Yuletide Werewolf

Liberty Kaelen

history tutor; grandmother; class of 2028
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Holly Wand 11" Essence of Phoenix Feather
8/2010 (52)

It's that time once again!
<SIZE size="50">

Please do not sign up to this game if you're not going to be active on the board during play.

This is the forum variation of the game "Werewolf"/"Mafia".

The Story:
It's Christmas time in a small village, when things start to go strangely wrong. It appears that during the night, a member of the village folk is transforming into a werewolf, and slowly eliminating the innocents. It's up to the village to work out who the werewolf is, and stop them before it's too late!

Team Wolf: You need to kill all villagers without getting caught.
Team Village: Find and lynch the wolves, trying not to get killed.

Let's see who will make it to Christmas day.

How we'll play:
Sign up's will begin immediately and close on Sunday 27th November. Once closed, PM's will be sent out to each individual player with their roles and instructions if required.
The game will begin on Monday 28th with the night phase. No one must talk in the forum during the night phase, as all villagers are sleeping. If you have a night role, this is your opportunity to PM me with your night action.
When the day breaks, the outcome from the previous night will be revealed, and all players will be able to discuss who they believe the werewolf is. You should decide between yourselves who to lynch, and face the consequences. Dead players may not talk, and while you may lie all you like in the forum you must not share your PM with proof of role to any player.

The fun part - The roles![ul]
[li]Alpha Wolf - You are the enemy of the game. Every night you will choose one person to kill (not including another wolf). However if you are the Alpha Wolf, you must also say the word "wolf", "werewolf" or "wolves" in every discussion post, or you will found dead in the morning.</LI>
[li]Additional Wolves (Second included with 11 players, third at 17, fourth at 23) - You are the same as the Alpha wolf, minus the speech obligations.
[li]Villager - You have no power here. Together you must decide who to lynch and try to stay alive.
[li]Seer - Once per night, you are able to find out the role of one person.
[li]Doctor - At night you must choose one player to heal for the following day. If a werewolf tries to kill that person, they will not be harmed.
[li]Ghost - A normal villager, but when dies, can choose one person to kill.
[li]Fool - Thinks he's a seer. But he did not pass his classes and therefore is bad at his job. You will receive random roles instead of the real ones. Each random role may or may not be correct.
[li]Drunk - A normal villager, but may not use more than twenty (20) words per discussion post, or you will be found dead in the morning.
[li]Apprentice - At the beginning of the game, you will choose one person to be your role model. If this person dies, regardless of what they are, you will become a werewolf.
Other Notes:[ul]
[li] During the day, please make it clear who you are are voting to lynch.
[li] This game is played out of character, so only one account per person. It would be best to keep this account as the one you use for the whole game.
[li] Due to time zones across the board, each phase will last about 24 hours to give everyone time to plan/plot/discuss/murder.

Special thanks goes to ElementalAlchemist from IF/ZB Support, who showed us that this game could be played on a forum, has worked out a good number of kinks in it, gave me the code to generate game roles and (most graciously) let me copy his summary of a number of the game roles from his post in previous games verbatim. Thank you!

Werewolf Signup![ol][li]

[b]Werewolf Signup![/b][list=1][*]
Wohoo! :party: These new roles look fun :r

Werewolf Signup![ol][li]Professor Monty Pendleton</LI>

[b]Werewolf Signup![/b][list=1][*][class=globalmod]Professor Monty Pendleton[/class]
Werewolf Signup![ol][li]Professor Monty Pendleton</LI>
[li]Professor Sloane Stark
[justify][font=verdana][color=black][small][b]Werewolf Signup![/b][list=1][*][class=globalmod]Professor Monty Pendleton[/class]
[*][class=professors]Professor Sloane Stark[/class]
Werewolf Signup![ol][li]Professor Monty Pendleton</LI>
[li]Professor Sloane Stark
[li]Samuel Phillips
[b]Werewolf Signup![/b][list=1][*][class=globalmod]Professor Monty Pendleton[/class]
[*][class=professors]Professor Sloane Stark[/class]
[*][class=shopkeepers]Samuel Phillips[/class]
Werewolf Signup!</COLOR>[ol][li]Professor Monty Pendleton
[li]Professor Sloane Stark
[li]Samuel Phillips
[li]<COLOR color="#20B2AA">Annalie Darkhart
[b]Werewolf Signup![/b][list=1][*][class=globalmod]Professor Monty Pendleton[/class]
[*][class=professors]Professor Sloane Stark[/class]
[*][class=shopkeepers]Samuel Phillips[/class]
[*][color=#20B2AA]Annalie Darkhart[/color]

