Students and Scits

Lysander Summers

Expelled • Legilimens • The One To Blame
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 11 ½ Inch Sturdy Maple Wand with Ashwinder Dust Core
June 20 2038 (24)
If you're reading this PD, then I want to RP with YOU. Yes, you. Have we never ever spoken before? Well now we are. Right now. I'm speaking to you, and you're listening, and you could even respond, and that's a conversation. Right here, in this topic. You and me.

You might even be new(ish) and thought, hey. That's the headmistress person. That's pretty scary and initimdating! Well I'm not. I'm very nice. Some people have even said so :p

But no for real I'm boots the house down for some roleplays with everyone ever. You could literally PM me at any time and I'd bel ike ok werk let's do it. Or you could reply HERE and offer some people to do some things. Let's get our make believe wizards doing make believe stuff together in our make believe world where nothing has to be serious 👏

Ok so without further ado friends, here are my people. I have MORE. I have a hag that could literally eat your kids. I have a werewolf that could literally eat anyone. I have a talking painting. I have a scary headmistress. But I just wrote like a couple of these and saw alliteration so I decided I didn't want to write more so just look at my tracker if you're not sated by these tasty offers.


Lysander Summers
King of Flowers • Gryffindor Captain • Prefect • 6th Year • Hippogryff Scout​

Voted "Most Likely To Be Eaten By The Eel" because he very much is. He's a bit lot stupid-brave in that aspect, and he spends a lot of time embarking on outdoor or underwater adventures. You'll almost always find him either in the gardens or at the lake. Like, he's literally always in those spots, so if your kids are around there too they're bound to see a lot of him. Outdoor activities are his jam, whether it be gardening, flying, looking for lake creatures or feeding wild animals. He's also got big ideas about being soem famous hero you'll find on a chocolate frog card someday, so he's down to get into crazy adventures that may or may not turn out well.

He's a busy boy - he captains the Quidditch team, is the reigning King of Flowers for the Wild Patch, and a member of the Brotherhood and the SDA (edit: oh heck now hes a prefect too watch out). Outside of Hogwarts he's joined up with that Phoenix Scouts group, so if you have a character in it, or any of those other clubs, great! We can do extracurricular things (because these clubs also exist outside of meetings and events would you even believe it). He's all for extracurriculars because he needs to be doing things constantly, and gets bored too easily if not.

Lysander's a big lover of animals - it's his thing. His owl tends to be nearby, either on his shoulder or flying around, more often than not. He works with them, his house is full of them, and a quarter of his family can literally transform into dogs. He wholly expected to become an animagus himself, since his father is, so it just made sense, you know? Only, he lowkey isn't the best at Transfiguration when it comes to practice, so that's been a flop and he's bummed about it because its kind of shattered this vision he's had ever since he was a small child. Instead he's turned his sights to legilimency, with his main motivator of trying to understand the minds of the animals he surrounds himself with. He is, however, becoming more and more self-conscious about what people really think of him, and that may play into his learning and how he interacts with people.​

Looking For:
  • Friends - Old and new. He hasn't really hung out with as many people outside of events because I've just been neglectful. Also down for him to be a mentor figure to any younger students.​
  • Enemies/Rivals - There's a lot of reasons to dislike Lysander, and he's finding out that a lot of other people kind of suck, too. He used to be very naive about negative personality traits, but now he's noticing it more.​
  • Dates - I rarely roleplay romance and I'm not the best at it ahaha, but I'm open to it.​

Nathan Clarke
Muggle-born • Love/Hate Relationship With Magic • 3rd Year • Entitled​
Nate's been having a hard time with Hogwarts, but it's mostly his own fault. He's a very technology-reliant, spoiled kid who has an easier time making friends behind a screen than he does in person. He's literally a kid who was given an iPad at three years old and expected to entertain himself. While he appreciates and loves magic because its fantastical and convenient, he struggles with navigating wizarding culture, and tends to be too proud to admit when he's in the wrong. All of his interests are muggle-centric, and it can be hard for him to make references to things that other people can understand. He started Hogwarts off on the wrong foot, and still hasn't quite managed to land both feet yet. He's in a very "me vs everyone else" mentality at the moment, where he assumes everyone dislikes him so he's got to dislike them first. He snapped his own wand in first-year to prove a point, and had to repair the damage with spellotape, but it's never quite recovered so his spells tend to fail or lack power behind them, which has made him more frustrated with magic since he can't quite do all the cool things everyone else can.​

Looking For:
  • Friends - He's got literally none because he's kind of a jerk, but that's more of a defense mechanism. He wants friends, he just doesn't know how to to shut people out.
  • Enemies/Rivals - This is easy, he'll argue with anyone about anything, especially if he thinks he's right. His wand being on the fritz makes him an easy target for bullying, since its tough for him to fight back.

