Y39 Sorting Reactions

Sorting Hat

Well-Known Member
Sorting is still a few days away, but that doesn't mean we can't have some exciting sorting chats here! It's never too early, right? ^_^

As always, we love to hear your thoughts and reactions as we work through the process of sorting and transfers and exchanges! This is always such a fun time!

Are you having a character sorted or transferred this year? Maybe more than one? Ten? (You know who you are.

Are you going to try for an exchange student?

Where do you think they'll end up?

Do you think they'll be happy about where they end up? How is it going to impact their first year or their entire schooling? Do you think the sorting hat will have a difficult time placing them?

If you've already been sorted: Did you get what you/your character expected? Did the sorting hat say something funny to you? What'd you think of that? How nervous was your character to be sorted? How nervous were you?

Happy Sorting!
hello, my dear lovely hat and i hope you have amaizing time.
i'm thinking that Alice Black will be more like Gryffindor girl and another her side is so close Hufflepuff. Becouse Alice is so shy, friendly and loyal to everyone. But she also is realy brave girl and she was brave in her past when she was so much jugde by another children.

Clara Alexandra Reed is more type like Slytherin house. She is so much annoying but deep in her heart is realy friendly girl and realy smart person. .
Mika Drake is Elizabella Drake cousin and she is true Hufflepuff.
Julie Drake is Elizabellas Drake sister and she think that she belong only Slytherin.
ahhh its that time of year again!

I'll only be sorting one character this time around, which is this character right here, Molly Burke. She's the younger sibling of my other character, Nolan Burke. For some reason, I have a strong feeling that she could be a Hufflepuff like her brother. But knowing the sorting hat, it can be something else, so we'll see how it goes hehe!

I feel like if she was sorted into Hufflepuff, she'd be happy to be with her brother. but Nolan would defs be annoyed by it, so we'll see how it goes! hehe!

I'm sorting Giulia, she's Louis Alcott's half sister/Kyle's niece/October's cousin/etc etc big family tree who cares lets talk about her now

Giulia's a huge geek and a bit uptight, which makes me fairly sure she's going to lean Ravenclaw. She's a pretty typical overenthusiastic nerd, has a little bit of a superiority thing, and is going through the struggle of adjusting to life in a country where she isn't fluent in any of the commonly spoken languages. I could definitely see the possibility of her winding up skewing Slytherin or Hufflepuff, perhaps (doing the form is always the real tell) but my core concept of her feels pretty solidly Ravenclaw.
I'm sticking with just one for this year too. With 3 of my kids graduating I'm happy to have fewer students next year.

I'm only sorting Gwen here, who is a fun character because I can see her going in different houses, though I think Slytherin would be the obvious pick. Gwen is very energetic and has a very sweet/cutesy vibe but is a lot more calculating than she appears, manipulating people whenever she can get away with it. But that will develop more as she grows older, so I'm not entirely sure where she's at right now. I'm curious what the sorting hat will make of her.
Hello Hat, we meet again.

This year I am keeping consistent and only sorting one but I am Very Excited! It's also my second year in a row of sorting an annoying little brothers lol. But yeah, Felix is Theia and Sawyer's little brother. He takes after his dad a lot and is always trying to make people laugh or entertain them. He's also quite curious and likes to pick up new hobbies and learn about thinks, like close up magic since he's been getting rather impatient while waiting to go to school.

I can see him going into pretty much any house except Slytherin at the moment. He would be thrilled to be in Ravenclaw with his brother but I think Hufflepuff or Gryffindor is much more likely. Who knows maybe he'll be my first puff? 👀
Sticking to my usual one per year so I only have Jingyi going into sorting. And honestly, he is the first character I have absolutely no idea about. Ravenclaw is probably unlikely, but the other three? I could honestly see him as a Gryffindor, Slytherin or even a Hufflepuff, I'd even go as far to say as he's a hatstall between the three of them. At least with my others, I had some clue as to which was more likely, but with this kiddo I have nothing.

And tbh he doesn't even care, he just wants to be with his twin no matter what house that happens to be
I'm alive and I don't know how it happened but I am sorting three kids this year where did they all come from?

