I do have to admit I like the idea of having a group of feminist wolves
@Selene Le Fey .
Ok so the list of experienced people includes (mostly just for my reference but might help others

Jace Blade (Zach)
Luxen Silverback II (Brian)
Selene Le Fey (Mia)
Zara Woodlock (Marga)
Professor Cyndi Kingsley (Cyndi)
Professor Monty Pendleton (Clare)
Amber Chou Wilson (Daphne)
Daisy Parker (Donna)
James Cade (Dan)
Stefan Archer (Emzies)
Sara Moon (Maia)
Stanislaw Kurek (Stephen) - newish
I wanted to just have a list of more experienced players, since one of them has to be a wolf (unless the new players are just really lucky haha). From here though, maybe base it on activity? Like how much they contribute? I don't know though, since on the one hand the whole token post thing means they post to get off with not being active, however they could also be very active and attempt to analyse the game as a bluff? I really don't know and am honestly just so confused at this point haha.
Also one other random theory, if memory serves me right, Stanislaw Kurek said a while ago he was 'new' since he'd not played the game for quite a while after being labelled as experienced?? Could he have said that so as to get himself off the 'hit list' for people targetting the experienced wolves?? Or am I just overthinking it?