Apparition 3

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Irene Finch

Head of the Dept of Magical Transportation
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Knotted 14 Inch Rigid Spruce Wand with Doxy Wing Core
Before the end of the lesson, Irene Finch hoped that all of the students would succeed in apparating to their target. She knew that wouldn't be the case, but the pressure was on for the students. This was the last practice after all. Several of the students had managed to apparate during the last lesson even with the splinching that had happened, but that didn't always translate to success at the exam.

Addressing the small group of sixth years, Irene walked as she spoke. "Today, we will resume practicing" she began, her icy blue eyes staring at each of the students in turn as she spoke. "I am hopeful that those of you who weren't able to apparate last time will do so today. The next time we meet will be your exam and you will only get one opportunity to succeed or fail. Your test will require you to be accurate when you apparate." She let that sink in before continuing on.

"Line up beside me please." It didn't take them long to queue up. "Alright...I'd like you all to attempt apparating from this end of the Great Hall to that end" she said, pointing towards the doors of the Great Hall. "The red X marks the spot" she added, knowing that they had probably noticed an X etched onto the floor with magic as they walked in.

Glancing at all the students beside her, she hoped there would be no splinchings today, though she had asked for one of the school nurses to join them once again. "You can begin whenever you're ready" she said to the student who was first in line. "As soon as you feel comfortable, you may leave. But, please do remember that this is your final opportunity to practice before your exam." They were adults by wizarding standards or close enough anyway, so she wasn't going to force any of them to stay. It was in their best interests to take advantage of the time provided to them though.

Practice attempting to apparate one by one. Practice as many times as you'd like. Please PM if you plan on splinching.
Liusaidh was very eager for the next apparition lesson. She just wanted to be able to quickly get her apparition licence, and she was very close now. Liusaidh followed the rest of the class into the great hall but instead of the hoops, they were to line up against a wall, and by the looks of it apparate from one side of the hall to the X. Liusaidh realised she was much further down the line than she had considered she would be. She was pretty disappointed in that. Liusaidh watched as others went before her and eventually it was her turn. She stood there and concentrated, remembering the three Ds. It was different when in front of others, but she was better than everyone here, so she could do this. She felt the tug and let herself lean into it, and with a crack she was across the way standing on the X. And thankfully with nothing missing. She decided she didn’t need any more practice so headed out of the hall.
Flynn was feeling quite confident about things as he wandered into the next Apparition lesson. He'd managed it last time, albeit missing a couple of buttons from his shirt, but that wasn't a problem. He was sure that he could work out the kinks and manage just fine without losing anything in the process. Flynn just wasn't worried about it, simply itching to get started. His eyes were already fixed on the X on the other side of the room, narrowing his eyes as he ran through the three D's in his head. When it was his turn he stepped forward, taking a breath and concentrating. He felt the tug from his navel, simply letting it wash over with him before he vanished with a loud crack, re-appearing right in the middle of the X on the other side of the hall. Flynn felt himself grin, even more so when he checked himself over to see he wasn't missing anything. Though he had done it once he wanted to do it again and lined back up. It was only after the second successful attempt did he decide that was enough and left the Great Hall, certain he would nail the test.
Delilah was nervous, like she always was, but today’s apparition lesson was the source of most of it. The last lesson had gone alright but her wand had a mind of its own and there was always time for things to go wrong. But what was she going to do when she had her license to apparate? Would she just never use it? She needed to get over this fear. She stood with the rest of her classmates as Ms. Finch explained what they would be doing today. It seemed easy enough. It was just the great hall. A distance she had walked countless times. This would be easy. She repeated that to herself over and over until it was her turn. Her stomach did an involuntarily little flip as she stepped up. She went over the three D’s as she willed her nerves to settle. Delilah took a deep breath and could feel the pressure of everyone in the room no doubt watching her. It wasn’t like there was anything else to do. She could see her destination clearly in her mind and with a final breath she jumped but something felt off. There was a loud crack and suddenly she was across the hall on the x, just like she was supposed to. But there was also blood. It took a moment for the pain to reach her and she cried out, clutching her leg. The tights she was wearing were still intact but she could feel a gash on her leg that went from the back of her right knee to nearly her ankle. She wobbled as she started to panic and tears welled up in her eyes, but was thankfully saved by one of the nurses who quickly helped her to the hospital wing.
Even though Harper had managed to successfully apparate last lesson, she was still nervous for the exam. There was just one lesson left, one last opportunity to master the skill since she couldn't practice on her own. Three lessons didn't seem like nearly enough time to learn something as difficult as apparition. It had taken Harper way more than three hours to feel comfortable driving, but she was supposed to be ready for her apparition exam after just two hours of practice?

