Y43 End of Year Feast

Professor Matt Alcott-Ward

Somehow in charge | Laid back | Friendly
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Bi (Kyle)
3/2007 (55)
The end of the school year was here, the end of Matt's second year as headmaster. Some of the students wouldn't come back, they graduated and would start their adult lives as witches and wizards. Most of the students would simply have a well-deserved break before returning to Hogwarts. Matt was already looking forward to the new school year, even though he also felt like he could use a break.

As the students filed in, the banners adorning the Great Hall rippled and changed to reflect the signature green and silver colors of Slytherin house, signifying their victory for the year. It had been close for a while between them and Ravenclaw, but Slytherin had won out in the end, again. Matt made his way to the podium, waiting quietly for everyone to settle into their seats before speaking. "Welcome everyone to this year's final feast. Before we begin, I'd like to say a few words. First of all, a round of applause for the winners of this year's House Cup - congratulations to Slytherin." He said, gesturing to the Slytherin table before conjuring the cup seemingly from thin air. He presented it to Professor Castillo on behalf of his house.

"Of course, we can't forget those students whose dedication and hard work earned the most points for their respective houses. Our top house point earners this year are - in first place, Aine Thompson of Hufflepuff, with a grand total of one thousand, three hundred and fifteen. In second place, with one thousand, two hundred and fifty-nine points - Monday Weeks, of Ravenclaw. In third, Celia Vuong of Slytherin, with one thousand and sixty one points. Last but not least, we have Chaos Zhefarovich II, withnine hundred and twenty-five points.. Congratulations to our winners." The Headmaster joined in the applause for each of them, commending their efforts and achievements toward their house.

As the applause died down, Matt gestured for silence so he could say a last few words. "With that, the schoolyear of twenty-fifty-nine has ended. I hope you enjoy the feast and have a wonderful break. See you next year!" With that, he sat down and watched as the food appeared on the tables. He hoped all the students would have a wonderful feast.
Fourth year had been...interesting, to say the least. Aine had come to the far too belated realization that she couldn't keep doing all the subjects or she'd probably have a heart attack. She'd already spotted a grey hair (on one of the times she actually looked in the mirror for more than a few seconds). At fifteen. The fact that it had taken a wit sharpening solution to realize what she needed to do made her feel more stupid than anything. All she had were her grades, she thought, and even they didn't feel deserved. The only reason she had even managed good grades in Transfiguration, she assumed, was that she had the reputation to justify it. Even though she had actually completely failed to successfully perform most of the spells they were required to. She supposed she should be grateful she was good enough to appear an O student - she remembered her eldest sister telling her that a teacher 'decided' she was a B+ student, no matter how hard she tried.

Aine was a fraud, in her own mind, a fraud who didn't deserve anything - friends, certainly nobody would ever like her to want to date her (and she thought she'd probably hate dating anyway), and certainly not the sheer avalanche of points that made a hefty chunk of Hufflepuff's result (which made her wonder what the rest of her house was even doing, in a moment of bitterness). She didn't look up when her name was called, covering her face with her hands and desperately hoping that the childish rule of "if I can't see you, you can't see me" applied to anyone who was quite probably looking her way. She mentally applauded for Monday, tapping her hands together while still affixed to her face. She kept a hand over her face, looking down steadily even as she ate, picking at her food. Fifth year would just have to be better, she thought, less classes, less of a desperate need to prove anything. Although that latter part was going to be impossible to enforce to herself and she knew it.
Another year had come and gone and Zagreus, as usual, had felt as though he hadn't really accomplished anything. Sure, he had helped Hufflepuff take the Quidditch cup, but even then he hadn't participated in the matches all that much. All he had done was sit in front of the hoops and sometimes manage to stop the quaffle from going through. Big whoop there. And no one was going to be asking for his notes to help study from, by all accounts, he was an academic failure and was likely going to fail all his exams. So, one more year of schooling then before he was kicked out for being useless.