Avery Lancaster
Rock Collector • Hydrophobe • Reserved • Superstitious • 1st Year
Avery "Avie" Lancaster is my Fresh New First Year hitting the streets. He's a quirt kid, not so much shy as he's more just not used to being social with other kids. He's grown up quite alone, and being in a huge ass castle is a very big change that he's adjusting to, so he's a bit behind in understanding people and how to socialise or empathise. His father drowned in the lake and his mother and step-father have kind of instilled a fear of bodies of water in him because of that. Like, they don't even own a bathtub level of fear. His mother is also a seer, and so he's grown up in a very divination-heavy household, where everything has meaning and symbolism, and fate is lurking around every corner ready to tragically mess up your whole day. Does that smudge at the bottom of your teacup kind of look like a dog? Well you're probs gonna die and Avies gonna tell you all about it. Did you and your twelve friends sit together for lunch? Well, the first to rise is the first to die, and he's gonna tell you all about it. He's also big on collecting rocks, particularly fossils and gemstones, and he enjoys etching runes into his favourite ones in his collection.

Sadly, Avie grew up in a bit of a blood supremacist household. His parents are purebloods, and though they technically have no idea what his real fathers blood status is, they just pretend he's one, too. Thankfully he's never actually met a muggle in his entire life, so they're a bit more of a curiosity than anything he outwardly has contempt for so I'm down for seeing how he'll interact with muggle-borns and how he'll form opinions of them.​

Looking For:
  • Friends, people who can handle or balance out a quieter kid, or anyone in general
  • Enemies, rivals, just any kind of conflict
  • Muggle-borns or purebloods would both be fun to interact with


Esme Lancaster
Seer • Necromancy Scitorari • Slytherin Alumni • Class of 2042​

Esme is a sad seer :c People in her life kept dying and no one's sort of died for a hot minute now so it's not too bad but she's kind of just waiting for it to happen again. She's less nasty than she was as a student and has sort of mellowed out, but she's definitely still not Nice unless its with the right kinds of people. Life has kind of crushed her a bit and she needs more to motivate her to really live life again. She's a necromancy scit, but her interests lie more in time magic, so that's her main area of study at the moment. She's very frustrated that she can only see forward (the privilege honestly imagine being annoyed you can only see the future when most people can't) but she's experimenting a lot with her gifts, and very big on the concept of diverging/alternate timelines existing at the same time.

Also, if you need prophecies or some kind of future-seeing plothook, hit me up. She's down. She'll See some sh*t.​

Looking For:
  • Friends...sort of? Friendly people at least. She needs some company because its just kind of her and her family.
  • An auror/auror-in-training for a secret plot I've been meaning to do forever

Eustacia Lancaster
Scitorari Leader • Necromancer • Former Death Eater •​

Eustacia leads the necromancy sect of the Scitorari and she's looking for more members. This is me telling you to make a scitorari. Preferably in my group. Give me scit plots and help me get them active thanks. Also she's big on dark magic so this is less me asking you for something and me also offering you a dark witch if you need one for plots, scit related or no. Get yourself cursed today.​

Looking For:
  • Scitorari members
  • People to kill and turn into inferi for funsies
  • Drama

Aldrich Ater
Blood Magic Scitorari • Poison Ater Bartender • Cursed​

Aldrich is a new, up and coming young scit in the blood magic faction. He's a bartender at the Poison Ater and one of the younger members of the family. He kind of looks after the whole speakeasy backroom where the scits can go to have a drink and talk about secrets or b*tch about the Ministry,and he's always listening in on the juicy goss so he can have that information and feel important. He's looking to make a name for himself in the community, but he's not that wise or responsible enough to go about it the right way. If he wasn't in the blood faction, he'd probably be an anarcho-magician, because he's sort of just that kind of hot-headed, reckless guy. He suffers from a blood curse and kind of takes every day like it could be his last, so he doesn't think too hard about any long temr consequences for things. Here for a good time, not a long time. He's not super fleshed out, so I need to sort of work on doing exactly that.​

Looking For:
  • Friends, preferably younger people who frequent Bleak
  • Romance~ ? Again I suck at romantic plots but it's whatever

and that's all folks. Thanks for reading
That's pretty scary and initimdating! Well I'm not. I'm very nice
U sure though?

Lysander x Chloë: hi ho let's go, more lake adventures! Or anything else really. She also probably still has something to say about that eel rose delivery..