To make matters worse, Ms. Finch was asking them to apparate one by one. That struck Harper as incredibly inefficient. Why couldn't they go back to the hoops? She got into line, mentally running over the three D's and all the other theory they'd been taught. When it was her turn, Harper cleared her mind, focused on the red X, and turned on the spot. With a loud crack, she teleported across the room, stumbling a little when she reappeared. It took a second before the nausea went away and Harper could get her bearings, but she was pleased to see she was unsplinched and on the red X.

Harper got back in line. As she waited for her second turn, a flurry of commotion caught her attention, and she watched wide-eyed as one of the nurses suddenly rushed towards Delilah. She couldn't tell what was wrong exactly, but the girl was clutching her leg, and it looked like there was blood on the ground. Despite all the warnings about splinching, it hadn't felt like a real possibility until now, and Harper looked back at the red X in mute horror.

When it was time for her to give it a second go, Harper closed her eyes and tried to clear her mind of the splinching she'd just witnessed. She twisted and reappeared with a crack. The nausea seemed to pass more quickly this time, and Harper opened her eyes to see that she had missed the X by a meter. Grimacing, she returned to the end of the line. She knew she couldn't let herself get distracted, even by the sight of a classmate splinching, otherwise she risked accidentally injuring herself. Harper spent the rest of the hour practicing, trying to sharpen her focus with each successive attempt. She was exhausted (and mildly nauseous) by the end of the lesson, but she was feeling a lot better about the exam.
Emmaline could not believe that they only had three classes to practice such a complex skill of apparition. She had managed in at the last moment in the last class, which was progress of course. She did not like the feeling of apparition, but the skill was something that she needed to succeed in life. Emmaline had to learn it, had to master it. There was nothing she couldn't do. That was just something she had to remember, especially with River taking a break from their mother's expectations. In a way that was certainly brave of her younger sister. Something Emmaline could never do. Being perfect was just drilled into her head for so long, she did not know how to function without it. Apparition was just on the long list of things she had to perfect.

Entering the Great Hall, she could feel the nerves. The pressure and the desire to prove that she could do this, even if the feeling made her feel so sick to her stomach. The young Gryffindor girl joined the fellow sixth years as the ministry worker began the lesson. Emmaline noted a single X on the floor as she looked around. No hoops. This would be a different way to practice apparently. That was all soon explained as Miss Finch made them all line up one after the other. This was even more nerve wracking. She would have to get it right or everyone would see.

Emmaline followed in line with the other students. She watched as a few made their first attempts, most being able to do it. Emmaline could feel her stomach tighten. Then out of nowhere there was a scream and some blood. A student called Delilah had splinched herself, hurting her leg in the process. There was even blood. Emmaline felt dizzy right away as she watched the scene unfold, thankful that the nurse was there to help the student. Her nerves were at on all time high as it came her turn. Would she get hurt like the other student? Could she do this at all?

Instead of focusing on her self-doubt Emmaline tried to focus on the three D's that they had learned. Repeated them in her mind as she looked at the red X on the other side of the Great Hall. She closed her eyes, focusing on the spot in her mind. Her stomach lurghed as she felt like she was being pushed through a tube again. She opened her eyes, concerned. She was certainly on the red X. She had all her body parts. She had done it. Emmaline let out a sigh of relief. As tempted as she was to leave, this was her only chance to practice. Emmaline got back into the line to go again.

This process continued over and over again until there was no time left. Emmaline had managed to apparate onto the X various times. It got easier with each time. Still not loving the feeling, Emmaline was just thankful that she could do it. And keep all her body parts along with her. Leaving the Great Hall, she wasn't sure if she would ever forget the image of the quiet Ravenclaw girl who had been injured in the process.
Marlow entered the Great Hall for the last apparition lesson. She took her place in the Great Hall, excited more than anything to just give this another try. She had managed it in the last class, even though that was a short distance. She wanted to go further though. She knew there were limits here in school, but she wanted to travel the world with this skill. The young Slytherin could not wait for that though. Just one more lesson and the exam. Then she could be free.

The young Slytherin girl waited for the lesson to begin. The instructor told them to stand in a single file line. Marlow did so, near the middle of the group. She watched as her fellow classmates accomplished apparating into the red x, only watching one person splinch themselves before it was Marlow's turn. The sight wasn't pretty but it was a risk everyone took. Marlow would certainly take that risk to get the benefits.

