- Messages
- 10,496
- OOC First Name
- Daphne
- Blood Status
- Mixed Blood
- Relationship Status
- Married
- Sexual Orientation
- Lesbian
- Wand
- Curly 11 1/2 Inch Flexible Ivy Wand with Fairy Wing Core
- Age
- 6/2030(31)
You posted right as I didFirst I am most suspicious of Jace Blade/Zach so much so that I will make him my vote now Jace Blade reasons: Twice he has suggested RNG when it benefited the wolves more than the village. He has experience as stated by himself from playing mafia games on other sites, lurks but does not actively say anything and finally jumped on the bandwagon on the first day to lynch Zennon but on the second day didn't vote at all or even list a suspect despite again lurking for a good amount of time. To me he is extremely likely to be a wolf based off these things and even though I tried to see if he would post several times with some of my comments he remained silently watching and that's why I am even willing to bet my life that he's a wolf. (If I'm wrong feel free to lynch me tomorrow, if I'm right but get lynched today than I highly advise you look at him next)
My second suspect was Daphne, I was sure the wolves would pick off another person that was beneficial in logic and reasoning, unfortunately for me Daphne didn't post enough on the second day for me to see if she would be chosen as the wolves' next target (my literal thought was if she was killed she was innocent and if she wasn't than she was likely a wolf playing the same tactic Jesse did as a wolf (helping by misleading the village to remain hidden)) I definitely tried to get her to post yesterday to see if I could gauge her better but that didn't work out.
I am surprised Mia or myself wasn't targeted but I also think the wolves might be counting on Mia and Daphne not being as around as much and that I would be Lynched today.

But the tactic you describe as misleading the village to remain hidden is a bit at odds with me not posting, or was that the suspicion you had of me before the second day? It's a bit what I'm suspecting you of now, so that's kind of funny.
I'm not surprised the wolves targeted someone different than the pattern of an experienced player with a lot to bring to the discussion. I'm leaning to think it's random.
I vote to lynch Kard Thomas
Firstly sorry for dropping off the face of the earth yesterday, I only have a small window where I can post each day because of work T_T
I agree with a lot of things Brian has said. I'm not gonna say I trust certain people more than others cus I'm usually wrong, but he is absolutely correct that we need to be accusing people (different people, multiple people, people who've been slipping under the radar) if we want to get anywhere.
I think we're going about this wrong trying to analyse why the wolves might have killed a certain person. We'll never really know what made them choose, it might be a double bluff, it might not be - we'll go around in circles forever.
The only way we're gonna narrow it down is by looking back on people's behaviour during the day - and this will be especially relevant once one of the wolves has been found as we'll have more to go on. I'd outline the exact ways we could spot the wolves but I don't want to make it easy for them to avoid doing itso maybe later
For the time being I'm going to just start playing more like Brian. It's pretty likely I'm gonna die at some point so I might as well stir things up a bit and hope that my death sheds some light on the remaining players somehow.
Rest in pieces, Cyndi and Samantha T-T <3
HECK Brian and Daphne ninja'd me with very long posts both
The strategy of accusing people will become a lot more important after we've hit a wolf I think
I agree that accusing people is a good thing to do, but with everything going on right now in the thread its a lot easier for wolves to remain quiet or agree with things others have said. I also want to know why you're lynching Kard? You say you vote for them, then ask us to hear you out but I don't see an actual explanation in there

No I just said I did as well.Am I the only one who suspects Brian?