I see in Tim like REALLY huge Hufflepuff vibes and I really hope that he will turn out as a Hufflepuff, but I just know that I will accidentally make him as a Gryffindor cause it always happens to me when I try to make a Hufflepuff character, but I would also love to see him as a Gryffindor as it would work cute for him too, but I am ABSOLUTELY sure that he won't be a Ravenclaw or a Slytherin

With Rina... Let's be honest, I am absolutely sure that she will be a Gryffindor with some Slytherin in her, but mainly Gryffindor

Evander... He is Sofia's Mikaelson little brother, Kiara's, and the whole Easterling's clan little cousin, but I am kinda hoping for Ravenclaw, idk why, but I would love to see him as a Raven but we will see
Okay not gonna lie, saw this topic and panicked because I was like, HOW IS SORTING UP ALREADY even though I knew it wasn't, still was like OMG TIME TO SORT

I LOVE SORTING! :frantics:

I'm sorting just one girl, Andi, and though I know she has a lot of gryffindor 'bravery' tendancies, I know she's also very cunning and ambitious and resourceful so I'm thinking (and rooting) for Slytherin. (I already have two gryffindors I need another color). She loves to learn and is ambitious in her knowing everything and wanting to know so she could also very well be Ravenclaw! WE SHALL SEE I'M V EXCITED IN CASE YOU DIDN'T KNOW
I am supporting one this year Niamh “sky”. I really don’t know where she will go because I really don’t know that much about her personality wise. She probably won’t be gryffindor. But I don’t know out of the other three.
Only got one planned so far, Doroteya Melnik! I'm feeling Ravenclaw or Slytherin for this one. She's curious and a keen learner, but also has a lot of ambition and a tendency to be selfish. I can't waiiiit!!! :party:
I have Ellie here and I'm really not too sure. I've been developing her for probably a year now which is a long time for me to set up a character before playing them but I want to really do my next student proud. She'll be my only student as Bada has graduated this year. I know her personality well but not in a way that I can really pick what house she is going to be put in. I'm nervous about answering the sorting questions that I remember are on their because I don't want to answer them wrong to who she is as a person in my mind D: If the banners I've made for her, that are still in secret locked up in my computer, say anything than she might be Gryffindor or Hufflepuff. But I can't see Hufflepuff for her at all xD
Ok so, to celebrate me getting a lot less busy and being fully present next IC year i'm sorting 2 characters cuz i'm feeing generous.
Jackson Mendes, youngest and last of the Mendes. He is a mischief maker and i can see him getting either Slytherin or Hufflepuff since he loves to get everyone in a good mood even though sometimes his pranks go too far. He will also be my first character with a pet so that's exciting too for some reason.
Next is Asteria Robinson, one of Hunter's adoptive sisters. She absolutely hates the guy so hopefully she isn't sorted in Hufflepuff. I don't see her in Hufflepuff but she can def be in any other house. She is a bit... angry... at the world in general, she thinks everyone is out to get her and is a bit suspicious so that's gonna be fun.
Ah yes, Molly has been sorted into Hufflepuff like I thought! hehe! Molly is very pleased that she has been sorted into the same house as her brother, Nolan. But Nolan is defiantly not pleased at all :lol:
Only got one planned so far, Doroteya Melnik! I'm feeling Ravenclaw or Slytherin for this one. She's curious and a keen learner, but also has a lot of ambition and a tendency to be selfish. I can't waiiiit!!! :party:
Slytherin!! I felt this filling out the form, but also had a strong feeling she was going to be in Claw instead. She's so excited to be with her best friend Andi :wub:
Everyone looking so good in their new colours so faarr 👀
Looked like the hat agreed with me about him having a bit of every house in him, haha. But in the end I ended up with another Gryffindor, which works fine for me :teehee:
Everyone looking so good in their new colours so faarr 👀
I always love looking at the new colors and its always surprising how quickly you get used to them. I'm already completely used to Gwen in green :p
Look, I knew Jackson was a Hufflepuff but like a part of me was really hoping he was a Slytherin

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