Werewolf: HNZ Birthday edition šŸŗ

What did she say that gave you pause? If you donā€™t mind me asking, if thereā€™s something indicating sheā€™s innocent itā€™s be handy to know because it might sway people in a different direction.
i dont know why but thst dounded suspicious.
Yeah, I took Rowan's comments the same way Daphne did. I'm going to read through all of yesterday. I wonder if perhaps Rowan said something that touched a wolf nerve. :p

you know what i hate about werewolf. is that it takes so much of my energy that i dont have energy to reply to RP's
Iā€™m just genuinely curious if somebody puts forward an argument that I can buy into why not to vote for Cyndi then Iā€™ll change my vote.
I think Daph is busy OOC with graduation coming soon etc, she posted an absence a few days ago so I'm not sure how active she'll be, but your point Brian is also good to keep in mind
I'd like to add I've been watching the lurkers and @Amber Chou Wilson has pretty much avoided the thread on day 2 despite showing alot of interest day 1, and being online almost like she feels safe and won't be suspected.

I'm just putting thoughts out there right now since we have about two hours left.
Sorry i was thinking the previous question was aimed at me. asking why i did suspect cyndi but didn't want to vote for her straight away.

edit: but i will be going to bed soonish so i may as well vote. my vote is for Professor Cyndi Kingsley
I will be voting to emzies tomorrow unless 1: I get eaten alive or 2: someone else gives me suspicious or :cry: emzies gets eaten alive.
Do we know who still hasn't posted yet?
Looks like everyone has at least once
I was thinking about voting for Cyndi, but I've had second thoughts, then those thoughts changed back, and my brain has been like a yo-yo between all players. It's annoying me so I'm just going to vote now and get it done. I'm going to vote to lynch Professor Cyndi Kingsley.
I'd like to add I've been watching the lurkers and @Amber Chou Wilson has pretty much avoided the thread on day 2 despite showing alot of interest day 1, and being online almost like she feels safe and won't be suspected.

I'm just putting thoughts out there right now since we have about two hours left.
I've been checking HNZ on my phone during today but I've been busy. I posted an absence explaining me being busy before werewolf even started. I haven't had the chance to read the thread properly yet and am not sure I'll get the time before the day is over.
Okay, I am gonna do a little explanation of my analysis by day now that I have a chance to sit down and look through, because I'm waiting to see if an email will come or not from someone in Real Life and I need distraction. This may not be helpful, but it helps me to see it written out simply.

Day One:

Things I found interesting:
  • Lysander Summers was killed by the wolves. Claire, Cyndi, Daphne, comment on how good a player Jesse is/that he often dies first.
  • Brian says RNG could lead to him dying. Along with "To you it might be random" comment, suggests he has an important role.
  • Daphne says she will wait to see how the conversation goes.
  • I promise to make a list of roles (Which I did not do, shame on me.)
  • Brian suggests finding out who the drunk is: Questionable, Daphne and Donna go against this: makes me trust them
  • Cyndi suggests voting for someone inactive.
  • Mia suggests wolves are experienced. Rowan agrees.
Spoke first day: Claire, Cyndi, Brian, Daphne, Clara, Maia, Donna, Steven, Samantha, Annabelle, Dan, Marga, Zach, Soho, Mia, Rowan, Verity, Emzies, Mel, Ana, Aida
Voted first day: Rowan (Zennon Baros) Brian (Zennon Baros) Mel (Zennon Baros-changed to Evangelia Seong,) Verity (Zennon Baros) Soho (Zennon Baros), Annabelle (Zennon Baros), Samantha (Zennon Baros), Donna (Zennon Baros), Claire (Sara Moon), Cyndi (Evangelia Seong), Ana (Jace Blade), Marga (Evangelia Seong), Mia (Stefan Archer), Steven (Luxen Silverback II), Aida (Stefan Archer), Maia (Zennon Baros) Zach (Zennon Baros)

Spoke but didn't vote:
Daphne. Clara. Dan. Emzies.
(I may be wrong here, but I think I've sorted through properly, so please correct me if I'm wrong.)
I voted day 1, I started the vote against Zennon.

I think I'm missing why we're voting for Cyndi, what was the joke that backfired?

I'm growing more suspicious of Brian. He's leading people down paths with questionable reasoning and stirring up a lot. Could he be misdirecting? I'm not sure if that's a viable strategy.
Likely the experience wolf is someone not actually contributing to the conversation whether that is on purpose/physically unable too/or both. By lynching someone that fits that catagory we are at least narrowing who that wolf or one of them is since there is a chance that's it's more than one. Either way we need to hunt them down and be specific in that hunt so my vote will be Stan/Steven
Why are you assuming the experienced wolf is not contributing to the conversation?