Werewolf Signup![ol][li]Professor Monty Pendleton</LI>
[li]Professor Sloane Stark
[li]Samuel Phillips
[li]Annalie Darkhart
[li]Professor Wren Louise
Code said:
[b]Werewolf Signup![/b][list=1][*][class=globalmod]Professor Monty Pendleton[/class]
[*][class=professors]Professor Sloane Stark[/class]
[*][class=shopkeepers]Samuel Phillips[/class]
[*][color=#20B2AA]Annalie Darkhart[/color]
[*][color=midnightblue]Professor Wren Louise[/color]
Werewolf Signup![ol][li]Professor Monty Pendleton</LI>
[li]Professor Sloane Stark
[li]Samuel Phillips
[li]Annalie Darkhart
[li]Professor Wren Louise
[li]Esme Lancaster

[b]Werewolf Signup![/b][list=1][*][class=globalmod]Professor Monty Pendleton[/class]
[*][class=professors]Professor Sloane Stark[/class]
[*][class=shopkeepers]Samuel Phillips[/class]
[*][color=#20B2AA]Annalie Darkhart[/color]
[*][color=midnightblue]Professor Wren Louise[/color]
[*][class=other_employee]Esme Lancaster[/class]
Can someone sign me up with Rama please?
I gotcha.

Werewolf Signup![ol][li]Professor Monty Pendleton</LI>
[li]Professor Sloane Stark
[li]Samuel Phillips
[li]Annalie Darkhart
[li]Professor Wren Louise
[li]Esme Lancaster
[li]Rama Mowry
Code said:
[b]Werewolf Signup![/b][list=1][*][class=globalmod]Professor Monty Pendleton[/class]
[*][class=professors]Professor Sloane Stark[/class]
[*][class=shopkeepers]Samuel Phillips[/class]
[*][color=#20B2AA]Annalie Darkhart[/color]
[*][color=midnightblue]Professor Wren Louise[/color]
[*][class=other_employee]Esme Lancaster[/class]
[*][color=mediumblue]Rama Mowry[/color]
Werewolf Signup![ol][li]Professor Monty Pendleton</LI>
[li]Professor Sloane Stark
[li]Samuel Phillips
[li]Annalie Darkhart
[li]Professor Wren Louise
[li]Esme Lancaster
[li]Rama Mowry
[li]Amber Chou Wilson

 [b]Werewolf Signup![/b][list=1][*][class=globalmod]Professor Monty Pendleton[/class]
[*][class=professors]Professor Sloane Stark[/class]
[*][class=shopkeepers]Samuel Phillips[/class]
[*][color=#20B2AA]Annalie Darkhart[/color]
[*][color=midnightblue]Professor Wren Louise[/color]
[*][class=other_employee]Esme Lancaster[/class]
[*][color=mediumblue]Rama Mowry[/color]
[*][color=darkgoldenrod]Amber Chou Wilson[/color]
Werewolf Signup![ol][li]Professor Monty Pendleton</LI>
[li]Professor Sloane Stark
[li]Samuel Phillips
[li]Annalie Darkhart
[li]Professor Wren Louise
[li]Esme Lancaster
[li]Rama Mowry
[li]Amber Chou Wilson
[li]Ainsley Lynch

[b]Werewolf Signup![/b][list=1][*][class=globalmod]Professor Monty Pendleton[/class]
[*][class=professors]Professor Sloane Stark[/class]
[*][class=shopkeepers]Samuel Phillips[/class]
[*][color=#20B2AA]Annalie Darkhart[/color]
[*][color=midnightblue]Professor Wren Louise[/color]
[*][class=other_employee]Esme Lancaster[/class]
[*][color=mediumblue]Rama Mowry[/color]
[*][color=darkgoldenrod]Amber Chou Wilson[/color]
[*][color=darkgoldenrod]Ainsley Lynch[/color]
Werewolf Signup![ol][li]Professor Monty Pendleton</LI>
[li]Professor Sloane Stark
[li]Samuel Phillips
[li]Annalie Darkhart
[li]Professor Wren Louise
[li]Esme Lancaster
[li]Rama Mowry
[li]Amber Chou Wilson
[li]Ainsley Lynch
[li]Charlotte Owens