Nathan x Isaiah: look my boy will quite literally try to befriend anyone, only giving up once he thinks the kid he is trying to befriend actually isn't that much fun so y'know, there's that. Let's just say Nate wouldn't be the first slytherin that might pose a bit of a challenge there?
U sure though?
Some people have even said so :p
But no this year is gonna be a big lake year and I am DOWN for more Lysander/Chloë (and I am thrilled she got his dumb note of all people =)) )
They've got the bubblehead charm but Lysander also just really wants to be a fish person sometimes so I might see about harassing the Herbology professors for gillyweed :r
I have some very specific eel plots in mind I want to do but that's for later in the year I might also hit you up for, but I'm down for anything in the meantime. I might also see about incorporating...merfolk...plots. Big underwater adventures™

Nate/Isaiah I mean he's already called him out in front of everyone for bringing a salad to the hangout so it could go either way but I think he'd be a bit more open to it once he realises Zay is just a friendly bro. Or he'll find him annoying as hell I do not know but I'm here to find out. I need to reply to that and get a feel for the feelings :r

jesse lets plot more

ok j like in Claire & Daph's PDs im just gonna throw a bunch of plot spaghetti at the wall and its up to you what sticks cracks knuckles here i go

Connor & Lysander: Connor probably owes him an apology once he's done being . Very Very Stupid

Finn & Lysander: Finn's one I need to RP more but he's a 5th yr claw kind of . weirdo artsy kid and ? if you wanna dabble in romance stuff Finn is a commitmentphobic flirt so there's all kind of potential for Bad Misunderstandings and/or fallout (I don't have any specific ideas but it would kind of be hilarious if they got into a big enough fight their parents got wind of it cause they both have a parent at Hogwarts ahaha)

Hester & Lysander: Hester is defs in Phoenix Scouts too, and she's similarly outdoorsy and goofy and loves animals, so Lysander could be a cool mentor figure? or they could just hang out together trying to talk to Big Douglas idk i just picture them being cool buds despite the age diff

Jenna & Nathan: oh if you want enemies jenna would eat everything about him for breakfast 🍴

Maggi & Nathan: OTOH Maggi is also struggling v much with Hogwarts not being what she expected or wanted for her life, so could be a good bonding factor? I don't think they have much else in common but u kno high school is rly just. finding other misfits and holding on for dear life whether you actually have anything in common or not

Giulia & Avery: We already talked about this but I think they should be geek friends y/y

Manaia & Avery: Manaia lives in the lake they should FIGHT

Esme & An Auror: ok assuming i can get over my genuinely crippling fear of apps i will hopefully have an auror in training soon for yr mysterious needs

Kauri & Esme: OK HEAR ME OUT HEA R> .. ME OUT!!!!! They're both Seers, but Kauri doesn't really feel very secure in his powers like. It's something he pursued really hard in Hogwarts but now that he's an adult he's like. cool what do i do with this???? could be cool for her to be a bit of a mentor for him and him to be. an actually nice and not terrible person in her life?

Bernard & Eustacia: u know these two have the worst best chats about how to kill and/or unkill things. He's probably a pretty consistent source of corpses, so I like to think they're on good terms? could be inchresting to have em actually chat about their disciplines & explore that whole territory a bit.

Rupert & Eustacia: i don't actually have a plot idea here i just feel like she would hate him and its funny to me
Jesse. Let's plot.
For lysander we have Linden. he is also a prefect and also loves animals, and of course you already know this. they also work together so sander would probably know that linden and alexei have broken up. up for anything really friendsho=ip, flings, romance. ball/feast dates you name it.

Avery I have. dang it, Selene has graduated. Elvera. if he ever wants to talk divination or anything like that.
I also have Niamh who is the first year, she is Norwegian and as is the Scandinavian stereotype she is I wouldn't say shy but somewhat reserved. if you want them to be friends.

For Esme. Selene or Elvera. a fellow seer complain about the past future knowing what can happen what will and what may have been. I have just had a picture of like seers anonymous or a seers support group. not that I am suggesting that but it was an interesting mental image.
How about Nathan Clarke and Clara Reed? She can be rude somtimes and book worm she is but somtimes she can be sweet. Mayby they can try be friends?
And Jenna and Lysander they can met prefect room and somtimes patrolling togetheer?
Well, lol, I have been called over cause when do I skip the chance to plot? Hey Jesse!!!!

Well, when we finish Kiara/Lysander thread we can throw them together again like in this year now? Or we can throw Sebastian and Sander together? Seb would probably be a bit more distant and not like so outgoing as Kiara is, but he played Quidditch for several years? Well, lol, we can just see what happens cause I'm not exactly sure how they would react to each other

For Nathan, I surely can offer Kaia and/or my Nate. He could easily dislike Kaia 'cause she also joked about him bringing a salad, but/or if you'd like that, Kaia is pretty much keen on befriending people, so if she finds him interesting enough, she would stick around him long enough for him to befriend her lol. Or Nate, well Nathaniel duo!!!! Yessss! Nate is pretty much friendly and soft, so lol, we can see what happens between them?

