Bi-weekly Update

Professor Elvera Le Fey

Seer, Mother of twins, Divination 3-4
OOC First Name
Oak 14 3/4" with an Essence of Raven Feather core.
53 (11/2009)
Welcome to the Bi-weekly update. My name is Mia, and I will be taking you through what is happening around the site this fortnight.
Congratulations to Hufflepuff who beat Slytherin in the second match of the HNZ season. Despite the somewhat short game, both teams managed to get points on the board before Felix caught the snitch, resulting in a score of 170:20. This means that Hufflepuff will take on Gryffindor next semester, and Slytherin will be against Ravenclaw to determine the final scores. But before we get ahead of ourselves, keep an eye out for Beauxbattons vs Ilvermorny next week.

Thank you to everyone who took part in the Halloween feast. Much fun and spooking was had by all. Thank you for all the costume contest entries. There were some great entries; the results will be announced shortly.
If you didn't get a chance to RP or don't have anyone in school. Madam Puddifoot's is holding a Halloween event which is open to all

Club Events
After the fair, there are a lot of events going on in each of the clubs.
The Brotherhood of Magic are looking after themselves with a series of stations for self care
Conclomerated arts club are painting tiles to make a mural on the wall. there is also a casual drop-in jam session for anyone who wants to join in (skill not required)
The Heta Omega girls are having a camp out with s'mores, crafts and stories
History Club are learning about famous people from history
Hogwarts Monthly are coming up with ideas on how the paper can be improved
Accio is busy taking photos (this is your bi-weekly reminder to post your class and club pictures)
keep your eyes open for events coming for the Student Defence Association and Wild Patch Club

Week 5
We are just about to enter week five as I write this; Gryffindor is in the lead, followed by Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. Get those lessons posted to avoid having to blitz everything at the end of the semester. And remember, professors, if you cannot post for whatever reason, please reach out to site staff so we can assist.

Summer Raffle
To enjoy the lovely weather we have been having here in the southern hemisphere and to warm those in the north up, HNZ is hosting a summer raffle. all you need to to enter is sign up before Wednesday. It is really that easy.

Anonymous Compliments
They are back. If you don't know what anonymous compliments are, every Valentine's, we like to share the love here on HNZ. We send cards to members with compliments on them. to let everyone know how appreciated they are. But they are things that need your involvement too. To have yours posted in the thread, you need to send some. see the full announcement here or check out last years to make you smile and get you in the spirit. Make sure you get the cards in by 12th Feb to give cupid's little helpers time to organise things.

Congratulations to this month's spotlighted character Celia Vuong played by the lovely Ana. Celia is a great character and one of those famous students at the school who everyone seemed to know and love to hate. Go and check out the announcement here and wish Ana a huge congratulations or ask something about Celia or Ana's creative processes

Shopkeeper Application
My final point is a reminder that we have an application open for Dervish and Bangs. A wizarding supplies store in brightstone. Being a shopkeeper is what you make of it. But it can be a lot of fun and give you space for creativity and fun on the site. With opportunities to run events and RP with all kinds of characters. If you are interested check out the advertisement and fill in the app.

  • None again. :(
  • if you have a fun plot, please try and highlight it so we can all read it.
  • Seeing this empty makes me sad. :cry:

  • Valentines and compliments
  • Yule Ball
  • Exams (except for fifth and seventh years)

So there we go. Well done, we made it. Thank you for reading this BWU. But more importantly, thank you for being here. You are a valued member of the HNZ community, and all the time you put into it is very much appreciated. Be kind to yourself and give yourself the love and attention you need.
~Mia :mia:
(On behalf of the HNZ Site Staff)
Thank you for the BWU, Mia! It's much appreciated!
Thanks for the update Mia!!
Thanks for the update Mia!
*slinks away to do lessons*
Thank you for posting the BWU, Mia!

It's time for some new news, so we're archiving this to get it out of the way.

Please make sure to check out the news and updates section for the most up to date site news. If you have any questions about this piece of news, please reach out to an administrator.

~The HNZ Site Staff

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