He dully clapped along as the Headmaster announced the top point earners, not being surprised in the slightest when it was Aine who had gained the most overall. But he did have to note how she didn't exactly look very pleased about this, leaning over once the feast had started. "Congratulations. I would say it was well deserved, but you don't exactly look pleased about the accomplishment."
@Aine Thompson
Aine desperately tried to avoid making eye contact with anyone, which kind of just turned into an elaborate pantomime of shielding her eyes as though she was trying to block out the sun while she put food on her plate. It probably had the exact opposite effect of what she was going for. She shrank a little bit when Zagreus leaned over to her, feeling more embarrassment seep in. "Thanks," she offered, at least thinking she should try and be somewhat polite about it. "It's just...it looks a bit sad, doesn't it? Like I really have nothing else in my life. Plus, my blood pressure's through the roof." Aine tilted her head a little to actually make eye contact, giving the smallest of smiles. "I told you you made the smarter choice than me last year."
@Zagreus Kohler
Renata was feeling in two minds about the end of her fifth year. It had been good overall, they'd won the Quidditch cup, she had had her first kiss...but her OWL results had not been as good as she'd hoped. It wasn't the end of the world, of course, but she was a little disappointed. She should have tried a little harder, but the OWLs were so scary and made her so anxious. At least next year there weren't any big exams, she'd just try and keep up the grades in the subjects she didn't mess up, and support Eugene through his NEWTs. She cheered for the Slytherins, and for the top points earners, wondering just how they'd managed to get that many. Renata was glad to tuck in to dinner, though, and worry about how she'd manage to tell her parents about her OWLs later.
Yuelia had lifted her grades a little, but they still weren't as good as they should have been. She knew her father would be disappointed, but she put that out of her mind as she cheered for Slytherin when it was announced they had won the House Cup. She probably hadn't worked as hard at it as the other Slytherins had, but she hoped that her retaining her duelist title had at least helped a little bit towards their victory. She sat and slowly she picked at a chocolate pudding, debating hoarding a second before they were all gone.
Branson felt almost as he had when he first arrived at the school. A little out of place, a little confused. Glancing around at everything to take it all in. Though this time, it was because this would be his last big feast, his last time sitting in this hall to eat. He had graduated, he had packed everything away and he was heading home and into the big wide world. The ravenclaw, soon to be former ravenclaw, knew he would miss it, miss the school, the people, the classes, the homework. All of it. He glanced towards the head master as the man began talking, impressed with the amount of points others had gotten. He knew he was dedicated to his classes but that was a whole other level. Bran applauded for them, applauded for Slytherin in their win, though it would've been nice to get it. But the food appeared and that was it. He'd eat sleep and leave. The ravenclaw smiled as he filled his plate, he was going to miss this place, but he knew he was going to have so much he could do when he ventured into the wide world.
Valeria had decided at the end of the prior year what she wanted to do with her life, and now at the end of her second last year, she knew it was time to start working more towards it. She had her apparition license and a bunch of places she was thinking of going with her dad to help her see and develop her skills as an artist. She didn't want to study in Lisbon, she liked and had so much more here in New Zealand, but there was plenty for her to learn by visiting the places her father spent time, value to looking at the art. Valeria was looking forward to the break, and she was eager to just get to it. She was pleased that the headmaster didn't speak for too long and though she applauded politely for the house and points winner she was just as glad when it was over and she could grab some food.
Eugene had enjoyed his sixth year of school. He had had an easier time of it than OWLs, which had been difficult and not a great time for him. He had really stopped spending as much time so focused on his classes and exams, had spent more time actually enjoying himself. Eugene had had his first kiss and spent time with Renata. He had made sure to sit with her during the feat, and as smiling easily. He had passed apparition, so was looking forward too to being able to much more easily see Renata over the break. The hufflepuff applauded for people, in awe of the points that Aine had gotten for Hufflepuff, wondering just how much work something like that took. He glanced to Renata and smiled easily. "I passed apparition, sooo, we'll be able to spend time together over the break,"
@Renata Stepanova
Brevity had successfully managed a year at school. She had done pretty poorly in many regards during it. Not really making friends, failing most of her exams, but she was gland that she had. She had Maisie who was the only person she cared about and that was all she needed, all she wanted. She didn't need anyone else. Didn't want anyone else, either. But she was going to go home, so proud to report that the school had not made one lick of difference to her life and attitude. She had not suddenly been well behaved as she thought they might think. Brevity was eager for the headmaster to finish—who cared about who won silly points that were wiped away immediately. She would spend a little time eating and then planned to just go and sit with Maisie for the rest of it. She had already spotted her friend at the Gryffindor table, and couldn't imagine any of the professors would care about what she did.
Leonardo was glad the year was over, and for once he was looking forward to the break. He had never really looked forward to the break before, there had always been a reason to worry with his grandfather and in the previous year it had been whether things with James and Jordie would work out. But it had. It all had. Leonardo had a good home to go to and was eager to go to it. He was glad that his OWLs hadn't gone terribly, and that he could at least promise to improve if James was unhappy and they had won in quidditch, so he could hold on to that too. All in all, Leonardo was surprising even himself in being pleased with how things had gone. The Hufflepuff eagerly tucked into the food as the headmaster let them, hoping that he never got asked to be someone who go the top house points.
Aurora was rather excited about the upcoming break, though she had nothing to do in it. She was still looking forward to being able to be home with her mum, spend some time with her family and enjoy the lack of classes and exams. She intended to speak to Uncle Ty about being a healer and quite possible see if she was old enough yet to just shadow. But Aurora was just eager and excited about the year which had been and the year ahead. The gryffindor was a little disappointed that Gryffindor had come in last in the house points, but it was no surprise to her who the top points for the houses were. Aine and Monday were in her classes, she knew how hard they both worked. She was not willing to go up against them. The feast got started and she helped herself to some food before offering it to her sister.
Seamus hadn't mentioned to Hamish about his plans over the break. Meeting up with Dusk was something he was looking forward to but was unwilling to talk about it. Fearing a little the what ifs. What if she didn't turn up, what if she was terrible. He didn't want to say anything and then have to come up with a lie to excuse it if it didn't go his way. Seamus was sure too that Hamish could tell that he was hiding something, but was trying his best to not make it obvious. He would know soon, but just once this feast was over and they were back home, he would had a bit of time before he met with her, and would have to lie to his brother during that time. Seamus wasn't listening to the speeches, not even caring that they'd won and instead just grabbed some food as it appeared.
Rosie had enjoyed all of her classes this semester, she had liked the challenge in learning them, and knew after the OWL year she would ditch a good number of them, but she liked widening her learning. The Gryffindor was sitting with her sister in the feast, glancing around excitedly. She smiled at her brother, knowing she would miss him in the next year. She glanced at the professors and then to the head master as he got started. Rosie was very eager for the break, keen to tidy up her garden at home and get it ready for the next few months when she was back here again. Rosie applauded and cheered for the top points, wondered how they had time, but was glad when the food appeared. She took the plate her sister was handing her and as she served herself was glancing for someone to talk to.
Emmanuel could say that he had had a good year, he had maintained his better grades, he was sure much to the pleasure of his extended family and had had a good semester. He was still a little disappointed by the duelling, having wanted to maybe get a little further than he had, but he was just holding out for the next year. He could do more than. That was when he could. The ravenclaw was politely clapping for Slytherin house, disappointed that he had yet to see any other house win the cup yet, and then for the top points. he was glad that his family didn't care about that because he didn't think he'd ever had the desire to do that well. He took some food and began filling his plate. He was definitely looking forward to a little of his mother's cooking.
Savannah hated going home, she hated that there was no option to remain at the school. Going home was sad and miserable and even if she disliked a lot of school, it was still so much better than being at home. The ravenclaw was therefore uncaring about this end of year feast. She had brought her book and had it on her plate, not even bothering to hide it. It wasn't like she could lose points at this point in the year. She was reading it, remaining focused on it, even as food appeared. Though she did adjust the book's position at that point so she could eat a little as she read.
Gregory was looking forward to stepping away from magic. Cassius' apology had made him feel a little better, but he really wasn't any less ill at ease around him. Gregory was sure that the other foot would drop and he would end up being picked on by him again, or something else would set him off and he'd just end up frustrated and scared. But at least, the semester was ending and he was going to be able to go home, relax, play video games and maybe try again to get his dad to let him leave. He didn't want to be optimistic if the next year ended up being good, but he did like learning magic and did welcome the opportunity to learn more magic if he could. The boy had sat at the end of the table, and was still trying to as unnoticed as possible as the headmaster spoke and food appeared.
Fraser had to admit, Hogwarts was as good as his dad, his brother and his aunts and uncles had said. He was still disappointed that he hadn't made the team, and was looking forward to the next year when he'd be able to try again. Even with that disappointment overall he had just had a good year and was very much looking forward to more of it. He hadn't really tried in his classes but he just got lost when the professors spoke, and it was just hard to study. He could try harder, but he wasn't interested. Fraser applauded for slytherin, knowing that his aunt's old house was a good house and for the top points, gaining more points in one year than he knew he'd get in his whole time here. He began piling his plate with food and turned to the person next to him. "What are your plans for the break?" Fraser asked.
An O! In Charms! Rion was half convinced Professor Corrins had been writing 'P' but got distracted before she could finish the stem, but she wasn't going to question it. Her first O! Mum and Dad were going to be so proud - even more proud than they'd been when she'd lied about getting an EE in Herbology. And this time, because it was real, she wouldn't feel guilty celebrating.

