Spotify Wrapped 2021!

Samantha Jacobs

55' grad 🎓 | biggest heart ❤️ olivander's asst.
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Fir Wand 14 1/8" Essence Of Sphinx Remains
24 (06/2037)
Hi! I thought this would be an interesting thing to do, I apologise if I put this in the wrong area.

Anyways, its one of my favourite times of the year! It's always that time of year where spotify users get their yearly spotify wrapped which shows their overall account listens - who they listened to the most, how many minutes they've been listening to music, etc. I'm not sure if any of y'all are spotify users, but that's okay!

So I decided it would be fun if you'd like to share yours! You don't have to! The link to it is just down below, but can only work through a phone! As you tap onto the site on your phone, you should also tap "Listen to 2021 highlights here" and it should lead you to your spotify wrapped! So excited to see your results! We all have different music tastes after all! (You don't have to show everything, btw)

Click here for your 2021 spotify wrapped!

Heres mine!
(I am not surprised with my results if im being honest! LOL!)

Honestly, Spotify shames me every year with this.

My audio aura was brash and wistful, which is odd but okay.

My top two genres were Melodic dubstep and tropical house.

I enjoy the wrapped stuff and I usually do listen to the playlist it creates of top tracks, i have trash tastes but they are my trash tastes

I'm honestly not too ashamed that Olivia Rodrigo and Demi are in my top 5... their albums helped me get through the year :frantics:

Confused how Broadway is still my top genre though.
I only use spotify when I'm on long drives through bluetooth so my wrapped is very weird. =))

#1 genre is Final Fantasy, which is apparently it's own genre, then #2 through #4 is variants on Australian alternative rock from the 90s and 00s. Top 4 artists are Final Fantasy composers, too, mostly cause I defaulted to FF driving themed playlists.

The rock part just solidifies that I'm a boomer at heart. :r

I think I can blame rping with @Lucas Fletcher for my number one artist as I started listening to him while RPing even though I have listened to him a lot since. all the other artists are fairly consistent ones for me and were probably on my list last year (or at least in my top ten.


i really like daisies by Katy perry. they are one of my favorite flowers and i love the line "when did we all stop believing in magic" it makes me want to say "say's who".
I would love to see a dance-off to bad habits. though I can't say I know better by the vamps at all.


bravado and hearing. an interesting combination, but it's a vibe and I think it suits me. I like it.
I dumped Spotify this year for Tidal so my results got a bit skewed but I still cannot resist Wrapped...
Also find it interesting how many of us have a wistful aura this year. Mine was "Wistful and Spooky".

(also seeing everyone else's minutes listened always makes me sweat a little cause my number is Much Higher even with me stopping using Spotify entirely by July oops)
I forgot to add my aura was wistful and focused. Found this info on Spotify's website to delve more into it:

  • Purple: This aura color pairs well with passionate music listeners. Purple auras tune in to get amped up, entertained, and moving while they navigate the twists and turns of their day.
  • Green: Calm, analytical, and introspective are the traits that describe a green aura. These listeners gravitate toward complex music to tame their fast-moving minds.
  • Pink: Often described as the hopeless romantics of the aura spectrum, pinks view the world with a sense of optimistic, childlike wonder.
  • Orange: Oranges are the rebellious and bold type. They share a need for high-energy, confidence-boosting sounds.
  • Yellow: Yellows like their music to align them to the goals of their day, fueling their need for focus, motivation, and self-improvement all while reducing any nerves that could get in the way.
  • Blue: Blues are wistful or emotional, and this hue reflects listeners who seek out music to feel their feelings out loud.
Honestly those descriptions of the colours actually do make sense with my music tastes xD
I use for music stats instead of Spotify - I don't like streaming music when I've spent so long building up a library of MP3s I own, so I prefer the iTunes integration of So my end of year stats don't have quite as many cool little extras, but they're pretty telling nonetheless. (The thing that they are telling is that I'm gay and mentally ill :r )



I'm pretty shocked Elemeno P cracked my top 10, but I'll blame that on @Samuel Phillips :p As for One Week's spot I have no explanation I have no excuses it just happened and now I have to live with it
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As for One Week's spot I have no explanation I have no excuses it just happened and now I have to live with it
Can’t think of a single reason that might be in there huh…
Opps, late to the party but my Wrapped was mostly predictable.

My aura was wistful and yearning which....explains a lot haha. I also just thought my top genres were kind of funny.


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