WereClown: Part Two

Professor Katherine Alicastell said:
Out of the quiet ones, Emzies and Kaitlyn I don't find to be particularly suspicious because they're usually quiet, or just generally busy as staff are, so I don't have any reason to suspect either of them.

Zach posted only once, and his post was basically just a vote. Teigan also hasn't posted as much. Just wanted to mention them because I almost forgot they were playing.
Okay, you make a good point, there. I had the four quiet ones on my radar, so I just picked Stefan Archer out of a hat, so to speak. Zach and Teigan are probably more likely.

Yeah Dan, that's what I was basically getting at, it looks suuuper suss, but you're right in that it would be a bit obvious for you to kill them after they suspected you. Phoebe sounds right, too; a frame-up's more likely. The question is, who's framing whom? And is it a double-bluff to make it look too obvious that it's not Dan, but it actually is still Dan?! :o Okay, my head hurts.

From what I can tell, Phoebe, Zach hasn't been online for the last two days, but Teigan has definitely been online and not posting. I'm going to stick with my original tactic of trying to suss out one of the quieter ones, so I'm going to change my vote to Nadia Kaster and see where that leads.

Daphne's got her kill tonight, so even if my own attempt goes nowhere, we'll at least be getting some information about who's what. Aim true, Daphne! Aim true.

Vote changed: Nadia Kaster
I mean, I haven't actually been online aside from when I open a browser on my phone - but we can ignore that for the moment as it's not important.

What I will say is I've become a lot busier with work than I was intending, we currently have a crisis that requires my full, undivided attention, whether I am at work or at home. It sucks, but thems the breaks. Suffice to say, I will be very inactive for the remainder of this game. I'm always suss of Jesse, so take that for what you will and I'm also currently suspicious of Pheeb, just for reading back. Bear in mind I haven't a lot to go on here, not participating much. Every time I come on to post, it's night time, which accounts for why I am "on but not posting".

Anyway, that's all I've got, do with it what you will.


- Yes I agree its suss of me to suddenly post after someone voted for me - just getting in before someone else mentions it :correct:
I'm pretty confused at this point. I've been debating what to do all day and I'm no closer to deciding. Tibby also made a good point about Dan so now I'm wondering whether I've made a mistake in defending him if he's double bluffing xD I know I suspected Daphne a lot so I feel like she might kill me, in which case that strongest instinct I have right now is that Jesse is innocent, since he was part of the trio of suspects and two turned out to be false -_- If Kathy was the seer and had no reason to believe him, I'd be inclined to roll with it for now as they were in the same category to me (Although again, has proven himself multiple times to be able to pull wool over our eyes <_< ). I don't think any of the "inactives" have been killed in the night, so my strongest suspicion is on them. It could be that there's one inactive wolf being more or less led by a chatty wolf too, but if that's the case it's hard to pick up the teamwork and therefore the patterns.

I have no idea xD Good luck all :p
With the day starting on a rough note, the workers tried to regroup and think things through. Not many were willing to throw out a name, instead choosing to debate other aspects. It wasn't until the very end that a name was thrown out and they made quick work of ridding themselves of the person. Alas, Nadia Kaster wasn't a clown but a Carnival worker who had been taken out.
It is NIGHT.​
It was only when she didn't appear for the morning meeting that the Carnival workers wondered if she had been chosen as the next victim. It was a gruesome sight when they discovered Professor Katherine Alicastell, a carnival worker, drowned in the dunk tank she oversaw every day, two balloons attached to the diving board. There was one other missing and it was with considerable confusion that all the workers looked for him. Taking advantage of her ability to seek revenge, Amber Chou Wilson played a hunch, leaving a booby trap for one of her fellow workers. Alas, he was a victim but not of the wereclown for he was one himself. Tiberius Bethell was found with a knife in his back, fallen from the ceiling as he'd slept sometime after his late night venture. The carnival workers breathed a small sigh of relief, hoping they'd made some progress in spite of losing one of the good people in the group. They resolved to work harder today, hoping to seek out the final clown and save themselves, HNZ's birthday carnival long forgotten amid the tragedy of the past few days.
It is DAY.​
Professor Katherine Alicastell said:
Aim true, Daphne! Aim true.
I find it hilarious and ironic that Tibby is a wolf after saying this =)) but wow, thank you Daphneee we finally have a chance ;D

That being said, RIP Jesse and Teigan :( I'm so lost right now on the last wolf. I guess I'm hoping that the wolf is one of the inactive and that Tibby was leading them. I'm also super sus of Dan right now >> Basically I've no idea but at least it's only one now.