Reaching across the table, she grabbed a bread roll. There were much tastier foods piled up on silver plates around her, but she couldn't travel on a full stomach. As she ate, she chatted happily to the Ravenclaw beside her, hardly giving them a chance to respond. She wouldn't be able to calm down until everyone in her house knew she'd got an O. In Charms!
"I don't see sad. I see impressive." And it was, he knew he couldn't take every single class and would absolutely never be seen earning anywhere near as many house points as she had. Zag knew if he even attempted to take so many classes he would probably end up collapsing in the middle of class. He could barely pass most of his magical-based classes back when he was even bothering to take them. And he did have to chuckle, poking a little at his food. "Smart, maybe. But I don't have absolutely anything to show for it."
@Aine Thompson
Natalia didn't think of herself as a very sentimental person, but she felt almost overwhelmed by the melancholy feeling of being at her final event at Hogwarts. The end of year feast was nothing special, it was just a busier dinner with a bunch of nicer food, but it was the final special thing that would happen at Hogwarts. Aside from graduation, but Natalia didn't even want to think about that yet. She felt like she was on the edge of a cliff, slowly being pushed closer and closer to it. She barely listened to Professor Ward, her thoughts swirling in her head in a raging storm. She was glad when the food finally arrived, piling her plate with some things mostly so she could stab at them. She knew most of her classmates were more excited to graduate, and she was hopeful for her future too, but she knew that things would be tough before they got better. It had been kind of nice, sitting at Hogwarts far away from her parents. She would be confronting them with a few painful truths in only a little while. She wasn't looking forward to it.
Louis didn't really enjoy school, but he also wasn't looking forward to the break. It seemed like lately all his dad and he could do when they were in the same room together was fight, and Louis was tired of being watched over like he was a little kid. At least he could apparate now, as he had passed somehow. That meant it was a lot more difficult for his dad to control where he went. He could just pop in and out of his room without anyone noticing. He'd miss the freedom he had at Hogwarts, though. And he'd miss his friends. The boy looked around as the food appeared, having tuned out his uncle completely as he droned on and on about points. He spotted Aurora nearby and smiled when he caught her eye. "Do you think you'll practice over break? I have the feeling next year will be our year." He told her confidently. He'd be co-captain, so how couldn't it be?