For Avery, well...if we need to balance him being quiet, then totally Tim, he's absolutely opposite to Avie. And for some drama... Katarina? They're both in Slytherin and she's absolutely keen on her desire to become school's Queen Bee, so they could become dislikes cause Avery tries to show her that she isn't that good?

Lol, it's long again but oh well, we can always sort out what we won't do hahaha, but still let me know what you think about it :teehee:
Jesse. I don't think we have anything. So let's change that.

Lysander/Rose: I don't know if they would be friends or enemies, honestly. Rose is pretty shut off, she likes to play guitar, and she has a fierce temper. She's been trying to play nice, and she currently has a major crush on Iris but she suffers from a distinct 'she's too good for me' sort of idea so she's done nothing about it.

Nathan/Jordie: So, this could also be a good friendship or Nathan will absolutely hate him. Jordie, however, will think Nathan is his best friend ever and will absolutely just pester Nathan forever in the name of friendship. Jordie is energetic, kind of oblivious, sporty and musical. He's in a band with Weston and I'm not sure yet if he is again this year but he was an alternate chaser last year on the team.

Avery/Maisie: Now this could be interesting. She is very much an old fashioned witch, believing in gemstones and herbs and the magic flowing through everything. She's very self confident and will easily tell you everything about whatever gemstones she has on her that day.

Avery/Akihiro: I'm not sure how this would go, but they're roommates. Akihiro is a bit of a jerk, who absolutely believes he's better than everyone. He's calculating, caring mostly about his image, and he can appear to be very nice. He's looking for some lackeys, so he would definitely approach his roommates first. I have no idea if Avery would hate him or think they were best friends, but it could be interesting to find out.

Also please message me about scit plots, thank you.
disclaimer: hi everyone i'm mostly just agreeing with things here so just tell me if you want me to start a thread/if you'd like to because i don't want to assume anything yet

@Ainsley Lynch
Connor & Lysander: Yeah he owes a few people apologies :r I'm down for something after he's sorted his sh1t

Finn & Lysander: This sounds like it could be the biggest mess and I mean, yes. I don't think these two have ever interacted and I'm down to throw them together and just see what happens

Hester & Lysander: Yes Hester needs to come to the pet picnic that Lysander is hosting Soon and bring BD so they can hang, and their frogs can hang. I will hit you up when thats a thing because I think it'll be a fun way to get them interacting

Jenna & Nathan: ok i hope she's hungry i'm good for this

Giulia & Avery: YE let me know when is good and we should do a topic for them soon

Manaia & Avery: Avery would heckin die for real c:
It'll take him a bit of time before he's even remotely ready to go near there but when he is...👀

Kauri & Esme: Kauri is someone she would have 100% hated if she'd met him when she was younger but I am lowkey kind of interested to see how they'd be. She's over being more nihilistic and a bit more of the mindset that seers have to have a Purpose so I am down for them finding that? She can definitely impart some wisdom at the very least. I don't know how they'd meet but she does publicly run a seer business so he could hear of her through that? Or they can have a mutual vision ooo~ magic

Bernard & Eustacia: I have...thoughts let me get back to you

Rupert & Eustacia: done its canon
@Linden Cullen
Linden & Lysander: I am ALWAYS down for these guys to hang out at school or work or wherever. I imagine they have a blast at the store during the holidays. Linden's probably more like...a little brother figure to him, is how I kind of imagine it. I think Linden would be someone he'd personally invite to his pet picnic so we could do something there? I'll hit you up when I'm posting that topic anyway.

Elvera & Avery: He's definitely going to be taking her classes when he can, and he'll be interested in meeting a seer that isn't his mother for a change. I might have him swing by her office with some questions?

Niamh & Avery: We can see how these two go. They might both be too quiet, but it might jsut work out
@Jenna Jusantrea
Clara & Nate: They could be interesting! We could see how they go as friends, though if she's a bookworm and a bit rude I can totally see them not getting along which could be fun. Did you want to start something?

Jenna & Lysander: They can hang out anywhere, anytime :p I think they were supposed to have a holiday topic but it flew by so fast, so we definitely need to catch them up! I can see them walking around on a patrol together even if they aren't partners, but just hanging out and enforcing/pretending to enforce the rules
@Kiara Wood
Kiara & Lysander: For sure! I might hit you with some collaborative event ideas for their clubs? It could be a lot of fun to bring them both together

Sebastian & Lysander: I didn't know you had a new guy! That's exciting. I'm definitely down to throw them together and see what happens, whether they get along or totally don't. Lysander can do with more friends or more people he doesn't get along with :p They could meet on the pitch, perhaps?

