Open Y44 End of Year Feast

Professor Matt Alcott-Ward

Somehow in charge | Laid back | Friendly
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Bi (Kyle)
3/2007 (55)
The end of the school year was here, the end of Matt's second year as headmaster. Some of the students wouldn't come back, they graduated and would start their adult lives as witches and wizards. Most of the students would simply have a well-deserved break before returning to Hogwarts. Matt was already looking forward to the new school year, even though he also felt like he could use a break.

As the students filed in, the banners adorning the Great Hall rippled and changed to reflect the signature green and silver colors of Slytherin house, signifying their victory for the year, again. Matt wondered how long it would be until he saw a different house win, as this was his third year as headmaster and the third year Slytherin took the cup. Matt made his way to the podium, waiting quietly for everyone to settle into their seats before speaking. "Welcome everyone to this year's final feast. Before we begin, I'd like to say a few words. First of all, a round of applause for the winners of this year's House Cup - congratulations to Slytherin." He said, gesturing to the Slytherin table before conjuring the cup seemingly from thin air. He presented it to Professor Castillo on behalf of his house.

"Of course, we can't forget those students whose dedication and hard work earned the most points for their respective houses. Our top house point earners this year are - in first place, Lennox Addison of Slytherin, with a grand total of one thousand, two hundred and twenty-seven. In second place, with one thousand and ninety points - Monday Weeks, of Ravenclaw. In third, Aine Thompson of Hufflepuff, with nine hundred and seventeen. Last but not least, we have Dezi Barret, with eight hundred and twenty-six points.. Congratulations to our winners." The Headmaster joined in the applause for each of them, commending their efforts and achievements toward their house.

As the applause died down, Matt gestured for silence so he could say a last few words. "With that, the schoolyear of twenty-sixty has ended. I hope you enjoy the feast and have a wonderful break. See you next year!" With that, he sat down and watched as the food appeared on the tables. He hoped all the students would have a wonderful feast.
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Demetrius was glad the year was coming to an end, if he was honest. He didn't mind Hogwarts, but he missed home and he missed his brother. He knew his parents were going to be pleased with his grades for once; he'd somehow managed to scrape by with straight Os and he was proud. Demetrius still couldn't quite believe it. It'd been a much better year than he was used to and he was wondering if it was just a fluke. He'd also sort of made friends - people he could be friendly with, at least. Demetrius hoped they felt the same way though he privately doubted it. Demetrius was still a loner, after all. He ignored the tugging in his gut at the thought, instead politely clapping for Slytherin and for the top point earners - he had no idea how they did it, but good for them, he supposed.