Professor Katherine AlicastellCarnival Worker
Amber Chou WilsonKnife Thrower
Geovanna Volt-
Alexander Carter-
James Cade-
Sara MoonCarnival Worker
Daisy ParkerSword Swallower
Professor Monty PendletonMaster of Ceremonies
Ainsley LynchFire-Eater
Aurora NightSeer/Fortune Teller
Teagan MaxwellCarnival Worker
Professor Kalif Styx-
Lyra PotterStrongman
Tiberius BethellWereclown
Nadia KasterCarnival Worker
Stefan Archer-
[th colspan="2"]Wereclown Roles[/th]

Remainder: 1 Wereclown, 1 Daredevil, 1 Seer/Fortune Teller, 2 Carnival Workers

Excuse the coding I'm on phone so will fix later.
Sorry all, I’ve been a little busy lately
Also surprised I’m still alive to be honest.

I don’t have theories yet but willing to read others if they have something to say before I cast any votes.
Welp ok here goes.

I'm suspicious of Pheeb and my reasons might seem strange. She had no reason to trust that I was innocent when she defended me. I think she did so because so she could kill off people suspicious of me and have me lynched. Thats my working theory even though it didn't exactly pan out that way.

There's just something about the way she's played the game up to this point that has me looking at her rn as the strongest candidate for wereclown.

For that. I vote to lynch Geovanna Volt.

Vote received: Geovanna Volt
Wow right okay this changes things. Originally I thought it was odd that Kaitlyn has come on the day after one of the wereclowns have died, especially since she has no theories this late in the game.

However, now that Dan thinks it's me I'm pretty sure he's the last wolf. Jesse had been saying earlier that he thought Tibby and Dan were a team, and looking back at the game it is strange that Tibby was the only one to suggest a double bluff for Dan, perhaps so we didn't get their first? My main worry one of the actives get lynched today then the wolf can kill off the last one in the night, leaving the two inactives to be finished off without competition.

Again the only reason I defended you was because of other games. Up until now I've had no reason to think you weren't innocent. Also it's hardly strong to say it's me because there's just something about the way I'm playing.

Up till now I've been wrong but between you two im obviously leaning towards Dan so I vote to lynch James Cade

Okay so because if we don't get the wolf today the village has a much less chance of winning, I'm gonna throw out another theory I've been considering (cause apparently I've nothing better to be doing and I'm too invested at this point to go out tyty)

There's 5 players left. 2 inno, 1 wolf, the seer/fool and the daredevil. Looking at the two inactives you have Emzies and Zach. Emzies hasn't been playing but Tibby earlier tried to start a seemingly random lynch on Emzies which I don't think he would have done if Emzies was a wolf. Zach also said one thing at the start of the game but hasn't since, so if he had a special role I think he would have been more active. I know that I'm innocent which leaves the seer and the wolf between Dan and Kaitlyn. Again I find it strange that Kaitlyn has no theories this late and if she were the seer I feel like shed have more to go on. If Dan is the seer, and he's just viewed me, I think I'm the daredevil. Up until now he's been lurking here and there but the fact he's suddenly switched to thinking it's me especially when the reasoning is so vague makes me think so. I get that saying this out loud puts everyone in danger but if Dan and I are innocent it will leave Kaitlyn to clean up once we've outed each other (she doesn't need to do anything today and just watch one of us get tie lynched) and we need to get the wolf out now or there won't be enough active people to vote the wolf out.

