It's time for another BWU, so grab a snack and let's goooooo...
The new school year is underway!
In fact, we are already heading into week 2!
But with it being the new school we have got a bunch of news to share:

The Inner Eye will now be led by Knox Ivers. We look forward to seeing the ideas Anna will implement with her character!
Have a great two weeks everyone!
(On behalf of the HNZ Site Staff)
The new school year is underway!
In fact, we are already heading into week 2!

- Transfers: 1 transfer application was approved this time around.
- Sorting: Sorting has just closed and here's how sorting panned out: Gryffindor 6 Hufflepuff 6 Ravenclaw 5 Slytherin 6
- New professors: James Cade (DATDA), Shiori Nakamura (Astronomy upper), Percival Zephyrmoon (Astronomy lower (temp)), Minnie Calida (Arithmancy lower)

- Meetings galore: house meetings, the club fair, prefect meetings, and an OOC prof meeting are all up or will be up soon. Join in the fun!
- Quidditch: Tryouts are either closed or nearing their end, and practices are under way. Game 1 is later this week!!
- Calendar: The calendar for the school year is updated for the entire school year.
- Please don't forget to sign up for classes. While professors can add you in, we want to encourage you to take ownership of doing this for your own students barring a technical issue.
The Inner Eye will now be led by Knox Ivers. We look forward to seeing the ideas Anna will implement with her character!

MESSI is about to get started!
The next MESSI group is just about to get started. Please join us in congratulating and welcoming Rowan and Verity to MESSI! We look forward to seeing what they come up with for this IC year!
Shopkeepers: Please complete sales
Shopkeepers, if you have any pending sales in your shops, please take some time to complete them in the near future, especially if they are student sales. Please remember that students need to have the items in their inventory in order to be able to sign up for certain classes so completing sales in a timely manner is important!
On that note, thank you to everyone who PMed regarding the inventory issue they were experiencing. If you continue to experience issues, please reach out to admin for support as we can manually add your items if they are not added after the sale is completed. Nick is exploring the issue so please be patient as he works to resolve the issue causing this.
Character Spotlight!
This month's spotlight is on Mia's Selene Le Fey. Join us in congratulating Mia and ask her any burning questions you have about Selene or her process as a writer!
Apps are now open!
Applications are now open, so feel free to send them in to your heart's content.
The next MESSI group is just about to get started. Please join us in congratulating and welcoming Rowan and Verity to MESSI! We look forward to seeing what they come up with for this IC year!

Shopkeepers: Please complete sales
Shopkeepers, if you have any pending sales in your shops, please take some time to complete them in the near future, especially if they are student sales. Please remember that students need to have the items in their inventory in order to be able to sign up for certain classes so completing sales in a timely manner is important!
On that note, thank you to everyone who PMed regarding the inventory issue they were experiencing. If you continue to experience issues, please reach out to admin for support as we can manually add your items if they are not added after the sale is completed. Nick is exploring the issue so please be patient as he works to resolve the issue causing this.
Character Spotlight!
This month's spotlight is on Mia's Selene Le Fey. Join us in congratulating Mia and ask her any burning questions you have about Selene or her process as a writer!

Apps are now open!
Applications are now open, so feel free to send them in to your heart's content.

- Quite the Bundle of Surprise - Onyx and Jamie are excited to be expecting parents- thrilled that their twins are almost there. But what could be better than two children? Why, three, of course!
- Common Ground - Valerius is surprised when a bout of failed songwriting turns into a conversation in Greek- of all the places he'd expected to use his language skills, he hadn't thought the common room to be one of them.
- Dancing in the Dark, with you between my arms - Linden notices Casper is overwhelmed at their wedding and steals him away from the party or Casper is starting to get stressed out at the party, linden takes him to another clearing that he has set up with fairy lights and music for them spend some time together on their wedding day without distractions
- Your Heart is All I Own - In a woodland glade somewhere near Wagga Wagga Australia, Casper and Linden finally tie the knot and say I do while surrounded by family and friends. Before spending the night partying.
- Quidditch!
- Halloween!
- the start of the Brightstone weekend!
Have a great two weeks everyone!
(On behalf of the HNZ Site Staff)