Top 12s!!

Rama Mowry

erica's mommy
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
bi (syrus)
Knotted 11 Inch Unyielding Mahogany Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
6/2030 (25)
We all have our favorite things about HNZ. People have been roleplaying on this site for TWELVE years now! That is a cause for celebration. On top of all of the other birthday activities, we encourage everyone to list their top 12 things about HNZ. These can range from characters, biographies, site updates and more! You can do your top 12 things in categories, or you can put various things you absolutely love together in order to make 12. I have not had the time to come up with my top 12s, but that shouldn't stop you guys! Below is the code, and I, personally, look forward to stalking all of your favorite things about HNZ.
[*] [/list]
[li] The site members ♡ Honestly have made some great friends on here, plus means I get to spend more time with my sister since we no longer live together =D</LI>
[li] Lessons
[li] Quidditch Games
[li] Biographies
[li] Love the ability to act on character development (Creative juices like to flow)
[li] Bannnnnners
[li] Variety of characters, including adults outside of Hogwarts and alternative schools
[li] House competitions
[li] Casting spells at foes
[li] Site members ♡
<LI>[li] <COLOR color="darkgoldenrod">H U F F L E P U F F [/li][/ul]
[li] (I second pheebz) The awesome members ❤ !!!</LI>
[li] Devlin& Chyou
[li] My Asian characters invasion
[li] Ooohh goodie goodie gifs& banners
[li] Pureblood bbs
[li] Sybil being a puff cracks me up
[li] Growing up with the members (dude we were still in school back then and now we're working! I can't believe it!!)
[li] Howard
[li] My intestine collector, baby Juno
[li] Plots and BABIESSSS, like lots and lots of babies
[li] Going Katniss on werewolf
<LI>[li] The Sorting Hat going nuts, sorting my devils to different houses
Top 12 favorite characters right now (not my own & in no order)[ul]
[li]Marisol Woods</LI>
[li]Professor Monty Pendleton
[li]Lizzie Taylor
[li]Norton Gillespie
[li]Charlotte Owens
[li]Rome Savage
[li]Felix Warrick
[li]Stefan Archer
[li]Aurora Night
[li]Samuel Phillips
[li]Wyatt Finch
[li]Rudolf Lagowski[/li][/ul]

Top 12 relationships [friends, lovers, and some that just happen in my head]
[ul][li]Stefan & Kate Archer
[li]Professor Monty Pendleton & Ava King
[li]Athena Katsaros & Kiara Tine
[li]Lucien Snow & Avie Mitchell
[li]Archie Renner & Orwell Brocken
[li]Wyatt Finch, Marisol Woods & Asaiah Murphy
[li]Ainsley Lynch & Amber Chou Wilson
[li]James Adams & Esme Lancaster
[li]Jean Snow & Victoire Fontaine
[li]Saveli Matveev & Professor Monty Pendleton
[li]Tholomyes Fontaine & Emma Snow
[li]Clementine Pratt & Anthony Blade whatshisface[/li][/ul]

Top 12 favorite characters that I RP [this is pretty much in order, though some people move around depending on my muse for them]
[ul][li]Sebastian Rossi
[li] Jean Snow
[li] Desislav Zhefarovich
[li] Alana Finch
[li] Professor Cyndi Kingsley
[li] Tobiah Djordjevic
[li] Mason Talarico
[li] :r
[li] Ioan Finch
[li] Athena Zhefarovich
[li] Jeremy Thorne
[li] Preston Paine[/li][/ul]
Honorable mention goes to Professor Josef Wolf. I have a backstory for him in my head. Man, I would’ve loved to RP and develop him.

Top 12 RPs I've been part of (I'm sure there are other favorites that I just can't remember so most of these will be ones I've done in the past few years)
[ul][li]Desi & Thad - their first RP, the rose delivery one, tops the list because it was so spontaneous and ended up being fun and funny.
[li]Bethany & Desi- when she laughs at him during the house meeting after he admits finding out he had a girlfriend over the summer.
[li]Kingsley & Rudolf - the one where she's pregnant and he brings her a card signed by Gryffindors. So sweet!
[li]Sara & Mason- when she admitted to liking him while they were out at a bar. We'd been building to that moment, and it was fun to read and be part of.
[li]Sebastian & Kathryn - the RP where they wake up in Vegas and married is one of my faves.
[li]The Snow quads and friends play truth and dare- Avie streaked around the school. If that doesn't say it all =))
[li]Victoire & Jean - the one where they make waffles
[li]Ioan and the other Scit leaders- It's interesting to see how differently they lead and how they all come together as a group.
[li]Quidditch games- I'm so happy quidditch is back and thriving. Quidditch is so fun!
[li]Alana & Matthew- the one after he found out from RHI that she was engaged. Poor guy.
[li]Alana & Chaos- the one where they exchange Christmas presents
[li]Kingsley & Gryffindor & others - when she puts the whole house on curfew and professors involve themselves in the whole thing.
<LI>[li]Athena & Kiara- their RP in the alternate role-play area where Teigs and I imagine they're actually a super cute couple that's sneaking around the school.[/li][/ul]

I'll be back with more lists!
Alright so here's my top 12 characters owned by other people, and then my top 12 pairings/friendships in no particular order (Not going to mention how long this took me, since there were waaayyy more than 12 that I wanted to list... I'm sorry I couldn't include everyone) I'll probably add more lists later if I have time :D
[ul][li]Orwell Brocken</LI>
[li]Amber Chou Wilson
[li]Lizzie Taylor
[li]Marisol Woods
[li]Asaiah Murphy
[li]Wyatt Finch
[li]Charlotte Owens
[li]Madeline Walden
[li]Professor Monty Pendleton
[li]Jean Snow :glare:
[li]James Cade
[li]Daisy Parker[/li][/ul]