Once the feast appeared, Demetrius started to put food on his plate, continuing just to muse privately to himself. He still didn't know any Hufflepuffs that well. Oh well, something for next year.
Eugene couldn't believe this would be his last feast at Hogwarts. He couldn't believe he had gotten this far, that he had managed all seven years of school with few hiccups. He was in a good place, ready to spend the next couple of months working while he figured everything else out. Eugene knew he wanted to do music but it was how to push that forward which was going to be a bit difficult. Working at the inner eye was good, he liked that. He knew he'd spend as much time as he could with Renata, given that she still had a year to go. But it was fine. Eugene applauded for Slytherin and their house cup win, he applauded for the top points, and then the food was there, his last Hogwarts meal, and he'd make sure to enjoy it.
Valeria had all in all, enjoyed coming to Hogwarts. It hadn't been her original plan or her wish, but it had given her a place to be, a place that she could just happily exist and learn. Hogwarts was a different sort of place, it had it's problems, but nothing that she didn't think the celebrations and time with other students didn't solve. Val had loved her time at the school, all the boys, the dates, the dancing, the fun. All of it had just been amazing to her. And it was at an end. Val applauded for slytherin, though she had hoped that maybe Ravenclaw might just manage to get enough points to get ahead. She thought the top points wild, at minimum they had gotten double what she had. She glanced at the food, and took her time to pick out nice things to eat. She knew her university was not going to have as nice meals.
Seamus was glad the year was ending. He was looking forward to the break, to being able to just be out in the world and not have to think about the homework he wans't going to do. Seamus felt a little bittersweet, he knew it was likely that come the train getting in, that he wouldn't see Celia again, and though he had always known it wouldn't last, he wasn't sure whether to talk to her about it, or just..let it go. Seamus didn't really care about the top points, he'd won the duelling tournament for his year, so that was more than good enough for him. He didn't understand the people who got over a thousand house points. They had to do nothing but get house points. Seamus glanced at the food as it appeared, trying to decide what to have.
Aine knew she wasn't going to get the most points in the school again, especially since she'd dropped classes and Monday hadn't, but this wasn't a bad thing. Ideally, someone else from Hufflepuff would and nobody would look at her and she could just go spend the holidays peacefully. Even if it meant having to drive her injured brother to footy coaching and she'd have to hold her head high and pretend she didn't know that all the boys he coached thought she was a weird loser. But she was one, and getting the most points for Hufflepuff once more cemented that. She clapped for Monday, though she had looked to find him once it had been announced a girl from Slytherin had beaten them both. No wonder Slytherin had won the house cup, what, every year since she'd started at Hogwarts? Maybe it was just because people were younger and hungrier and once you got through a couple of years of trying so hard, you just got too tired to keep up. She'd gotten through her OWLs, apparently still had a chance at succeeding in the wizarding world, and now she wanted to spend the next few months away from it all.
Brevity was so glad the year was over, so ready to just be done with school for another couple of months, if she even opted to come back to it. She didn't really want to, but she knew that Maisie would still be at the school, and she'd rather spend time with her than alone. Brevity rolled her eyes as students applauded their achievements, they didn't know it was utterly pointless, especially those who worked so hard to get just a shout out in the end of year feast and a page in a yearbook that most would forget about when they left the school. Brevity glanced over to Maisie at the Gryffindor table and was waiting for the first opportunity to go sit with her.
Leonardo wasn't sure how to feel about going home. Or back to James' he knew he shouldn't be so personable about a house that was not for him. James had a child of his own, a baby that had to mean that there was no space for him. Leo had gotten a job and was determined to work as often as his employer would allow. If he had enough money which he could put away and save when he came to graduate he'd be able to move out immediately, and no longer impose on James and his family. The teen was in his own head as things happened around him, so much so, that he barely realised that the food had arrived until someone asked him to pass something.
Aurora had done as well as she could've in her OWLs. It had been a difficult last month of school with them, but she felt rather proud of herself, and her work. She knew that grades weren't the be all, but she still allowed herself to celebrate in them. Aurora was sitting with her sister, but her boyfriend wasn't far away. She hoped she'd get to spend time with him over the break. It would be nice to enjoy his company when they didn't have quidditch or exams looming in the background. She grinned at him before looking back at the headmaster. She cheered for Monday and Aine, and then began helping herself to the food as it appeared.
Emmanuel had to admit he always got a little sad when the school year came to an end, although he really loved going home, and spending time with his family, school was as fun. It was as cool. He wasn't immediately heading to see his wider family, he had a date or maybe date with Penny and was really looking forward to spending the time with her. Emmanuel glanced in her direction for a moment as the head master spoke before looking at the man. He whistled in shock at the points that had been achieved and glanced towards Monday with a look of disbelief. that was just so many points and he wasn't even the top. Emmanuel couldn't believe it. The food appeared and Emmanuel was quickly distracted with it.
Lucy couldn't believe her first year was ending already. She'd had such a good time - barring a few unpleasant encounters - and she was both excited for another year of learning and excited for a holiday. She didn't know how much she'd actually get to see her parents over the break but she hoped they'd get at least some time together. Lucy had missed them, and she hoped they missed her too.