[b]Werewolf Signup![/b][list=1][*][class=globalmod]Professor Monty Pendleton[/class]
[*][class=professors]Professor Sloane Stark[/class]
[*][class=shopkeepers]Samuel Phillips[/class]
[*][color=#20B2AA]Annalie Darkhart[/color]
[*][color=midnightblue]Professor Wren Louise[/color]
[*][class=other_employee]Esme Lancaster[/class]
[*][color=mediumblue]Rama Mowry[/color]
[*][color=darkgoldenrod]Amber Chou Wilson[/color]
[*][color=darkgoldenrod]Ainsley Lynch[/color]
[*][class=slytherin]Charlotte Owens[/class]
Werewolf Signup![ol][li]Professor Monty Pendleton</LI>
[li]Professor Sloane Stark
[li]Samuel Phillips
[li]Annalie Darkhart
[li]Professor Wren Louise
[li]Esme Lancaster
[li]Rama Mowry
[li]Amber Chou Wilson
[li]Ainsley Lynch
[li]Charlotte Owens
<LI>[li]James Adams

</i>[b]Werewolf Signup![/b][list=1][*][class=globalmod]Professor Monty Pendleton[/class]
[*][class=professors]Professor Sloane Stark[/class]
[*][class=shopkeepers]Samuel Phillips[/class]
[*][color=#20B2AA]Annalie Darkhart[/color]
[*][color=midnightblue]Professor Wren Louise[/color]
[*][class=other_employee]Esme Lancaster[/class]
[*][color=mediumblue]Rama Mowry[/color]
[*][color=darkgoldenrod]Amber Chou Wilson[/color]
[*][color=darkgoldenrod]Ainsley Lynch[/color]
[*][class=slytherin]Charlotte Owens[/class]
[*][class=member]James Adams[/class]
Werewolf Signup![ol][li]Professor Monty Pendleton</LI>
[li]Professor Sloane Stark
[li]Samuel Phillips
[li]Annalie Darkhart
[li]Professor Wren Louise
[li]Esme Lancaster
[li]Rama Mowry
[li]Amber Chou Wilson
[li]Ainsley Lynch
[li]Charlotte Owens
[li]James Adams
[li]James Cade
<LI>[li]Chyou Jin

[b]Werewolf Signup![/b][list=1][*][class=globalmod]Professor Monty Pendleton[/class]
[*][class=professors]Professor Sloane Stark[/class]
[*][class=shopkeepers]Samuel Phillips[/class]
[*][color=#20B2AA]Annalie Darkhart[/color]
[*][color=midnightblue]Professor Wren Louise[/color]
[*][class=other_employee]Esme Lancaster[/class]
[*][color=mediumblue]Rama Mowry[/color]
[*][color=darkgoldenrod]Amber Chou Wilson[/color]
[*][color=darkgoldenrod]Ainsley Lynch[/color]
[*][class=slytherin]Charlotte Owens[/class]
[*][class=member]James Adams[/class]
[*][class=g4y]James Cade[/class]
[*][color=#770000]Chyou Jin[/color]
Werewolf Signup![ol][li]Professor Monty Pendleton</LI>
[li]Professor Sloane Stark
[li]Samuel Phillips
[li]Annalie Darkhart
[li]Professor Wren Louise
[li]Esme Lancaster
[li]Rama Mowry
[li]Amber Chou Wilson
[li]Ainsley Lynch
[li]Charlotte Owens
[li]James Adams
[li]James Cade
[li]Chyou Jin
<LI>[li]Aurora Night
[b]Werewolf Signup![/b][list=1][*][class=globalmod]Professor Monty Pendleton[/class]
[*][class=professors]Professor Sloane Stark[/class]
[*][class=shopkeepers]Samuel Phillips[/class]
[*][color=#20B2AA]Annalie Darkhart[/color]
[*][color=midnightblue]Professor Wren Louise[/color]
[*][class=other_employee]Esme Lancaster[/class]
[*][color=mediumblue]Rama Mowry[/color]
[*][color=darkgoldenrod]Amber Chou Wilson[/color]
[*][color=darkgoldenrod]Ainsley Lynch[/color]
[*][class=slytherin]Charlotte Owens[/class]
[*][class=member]James Adams[/class]
[*][class=g4y]James Cade[/class]
[*][color=#770000]Chyou Jin[/color]
[*][class=gryffindor]Aurora Night[/class]
Werewolf Signup![ol][li]Professor Monty Pendleton</LI>
[li]Professor Sloane Stark
[li]Samuel Phillips
[li]Annalie Darkhart
[li]Professor Wren Louise
[li]Esme Lancaster
[li]Rama Mowry
[li]Amber Chou Wilson
[li]Ainsley Lynch
[li]Charlotte Owens
[li]James Adams
[li]James Cade
[li]Chyou Jin
[li]Aurora Night
<LI>[li]Alexander Carter