[ul][li]Orwell Brocken x Archie Renner
[li]Desislav Zhefarovich x Kayleigh Hunter
[li]Marisol Woods x Wyatt Finch
[li]Professor Eduardo Orbon x Professor Kennedy Pratt
[li]Madeline Walden x James Cade
[li]Mason Talarico x Sara Moon
[li]Reuben Lagowski x Saveli Matveev
[li]Jean Snow x Archie Renner :glare: :glare:
[li]Amber Chou Wilson x Ainsley Lynch
[li]Evelyn Manning x Lucas Woodlock
[li]Professor Justin Cliffeton x Lily Cliffeton
<LI>[li]Professor Monty Pendleton x Professor Arvo Tuuri[/li][/ul]
My favourite things about HNZ[ul]
[li]My best friends of eight years</LI>
[li]Becoming a better writer
[li]Watching my characters grow
[li]Setting up a new account
[li]Getting inspiration for a new character
[li]Tormenting my characters
[li]Giving my characters love to make up for the torment
[li]Baby plots
[li]The banner makers
<LI>[li]Coding up a stellar bio and then never filling it in[/li][/ul]
Top 12 Update/Other Similar Things: Not in any certain order, just the one I could of them in!
[li]The Default Theme (I loved the old theme and when we were first graced with our default I refused to change. I was used to the old style and thought I preferred it, but I haven't used the old theme in years now!)</LI>
[li]All the emoticons for people who deserved them! They are so cute and funny! :abby: :cyndi: :nick: :kaitlyn: :donna: :liv: :pat: :kait: :emzies: :marga: :claire: :linda: :tony: :jesse: :annaleise: :mintzy: :mia: :mike: :lovi: :maia:
[li] All the different headers that come with the default theme! Like the birthday one that's up now! All the confetti!
[li] Shop system and inventories. Although I've only really used them for students and not adults, I'm hoping we will see some sort of mad wave of our adult charries going shopping and then use the auto shop system to purchase after we've had topics in the
[li] Applications Page! So much easier than filling up the Admin's PM box with messages that aren't as straight forward as the applications are.
[li] Quidditch System! I feel like this has really grown and really grown into something we all enjoy!
[li] Galleon System! moneyyyyyyy!
[li] Gradebook System! This is so cool. Also with the later addition with the class system added on.
[li] Updates to the Graphic Request form! I had to go back all the way to 2010 to see my first request and yes, the automatic just fill in form is much better than we had back then!
[li] Do I need to say how cool the domain name is now? Sometimes I catch myself going for the full as it was in the past back when I first joined the ship and even that still brings me to here, so as far as updates, this one I love.
[li] Account Tracker! No more guessing, unless you want to make people guess who your characters are! xD
<LI>[li] Last: My Personal Updating! I have matured a lot since 2010 and one thing I've noticed with going back and looking at things is how my Biographies for characters has improved a lot, as well as the quality of my posts. I can't wait to see what the next 12 years does for the site. Only better things I hope!
My top 12 ships in no particular order ^_^
[li] Aeon & Brodie (I'm biased :p :wub: )</LI>
[li] Chaos & Alana
[li] Aleyha & Theodore
[li] Arisa & Thomas
[li] Jaken & Estrella
[li] Jean & Victoire
[li] Kate & Stephen
[li] Lyra & Silus
[li] Landon & Lucinda
[li] Esme & Lucien (It happened once in a dream)
[li] Patricia & Misha
<LI>[li] Eduardo & Kennedy [/li][/ul]
I am determined to make top 12s of 12 categories. So, let's see if there are 12 things I can make a top 12 of...
My Characters this year (the ones I have been using a lot of or just made)[ul]
[li]Legion Styx</LI>
[li]Camelia Kyle
[li]Viktor Styx
[li]Elysia Styx
[li]Nalani Baros
[li]Brooklyn Vacarius
[li]Ryuu Arai
[li]Zoe Kataros
[li]Professor Kalif Styx
[li]Havoc Zhefarovich
[li]Hades Styx[/li][/ul]
My Characters overall[ul]
[li]Professor Kalif Styx
[li]Asparuh Zhefarovich III
[li]Hades Styx
[li]Chaos Zhefarovich
[li]Havoc Zhefarovich
[li]Elysia Styx
[li]Hadan Winters (RIP)
[li]Aleyha Snow
[li]Lucien Snow
[li]Videl Zhefarovich
[li]Viktor Styx
[li]Amauri Zhefarovich[/li][/ul]
Other Characters overall[ul]
[li]Katalina Harker
[li]Danielle Zhefarovich
[li]Nicolette Styx
[li]Belladonna Zhefarovich
[li]Thorine Dolohov
[li]Alessio Raven-something
[li]Cyndi Weasley
[li]Lyra Potter
[li]Kyler Norton
[li]Eufemia Cardosi
[li]Zared Katsaros
[li]Emilee Smith [/li][/ul]
My RPs this year (don't expect links)[ul]
[li]Azazel with his children, and Bothizar and Emilee bust in xD
[li]Chaos and Alana, any of theirs, but their wedding
[li]Styx Pool party
[li]Havoc and Alana's rps
[li]Amauri and Monty xD
[li]Azerail meets Dannii again, their rp brings back old memories
[li]Elysia slapping Zared across the face :r
[li]Camelia shoving Octavian into the lake
[li]Zoe, Zenia and Evelyn's rp. I am guilty for loving the three of them clashing
[li]Emmett and Freya's current rp
[li]Kyler manages to snatch Alethia's heart. I was surprised by that one
[li]Hades and Alessio's meeting XD[/li][/ul]
My RPs overall[ul]
[li]War between Snow's and Zhefarovich's
[li]Everything Aleyha and Theodore
[li]Chaos giving Silus antlers
[li]Burn baby Burn
[li]Asparuh's horcrux journey
[li]Thorine drugs Asparuh xD
[li]All Hades and Etoile rps
[li]Lucien and Avie's final rp
[li]Jaken's death
[li]Kingy's death
[li]Asparuh and Danielle's wedding
[li]Arnost's funeral[/li][/ul]
Other RPs this year[ul]
[li]A Violent Noise
[li]Alexander and Victoire's topic that I don't know the name of
[li]Archie and Orwell's rps
[li]The one with all the graduates, mainly Archie and Jean
[li]Clementine and Anthony's sealing their relationship topic, so cute!
[li]Emmett losing his hand
[li]Viviana Nacht's engagement xD
[li]Sonya and Ruben
[li]Alana and Saveli's rp
[li]Kiera and Carter's break up
[li]Charlotte confronting Cairo about Rome
[li]Rome ruining Charlotte's day with another friend xD[/li][/ul]
Other RPs overall[ul]
[li]Thorine's death
[li]Lily and Sumner's miscarriage (I thought it was dynamic)
[li]Jean's death
[li]Trilby and Xavier's love rp
[li]Isabella and Izaak Finch's rp where they become a couple was one of my favorites
[li]Thorine attacking Tristan xD
[li]Luxen's death, featuring Kiera Potter
[li]Kiera and Carter's engagement
[li]Anything Esme and Avie
[li]Avie's rps with everyone
[li]Stefan and Katie's pregnancy announcement (the twins)
[li]Charlotte and James, any of theirs really[/li][/ul]
Ships of mine that sail[ul]
[li]Kalif & Niccy
[li]Chaos & Alana
[li]Asparuh & Danielle
[li]Freya & Emmett
[li]Camelia & Octavian
[li]Ryuu & Troye
[li]Kei & Alexan
[li]Rei & Yuna
[li]Zen & Mari
[li]Videl & Amara
[li]Esme & Vulcan
[li]Nalani & Liam[/li][/ul]
Ships of others[ul]
[li]Marisol & Merrill
[li]Cyndi & Cameron
[li]Kiera & Carter
[li]Alessio & Robin
[li]Clementine & Anthony
[li]Lily & Sumner
[li]Katalina & Chace
[li]Sonya & Ruben
[li]Lyra & Felix
[li]Samuel & Charlotte
[li]Orwell & Archie
[li]Justin & Lily[/li][/ul]
Ships of mine that didn't sail[ul]
[li]Preston & Sergei
[li]Lucien & Avie
[li]Lucien & Esme
[li]Prodan & Cecily
[li]Thorine & Arnost
[li]Thorine & Asparuh
[li]Katsuo (then Ryuu) & Merlina
[li]Kamaria & Linda's hunk that I don't remember
[li]Axel & Avory
[li]Hadan & Raffael
[li]Hadan & Alyssa
[li]Hades & Alyssa[/li][/ul]
Updates overall[ul]
[li]New Headmistress, Katherine
[li]New GMs!
[li]All bi-weekly
[li]Quidditch system overall
[li]Nick coming back
[li]More to come...
[li]. [/li][/ul]
[li]Livvy returning
[li]Linda returning
[li]Z family tree completed (my thing)
[li]More plots and stuff
[li]Jessye possibly returning soon!
[li]Skyping all the time
<LI>[li]All the rps and plots really[/li][/ul]
I thought I would do a list of my top twelve memorable moments I've had here in the six (!) months since I joined. So in the order that I remembered them:
[ul][li]I was way way more worried about the last sorting than I should have been - I didn't have enough faith in Veronica. xD</LI>[li]Daph has since coined it a 'Jean Snow moment,' but it's when you're pretty ambivalent about a character - and then suddenly something :glare: happens and for a night no other character, including your own, matters while you read everything and cry about it.[li]Not only did I get to see the poltergeist in action, I actually got to have Rory participate in a thread with him. Thank you Vex![li]I spent a night re-reading Rory's first threads, and apparently it has been that long since they happened that I got emotional over the fact that for a brief moment she wanted to be proper friends with Odette. xD[li]I never RPed Rory getting her wand, so when it came time to actually use the system to buy them for my new firsties I realised that wow was I a noob - and likely needlessly confused the shop staff with my non-conventional wand descriptions. Sorry guys![li]Veronica brought a cat to school that I've completely forgotten about. How many lost animals are roaming about the place I wonder.[li]Rory never got an official detention for her foray into the forest with Harley in her first year - I was so disappointed. xD[li]Related to that, she actually won the first three house points of the year! Thanks Claire - I laughed, but she was horrified. xD (I just want to RP her in detention already. :r )[li]Everyone who took a chance on RPing with me when I first turned up on the site - thank you so much.[li]Oh my gosh, Rory got spotlighted?? I'm still very, how? why? about this one. I never expected it, but I'm proud she was worthy enough to be chosen.[li]Every time I register a new character on the site. I just get this rush of excitement like, yesss they're alive!<LI>[li]Werewolf. I've only played two games so far but wow my life gets more intense while they're happening. I'm impatiently waiting for the birthday one to begin. :r[/li][/ul]
Aurora Night said:
Veronica brought a cat to school that I've completely forgotten about. How many lost animals are roaming about the place I wonder.
This =))
Omg flattered to be on so many people's lists for various reasons tbh ♥