@Aurora Archer
Gwen was ready for the year to be over. It hadn't been terrible, but she was ready for a break and a fresh start. Next year, Jenna would be gone. Celia was in disgrace, and Gwen knew there would be room for her at the top of the social hierarchy here at Hogwarts. She glanced over at the Hufflepuff table and waved at René, fluttering her fingers at him briefly before glancing over at the staff table as the headmaster gave his speech. It sounded boring, but Gwen made a show of listening with her full attention, even as her eyes glazed over a bit. When the speech was done and the food appeared, Gwen served herself a small portion of all of her favorite things, then started to eat. She glanced around for anyone to talk to. She saw that awful Brevity girl sitting nearby, but pretended she looked right through her. She wasn't going to talk to that girl if she was the last person alive at this school.
Even if he had been looking forward to graduating, especially living somewhere that wasn't a school, Isaiah had to admit it felt strange to be sitting at the end of the year feast knowing he wouldn't be returning to the school anytime soon. His closest option was in a few years when his siblings would graduate. He didn't bother to listen to the headmaster and unpatiently waited for the food to appear so he could stuff his face one more time. "That's what I thought this year." He laughed lightly when he heard Louis mention something about quidditch to Aurora. "Got a lot of faith in you guys to bring home that quidditch cup though." He added with a genuine, supportive smile. @Louis Alcott @Aurora Archer
Emery didn't like any events at school, but the feasts were especially annoying. Sitting at a crowded table with a lot of people trying to eat wasn't his idea of fun. He read while the headmaster spoke, as he had copied Savannah's idea again and grabbed a book to bring. Emery spotted Savannah nearby, also reading. He gave her a small smile. They barely talked, and he knew she was on the Ravenclaw Quidditch team which was a shame, but he did think she was his friend. Maybe she would figure out Quidditch sucked sooner or later. He lowered his book a bit and waved at her slightly. Then he grabbed himself some food.

@Savannah Walters

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