Nicolas King

"I am the hero who eats the lesser man..."
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Curly Oak/Wenge 16" Essence of Feng-huang Tail Feather
Here's what you need to know around when you needed to know it. :r
A New School Year Begins!
Lessons have begun at HNZ! If you haven't yet, you should enrol in courses from the Gradebook.
As a friendly OOC reminder: Lessons should be fun and are optional. Your character passes even if you never roleplay attending a lesson. If lessons are causing you frustration, take a break!

New People!
We've got a couple of new professors:
Professor Abigail Cade, roleplayed by Dan, will be taking on Transfiguration 1-4
Professor Hiro Aoki, roleplayed by Charlie, is stepping into the role of Muggle Studies 3-4

And with a new school year always comes new prefects!
Ivy Ashworth
Harper Alston
Jordan Harris
Ana Sofia Burleigh
Valencia Addington
Eoin Armati
Lucie Vernier
Natalia Novak

And, finally, our newest head students are:
Leia Hume & Lucas Fletcher

Hiring: Shopkeepers!
Always dreamed of owning a shop? Now's your chance! Applications are up for two shops over here:

Debate Host Needed
The second Minister for Magic debate is on education. and we need somebody to host the debate. If you have a character that would be great for this role, you should send a PM to Cyndi and Emzies with the character you'd like to put forward as well as a small paragraph explaining why their character is suited to leading a debate on education. Applications will be open until 4/13 at the latest.

If you have questions around education you can also feel free to PM Cyndi and Emzies, and those questions may be included in the upcoming debate.

Holiday areas are closed!
Sorry, folks - but we trust you'll soon start counting down the days until the first Brightstone weekend!

Quidditch Try-outs!
Whether you're cheating scum or just on the pitch to advertise some firebolts, try outs are open for HNZ's Y41 Quidditch teams!
Join the tryouts on the Quidditch Pitch!

Convert HNZ time to local time!
It can be hard to keep track of the ebb and flow of events on site: but now our site calendar is up to date, so you can see when those exams will be happening!

Character Spotlight
This was no April Fool's joke, Mika's character Freya Song is seriously impressive and worth paying some attention to this month! If you haven't yet, head on over here to congratulate Mika and ask any questions you have about developing characters or about Freya specifically!

HNZ: Not a place for hate
We hope you've had an opportunity to take note of our statement regarding transphobia, especially in light of comments made by J.K. Rowling. An important reminder that hateful and offensive comments have been and will continue to be removed from the board, and you're encouraged to report offending content.

Applications are open again!
If you've got a transfer student from America who already knows A LOT more magic than any 7th year and is Harry Potter's half-sister, Voldemort's niece, Sirius' cousin, Snape's daughter, and Lupin's great-grandmother due to an amusing mixup involving timetravel then you probably have a few applications to submit! Now's your chance!

  • Sorting stats!
  • A birthday party?!
  • Another Minister for Magic debate!
  • Gryffindor reclaiming their rightful place with the house cup!

That's all from me!

Catch ya on the flippity flop!

(On behalf of the HNZ Site Staff)
Applications are open again!
If you've got a transfer student from America who already knows A LOT more magic than any 7th year and is Harry Potter's half-sister, Voldemort's niece, Sirius' cousin, Snape's daughter, and Lupin's great-grandmother due to an amusing mixup involving timetravel then you probably have a few applications to submit! Now's your chance!
This made me proper cackle

Thanks for the update Nick!
Thanks for the updates, Nick! Rāwhiti may or may not be at Quidditch to advertise Firebolts I confirm nothing :r
Thanks for the update, Nick! Sparklypoo 4eva!

It's time for some new news, so we're archiving this to get it out of the way.

Please make sure to check out the news and updates section for the most up to date site news. If you have any questions about this piece of news, please reach out to an administrator.

~The HNZ Site Staff

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