Nathan & Nathan: Nate doesn't like Nathaniel only because they share the same name, and he doesn't like the competition =)) But that's because they've never had a chance to speak so who knows if he'll warm up to him if they do. I'll also see how he reacts to Kaia and how that might play out :p

Timothy & Avery: Oh god this could be great or a mess. I love Tim :lol: He's got so much energy, and is totally the complete opposite. I think them interacting would be a very eye-opening experience for Avie. I think he'd start out probably being a bit distant but also intrigued?

Katarina & Avery: I could see a rivalry of sorts there. Avie's grown up learning that purebloods are practically wizarding nobility, so to have someone try and act any higher in social class would be interesting. He definitely wouldn't take it
@Jordan Harris
Jordie & Nathan: Nate currently sees Jordie as the weird kid because he's so friendly and touchy, and might be a bit envious about how much he can act like himself? Where's Nate has to act like he's better and cooler than everyone. He'd definitely find him a bit annoying to be around to start with, but I could see him warming up and putting up with his pestering.

Maisie & Avery: Gemstone buddies! He'd be very into showing off their collections and learning about how she views magic, and debating what things mean. There could be a lot of similarities there, with her thinking magic is in everything and him thinking that theres unseen forces guiding peoples lives.

Akihiro & Avery: I think there's a lot of opportunity for conflict here, but if they play their cards right it might turn out to be more positive? Avie wouldn't be down to be a lackey, because he sees himself as sitting higher up socially, but he would be down to be an ally? We could thread them in the dorm or the common room?
@Daisy Parker

i have registered your interest
aw yisssssss

Connor & Lysander: sounds gooooood, i will @ you once connor has kinda . chilled out a bit

Finn & Lysander: yessssss excellent... i could start a thing now if you like?

Hester & Lysander: yessssssssssssssssssssssssssssss pet picnic omg hester will defs be there its Toad Time

Jenna & Nathan: niceeeeeeee, do you wanna start a thing?

Giulia & Avery: any time is good simply call and/or beep me

Manaia & Avery: yessssssss kewl @ me when you wanna get avery near the lake and manaia will be there

Kauri & Esme: 👏 love all of this, i think it could be a rly interesting dynamic to explore. shared vision is a rly good idea, though i can't think of anything specific they could See off the top of my head but i am definitely down 👀

Bernard & Eustacia: 👀👀👀

Rupert & Eustacia: 🤝 pleasure doing business with you
Hello, I have some thoughts….

Poppy x Lysander: These two should hang out. She was a bit of a loner last year and is trying to reconnect as well. I don’t have any specific ideas. Maybe Wild Patch related?? They’re both club leaders now?? Something with that?

Indira x Nathan: I want these two to interact very badly. I think they will either be friends or hate each other. I’m just not sure if their mutual lack of social skills would be a pro or con in that regard. But she grew up mostly in the muggle world despite being magical so she would understand his references for the most part.

Felix x Avery: I think they would probably get along. Felix is quite patient with people so Avery being shy wouldn’t be a problem, and he also has his own eccentricities that have made it hard for him to know how to act around his classmates. He would be very into the fossils and gemstones but would absolutely be sent spiraling if he received an omen of death at breakfast since his own mom died suddenly. Which could be fun!

Avery x Aldrich: The only Scit I have at the moment is Avery Fox, who kind of wants to overthrow the government but doesn't know where to start. And is honestly a little too preoccupied with his own ideals to get much of anything done anyways. But maybe they can strike up a conversation idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Lemme know what you think!
Last edited:
@Linden Cullen
Linden & Lysander: I am ALWAYS down for these guys to hang out at school or work or wherever. I imagine they have a blast at the store during the holidays. Linden's probably more like...a little brother figure to him, is how I kind of imagine it. I think Linden would be someone he'd personally invite to his pet picnic so we could do something there? I'll hit you up when I'm posting that topic anyway.

Elvera & Avery: He's definitely going to be taking her classes when he can, and he'll be interested in meeting a seer that isn't his mother for a change. I might have him swing by her office with some questions?

Niamh & Avery: We can see how these two go. They might both be too quiet, but it might jsut work out
I dont know if lin would like being seen as a younger brother. as he is only a year younger (which in truth sounds a lot like what a younger brother would say). but only a friend is cool a pet picnic sounds like fun so long as (plot twist) the pets are not the picnic

Avery can swing by elveras office whenever he wants to. I think she is feeling a little bit of an empty nester now her girls have graduated (how did that happen)
also, Aeon has been invited to her tea party if he would like to attend.

