Bi-Weekly Update!

Monty Pendleton

Inventor | Tutor | Grandfather
OOC First Name
Blood Status
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Straight 9 1/2 Inch Rigid Walnut Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
1/1999 (64)
Hello, hello, hello! Claire here, excited to bring you the first BWU of March. It's supposed to be spring here in a couple of weeks, but it was hecking snowing this morning!! Not okay :lol: Anyhow, let's get into the updates!
School Break
Ahhhh, breathe a sigh of relief... Lessons and exams are over, at least for a couple of weeks! How many lessons have you done so far? I know some of you are counting!!
With semester one officially wrapped up, holiday forums have opened, so enjoy RPing outside of the school while you can ^_^
As always, a huge thank you to our dedicated professors for all your efforts :wub: :hug:

Yule Go to the Ball!
Considering there's almost two full pages of roleplays in the area already, I gather most of you have noticed that the Yule Ball is open! Find yourself a partner, or head to the dance floor alone - either way, yule have a great time :r (okay too many bad puns, ten points from Ravenclaw).

Hot Off the Press!
The Hogwarts Monthly team have combined their efforts to release a brand new issue, and as always it's a fantastic read! Check it out for the latest quidditch news, an interview with the Head Girl, dragon-themed poetry and so much more :party:

Professor Position Available!
A new professor position has opened up! If you're interested in having a character teach lower-years Astronomy, head on over to the application centre to read more and apply.

Old School Week Continues!
We're about half way into Old School Week, and the RPs so far have been amazing!! If you missed the full announcement, you can read it here. What has been your favourite old school RP to read or participate in so far? I'd love to lurk your favourites, so share them here in the comments! :party:

March Spotlight - June Davenport!
March's character spotlight has been announced, and it's the highly deserving June Davenport, roleplayed by Jamie!! This firstie has already created quite the impression on her peers. Do check out the full announcement and join us in congratulating Jamie for this noteworthy character.

Thank You, Accio Team ♥
Putting together an Accio! yearbook is no small task, and it's only made possible each year by the huge contributions from every member of the team. As we head into the busy period of semester two, we want to know that you are massively appreciated. Thank you for all of the hard work that goes into continuing this amazing HNZ tradition :hug:

(And a reminder for everyone else - don't forget to submit your photos if you'd like your characters to feature!)

Real Life Comes First
HNZ's motto has always been 'real life comes first'. We've all got a lot going on offline, which sometimes leads to slow responses and delayed replies via roleplays and with PMs. When this happens, please be patient. As we've mentioned in the site netiquette, 'Just because you don't receive the response you want immediately doesn't mean people haven't read your thread or don't plan to reply. Expect a delay and be prepared to be patient.'

  • None!
  • Even though it's OSW!
  • Link them below instead for us to read, and then highlight them for the next BWU! :party:

  • Semester Two!
  • More OSW topics!
  • New Year (2059)!

Thanks for sticking with me until the end!! As usual, if you have any questions/comments/concerns, post them below! And have a lovely week :hug:
(On behalf of the HNZ Site Staff)
Thanks, Claire!

I'm sure the next plot highlights will be completely full... right, guys?... right... guys?
NOOO I can't believe I forgot to submit any of my favourite OSW threads!! I need to reply oops but the dance-off in No Partner :( is one of my fave moments so far lmao
Thanks for the update! :hug: And mehhh no plot highlights. I totally forget that too.
Thanks for the update Claire!
Thank you for posting, Claire!

It's time for some new news, so we're archiving this to get it out of the way.

Please make sure to check out the news and updates section for the most up to date site news. If you have any questions about this piece of news, please reach out to an administrator.

~The HNZ Site Staff

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