I wanna do 12 lists of different categories too but we'll see if I can! I'll do them as they come to mind.

Top 12 Characters (Not mine and in no order)
[ul][li]Asaiah Murphy</LI>
[li]Wyatt Finch
[li]Professor Monty Pendleton
[li]Desislav Zhefarovich
[li]Orwell Brocken
[li]Archie Renner
[li]Madeline Walden
[li]Esme Lancaster
[li]Avie Mitchell (RIP :cry: )
[li]Alana Finch
[li]Teagan Maxwell
[li]Merrill Piper[/li][/ul]

Top 12 Ships
[ul][li]Pia x Orwell
[li]Orwell x Archie
[li]Alana x Matthew :r
[li]Silus x Lyra
[li]Wyatt x Amber
[li]Amber x Ainsley
[li]Asaiah x Wyatt
[li]Aeon x Brodie (I still remember them as firsties)
[li]Cairo x Charlotte
[li]Maddie x James
[li]Kyler x Alethia
<LI>[li]Desislav x Kayleigh[/li][/ul]
I didn't mean to turn it into ships-not-involving-my-characters, but it just happened that way. So I may make another list with ships including my characters!

That's it for now but I'll come back with more lists! :D
Top 12 Characters:
[li]James Cade</LI>
[li]Daniel Clairoux
[li]Alana Finch
[li]Norton Gillespie
[li]Lilyanna Hope
[li]Minerva Khulik
[li]Professor Wren Louise
[li]Aurora Night
[li]Daniel Rosemary
[li]Cairo Savage
[li]Elysia Styx
[li]Professor Arvo Tuuri
[li]Madeline Walden[/li][/ul]

Top 12 ships:
[ul][li]Stefan x Kate
[li]Archie x Orwell
[li]Arvo x Monty
[li]Aurora x Odette =))
[li]Justin x Lily
[li]Matthew x Alana :r
[li]Zared Katsaros x Elysia Styx
[li]Cameron x Cyndi
[li]Octavian x Camelia
[li]Calum x Pia
[li]Link x Isabelle
[li]Daniel x Charlotte

Top 12 things about HNZ:
[ul][li]The Community: The community is always my favourite thing about HNZ. Everyone on here is willing to talk to me and, even though I can ask some silly questions sometimes, there is always a helping hand.
[li]Roleplaying: Writing stories has always been my favourite pastime. To be able to do that on a website that not only involves just writing, but also involves Harry Potter is extremely fun. To be able to do it with such nice people too just makes it even better.
[li]Improving my writing: I don't think I would ever have been able to actually find my passion for writing through anything but this site. It has helped me in many ways with school and it's fun too which is only just a bonus xD
[li]Spotlights: Being able to take a look at spotlighted characters and reading through the questionnaire is always enjoyable. I like watching other characters grow and seeing a new spotlighted character each month just makes my heart warm :wub:
[li]Forum games and activities: Activities like werewolf, white elephant, etc. have always been one of my favourite things about this site. It gets everyone involved and it even helps you make new friends.
[li]Being a professor: I've only been a professor for a little while but that doesn't take away the fact that it is so much fun! Being able to read student's roleplays and their reactions towards your lessons are really enjoyable.
[li]Meeting others: Even though I can be really shy, I like meeting new people and talking to everyone on here. I'm always open for a chat and it's always interesting to get to meet others that live in another part of the world.
[li]Making new characters: This is probably the most addictive part of being on the site, but there is a lot of satisfaction in making a new person and being able to develop them through writing.
[li]Sending in applications: Even though this can get a bit tiring, sending in applications is quite fun. Even if the application is denied, it's good to get feedback from the admins and try again next time.
[li]Getting inspiration: This happens quite a lot for me and I love it when it does. It means that I am able to reply quickly to topics that I have and that makes me happy :D
[li]Quidditch: I've seen quidditch being played on other forums but the quidditch system on here has to be the best. The way everything works out keeps a fair game for everyone and I can't thank Nick and whoever else made this system enough for all of the hard work they've put into it.
<LI>[li]Making biographies: As much as some other people hate it, making biographies is actually one of the best things about this site. It keeps all of the information about your character in one place and it's easy to go back to if you need it, whilst also giving other people an easy look at one of your characters.[/li][/ul]

By the way, if you've read all of this I honestly love you so much :wub:
Professor Katherine Alicastell said:
Aurora Night said:
Veronica brought a cat to school that I've completely forgotten about. How many lost animals are roaming about the place I wonder.
This =))
Or, in some cases, lost characters :r
I'm so glad I've joined the site again! Thanks to Steven I guess :D I don't remember anymore when I became active again but I really enjoy being here so thanks for making me feel that way.