[b]Werewolf Signup![/b][list=1][*][class=globalmod]Professor Monty Pendleton[/class]
[*][class=professors]Professor Sloane Stark[/class]
[*][class=shopkeepers]Samuel Phillips[/class]
[*][color=#20B2AA]Annalie Darkhart[/color]
[*][color=midnightblue]Professor Wren Louise[/color]
[*][class=other_employee]Esme Lancaster[/class]
[*][color=mediumblue]Rama Mowry[/color]
[*][color=darkgoldenrod]Amber Chou Wilson[/color]
[*][color=darkgoldenrod]Ainsley Lynch[/color]
[*][class=slytherin]Charlotte Owens[/class]
[*][class=member]James Adams[/class]
[*][class=g4y]James Cade[/class]
[*][color=#770000]Chyou Jin[/color]
[*][class=gryffindor]Aurora Night[/class]
[*][class=h7y]Alexander Carter[/class]
Werewolf Signup!</COLOR>[ol][li]Professor Monty Pendleton
[li]Professor Sloane Stark
[li]Samuel Phillips
[li]Annalie Darkhart
[li]<COLOR color="midnightblue">Professor Wren Louise</LI>
[li]Esme Lancaster
[li]Rama Mowry
[li]Amber Chou Wilson
[li]Ainsley Lynch
[li]Charlotte Owens
[li]James Adams
[li]James Cade
[li]Chyou Jin
[li]Aurora Night
[li]Alexander Carter
<LI>[li]Professor Kalif Styx
[b]Werewolf Signup![/b][list=1][*][class=globalmod]Professor Monty Pendleton[/class]
[*][class=professors]Professor Sloane Stark[/class]
[*][class=shopkeepers]Samuel Phillips[/class]
[*][color=#20B2AA]Annalie Darkhart[/color]
[*][color=midnightblue]Professor Wren Louise[/color]
[*][class=other_employee]Esme Lancaster[/class]
[*][color=mediumblue]Rama Mowry[/color]
[*][color=darkgoldenrod]Amber Chou Wilson[/color]
[*][color=darkgoldenrod]Ainsley Lynch[/color]
[*][class=slytherin]Charlotte Owens[/class]
[*][class=member]James Adams[/class]
[*][class=g4y]James Cade[/class]
[*][color=#770000]Chyou Jin[/color]
[*][class=gryffindor]Aurora Night[/class]
[*][class=h7y]Alexander Carter[/class]
[*][class=globalmod]Professor Kalif Styx[/class]
Werewolf Signup![ol][li]Professor Monty Pendleton</LI>
[li]Professor Sloane Stark
[li]Samuel Phillips
[li]Annalie Darkhart
[li]Professor Wren Louise
[li]Esme Lancaster
[li]Rama Mowry
[li]Amber Chou Wilson
[li]Ainsley Lynch
[li]Charlotte Owens
[li]James Adams
[li]James Cade
[li]Chyou Jin
[li]Aurora Night
[li]Alexander Carter
[li]Professor Kalif Styx
<LI>[li]Madeline Walden