Admins are suspect (Though are GM's should be suspect as well), People that jumped on the bandwagon last minute or voted against are suspect, those that have not posted at all are suspect, and those that chose not to vote or wanted RNG should be considered suspect. Even when that is just for experienced players that is still a lot of people to sort through so we should consider given out specific names and reasons even if it's only slight because it's something to build on and that's what we need right now.
Why are Admin and GM's especially suspect?

I agree on the RNG not being the safest choice with the odds being against it, but I also don't think accusing people left and right for different reasons without giving a great reason why is very helpful.
the conclusion od discussions today sounds like a lot of politicians (aka conflicting recommendations)
be suspicious of the quiet people - they may be trying to be forgotten about
be suspicious of the noisy people - they may be trying to mislead
be suspicious of the werewolf vetrans - they know who are the best people to kill first (and they have been killed)
be suspicious of the new people - they may be hiding behind the idea that the werewolves are old people.
be suspicious of those who pick someone initially to vote for - trying to direct people away from themselves
be suspicious of people who lump on the voting bandwaggon - trying not to stand out be following the crowd
be suspicious of everyone - you dont know who they are.
unless you are a wolf in which case dont be suspicious as you know who your pack is. but dont act in a way that makes you seem suspicious as you dont want to be killed.

and on that note, I am off to bed. goodnight. and i still didn't get the RP post i started yesterday finished.
I don't have time tonight to formulate a good theory or really look through everything as much as I want. If I'm not mistaken, a lot of votes are going to Cyndi now and I don't think my vote is going to change that, though I don't feel like she's a wolf (but this is just a gut feeling so I have nothing to really base that on)

I'm going to abstain from voting rather than make a hasty decision for this day. But I'm wary of those trying to steer conversations in certain directions.
I'm not basing it on the joke at all for my part. Initially I bought into what Mia said about the admins as I trust her at this point, which made me think about Cyndi's voting. She suggested voting for inactive characters and also voted for a newer player when it had become assumed that at least one wolf is experienced and that's the only lead we really have. More detail in my post from earlier. The joke was that she suggested Rowan may have struck a nerve with the wolves I'm pretty sure?
...and that's why I'm never good at this game =))
I'm referring to Mia's most recent post
Why are you assuming the experienced wolf is not contributing to the conversation?

Why are Admin and GM's especially suspect?

I agree on the RNG not being the safest choice with the odds being against it, but I also don't think accusing people left and right for different reasons without giving a great reason why is very helpful.

I only know 100% my role, I do not play with it in mind that I will live to the end and I believe I have been clear that I am playing with a strategy that would make me appear to be suspect and I'm okay with that because again when I die you will see that my role is nothing of importance, the only thing I can try to do is possibly help others and the best way I see is to get anyone that might be a potential wolf (which is many not just Admin or GM's) to post and slip up so that others can see it.

I'm sorry if you are mad that I questioned you as suspicious because you posted before hand you might not be very active but Steven did as well and my vote went towards him as a possible wolf so it would be hypocritical not to chase all potential leads as I see it. If it get's people thinking than I can be happy with how I go out no matter if it's via wolf or lynching. Action is always better than nothing in my opinion.
The day phase is coming to an end, so I'm just going to add my RNG vote based on my previous criteria: Daisy Parker.
As day grew to end, the town thought they were closer,
To finding the wolves, and not just a poser.
Up to the lynch they sent a second poor soul,
Cyndi Kingsley was silenced as they made a new hole.

Their record was lacking for she wasn't a threat,
Now the town had to leave, on their brow was a sweat.
Villager blood on their hands, they had to retire,
Back to bed before they could continue to inquire.

As the sun came back up, and the deeds were done,
One less villager was around to have fun.
Another young little Gryffindor, who'd tried just to help,
Found dead in the night, without much more than a yelp.

As the folk came to meet, there was some bad news,
That poor Skylar Anderson was on permanent snooze.
With the village wearing thin, tensions mounted on high,
It was time now for justice, and not just for Sky.

Oh nooo :unsure: I wonder if maybe she said something to tip off the wolves?
Well RIP Cyndi guess jokes can get you killed, and RIP Skylar

So either Skylar was killed because like me she suspected Stan as a possible wolf or they were hoping she had an important role or possibly to throw us off.

My initial guess was that either myself or Daphne or Mia would be killed off though I also believe they are counting on my being lynched today since I ruffled a few feathers the day before.

I'm going to start this off with my initial guesses that I had yesterday when I started.