My Top 12 Characters:
(No order)

- Professor Kalif Styx
- Amber Chou Wilson
- Madeline Walden
- Rory Fergusson
- Evelyn Manning
- Aurora Night
- Rama Mowry
- Professor Cyndi Kingsley
- Rome Savage
- James Cade
- Professor Monty Pendleton
- Lucas Woodlock

Top 12 Lovecouples/Ships

- Maddie and James
- Evelyn and Lucas
- Therese and Leif
- Jean and Victoire
- Amber and Ainsley
- Aaron and Elizabeth
- Desislav and Kayleigh
- Marisol and Wyatt
- Lyra and Silus
- Daisy and Leo
- Felix and Lydia
- Clementine and Thaddeus

Top 12 Rp's Involving my Characters
- Definitely everything with Zenia Katsaros and Evelyn Manning, it is so much fun of rping this with Donna so thanks!
- All the rp's I got with Evelyn Manning and Lucas Woodlock, they are so cute and very nice to rp with, so hopefully they will someday end up together. Thanks Dan for all the fun rp's!
- Therese Rosenberg and Rory Fergusson. It was so out of the nowhere with the buying wand stuff and I really experianced how I've wanted Therese to be. So thanks Emzies!
- Amber Chou Wilson and Evelyn Manning I really like their friendship and it is always fun to rp this. Thanks Daphne!
- Gabriel Rosenberg and Sophie Wilson Another one with Daphne. This is such a funny combination and they just hate eachother that much without even a good reason.
- Desislav Zhefarovich, Evelyn Manning and Norton Gillespie This was the outcome of Roleplay Roulette and it was so much fun. In that kinda situations the spoiled brat out of Evelyn is good to see and it is fun finding a balance with that.
- Beaubelle and Jerara Another one with Emzies. It is lovely to see how Beaubelle becomes more confident at social area with someone as Jerara. I like them!
- Elizabeth Wespurt and Leonardo Benivieni This is a fun combination. For Elizabeth it is a partner in crime for adventures and do some pranks. I really start to like the two together so thanks Clara!
- Therese Rosenbergand Leif Odegard Together with Marijke my dutch mate this is a start of a nice friendship. The fact they are both from Scandinavian countries makes them bond and it is lovely to rp.
- Therese Rosenberg and Isaac Lee Kendall-Wu This one with Clara is a lovely rp. Two different personalities, but no judging from Therese and by this rp I can really show her personality.
- Evelyn and Professor Misha Haden This makes me think of a teenage teacher love interest. But it is far from that ofcourse haha. It was fun having Misha and Evelyn together since she likes him so much as Professor from her favorite subject.
- Elizabeth and Professor Monty Pendleton It was a very nice idea of Claire to make this rp with those two. For Elizabeth Potions is the coolest class and she is spotted for doing some experiments. Thanks Claire!
Awee :claire: reading this thread fills me with happiness!

I'm not sure whether this gets slightly harder or slightly easier every year (because you can include more of your favourite things and leave less out!!), but here goes!

Top 12 Characters (not mine, no order)
There are so, so many more I wish I could add to this. It's actually painful to choose only 12! [ul][li]~Professor Cyndi Kingsley (she's such a Gryffindor. I love her spirit!)</LI>
[li]Saveli Matveev (how could I not love Sav?!)
[li]James Cade (I've known several guys just like him, which makes him hilaarious to read XD)
[li]Geovanna Volt (I love how she's developed since being sorted into Hufflepuff!)
[li]Avie Mitchell (urrrghh)
[li]Elizabeth Chatwin (all of her roleplays make me laugh XD)
[li]Rama Mowry (it's a special kind of love-hate)
[li]~Professor Kalif Styx (such an awesome character; the school would not be the same without him!)
[li]Amber Chou Wilson (although it's kind of hard to pick a favourite of Daphne's characters...!!)
[li]Marisol Woods (I'll read anything with Marisol in it. I loove her)
[li]Vex (because there has never been a RP that wasn't made better by Vex being in it)[/li][/ul]
Top 12 Ships (no particular order)
[ul][li]James Cade & Rudolf Lagowski
[li]Amber Chou Wilson & Ainsley Lynch
[li]Saveli Matveev & Reuben Lagowski
[li]Orwell Brocken & Archie Renner
[li]Robin Lichester & Alessio Lichester-Raven
[li]James Cade & Madeline Walden
[li]Alana Finch & Matthew Cosgrove
[li]Geovanna Volt & Everybody
[li]Professor Monty Pendleton & Ava King
[li]Gregory Yearling & Keevan White
[li]Madeline Walden & Olivia Havelock
[li]Leah Mustard & Matthew Harper[/li][/ul]
Top 12 Roleplays (this year)
[ul][li]All of the Monty & Saveli roleplays!
[li]Odette's flyer topics (and getting to bust one, heheh)
[li]The one where Rudolf and Phoebe went on a date and he ended up throwing his soda all over her to put out a fire
[li]The Y28 Slytherin Quidditch tryouts...
[li]Amauri and Monty
[li]Ainsley and Amber being adorable
[li]Alessio visiting Monty's house (which I just remembered I need to reply to)
[li]Elt and Oona Tuuri baking Kalif a cake to cheer him up XD
[li]Avie's death and the following RPs :c
[li]Felix punching Gabriel in the face (satisfying)
[li]Kalif's pool party!
[li]Alana and Saveli's RPs[/li][/ul]
Top 12 HNZ Traditions! (no particular order)
[li]The Accio! Yearbook
[li]Hogwarts Monthly
[li]Werewolf games
[li]Character Spotlight
[li]Bi-Weekly Updates
[li]The Quidditch system
[li]The shopping system
[li]Seasonal topics (Yule Ball, Halloween Feast)
[li]Superlatives & birthday celebrations
[li]Anonymous Compliments
<LI>[li]Lessons (and professor comments)![/li][/ul]
I couldn't bother with fancy colouring, but since I fail to count to 12 I made another list. :r *whistles innocently*

My list: In an of course random order

1 Geovanna Volt - I love Geo. She is so innocent and funny.
2 Marisol Woods - We all need some teen wolf.
3 Sophie Wilson - I love her personality.
4 Professor Monty Pendleton - Doesn't need any words. Monty wub wub.
5 Tybalt Archer - I love all the Archers honestly.
6 James Cade - James is just an idiot that is why he is amazing xD
7 Asiash Murphy - Asiash just comes over as the fun guy of a group.
8 Nicolas King - Somehow he always felt god like, so sad he died.
9 Professor Kalif Styx - He is so amazing, I used to be scared of him hahah!
10 Professor Justin Cliffeton - He is just a nice man. His personality is lovely and I just adore him.
11 Professor Landon Carter - another Professor I know! I just love how adorable he is.
12 Merrill Piper - She is just so innocent.