Niamh and every maybe if they were partners in class or working next to each other it would get a conversation going (checks what they will have together) hmm only history of magic and flying. it could still work but potions or charms would have been better. but HOM would work.
@Kiara Wood
Kiara & Lysander: For sure! I might hit you with some collaborative event ideas for their clubs? It could be a lot of fun to bring them both together

Sebastian & Lysander: I didn't know you had a new guy! That's exciting. I'm definitely down to throw them together and see what happens, whether they get along or totally don't. Lysander can do with more friends or more people he doesn't get along with :p They could meet on the pitch, perhaps?

Nathan & Nathan: Nate doesn't like Nathaniel only because they share the same name, and he doesn't like the competition =)) But that's because they've never had a chance to speak so who knows if he'll warm up to him if they do. I'll also see how he reacts to Kaia and how that might play out :p

Timothy & Avery: Oh god this could be great or a mess. I love Tim :lol: He's got so much energy, and is totally the complete opposite. I think them interacting would be a very eye-opening experience for Avie. I think he'd start out probably being a bit distant but also intrigued?

Katarina & Avery: I could see a rivalry of sorts there. Avie's grown up learning that purebloods are practically wizarding nobility, so to have someone try and act any higher in social class would be interesting. He definitely wouldn't take it
Kiara/Lysander: YES! That would be literally perfect!!!!!

Sebastian/Lysander: I DO, and I am so excited to finally rp him more!!! Hahaha, yesssss, they totally can meet on the pitch as it would be probably be the place where Seb is the most common to find
Nathan/Nathan: omgggggg, competition because of the name, it's P-E-R-F-E-C-T!!!! Lol, my Nate would be just unsure why the other Nathan is so against it cause he finds it absolutely cool. :D haha, yesss, love the plan of seeing how it all goes cause I haven't RPed them as much as I would love to, so we will both see where it goes!

Tim/Avery: OMG! THE HEADMISTRESS GUY SAID THAT HE LOVES MY CHARACTER!=)) but still, what about a great mess? Tim sees that Avery is not exactly pushing him away and just goes all on and just shows all his excitement while Avie doesn't exactly know how to reach to this... Creature:lol: but hahahha, yessss, I love where this is going!!!!

Katarina/Avery: Alright, the poor girl has more enemies than friends already, but OH GOD! WHO CARES? IT'S SO COOL!!!! It would be so cool if he actually shows her who's more important there (with being pureblood and all that) and she doesn't wanna accept that cause how could she? Jesus, after all she's perfect :oy:=))

We could start with like two threads for now? Or if you want more, I am absolutely ready to dive into anything, hahaha, just tell me your limits cause I surely don't know how to see my own limits:woot:
So, a few things, Avery and Seamus should be buddies because they're already threading. Nathan and Eugene could hang out, Eugene is very muggle too maybe they might get along, maybe not, it would be fun either way. Lysander and Ajax could definitely hang out again, they're both very busy boys but could do, maybe lament over when they could just mess around?

More specifically:
Aldrich Ater and my guy Jerara could be...friends. They're both Scits and Jerara is very curious about things, very eager to learn about stuff and do things. Jerara just got back from a stint in Italian learning about alchemy and is very into different types of magic. He's a necormancy (i think) scit right now, but kinda has zero loyalty to it, and would switch to blood just to find out more about that. Maybe they could know each other and be friendly, maybe we could plot some Scit hijinks and plots. My eventual plan for Jerara is for him to work at the ministry, so we could definitely try to work that in a bit?
hi, i'm just going to randomly join your openings. :r

also, i need jenna to become a scit or already is a scit so we can do scit things with her and your scits. ;D
@Jordan Harris
Jordie & Nathan: Nate currently sees Jordie as the weird kid because he's so friendly and touchy, and might be a bit envious about how much he can act like himself? Where's Nate has to act like he's better and cooler than everyone. He'd definitely find him a bit annoying to be around to start with, but I could see him warming up and putting up with his pestering.

Maisie & Avery: Gemstone buddies! He'd be very into showing off their collections and learning about how she views magic, and debating what things mean. There could be a lot of similarities there, with her thinking magic is in everything and him thinking that theres unseen forces guiding peoples lives.

Akihiro & Avery: I think there's a lot of opportunity for conflict here, but if they play their cards right it might turn out to be more positive? Avie wouldn't be down to be a lackey, because he sees himself as sitting higher up socially, but he would be down to be an ally? We could thread them in the dorm or the common room?
Sorry I'm just now looking at this again lol.

I think all three of these could be pretty fun, and I'm willing to give all three a go. Do you want to do them all right now or maybe one at a time? I'm open for whatever, just let me know what works for you. :)
Hello, I have some thoughts….

Poppy x Lysander: These two should hang out. She was a bit of a loner last year and is trying to reconnect as well. I don’t have any specific ideas. Maybe Wild Patch related?? They’re both club leaders now?? Something with that?

