WereClown: Part Two


Maybe the randomiser should choose ;)
Professor Katherine Alicastell-
Amber Chou Wilson-
Geovanna Volt-
Alexander Carter-
James Cade-
Sara MoonCarnival Worker
Daisy ParkerSword Swallower
Professor Monty Pendleton-
Ainsley LynchFire-Eater
Aurora NightSeer/Fortune Teller
Teagan MaxwellCarnival Worker
Professor Kalif Styx-
Lyra Potter-
Tiberius Bethell-
Nadia Kaster-
Stefan Archer-
[th colspan="2"]Wereclown Roles[/th]

Remainder: 2 Wereclowns, 1 Strongman, 1 Master of Ceremonies, 1 Daredevil, 1 Knife Thrower, 1 Seer/Fortune Teller, 4 Carnival Workers
Plot twist the radomiser picks Dan.
The other inactive people at this point are all inactive in general. I feel like I've made this point 7 times already.

I don't really take past games into consideration, so I didn't realize Dan died this way a lot. I simply found his timing suspicious, but not to the point that I'm sure he's not innocent. I'm still perfectly happy to vote for someone else if we all agree on it.

EDIT: I know you were joking Pheeb, but I'm really not a fan of the randomizer xD I'd rather pick.
The only reason I noticed it was because it happened the last time I played and I felt bad then but rolled with it (and I've hosted since and it happened then too)

Thanks Jesse!

I'm happy to pick if we can decide who =))
Claire was originally gonna vote for Lyra Potter. Though not for a particular reason.

Geovanna Volt said:
yeah and there's many people who aren't talkative from the start but you don't lynch them off :r
Weeell Emzies and Kaitlyn are also pretty inactive in general atm, and actually I am still suspicious of Kait and want to vote for her despite the fact she chimed in after I mentioned her name xD (basically the same thing as Dan, but I decided to go with Daphne because I didn't want a tie-break where nothing happened, not knowing the tie rules at that point). Will you defend Kait, though, even though they're in exactly the same position? Sure this happens to Dan frequently but Kait and Dan have equal chances of being a wolf :o

Dan that's the position we're aall in. But what does voting for nobody achieve? The wolves get to pick people off one by one and we gain absolutely nothing and have to hope that the other seer is the real one and is actively looking at people's roles - AND that they'll reveal them before they get killed xD

Okay so my biggest suspicions atm are Zach, Kait, Teigan, and Tibby, for reasons I won't repeat cause I've been over them over the last couple pages. Dan my reason for voting Kait was because she wasn't in the 'silent group' but had only posted once, therefore easily flying under everybody's radar. I had no other leads to go on :p more has happened since then but I'm still happy to go with her.
I'm fine with switching my vote to Lyra Potter

Vote Changed: Lyra Potter
I'll switch my vote to Lyra Potter

Vote Changed: Lyra Potter
I feel bad for Cyndi trying to keep up with all these votes :p

I'm kind of stuck because I have a thought/theory and I don't know if I should mention it and whether doing so would hurt or hinder the town. :erm:
Professor Monty Pendleton said:
Will you defend Kait, though, even though they're in exactly the same position?
No xD They're not in the same position. The whole point I defended him in the first place was because this is a repeated occurrence. I may come to regret helping to sway his lynch but as someone who is outed so frequently I just wanna give a chance. Additionally, Kait still isn't as active despite saying one post whereas Dan is. I'm all for lynching anybody that isn't actively trying to help, so sure, I am happy to change my vote to Lyra Potter.

I'm still suspect of you, and Daphne for following on just one minute behind, but then Dan also did AND Jesse still hasn't voted.. I feel so unsafe ._.

Vote Changed: Lyra Potter
Geovanna Volt said:
I'm still suspect of you, and Daphne for following on just one minute behind, but then Dan also did AND Jesse still hasn't voted.. I feel so unsafe ._.
Sorry, what do you mean? xD
Amber Chou Wilson said:
Geovanna Volt said:
I'm still suspect of you, and Daphne for following on just one minute behind, but then Dan also did AND Jesse still hasn't voted.. I feel so unsafe ._.
Sorry, what do you mean? xD
I mean that since Kathy's post, you and Claire have been my main suspects. After the Dan bandwagon you were both also very defensive, and now that Claire switched it to Lyra you posted very very quickly with very little explanation xD BUT then Dan posted too, so now I'm just confused, as usual.


I actually changed my vote to Lyra based on Dan's post on top of the page. Claire's post I didn't see until after xD I actually think Claire hasn't changed her vote yet, unless I misread her post.
Amber Chou Wilson said:
I actually changed my vote to Lyra based on Dan's post on top of the page. Claire's post I didn't see until after xD I actually think Claire hasn't changed her vote yet, unless I misread her post.
I see :glare:
Yeaahh I haven't changed my vote yet. I'm sorry the Dan bandwagon made you suspicious of me. I was really stubborn because I didn't understand why you were defending him so hard for no reason xD

Speaking of which, Jesse I think I might know your theory cause it crossed my mind too and I think it'd probably hinder the town at this stage? I don't know, it's so dependent on roles we can't be sure of :zombie:
Oh also I change my vote to Lyra Potter. It'd be so great if she were a wolf now xD

Vote Changed: Lyra Potter
Confusion. Frustration. Suspicion. All three reigned as the more active carnival workers argued amongst themselves, first pointing fingers at each other and then coming to an agreement to turn the finger elsewhere. It wasn't until after they'd rid themselves of Lyra Potter, the strongman, that they realized what a terrible mistake they made. In silence, the carnival workers hurried to their homes, turning locks and piling items in front of their doors in an attempt to keep themselves safe. Would it be enough?
It is NIGHT.​
As the day broke again, the workers moved out of their homes with some reluctance. The silent ones for having not saved their strong man the day before and the active ones for sending her to her death. Spotting some balloons in the distance, the workers moved as one to see not one but two of their own lying dead on the ground. Stabbed with several of her own knives, balloons wrapped around the handle, Amber Chou Wilson, the knife thrower, was on her back, eyes wide open. Monty Pendleton, the Master of Ceremonies, lay dead right beside her, his hand still on the handle of her spare knife which he'd driven into himself in grief over his fellow fire eating apprentice.