1 Sara Benivieni - This girl is lovely, I hadn't expected Slytherin though =D!
2 The Sorting Hat - Who can't love the little cloth ball. His puns make my day.
3 Alana Finch - I just love the roleplays with the Styx family and her.
4 Hunter Baird - I love the playby and how he is at Quidditch games.
5 Veronica Willows - The character is just so cool. She is smart and such a deep thinker she makes me feel stupid which is good =D
6 Therese Rosenberg - She is just a really sweet girl, I love her personality.
7 Minerva Khulik - Same as the person above =).
8 Jonathan Spencer - He isn't seen as much anymore. But I loved him as the Ravenclaw head. He seemed so wise and a cool guy.
9 Ihiihi - Seriously that ghost is nuts. But yay for bloody ghosts.
10 Kiera Potter - Who can't remember getting their wands and getting all excited in real life. =P Seriously so good memories of my first HNZ wand thx.
11 Harley Tsuji - Rowan I love a lot of your characters, but Harley seems like such a rebel girl. That makes me love her the most.
12 All magicial creatures - Centaurs and Mermaids mostly. Look at Triton enough said x'D.
Alright I'm going to give this a go :D

Favorite characters (not my own and in no order)

[li]Ainsley Lynch</LI>
[li]Elizabeth Chatwin
[li]Aurora Night
[li]Rory Fergusson
[li]Evelyn Manning
[li]Professor Monty Pendleton
[li]Wyatt Finch
[li]Flavio Morales
[li]Marisol Woods
[li]Leila Walden
[li]Jessica Cade
[li]Geovanna Volt[/li][/ul]

Relationships, romantic(x) and friendly (&)
[li]Orwell Brocken x Archie Renner
[li]Wyatt Finch, Marisol Woods & Asaiah Murphy
[li]Ainsley Lynch x/& Amber Chou Wilson (I can add my own sshh)
[li]Saveli Matveev & Professor Monty Pendleton
[li]Evelyn Manning x Lucas Woodlock
[li]Veronica Willows & Phoebe Holland
[li]Madeline Walden x James Cade
[li]Tristan Collins x/& Vivian Brackenstall
[li]Rose Holland, Aurora Night & Harley Tsuji
[li]Hayley Elridge & Harley Tsuji
[li]Desislav Zhefarovich x Kayleigh Hunter
[li]Rudolf Lagowski & James Cade[/li][/ul]

Top 12 enemies, cause they're the most funt to rp (Most of these are my own characters because I make a lot of enemies apparently)
[li]Amber Wilson and Lizzie Taylor
[li]James Cade and Ezra Cade
[li]Sophie Wilson and Gabriel Rosenberg
[li]Rudolf Lagowski and Matthew Harper (just wait)
[li]Evelyn Manning and Zenia Katsaros
[li]Odette Harper and Harley Tsuji
[li]Tristan Collins and Rory Fergusson
[li]Odette Harper and Aurora Night
[li]Tristan Collins and Margo Ellis
[li]Amber Wilson and Rory Fergusson
[li]Phoebe Holland and Tomas Wode
[li]Madeline Walden and Lyra Potter[/li][/ul]

Top 12 things I love about this site

[li]The chance to improve my writing
[li]The emoticons :woot: :shifty: :cool: :tut:
[li]The Antiquated Lavatory
[li]Restrictions on Pureblood characters & applications for special powers (so they don't overrun the forum)
[li]HNZ birthday (so far)!!
[li]Playing werewolf
[li]The community!!!
[li]The frenzy at each sorting with me frantically stalking the Sorting Hat
[li]Mate, Date or Slate & Perfect Match
[li]Making new characters (I like this a little too much)
[li]The diversity of the characters on this site
[li]Claire pointing out to me that I didn't add 12 things to this list before adding this :correct:

Top 12 RPs involving my own characters before y28
[li]Easy Prey - I really liked this RP because it actually made me fear a little for Tristan xD and it was his first real exposure to prejudice, which will shape his character a lot.
[li]How Exciting! - Amber and Ainsley's first yuleball :wub: it's too adorable.
[li]Well, We Tried - Rose and Rory are just a lot of fun to RP, even if they are bad at doing their homework.
[li]Unfriendly Warning, Part II - I don't think I'll ever have another first year that causes more trouble in her first weeks than Odette did.
[li]Solitude interrupted - I really liked to see how Vivian and Tristan got along, I really like their relationship.
[li]What is Your Problem? - The start of the epic dislike between Rory Fergusson and Amber, and it's still going strong :r
[li]To Have Some Impact - Rory and Odette in the good old days, when a friendship still seemed possible
[li]An Unhelpful Guide - I really enjoyed writing Tristan and Jerara and to write from the perspective of a muggle born coming to Hogwarts for the first time.
[li]A Real Accomplishment - Amber and Elt were so funny to RP together xD I love the misunderstanding they had.
[li]Sisterly Indifference - My first time writing Sophie and her grumpy self. :wub:
[li]Not So Composed - A rare vulnerable moment for Odette, this was a lot of fun to write.
[li]Swoosh splat - I just love the (less and less) rare occasions where I get to write Amber angry.

Top 12 RPs involving my own characters this IC year:
[ul][li]Get It Over With - I have never had more fun buying a wand.
[li]Untroubled Trouble - It's both fun to RP the student sneaking out as night as it is to RP the professor catching them, who knew :r
[li]Nature vs Nurture - It's very important to me that mean characters have underlying reasons for being the way they are, especially young people. This was my attempt to show some of those reasons for Odette.
[li]Let's go To Hogwarts! - Sophie and Gabriel crack me up no matter what, and poor Marcos was caught in the crossfire.
[li]Three's a Crowd - I guess I really like train topics when they involve someone not liking someone else. :r
[li]The Terrifying Kind of Fairytale - Playing up Odette's charming side is always fun.
[li]Friends First - I love Amber and Flavio together so much!
[li]The Past is in the Past - This thread makes signing up for the tutor program all worth it.
[li]Issues - Amber and Wyatt are cute :wub:
[li]Confirmation Bias - My army of Rory hating Hufflepuffs grows.
[li]Birth of the IC - It's always fun to get a group of very different characters together like this.
[li]Great Thinkers - I really liked to see the different Ravenclaw First Years interact with each other.