Indira x Nathan: I want these two to interact very badly. I think they will either be friends or hate each other. I’m just not sure if their mutual lack of social skills would be a pro or con in that regard. But she grew up mostly in the muggle world despite being magical so she would understand his references for the most part.

Felix x Avery: I think they would probably get along. Felix is quite patient with people so Avery being shy wouldn’t be a problem, and he also has his own eccentricities that have made it hard for him to know how to act around his classmates. He would be very into the fossils and gemstones but would absolutely be sent spiraling if he received an omen of death at breakfast since his own mom died suddenly. Which could be fun!

Avery x Aldrich: The only Scit I have at the moment is Avery Fox, who kind of wants to overthrow the government but doesn't know where to start. And is honestly a little too preoccupied with his own ideals to get much of anything done anyways. But maybe they can strike up a conversation idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Lemme know what you think!

LysanderxPoopy Yessss they used to just happen to have threads at the lake and they haven't in a long time so we could always do something there too? Or definitely something in the wild patch. I'm sure the topic of them being leaders would come up at some point no matter where they are. Off-screen I feel like he'd probably approach her about events he wants to do ahead of time just in case she wants to cover/have someone cover it which doesn't really apply here but i thought i'd mention that he'd interact anyway. Maybe they can put together a new terrarium idk, he can show her cool sh1t he found under the lake.

Nate x Indira This may very well depend on what Natalia has to say :r So I'm eager to see how that plays out and then go from there

Avery x Felix lmao ok yes death omens at breakfast I love this, I'm sure they could even substitute tea leaves for juice pulp? Avie would totally just stop by anyones table if he noticed a weird shape so it's definitely doable and a good jumping point?

Aldrich x Avery we could do a bar topic with them later? Just to see how that goes

Kiara/Lysander: YES! That would be literally perfect!!!!!

Sebastian/Lysander: I DO, and I am so excited to finally rp him more!!! Hahaha, yesssss, they totally can meet on the pitch as it would be probably be the place where Seb is the most common to find
Nathan/Nathan: omgggggg, competition because of the name, it's P-E-R-F-E-C-T!!!! Lol, my Nate would be just unsure why the other Nathan is so against it cause he finds it absolutely cool. :D haha, yesss, love the plan of seeing how it all goes cause I haven't RPed them as much as I would love to, so we will both see where it goes!

Tim/Avery: OMG! THE HEADMISTRESS GUY SAID THAT HE LOVES MY CHARACTER!=)) but still, what about a great mess? Tim sees that Avery is not exactly pushing him away and just goes all on and just shows all his excitement while Avie doesn't exactly know how to reach to this... Creature:lol: but hahahha, yessss, I love where this is going!!!!

Katarina/Avery: Alright, the poor girl has more enemies than friends already, but OH GOD! WHO CARES? IT'S SO COOL!!!! It would be so cool if he actually shows her who's more important there (with being pureblood and all that) and she doesn't wanna accept that cause how could she? Jesus, after all she's perfect :oy:=))

We could start with like two threads for now? Or if you want more, I am absolutely ready to dive into anything, hahaha, just tell me your limits cause I surely don't know how to see my own limits:woot:

Ahaha yessss well we could start with maybe like, a Lysander/Sebastian thread on the pitch, annndddd maybe Tim/Avery somewhere? Then move on to the others later since some of them are currently in threads. We could start one each? Whatever makes sense, let me know!

So, a few things, Avery and Seamus should be buddies because they're already threading. Nathan and Eugene could hang out, Eugene is very muggle too maybe they might get along, maybe not, it would be fun either way. Lysander and Ajax could definitely hang out again, they're both very busy boys but could do, maybe lament over when they could just mess around?

More specifically:
Aldrich Ater and my guy Jerara could be...friends. They're both Scits and Jerara is very curious about things, very eager to learn about stuff and do things. Jerara just got back from a stint in Italian learning about alchemy and is very into different types of magic. He's a necormancy (i think) scit right now, but kinda has zero loyalty to it, and would switch to blood just to find out more about that. Maybe they could know each other and be friendly, maybe we could plot some Scit hijinks and plots. My eventual plan for Jerara is for him to work at the ministry, so we could definitely try to work that in a bit?

I have wanted Lysander and Ajax to hang out together for a while because its been a while but I keep forgetting about it so I'd love for that to happen. I was thinking perhaps they could have a thread at some point where Lysander approaches Ajax for duelling practice so they can both be better at defeating Juniper, solely because Lysander wants one of them to knock her out of the tournament :r Whether he specifies that being the motivation to practice or not is something else. Other than that, I'm down for them just to hang out and talk about things, have a bit of catchup, maybe pull out the old skateboard and roll around, something like that?