Lucy made sure to take a seat next to Audrey, whom she considered a good friend by this point, even if she was slightly more wayward than Lucy. Lucy didn't mind; in fact, she rather admired that about her friend. Lucy clapped for the students, impressed at the amount of points they'd managed to get. As the food began to appear in front of them, Lucy turned to Audrey, at the same time plucking some potatoes to put onto her plate. "Are you doing anything exciting for the holidays?" Lucy asked, intrigued.
@Audrey Beauchamp
Rosie was so happy the year was over, she knew OWLs were important, but she was so glad that she was done with them. They were so tiring as exams, and she just had too many of them. Rosie had done all the classes, just to see which ones she liked and had thought, in third year that she would eventually drop them, but then, she hadn't and now she'd definitely be dropping some. Rosie was sitting with her sister, and smiling fondly at all the students, she couldn't wait to spend time over the break with Xinyi, and with her own garden. She was so eager for it. Rosie applauded the other students and the top points, but was happy when the food appeared and she could just grab some food.
Gregory felt like it was a miracle that he'd gotten through a year of his school with minimal bumps along the way. It felt a bit like a miracle, but he knew, he knew the other shoe would drop. It had to eventually. He had a good year so surely the next would be terrible, surely the next few would all get worse and worse again. Good things didn't stay, he knew that for sure. It was why he hadn't managed to keep any friends, or managed to not go a year without getting punched. Gregory was at the end of the table, trying to keep to himself, only barely able to hear what was being said and mostly just otherwise ignoring it. He was waiting till he could leave, get out of dodge before anything could happen.
Savannah didn't want to go home, home was a was not good like the school was. Savannah was perhaps vocal in her dislike of school, of the way the professor were so personable and friendly. But it was better than home. At least at school she had fewer worries. The ravenclaw had brought a book, as she always did and was reading it as the headmaster went over everything. She barely glanced up from it, even as the food appeared. Just adjusting it so she could keep reading as she ate.
Fraser was really excited to go home. he couldn't wait to spend the time with his dad and Abby, he couldn't wait to spend the time with his sisters. He knew they couldn't play that much given how young they were but they were a little older and bigger now, they had to be able to play, just a little. He was so keen, and he could get tips on flying from his dad and spent time with Aonghas. Just enjoy his family and being around them. Fraser was just so ready for the holiday. "What are your plans for the break?" he asked the person sitting next to him as the food appeared.
Friday was glad the year was over. She had enjoyed Hogwarts, it was living up to everything she had expected from it, but she also hated exams, which had just ended and she wanted to go home and do something that wasn't trying to find people who weren't being the most boring people alive. The Gryffindor wasn't surprised to hear her brother's name as one of the top points. She didn't particularly understand why he tried so much but it wasn't for her to get involved with. Instead she just grabbed some of the food. "I'm so happy to be going home," she said out loud to no one in particular.
Enoch was tired, he had been working so much on his classes, desperately trying to make them better than the ones he had received at the end of the last semester, but it hadn't worked. it hadn't helped that he had been distracted by everything. The fight with Dante hadn't helped either, but his dormmate was terrible. It didn't matter the role he had played in that fight. The slytherin didn't care that they'd won the house cup, didn't care who had the top points - he knew it wasn't him. The food appeared and Enoch really just wanted to go to bed, none of the food looked good anyway.
Callie had never thought that her schooling could be as cool as Hogwarts had been. She had enjoyed all the different things which she had done. The school had a lot of opportunities and she had met countless people who she thought were endlessly interesting. Ones she never would've otherwise met. This was just amazing to her. It was everything she had imagined a magical school would be when she had first found out about magic. The biggest problem she had was that she was still having to catch up on so much and she wasn't going to be able to do any magic at home. Callie was still looking forward to being at home, just disappointed she couldn't do any magic. Callie grabbed some food and began eating, listening vaguely to the conversations around her.
Audrey would have honestly stayed at Hogwarts a little longer if she could, she was looking forward to a break but there was so much more to do at school than there was at home. The only real bonus was that Dion was graduating from Ilvermorny, and hopefully he'd be able to take some time to visit her so she wouldn't be entirely bored throughout the break. But she'd had a good year, she'd made some friends, she'd done pretty well and gotten a lot of points - not as much as the prefect with the weird name who'd gotten over a thousand (and not that she could really talk about weird names).

She was picking at some cake when Lucy asked about her break, and she paused for a second. Audrey didn't really want to mope about it or anything, but she wasn't the type to lie and make something fun up. "Not really," she said, lightly. "Probably just studying and flying. Dad'll have me doing more beater drills when he's not busy, I guess. What about you?"