Top 12 RPs not involving my characters:
(No links this time cause I'm tired, these are pretty much just what pops into my head,which is why most of them are fairly recent.)
[li]Rory Night and Corrine Lagos going to the kitchens and finding Vex and Podry
[li]James and Maddie with their tension and obliviousness to each other
[li]Professor Monty Pendleton offering everyone advice :wub:
[li]Anything with Archie and Orwell
[li]The topic where Elt and Oona make a cake for Professor Styx :p
[li]Rory Night and Hayley Elridge on their kitchen mission
[li]Rudolf and James taking bets on the sorting
[li]Saveli and Monty :wub:
[li]The cupcake prank with Finn Urie and Desislav Zhefarovich is hilarious
[li]The food fight that started at the Slytherin table a few weeks ago
[li]I loved the topic with Gilly Gillespie and Gideon Zelinsky
<LI>[li]Alana and Chaos are really growing on me[/li][/ul]

I underestimated how much work this was, I'm going to lie down now x_x
Omgg where to start xD Cheers to 12 years of awesomeness! :wub:
@Jaime I'll get to replying to those topics soon! The one with Isaac is tons of fun :p
@Tamara tbh neither did I, but apparently the Sorting Hat can see some of Sara's future hidden personality traits :r

Top 12 Characters (random order & not mine):
[ul][li]Marisol Woods - you just have to love her</LI>
[li]Asaiah Murphy - anything with him, Marisol or Wyatt is so much fun to read, especially since I always expect some sort of mischief or drama
[li]Charlotte Owens - she is a strong character and I love how well-developed she has become!
[li]James Cade - like Claire mentioned, I also know of guys similar to him and reading any RPs involving him is fantastic (yes even the ones I have with him :p )
[li]Vex - ghost chaos is harmless chaos
[li]Madeline Walden - Amy's first real friend!
[li]Professor Kalif Styx - the dungeons aren't as dark and cold as this man which is what makes RPs with him that much more enjoyable
[li]Therese Rosenberg - she is just so adorable
[li]Alana Finch - hot-tempered HG. That should say it all. More drama! :party:
[li]Lennon Cohen-Knight - I have to admit he is starting to grow on me
[li]Desislav Zhefarovich - he's so unlike his family members it's exciting :p
[li]Rome Savage - there's always something going on in the poor girl's life

My Top 12 Ships (random order):
[ul][li]Madeline Walden & James Cade
[li]Jean Snow & Avie Mitchell/Avie Mitchell & his rocks obsession
[li]Tholomyes Fontaine & Lilyanna Hope
[li]Charlotte Owens & Daniel Rosemary
[li]Leah Mustard & Matthew Harper (how could I not?)
[li]Marisol Woods, Wyatt Finch & Asaiah Murphy
[li]Alana Finch & Chaos Zhefarovich
[li]Desislav Zhefarovich & Kayleigh Hunter
[li]Zared Katsaros & Elysia Styx
[li]Orwell Brocken & Archie Renner
[li]Isabelle Marie & Olivia Havelock
[li]Charlotte Owens & Madeline Walden[/li][/ul]

Top 12 Families:
[li]Rosemary (definitely not biased)

Top 12 General Plots:
There are too many to count but right now these are the ones I have thought of.
[ul][li]Odette Harper & any enemies she's made xD
[li]Alessio & Leo Benivieni with Firmiana Atkins and Daisy Parker
[li]Marisol RPs
[li]Zara & Lennon Cohen-Knight's Quidditch protests
[li]Diane Winters and the school paper
[li]James & Ezra Cade plots
[li]Leo Benivieni & Elizabeth Wespurt
[li]Sophie Wilson & Gabriel Rosenberg
[li]Therese Rosenberg & Isaac Lee Kendall-Wu
[li]open topic of Kimmy Kendall-Wu and her siblings with a food fight in the middle of their arguing
[li]Roleplay Roulette between Amber Chou Wilson, Alana Finch, Jessica Matthews etc (fun to read)
[li]Professor Monty Pendleton topics, those are a must read

Top 12 things on HNZ:
[ul][li]The people!
[li]Creating/developing characters
[li]Roleplaying & plotting
[li]Participation at Hogwarts/classes that I barely post in!
[li]The fact that one can interact with others both IC and OOC :)
[li]The Account Tracker/Multi-Login option. You can't even begin to guess how useful that's been for me lately.
[li]I love the site because it's stress-free (if you exclude all the drama our characters experience).
[li]The celebrations like this one, after 12 years of existence :party:
[li]Addiction to characters that aren't even mine
<LI>[li]RHI and Hogwarts Monthly because for some reason it always upsets people.

I'll edit tomorrow because I don't have time now, will add more!
Scratch that :)

And although this took me a while it was worth it :lol: But I may have more lists coming soon if I think of some.
Top 12 Favourite Characters (Not mine)[ul]
[li]Madeline Walden</LI>
[li]Professor Montgomery Pendleton
[li]Lydia Archer
[li]Rudolf Lagowski
[li]Alana Finch
[li]Viviana Nacht
[li]Marisol Woods
[li]Professor Sloane Stark
[li]Amy Rosemary
[li]Leila Walden
[li]Evelyn Manning
[li]Geovanna Volt
[li]Amber Chou Wilson[/li][/ul]

Top 12 Ships (No order)[ul]
[li]Saveli Matveev and Reuben Lagowski
[li]Alana Finch and Matthew Cosgrove
[li]Axel Warrick and Viviana Nacht
[li]Rudolf Lagowski and Phoebe Caldwell
[li]Shane Ryan and Keeva Fitzgerald
[li]Jessica Cade and Leila Walden
[li]James Cade and Madeline Walden
[li]Amber Chou Wilson and Ainsley Lynch
[li]Saveli Matveev and Professor Montgomery Pendleton
[li]Madeline Walden and Olivia Havelock
[li]Olivia Havelock and Isabelle Marie
<LI>[li]Charlotte Owens and Madeline Walden[/li][/ul]
Top 12 Favourite Characters:
[li] James Cade</LI>
[li] Charlotte Owens
[li] Amy Rosemary
[li] Cairo Savage
[li] Geovanna Volt
[li] Rose Holland
[li] Marisol Woods
[li] Rudolf AND Reuben Lagowski :p
[li] Jessica Cade
[li] Elizabeth Wespurt
[li] Professor Monty Pendleton
[li] Fawn Barrow

Top 12 Fave Ships (mine)
[li] Madeline Walden and James Cade
[li] Madeline Walden and Aion Zephyr
[li] Madeline Walden and Olivia Havelock
[li] Leila Walden and Ulrich Snyder
[li] Aaron Walden and Elizabeth Wespurt
[li] Leila Walden and Jessica Cade
[li] Madeline Walden and Charlotte Owens
[li] Madeline Walden and Felix Warrick
[li] Rufus Villiers and Autumn Branning
[li] Rufus Villiers and Sofia Rosenberg
[li] Bryony Woods and Liam Adams
[li] Archie Villiers and Fawn Barrow