Definitely down for Avery and Seamus, I do love that they're just two guys hanging out in the middle of the night and I feel like they'll get along well. Nate and Eugene...miiiight get along? But it could go either way, which I suppose would happen with everyone. He's at least less on his radar as being annoying or disliked so there's no strong pre-conceived opinion of him to sway it either way.

Aldrich and Jerara sound fun, I would love some scit hijinks so I'll try and think of something they could do, maybe Aldrich teaches him a bit about blood magic to gauge his interest, otherwise they could just hang at the bar and be friendly. Let me know if you have any ideas for getting him into the ministry that you want to work in specifically

Sorry I'm just now looking at this again lol.

I think all three of these could be pretty fun, and I'm willing to give all three a go. Do you want to do them all right now or maybe one at a time? I'm open for whatever, just let me know what works for you. :)

Definitely one at a time, maybe one of the first years first? Maisie or Ahikiro, whichever one you might want to start with :p
Definitely one at a time, maybe one of the first years first? Maisie or Ahikiro, whichever one you might want to start with :p
I think Akihiro and Avery first, they'd be the ones to have first contact most likely, I can start that soon?
I have wanted Lysander and Ajax to hang out together for a while because its been a while but I keep forgetting about it so I'd love for that to happen. I was thinking perhaps they could have a thread at some point where Lysander approaches Ajax for duelling practice so they can both be better at defeating Juniper, solely because Lysander wants one of them to knock her out of the tournament :r Whether he specifies that being the motivation to practice or not is something else. Other than that, I'm down for them just to hang out and talk about things, have a bit of catchup, maybe pull out the old skateboard and roll around, something like that?

Definitely down for Avery and Seamus, I do love that they're just two guys hanging out in the middle of the night and I feel like they'll get along well. Nate and Eugene...miiiight get along? But it could go either way, which I suppose would happen with everyone. He's at least less on his radar as being annoying or disliked so there's no strong pre-conceived opinion of him to sway it either way.

Aldrich and Jerara sound fun, I would love some scit hijinks so I'll try and think of something they could do, maybe Aldrich teaches him a bit about blood magic to gauge his interest, otherwise they could just hang at the bar and be friendly. Let me know if you have any ideas for getting him into the ministry that you want to work in specifically

We could start the lysander and ajax one and the aldrich and jerara one and do the other later. Ajax would definitely be happy to help him out.
If you wanna start one and I'll start the jerara one?
LysanderxPoopy Yessss they used to just happen to have threads at the lake and they haven't in a long time so we could always do something there too? Or definitely something in the wild patch. I'm sure the topic of them being leaders would come up at some point no matter where they are. Off-screen I feel like he'd probably approach her about events he wants to do ahead of time just in case she wants to cover/have someone cover it which doesn't really apply here but i thought i'd mention that he'd interact anyway. Maybe they can put together a new terrarium idk, he can show her cool sh1t he found under the lake.

Nate x Indira This may very well depend on what Natalia has to say :r So I'm eager to see how that plays out and then go from there

Avery x Felix lmao ok yes death omens at breakfast I love this, I'm sure they could even substitute tea leaves for juice pulp? Avie would totally just stop by anyones table if he noticed a weird shape so it's definitely doable and a good jumping point?

Aldrich x Avery we could do a bar topic with them later? Just to see how that goes
Cool cool cool cool. If you want to start something for Poppy and Lysander that would be 10/10. And I can start something for Felix and Avery, and do the others later?? Or we can start Scit boy thread too, I don't mind.
We could start the lysander and ajax one and the aldrich and jerara one and do the other later. Ajax would definitely be happy to help him out.
If you wanna start one and I'll start the jerara one?
for sure, I'll get to ajax/lysander todayish

Cool cool cool cool. If you want to start something for Poppy and Lysander that would be 10/10. And I can start something for Felix and Avery, and do the others later?? Or we can start Scit boy thread too, I don't mind.
cool cool cool we can start with these two and do the scits a bit later. just let kris know to let me know when you start yours and vice versa :r
I meant to reply to this topic the moment you put it up but... life happened I guess.

Now I'm here to plot >:)
For Nathan I enjoy him with Natalia a lot. I think it would be fun to see how they develop. They could be friends (even though it would take a while for Natalia to admit to it)

For Avery I think it could be interesting to RP him with my firstie Gwen, she tries to befriend everyone but I could see them clashing too. I wonder what she'll think of him.

Also for the future I think it could be interesting to RP him with Natalia's younger sister Isadora, she's coming to Hogwarts next year and she's a pureblood. Though unlike Natalia she cares a lot less about all that stuff. So it could be an interesting interaction.

He's a quirt kid,
a what now :r

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