[b]Werewolf Signup![/b][list=1][*][class=globalmod]Professor Monty Pendleton[/class]
[*][class=professors]Professor Sloane Stark[/class]
[*][class=shopkeepers]Samuel Phillips[/class]
[*][color=#20B2AA]Annalie Darkhart[/color]
[*][color=midnightblue]Professor Wren Louise[/color]
[*][class=other_employee]Esme Lancaster[/class]
[*][color=mediumblue]Rama Mowry[/color]
[*][color=darkgoldenrod]Amber Chou Wilson[/color]
[*][color=darkgoldenrod]Ainsley Lynch[/color]
[*][class=slytherin]Charlotte Owens[/class]
[*][class=member]James Adams[/class]
[*][class=g4y]James Cade[/class]
[*][color=#770000]Chyou Jin[/color]
[*][class=gryffindor]Aurora Night[/class]
[*][class=h7y]Alexander Carter[/class]
[*][class=globalmod]Professor Kalif Styx[/class]
[*][class=g4y]Madeline Walden[/class]
Werewolf Signup![ol][li]Professor Monty Pendleton</LI>
[li]Professor Sloane Stark
[li]Samuel Phillips
[li]Annalie Darkhart
[li]Professor Wren Louise
[li]Esme Lancaster
[li]Rama Mowry
[li]Amber Chou Wilson
[li]Ainsley Lynch
[li]Charlotte Owens
[li]James Adams
[li]James Cade
[li]Chyou Jin
[li]Aurora Night
[li]Alexander Carter
[li]Professor Kalif Styx
[li]Madeline Walden
<LI>[li]Asaiah Murphy

[b]Werewolf Signup![/b][list=1][*][class=globalmod]Professor Monty Pendleton[/class]
[*][class=professors]Professor Sloane Stark[/class]
[*][class=shopkeepers]Samuel Phillips[/class]
[*][color=#20B2AA]Annalie Darkhart[/color]
[*][color=midnightblue]Professor Wren Louise[/color]
[*][class=other_employee]Esme Lancaster[/class]
[*][color=mediumblue]Rama Mowry[/color]
[*][color=darkgoldenrod]Amber Chou Wilson[/color]
[*][color=darkgoldenrod]Ainsley Lynch[/color]
[*][class=slytherin]Charlotte Owens[/class]
[*][class=member]James Adams[/class]
[*][class=g4y]James Cade[/class]
[*][color=#770000]Chyou Jin[/color]
[*][class=gryffindor]Aurora Night[/class]
[*][class=h7y]Alexander Carter[/class]
[*][class=globalmod]Professor Kalif Styx[/class]
[*][class=g4y]Madeline Walden[/class]
[*][class=s3y]Asaiah Murphy[/class]
Thank you to everyone who has joined, sign up's are now closed :)

Roles shall now be distributed, so keep an eye out for yours! The first night round will begin tomorrow. Feel free to PM me or skype me if you have any problems.

Good Luck :santa:

- Pheeb

If you have a night role, you have approx 24 hours
to PM me with your action.

While he slept in his bed, the door opened wide,
Before he could fight, James Cade had died.
Time now it was, to bring justice to thee,
Especially since a villager was he.

The Apprentice was shocked he'd come to this fate,
Despite the short while, James was their mate.
Angry and vexed they vowed to feign,
Until they could rain down their own kind of pain.

Huddled around to keep warm in the snow,
The living decided on who they would show.
Now they must choose who to hang on the lynch,
To see who would stay strong and who would flinch.

<SIZE size="100">IT IS DAY.

You have 24 hours to discuss who you would like to lynch today.

P.S To clarify - You may talk outside of this discussion post (Although not recommended) but you must not screenshot your original role PM. Once you are dead, you may not discuss anything. Thank you

Poor James :cry: leaving us so soon

So there are 4 wolves? Alpha and 3 additional ones because there (or were) are 18 players, is that right?

I have no clue who to vote for this early on so I'm going to wait a bit more :cyndi:
I think it's three, because the the rules say the second one is added at 11 players, and the third at 17.
I'm also waiting - being trigger-happy probably isn't a good idea xD
It is far too early to vote to lynch anyone. So, I'll hold my vote.

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