Top 12 Fave Ships (not mine)
[li] James Cade and Rudolf Lagowski
[li] Olivia Havelock and Isabelle Marie
[li] Lyra Potter and Felix Urie
[li] Charlotte Owens and Cairo Savage
[li] Charlotte Owens and Daniel Rosemary
[li] James Cade and Amy Rosemary
[li] Phoebe Holland and Veronica Willows
[li] Jessica Cade and Geovanna Volt
[li] Professor Monty Pendleton and Professor Jonathan Phillips
[li] Marisol Woods and Octavian Vetrov
[li] Lyra Potter and Silus Hollister
[li] Rose Holland and Autumn Branning

Top 12 Families:
[li] The Cade's
[li] The Walden's
[li] The Rosemary's
[li] The Lagowski's
[li] The Wilson's
[li] The Holland's
[li] The Morales'
[li] The Zhefarovich's
[li] The Styx's
[li] The Fontaine's
[li] The Harper's
[li] The Woodlock's

Top 12 Things About HNZ:
[li] The Community
[li] The Plots!
[li] Roleplaying
[li] Character Development
[li] Spotlight!
[li] Forum Games
[li] Sorting! :Woot:
[li] Classes
[li] Updates
[li] Bios
[li] Shouty
<LI>[li] New Characters!
None of this is in order! But this took me ages to do!

1. Clementine Pratt x Thaddeus Miller
2. Jessica Park x Asaiah Murphy
3. Pia Morales x Mireya Sepulveda (I ship it for some reason. They had exactly zero interactions but I want it.)
4. Justin Cliffeton x Lily Fossil
5. Jonty!1!!!
6. Madeline Walden x James Cade
7. Sianna Djofodjlfjd (sp?) x Lennon Cohen-Knight
8. Mason Talarico x Sara Moon (He should take her last name.)
9. Jean Snow x Archie Renner :(
10. Bonnie Ferguson x Jonathon Phillips
11. Kyle Alcott x Matt Ward
12. Stefan x Kate

My Ships:
1. Wyatt Finch x Amber Chou Wilson (it's cute even if it's not endgame.)
2. Zara Cohen-Knight x Darcy Pratt
3. Prof. Eduardo Orbon x Prof. Kennedy Pratt
4. Kylie Ortiz x Benito Orbon (their plots are gonna be fun af fam)
5. Rina Moore x Marcel Haynes
6. Lux Hamilton x Ferdinand Oakley
7. Wyatt x Marisol
8. Sanne x Zachary Evans

I couldn't think of others lol

1. WAM - I love that we never planned their friendship. It just happened organically!
2. Madeline Walden x Charlotte Owens
3. Kylie Ortiz x Archie Renner x Pia Morales x Orwell Brocken
4. Noelle Seung x Marisol Woods
5. Misha Haden x Kalif Styx = The real BroTP lbr
6. Desislav Zchefarovich x Thaddeus Miller!!!!!!!
7. Tesla Wilde x Asaiah Murphy
8. Amber Chou Wilson x Flavio Morales
9. HuffleSquad
10. Xavier x Zara
11. Bethany Zanders x Desislav Zchefarovich
12. Archie x Orwell

1. Amber Chou Wilson
2. Rome Savage
3. Desislav Zchefarovich
4. Asaiah Murphy
5. Monty Prindleton ; )
6. Isabelle Marie
7. Riley Sparkles - her sparkly hair lit up my life. RIP
8. Teagan Maxwell
9. Lilyanna Hope
10. Orwell Brocken
11. Alana Finch
12. Freya Odegard (sp?)

My Characters:
1. Wyatt Finch
2. Tesla Wilde
3. Kylie Ortiz
4. Niamh MacPharlain - Wish I got to RP her more.
5. Zara Cohen-Knight
6. Lux Hamilton
7. Eduardo Orbon
8. Rina Moore
9. Valentina Morales
10. Margaux Martin
11. Camila Woods
12. Nina - Gotta throw her in there because she was my first ever HNZ character and a Triwizard champ.
Professor Monty Pendleton said:
[ul][li]Alessio visiting Monty's house (which I just remembered I need to reply to)[/li][/ul]
Can't help but notice there's no reply, still, my tea-sipping friend. :r
This was a bit of a struggle, but whilst I had 2.5 billion other things that need doing, I thought I'd waste my time on this, instead. I skirted through a couple categories I've done in the past, because I'm not dedicated enough to find my favourite rps. :lol: ^_^
Top Emoticons
[li] :x
[li] :cyndi:
[li] :tut:
[li] :shifty: [/li][/ul]
Top Charries (Mine)
[ul][li]Samual Kaster
[li]Alessio Lichester-Raven
[li]Hamish Kaster
[li]Daniel Clairoux
[li]Professor Arvo Tuuri
[li]Carlotta Raven
[li]Constance Sparkles
[li]Wilfred Lichester-Raven
[li]Austiin Hayes
[li]Hikari Hitachiin
[li]Grace Raven
[li]Venn Asiah Boneheart[/li][/ul]
Top Characters (Other)
[ul][li]Robin Lichester-Raven
[li]Professor Monty Pendleton
[li]Saveli Matveev
[li]Annalie Darkhart
[li]Stefan Archer
[li]Sara Moon
[li]Alana Finch
[li]Esme Lancaster
[li]Charlotte Owens
[li]Professor Wren Louise
[li]Aurora Night
[li]Corrine Lagos
[li]Lilyanna Hope[/li][/ul]
Top Couples/Friendships (Mine)
[ul][li]Professor Arvo Tuuri & Professor Monty Pendleton
[li]Alessio Lichester-Raven & Robin Lichester-Raven
[li]Braxton Sparkles & Constance Sparkles
[li]Archibald Wilkes & Callum Copperworth
[li]Gabrian Raven & Danielle Raven
[li]Asya Vetrova & Virgil Zhefarovich
[li]Daniel Clairoux & Lilyanna Hope
[li]Carlotta Raven & Saul Forrester
[li]Vex & Podrey
[li]Professor Arvo Tuuri & Professor Wren Louise
[li]Desideratus Lesley & Soren Sedridor
[li]Oona Tuuri & Elt
[li]Cirino Raven & Abbigale Raven[/li][/ul]
Top Couples/Friendships (Other)
[ul][li]Ava King & Professor Monty Pendleton
[li]Keevan White & Gregory Yearling
[li]Scarlet Vittori & Jakobe Vittori
[li]Professor Kalif Styx & Nicolette Styx
[li]Stefan Archer & Kate Moon-Archer
[li]Sara Moon & Mason Talarico
[li]Alana Finch & Mathew Cosgrove
[li]Esme Lancaster & Lucian Snow
[li]Charlotte Owens & James Cade
[li]Aspara Tsvetkov & Professor Wren Louise
[li]Amber Chou Wilson & Ainsley Lynch
[li]Corrine Lagos & Aurora Night
[li]Tholomyes Fontaine & Lilyanna Hope[/li][/ul]
[ul][li]Professor Monty Pendleton & Professor Arvo Tuuri
[li]Callum Copperworth & Alessio Vittori
[li]Abbigale Raven & Liam Nightray
[li]Vex & Ava King
[li]Bob Masters & Hamish Kaster
[li]Asya Vetrova & Esme Lancaster
[li]Alessio Lichester-Raven and Hades Styx
[li]Professor Katherine Alicastell & Professor Wren Louise
[li]Professor Aeon Summers & Orwell Brocken
[li]Mason Talarico & Braxton Sparkles
[li]Braxton Sparkles & Professor Monty Pendleton
[li]Liam Nightray & Jeremiah Raven[/li][/ul]
Top Updates
[ul][li]THIS BEING ADDED AS A COLOUR! I'm still ridiculously happy about this. There are probably vastly more important changes, but I don't care. This is my favourite, and beats all the others by a mile. :wub:
[li]Quidditch System.
[li]Application Tracker.
[li]The URL change. c:
[li]Multi Login.
[li]Account Tracker.
[li]Wand Chooses Wizard.
[li]Shopping system as a whole.
[li]Gradebook Automatic Assign Grade. Thanks for pointing this out to me, Cyndi. :r
[li]Graphics Request Form.
[li]RS button. My eyes are freeeeee.
[li]Like button. [/li][/ul]
Top Favourite Things About HNZed
[ul][li]Becoming a better writer.
[li]Researching and developing backstories, family histories, and all the intricate details that makes every character unique.
[li]Anonymous Compliments.
[li]Making friends.
[li]Making banners.
[li]Meeting up with friends!
[li]Learning something new, and sharing knowledge with others.
[li]Clicking the links to KR's bios, knowing damn well they're not filled in, but hoping that this time will be different, dammit!
[li] Watching Jesse get excited about all new competitions.
[li] PMing admin when I'm excited about new things.
[li] Secret Santa!
<LI>[li] Quick-firing. [/li][/ul]
Alright, i'm gonna keep this simple xD

