Whirlwind last minute trip

Aine Thompson

Most Interesting (Head) Girl In The World
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Curly 13" Rigid Pine Wand, Meteorite Dust Core
18 (21/9/2043)
Now the Quidditch game is done I feel more comfortable saying I won't be on the next few days :r

I found out yesterday I got last minute accepted to be on a quiz show (that I probably am not supposed to say the name of due to NDAs or something lol) so I'm off to film an episode in Sydney on Friday! Meaning I've had to at the last second book flights and accommodation, flying up tomorrow and back on Saturday. I will get HoM posted before I go. I have had like 72 hours to research the topic I've got and I'm not expecting to do well, certainly not expecting to win the episode but it should be a really fun experience and I had literally just been saying I need to get out of town so I guess this is serendipity. Wish me luck! :lol:
That sounds like such a fun experience. Hope you enjoy the time away!
omg, good luck!! I hope you do well!
Popping in to say that I did well...so well that I have to go back in like 2 weeks for semi-finals :r Hopefully that doesn't throw off exams too much but I should be able to work around it, may just end up delayed on closing mine by like a day.

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