@Lucy Montague
Teddy felt a touch of sadness as his first year came to an end. It had been fun. He'd made new friendships, and achieved straight O's in his classes, earning him a well-deserved two-week holiday. While the holiday had been planned regardless of his grades, the sense of achievement was still sweet. But now, it was time to focus on the feast.

As he listened to the headteacher's closing speech, Teddy's hunger grew. His eyes widened with delight as the food was served. A boy sat next to him struck up a conversation, asking what Teddy had planned for the holidays. Excitedly Teddy replied, "My parents are taking me snowboarding in Queenstown. How about you?"

@Fraser Fergusson
June couldn't believe it was finally the end of the year. It had been an rollercoaster of an year. With some parts she wanted to forget quickly. But there were more highlights. Her exams went fantastic, not different than expected. So she could show her good grades to her father in person very quickly. Which was something she looked forward to a lot.

The blonde sat down with the rest of the Slytherins and it was no suprise to her that yet again Slytherin had won the house cup. June cheered and applauded and smiled bright as she saw Professor Castillo taking the trophy. But now the top point earners were to be announced and it was yet the same thing. But not suprisingly that older students were the ones. It was unfair since they had more classes. But everybody should make themselves ready for her name to be announced next year. It was good though that the girl she didn't knew was from Slytherin who had the most points. As soon as the food appeared June watched what she would take, but looked around the table to see what people were up to.
Crystal would have her last moments in the Great Hall with the end of the year feast. And she was gonna take it all in. Perhaps she would regret not enjoying her school time not that much. But she couldn't fake it all. It was nice though that at least she could close it of in NZ. Not In Scotland, which was way worse. And she would start with hopefully making an carreer in the thing she liked and had interest for the most.

The white blonde sat down with the rest of the Ravenclaws. And when the headmaster spoke it was no suprise that Slytherin won. But Crystal had hoped that Ravenclaw would just win one more time in her last year. She applauded for the students and watched around her as the food came on the table. She for sure would enjoy it. She noticed Valeria sitting close to her and smiled to the girl. Wondering what the girl would do after this, she figured she asked.
'' So what are you gonna do next after this?'' She figured the question would come back, but she could lie about the answer if needed.

@Valeria Iglesias
Louis had seen plenty of feasts at Hogwarts, but it was wild tot think that this would be the final one. He felt a little strange as he sat at the Gryffindor table, listening to nearby kids discuss their holidays like their life wasn't completely changing. He supposed it wasn't for them, but it was for him. He wasn't generally a person who doubted himself, but he couldn't help being nervous about his life after graduation. He had always tried to be confident about making it as a professional Quidditch player, but what he failed? He tried not to think about that now and just enjoy the food. He looked around the room, waving at Valeria and Crystal over at Ravenclaw. He then piled food onto his plate and started eating, quietly listening to the conversations around him.
Gwen always felt a little odd at school events that required them to sit with their own house, as she had never made many friends in Slytherin. She wished she could ask Molly and Renata to come sit with her, but she knew they would likely get in trouble for it or something. Stupid. She tuned out the headmaster's words, barely acknowleding that Slytherin won the house cup again. It wasn't like that truly mattered. She spotted Seamus Reid nearby and eyed him curiously for a moment. She had seen him with Celia a few times and had wondered if they were dating. She knew it was likely Celia had told him how much she hated Gwen, but there was always a chance she hadn't. Even if she had, maybe Gwen could pry some gossip out of him. It was something to do, at least. She served herself some food, then glanced over at him. "Sad to leave Hogwarts for break?" She asked conversationally. "You seem a bit down." She added apologetically.

@Seamus Reid
It was a little surreal to be back at the end of year feast at Hogwarts, as it had been two years since Isadora had been there for this event. She wasn't surprised Slytherin won again, nor did she really care. She just hoped Cameron wouldn't gloat too much. Isadora hadn't heard anything from her parents, so she could only hope she would return to Hogwarts next year. She thought she probably would, but she also wouldn't put it past her parents to arrange something else behind her back. Trying to take her mind of those thoughts, Isadora grabbed a bunch of food and turned to hear her nearby roommate. "Are you doing anything exciting over break?" She asked Aurora.

@Aurora Archer

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