Top 12 HNZ Characters/Pairings/Plots
[ol][li] Archie Renner, i love him so much, I've enjoy his character arc and Rping with him consistently over that time</LI>
[li] Samuel Philips, just so perfect, him and Char will be the most organised couple ever and I can't wait for it. All of our pairings are awesome. :wub:
[li] Ouchie, literally my life is ouchie, my love for them is never going to stop growing, and I am constantly thankful for it. :claire:
[li] Kater Moon-Archer and all the plots I've had the pleasure being a part of with her, I am so happy that Stefan ended up with her, and they are on their way to having a beautiful family. :wub:
[li] The friendship between Avie, Esme and Lucien, the quidditch dream team/best slytherin friends/perfect, it was always a pleasure to RP with those two
[li] Victoire and Jean was ridiculously fun to RP, developing their relationship and having them grow as individuals and then be together, even if they ended up breaking up horribly and RIP Jean, I'm so glad that we RPed them
[li] RPing Rory with Daphne's Hufflepuffs who all inevitably hate him xD I love having Rory just being 100% unlikeable and unrelenting in his dislike for Hufflepuffs
[li] Chaos and Alana :wub: Watching their relationship develop is amazing, I have to admit I was skeptical at first, but watching them grow has been an amazing journey.
[li] Lily and Justin, I'm really happy/grateful Zach gave me the opportunity to really grow Lily, and really to all the pairings we have, they are such fun, and we should have more. ^_^
[li] Zared and Elysia gives me life currently, I love their dynamic, and Kaitlyn plays Elysia so perfectly (as she does with everything), I'm looking forward to all our upcoming plots
[li] Avie's death, while sad, I really enjoyed it xD I loved RPing it, I loved the conclusion the character got, I do sometimes regret it a little, but I know it was the right choice and the reactions were so worth it
<LI>[li] Wren Louise, I love his character so much, his friendliness, and the way he teaches divination to me is just perfect. I love RPing with him, (and I'll add an extra, one here, because I am loving the Norton and Gilly twinship and RPing Norton is such a pleasure)

Honourable Mention: [ul][li] Writing Horoscopes for the monthly, because at some point if all other career paths fail, I have a few years of experience writing really oddly specific horoscopes[/li][/ul]
I've been struggling over what to write, because I'm really shy and almost never read other people's threads (I know this makes absolutely no sense, but I always feel like I'm snooping on something private I shouldn't be looking at :lol: ) and if I tried to make a top 12 characters it'd pretty much just be ones my characters are friends with haha so uuuh I'm just going to do my top 12 threads I've been in since coming back to the site last year...

[ul][li]Something Precious - I love every Ambsley interaction, but this was one I had been thinking about for a while before we got to it, and I love how sweet it turned out!</LI>
[li]Lost in thought... - I adore Lizzie, and writing her getting to know herself and struggling with her identity and self-confidence has been loads of fun. I really liked getting to RP her with a supportive mentor, and Archie was super super helpful for her getting her confidence back on track.
[li]Unfriendly Warning, part II - This entire plot has been the MOST FUN, enough said.
[li]Family Reunion - Playing two families each hiding the same secret from each other was a LOT OF FUN haha
[li]Sketches - I love RPing with Jasmine, and I love the H-leys dynamic right from the word go!
[li]Forbidden is my middle name... - I also love Harley and Rory's dynamic, and their first adventure together was such a classic.
[li]Expressive - Ainsley's grown so much since first year, and it's so much fun to see. Her tiny beginnings of a crush on Amber are exciting to write!
[li]The Terrifying Kind of Fairytale - As much as it's a pain to write Lourdes's flowery way of speaking, it's fun to play someone a bit more manipulative & mean after so many nice characters.
[li]Thinking Outrageously, I Write In Cursive - This thread's still pretty new, but I love Tristan & Vivian's evolving friendship, as Tristan is changing.
[li]Finally Honest - I still love Kyle, and as tough as it was, writing out hard conversations between people in relationships is weirdly satisfying... (also OH NO I haven't replied for a month what am I doing)
[li]Not So Fearless After All - Another recent one, but I really really love getting to write Harley's softer side...
<LI>[li]After the warning - Harley has never really had adults in her life who she felt like she could trust, and Cyndi being so supportive was a big character turning point for Harley I think. She still isn't fond of adults, but she doesn't feel like they're all necessarily out to get her anymore.

Honourable mention to Double Dares and Other Shenanigans which I'm not technically in, but I wrote the list for, and is one of the most fun things I've ever read :wub:

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