four characters (oops), I'm just sorting one! His name's Weston, and I strongly suspect he'll be a Hufflepuff given his earnestness and desire to make ALL the friends. He does have some Ravenclaw tendencies with his creativity, so I'm excited to see where the Sorting Hat places him!
I might as well share who I am sorting. Had to check the list because otherwise, I would always miss one, or three.

Matteo Burke - Celeste and Severo's son, Jacqueline's nephew
Connor Chamberlin - Bryce's nephew
Tobias King - Ava King's son
Athene Styx - Hades Styx III's sister
Trysta Zhefarovich - Chavdar's daughter / Kalif's niece
Kiril Zhefarovich - Azerail's son / Kalif's nephew
Audrie Zhefarovich - Videl Zhefarovich II's half sister
Elitsa Zhefarovich - Naiden's sister

Other schools, I have 3
Yukio Arai - Mahoutokuro
Jared and Aleric Vyhnal - Ilvermorny

1 is uncertain where I will place her. She is Zoya Kvalheim.
Even though I've already planned out my next four characters (oops)
Honestly same...I don't want to admit how many years ahead I have planned.

Its five.
Maggi Watties is cousins with Anna's character Chip, and she's a sweetheart with big dreams of stardom. She's got big energy and big personality, and I can see her going just about anywhere. Slytherin for the ambition, Gryffindor for the boldness, Hufflepuff for the sweetness, Ravenclaw for the dedication to her craft. (Smart doesn't just mean booksmart, she's studied hard for her dreams!)

This is Pascal "Chip" Monsanto and like Maggi, he has big dreams of stardom and he's full of sass and thinks he's the coolest person in the world (he does dramatic twirls before doing finger guns to emphasise his coolness when he speaks) but everyone probably thinks hes an annoying dork. I have no idea what house he could be in, which is half the fun as always :p

Like Maggi, there's probably an argument for each house depending on where Pascal's sorting app goes so I'm excited to see what happens and to see how he develops with whatever house he is placed into :devious:

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