First I am most suspicious of Jace Blade/Zach so much so that I will make him my vote now Jace Blade reasons: Twice he has suggested RNG when it benefited the wolves more than the village. He has experience as stated by himself from playing mafia games on other sites, lurks but does not actively say anything and finally jumped on the bandwagon on the first day to lynch Zennon but on the second day didn't vote at all or even list a suspect despite again lurking for a good amount of time. To me he is extremely likely to be a wolf based off these things and even though I tried to see if he would post several times with some of my comments he remained silently watching and that's why I am even willing to bet my life that he's a wolf. (If I'm wrong feel free to lynch me tomorrow, if I'm right but get lynched today than I highly advise you look at him next)

My second suspect was Daphne, I was sure the wolves would pick off another person that was beneficial in logic and reasoning, unfortunately for me Daphne didn't post enough on the second day for me to see if she would be chosen as the wolves' next target (my literal thought was if she was killed she was innocent and if she wasn't than she was likely a wolf playing the same tactic Jesse did as a wolf (helping by misleading the village to remain hidden)) I definitely tried to get her to post yesterday to see if I could gauge her better but that didn't work out.

I am surprised Mia or myself wasn't targeted but I also think the wolves might be counting on Mia and Daphne not being as around as much and that I would be Lynched today.

Stan I still believe is suspect but I don't feel that's why Skylar was killed and I think Emzies is suspect though there wasn't enough posts yesterday to narrow it down further than what other people have suggested or myself. Since I believe I know two roles (including myself) and one other person (won't mention for their protection though I will speak if they get targeted for lynching) we should have a 22% of picking a wolf out.

That's it from me for now.
I get the feeling the wolves were perhaps trying to break their previous pattern of who they kill to get us confused.

I only know 100% my role, I do not play with it in mind that I will live to the end and I believe I have been clear that I am playing with a strategy that would make me appear to be suspect and I'm okay with that because again when I die you will see that my role is nothing of importance, the only thing I can try to do is possibly help others and the best way I see is to get anyone that might be a potential wolf (which is many not just Admin or GM's) to post and slip up so that others can see it.

I'm sorry if you are mad that I questioned you as suspicious because you posted before hand you might not be very active but Steven did as well and my vote went towards him as a possible wolf so it would be hypocritical not to chase all potential leads as I see it. If it get's people thinking than I can be happy with how I go out no matter if it's via wolf or lynching. Action is always better than nothing in my opinion.

You have been clear in saying you're playing with a strategy that will make you seem suspect, but the actual strategy is still a mystery to me. You keep saying things like they are fact (like how Admin or GM are suspect, and then replying that everyone is suspect when I ask why them specifically) and pointing fingers in so many directions that its impossible to keep track. @ing people when they haven't been active in a day, calling different people suspicious for different reasons without really backing things up with substantial reasoning, it just feels like it is very difficult to have productive discussions with all that going on.

I'm not mad I was questioned as suspicious, but the way it was done along with you questioning practically everyone else for various reasons just makes it more difficult.

In the past day cycle you have suspected Steven Cyndi Emzies and Mia for having been somewhat active and Mia and Steven for having werewolf characters especially, then repeated that and added that you added me as a suspect depending on if I lived or died (which I just saw you edited yesterday) then you @ed Dan because he hasn't posted much in the discussion, then said you suspected Admin as well but also that Zach would be active in case you die. Then repeated Admin are suspicious but added that GMs should be suspect as well (no reasoning for either of these) then @ed me too saying I was suspiciously quiet.

I know you keep saying you're hoping your death will give us leads, but at this point you are saying so many different things that all it does is muddy the waters. If you had died tonight I wouldn't have known who to look for, as there are many people you have said something about.

I know it's good to keep the discussion going and I haven't been as active as I usually am so it's perhaps a bit frustrating that some people are quiet and not adding much to the discussion, but I can't help being nervous that this is all misdirection and distraction if you are a wolf. We've been going in circles and none of it has been very productive.
I vote to lynch Kard Thomas


Firstly sorry for dropping off the face of the earth yesterday, I only have a small window where I can post each day because of work T_T

I agree with a lot of things Brian has said. I'm not gonna say I trust certain people more than others cus I'm usually wrong, but he is absolutely correct that we need to be accusing people (different people, multiple people, people who've been slipping under the radar) if we want to get anywhere.

I think we're going about this wrong trying to analyse why the wolves might have killed a certain person. We'll never really know what made them choose, it might be a double bluff, it might not be - we'll go around in circles forever.

The only way we're gonna narrow it down is by looking back on people's behaviour during the day - and this will be especially relevant once one of the wolves has been found as we'll have more to go on. I'd outline the exact ways we could spot the wolves but I don't want to make it easy for them to avoid doing it :lol: so maybe later

For the time being I'm going to just start playing more like Brian. It's pretty likely I'm gonna die at some point so I might as well stir things up a bit and hope that my death sheds some light on the remaining players somehow.

Rest in pieces, Cyndi and Samantha T-T <3

HECK Brian and Daphne ninja'd me with very long posts both

The strategy of accusing people will become a lot more important after we've hit a wolf I think
I will respond later tonight after dinner and virtual date night, but Daphne is making a lot of sense.
Am I the only one who suspects Brian?

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