With two more down, the workers knew they needed to find a wereclown. And fast.
It is DAY.​
This just went from bad to worse, and I'm not quite sure what to think right now :doh: RIP everyone..

Professor Katherine Alicastell-
Amber Chou WilsonKnife Thrower
Geovanna Volt-
Alexander Carter-
James Cade-
Sara MoonCarnival Worker
Daisy ParkerSword Swallower
Professor Monty PendletonMaster of Ceremonies
Ainsley LynchFire-Eater
Aurora NightSeer/Fortune Teller
Teagan MaxwellCarnival Worker
Professor Kalif Styx-
Lyra PotterStrongman
Tiberius Bethell-
Nadia Kaster-
Stefan Archer-
[th colspan="2"]Wereclown Roles[/th]

Remainder: 2 Wereclowns, 1 Daredevil, 1 Seer/Fortune Teller, 4 Carnival Workers

I have no words just yet. Just disappointment. :(
Everything happened while I was asleep D: Didn't even get a chance to vote. Damn, that was an unlucky kill :( Fingers crossed Daphne has good aim and can at least take out one wereclown.

At this point, seeing who's left, I don't think it's one of the more vocal players, just judging by behaviour. Jesse and Phoebe don't strike me as suspicious right now, but I'm sorry, I'll have to disagree with everyone's earlier assessment of Dan. A 'this always happens to me' attitude is a great cover for dastardly deeds, 'cause everyone ends up feeling bad and changing their votes or trying to find a reason it couldn't be him.

Having said that, based on his behaviour of being quiet early on and then popping in to be active, I can't fault that cause I've been doing the same. I work now and I'm not very well at the moment, so I try and keep up by reading back and posting when possible, but it ends up being really spotty participation. So I've clocked Dan as 'highly suspect', but I'm not gonna follow it just yet.

I'm going to go out on a limb and try and see if one of the silent ones is a avoiding suspicion by letting their partner do all the work while the they're busy with real life. I'm voting for Stefan Archer (random choice out of a few quiet ones).

Vote received: Stefan Archer
On the plus side, perhaps the Seer/Fortune Teller now has a fair idea of which role they are, as we've lost mostly Special roles and it's easier to judge than if we'd lost only villagers.

It is odd to me that you'd still count Dan as highly suspicious, and then randomly vote for literally anyone else, which to me doesn't seem like its going to get us anywhere fast.

Out of the quiet ones, Emzies and Kaitlyn I don't find to be particularly suspicious because they're usually quiet, or just generally busy as staff are, so I don't have any reason to suspect either of them.

Zach posted only once, and his post was basically just a vote. Teigan also hasn't posted as much. Just wanted to mention them because I almost forgot they were playing.

I want to trust Phoebe, but her jumping to Dan's defense while I'm unsure how I feel about Dan's innocence has me a bit ehh about it. I can understand it, but this isn't Ru Paul's Best Friend Race so someone has to die regardless of personal feelings. Phoebe tied up the votes initially, and some of her rationalizing throughout the game I haven't really understood. The argument that "lynching anyone would give us information" wasn't necessarily true, as lynching say, Kaitlyn only to find out shes a villager or something would still leave us without any leads, whereas all of the discussion around Dan's innocence gave us more to work with. She tried a little too hard to defend him. Pushing for a change of votes, mentioning a randomizer. Idk. I didn't think Dan was a wolf earlier when he was being voted for, but I also didn't think he was innocent either. I was happy to lynch him because it had the highest potential for seeing who else was innocent or not. :erm:

In my mind I've got Dan/Phoebe as a potential team, and also Dan/Tiberius as a potential team. I feel like her whole "I find Dan suss but am voting for someone else" thing to possibly be a way of trying to avoid coupling with him, only for her decision to vote Emzies to make me think they could be working together.

Then again, I think Zach and Teigan could both be likely wolves, or at least the most likely out of the quiet ones.
tl;dr I'm basically suspicious of everyone.
Well, it made sense in my head, at least xD I wanted to use other people as a sounding board, because Dan is more likely to defend himself so I'd rather not vote for someone if he or someone else has compelling evidence as to why he's not a wereclown. I'm gonna give him some time, or someone else to convince me that he is/is not. I've got quite a few hours before I need to sleep, my time, so hopefully someone pipes up.
So yeah. I admit this doesn't make me look good as Claire and Daphne were both suspicious of me and now they're both gone. The only thing I can say in my defence is I wouldn't be so obvious to try and kill one of them while the heat was on me.

More likely its a tactic to put the suspicion more firmly on me.
I'm on phone so short post from me. I think Dan is being framed for them because they were so suspicious. Then we'll lynch off another active and then another will die in the night. I have as much reason to suspect Dan and I do Jesse xD

There is still a Seer (in theory) which I'm really hoping is one of you guys and not one of the inactive. That being said if we are being framed, maybe it is worth investigating the quiet? I can't check easily right now but who's been online and not participating?

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