Fun Facts!

Here's a fUN faCT : THE BIG CUTE FURRY BUMBLEBEES DO STING YOU and it HEckEn hurts! They say "it only lasts a small time" but small time = at least three days!
Daisy Parker said:
Here's a fUN faCT : THE BIG CUTE FURRY BUMBLEBEES DO STING YOU and it HEckEn hurts! They say "it only lasts a small time" but small time = at least three days!
That's not good Donna :(

Fun fact: More often than not, I give my students their birthday as the day I am making their biographies in real life :r
Geovanna Volt said:
Fun fact: More often than not, I give my students their birthday as the day I am making their biographies in real life :r
Same xD So often the birthday is when I first started writing the bio/forming the character.
Hayden Lavish said:
Daisy Parker said:
Here's a fUN faCT : THE BIG CUTE FURRY BUMBLEBEES DO STING YOU and it HEckEn hurts! They say "it only lasts a small time" but small time = at least three days!
Bees are cuter than some other similar looking flying insects like wasps and hornets

ooc: I give each of my characters nicknames in my head.
e.g. Briar rowan cullen is BriRo, Rhiannon McGowan is Rhimac, Elvera Le Fey is eva or elf, tara Sitara is stargirl, Willow Cullen is Wills, and Selene Le Fey is Lena.
I got "Geovanna" from a youtuber, but I almost had her surname as Vault. Geo Vault I don't think has quite the same ring to it though :r
Some of the biggest lies my characters have told has been to protect others.
-Briars biggest lie is that she doesn't know who the werewolf who bit her was. this was in order to protect Dederick, although those in her family know it is still for the most part a secret
-Elvera's biggest lie is that she doesn't know who the father of her daughter is (he was wearing a mask, it was part of a religious ritual) this is because they promised never to speak of that night again. and for her and the girl's protection from the people who killed him.

but Rhiannon cannot lie and has never lied (though she has omitted some truth at times) a quirk i decided on when i made her.
Analei was supposed to be quiet and shy, but she had a mind of her own and actually really likes to talk????
Fun Fact: Zennon (and subsequently Rowan and Elsie) came from me moping with Kaitlyn that I had no one to sort

I then went on to sort five more characters after the fact -_-
FUN FACT: Elsie isn't actually a vegan. She says she is because Rowan always felt lonely being the only vegan in the family and so Elsie decided to become vegan as well, but she sneaks meat when no one is watching.
Fun fact: Elios never been to the cinema nor ever played a video game.
He’s left handed, allergic to peanuts and was most definitely never planned to fall for Rowan.
FunFact: Rowan doesn't tell people she's a vegan, they have to ask. Curiously, most people don't notice!
Funfact: Mary Lou's name came from a bunch of lyrics I sang wrong and made up words to
Fun fact: Lars was actually the first van Houten I came up with, and I made him an older sister because I wanted to use Fleur's pb
FUN FACT: Rowan actually really doesn't like spiders. She's does believe all creatures deserve love and acceptance, but put a spider in front of her and that absolutely goes out the window. Along with anything that crawls and is of the icky variety.
FUN FACT: Rowan actually really doesn't like spiders. She's does believe all creatures deserve love and acceptance, but put a spider in front of her and that absolutely goes out the window. Along with anything that crawls and is of the icky variety.
Threaten Elio with Matilda again, I dare you

Fun Fact: The avatars that Elio and Rowan currently use perfectly represent both their characters (style/height/size/relationship) and yet neither of them are either Elio or Rowan's playbys. We just found them randomly on pinterest =)) Too perfect not to use!
Fun Fact: I forgot that Samantha's younger brother Issac was a couple years younger, so when Samantha was second year, I sorted Issac without thinking lol so i had to change the dates for his birthday and such, when i realised i sorted him in the wrong year.

also samantha has a fear of bees and wasps, just like me lol
Elio and Aion may have the same surname and may therefore be distant relations, however they don't know of each other, never met, and I'm not planning on connecting them xD

Considering their personalities, I'm not sure they would get on with each other either :r

Fun fact, this is still the case =))

He'll probably find out they exist soon, but it's funny that 6 OOC years later they've still never come across one another
Fun Fact: Lilith's heritage is strongly tied to mine and there are little things in her character that are inspired purely by my connections to certain family members and her birthday is my og due date(obviously just a few years later though.... xD)
Fun fact: I made Aine completely out of spite and loathing for everything in my life and to dig at how static magical society is. I base a lot of her decision making on my own (as I'm I ask myself what I'd do and go with that) but she's a very different person.

I guess channelling anger works...? :r a lot of my better ideas come from the horrible aspects of my personality, not sure what that says.

Bonus fun fact: Michael's birthday was 1 October until I changed it in like his 5th or 6th year. Sometimes it just takes a while to settle...(I changed it to fall on Michaelmas for the joke).
Until I transferred Elio, despite him being the child of a previous student, I knew nothing about him personality wise and it's all developed through rp.
IC: Lanithro falling in love with Felix was never planned. It was a joke that they faded to black together and they just clicked from there.

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