I feel like that is a pretty strong argument and I haven't got anything to lose by saying it especially if it's gonna save two innocents and potentially the village =))

I'm changing my vote to Kalif Styx

Vote changed: Kalif Styx
Actually, I'm a carnival worker, so your deducing is incorrect on that one. I don't normally come up with theories, rather than I vote on who is most suspicious, or acting as such. I haven't suspected anyone at the moment, but by all means.
I mean I don't really know what to suggest to that. I feel like it's easy for you to claim carnival worker at this point and there's still no theory on who you think is suspicious. Also right now there is a tie, and it's worrying me that the fate of the villages survival will be decided on a random lynch at this point :/ Can we at least agree on someone so that if it is a win or lose it's been on purpose rather than randomised? As one of the last original active people I feel like I'm probably dead in the night even if I'm not right now, but it seems silly that if Kaitlyn is lying that we could lose just because of a tie.
I would like to avoid a tie so with that in mind I change my vote to Kalif Styx.

Vote changed: Kalif Styx
With several people still very quiet, it was left to a few to come to the decision on this day. And although they seemed to go back and forth, a consensus was reached. Kalif Styx, a carnival worker, was pushed behind the booth, the basketball free throw and hit over and over. The town was no closer to finding the final werewolf than they had been when the day had begun but there was no more time to safely continue talking and they all scurried off, wondering if their silence would pay off.
It is NIGHT.​
With so few people left, it didn't take long to notice who was missing. They quickly found James Cade, a Seer, dead in his shop. He wasn't near any of his Seeing instruments, however, but by the register, which was open and empty. The remaining workers looked at each other and set to work with a sigh.
It is DAY.​

OOCOut of Character:
If I'm not mistaken the game ends today, one way or another.
Oh, right, I'm playing this.. let me catch up on things..

So if I'm not mistaken, out of the people that are left, Emzies has been voted by a wolf, so it's a bit unlikely that she is the Wolf.. Phoebe on the other hand convinced the seer to vote off an innocent at the last night?

I'm going to vote to lynch Phoebe based on that.
Also, like, I haven't been online so the chances of it being me are 0. :p

Vote received: Geovanna Volt
Wow rude I defended you.

I vote to lynch Zach then

Vote received: Alexander Carter
OOCOut of Character:
Tie means random generator. 1= Phoebe, 2 = Zach. Random generator came up: 2, 1, 2, so...

With so few members, the workers didn't have too many people left to point a finger at. With two people pointing the finger at each other and one person refusing to participate in the finger pointing, the workers decided to leave the carnival's fate to the flip of a coin. As the coin landed on tails once more, breaking the tie, Alexander Carter looked at it with some alarm before running, hoping to escape the fate that awaited him and running straight into it instead. The carnival workers had set a booby trap to prevent anyone escaping while they discussed their suspicions, and Alexander fell to the ground dead because of it. Unfortunately, he wasn't a wereclown, but a carnival worker. With a look of glee, the final wereclown, Geovanna Volt, turned to the final person, and said two words, "I win" as she pulled out her final balloons, one to attach to Alexander and one for Stefan Archer, a carnival worker once she finished with her and finished ruining HNZ's birthday carnival once and for all.
The wereclowns win!​


Professor Katherine Alicastell
Carnival Worker
Amber Chou WilsonKnife Thrower/Fire Eating Apprentice
Geovanna Volt Wereclown
Alexander Carter Carnival Worker
James Cade Seer
Sara Moon Carnival Worker
Daisy Parker Sword Swallower
Professor Monty Pendleton Master of Ceremonies/Fire Eating Apprentice
Ainsley Lynch Fire Eater
Aurora Night Fortune Teller
Teagan Maxwell Carnival Worker
Professor Kalif Styx Carnival Worker
Lyra Potter Strongman
Tiberius Bethell Wereclown
Nadia Kaster Daredevil
Stefan Archer Carnival Worker
[th colspan="2"] Roles[/th]
YASSSSS!! :shifty:

*High 5 team*

Well played :lol: :glare:

Thank you for hosting Cyndii!! :party:
Great game!

Phew, that tie-breaker was tense. Revenge achieved!
OhhHHHH my god this game was DEEPLY frustrating to watch & not be able to participate in :lol:

Thanks for running, Cyndi!
At least I got one :r xD I aimed true indeed

Dan, I'm really curious who you investigated. Do you mind sharing? And Pheeb: I hate you but good game :glare:
I am curious as to what made you pick me to knife, Daphne. Good shot, by the way.
Honestly, it was actually the way you started addressing me directly and telling me to aim true xD it felt a little too much like you were trying to draw my attention away from you when it wasn't even really on you to begin with

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