She was finally able to take her turn. The young girl thought about the three d's focusing on the destination as she looked at the red X across the hall. She focused, concentrated and suddenly she was there, still a little dizzy but not as bad as the first time she had managed it in the lesson prior. Marlow smiled as she got back in the line. She continued to practice for as many times as she was allowed before they were dismissed. She left the Great Hall thinking about all the places that she wanted to travel to once she passed her exam.
Ivy felt a little anxious about the lesson today, but not too much. After succeeding last time, she was fairly confident she would get it this time too. She showed none of her anxiety as he headed to the Great Hall, smiling at her friends until the teacher demanded her attention. She told the they would resume practicing, telling them they would have to succeed today if they didn't last tiem, as this was the last test before the exam. Ivy was glad she didn't belong to that group. They had to line up and attempt to apparate from one end of the great hall to the other. Ivy thought it was a big step from the hoop from last time, but she tried to cling to her confidence. She watched as a few of her classmates got started, then she did the same thing. She focused and tried to do the same thing she had done during the last lesson. It wasn't easy, but she eventually managed to apparate. It wasn't on the X, but she was halfway there. She kept on trying, eventually managing. Ivy was focused on her practicing and only snapped out of it when she heard someone cry out. She recognized her voice immediately, Delilah. Ivy looked up in alarm, seeing how she had splinched herself and gotten hurt. She winced at the blood and considered going over, but saw one of the nurses quickly went to help her. She watched her friend be escorted out, feeling suddenly anxious again. She practiced a few more times but no longer felt as confident. Ivy stayed and practiced it over and over until the lesson was over. She was pretty sure she would be alright on the exam. Now, she had to check on Delilah.

OOC: nobody saw the version of this where she completely ignored Delilah splinching shh
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Sutton skipped into the Great Hall, ready for another chance to apparate. She could not wipe the smile off her face even if she wanted to. She was way too excited, but she knew this was serious as well. She had to be focused as well. The three D's were important to remember. The young Ravenclaw took her spot among her classmates, turning her attention to the minister worker as the lesson began. Today they were practicing more apparition but slightly different. Today they were meant to apparate on the red X, like X marks the spot. Kind of like a treasure hunt She thought with a wider smile as she lined up behind her classmates.

Sutton was so excited as she waited for her own turn. She wasn't even paying attention to the other classmates as they took her turn. She was too excited to get her own chance. She waited and waited until finally it was her turn to give it a try. She closed her eyes and focused on the three D's. And it happened. She landed on the X, apparated to that spot, well super close. Her one foot was on it at least. That was progress.

The young Ravenclaw got back in line to try it again. She managed to get both feet on the X on her next attempt. She smiled brightly and continued to practice until they were dismissed. She had managed to apparate and in the right location most of the time. That was an amazing step.
Rose wasn't sure if she was ready to do it perfectly without splinching. The X wasn't that far away and Rose hoped she was able to do it. It wasn't extremely difficult, but one second of losing concentration and you could be done for. No one wanted to be split in two or miss an arm or an leg after an apparation. Rose shrugged and when a classmate got hurt she wasn't sure if she was going to make it. Soon it was Rose her try and she focussed and took her time. After focusing she found herself with a headache, but she had made it. These apparations always made her nauseous. She did want to practice some more so she was sure she could do this safely.
Fenton entered the Great Hall, ready for this. He had been talking up his so called skills to his brother all week via Owls. Of course, he was more talk than anything else. Yes Fenton had managed to apparate, but he wasn't quite sure if he had great skills like he said in his letters. He had only managed it once the last lesson. Today would be the true test, well not the actual test but still a test in a way. The young Gryffindor boy joined his fellow sixth years in the Great Hall, standing next to a few of his closer friends. He listened as the lesson began. They were told to line up and apparate to the X at the other side of the Great Hall. This was a further distance, but Fenton was ready.

He stood in his line and waited his turn. A lot of his other classmates were doing quite well. Some splinched themselves which was not at all fun to watch. Fenton winched as this occurred, trying not to let it get to his head. He wasn't going to do that. He can't. He just had to focus, which was difficult to him. Finally, it was Fenton's turn. He closed his eyes, focusing. He thought about the three D's. He was determined. He knew the destination. He had this.

Fenton waited what felt like hours, but was only a few minutes. Finally he felt that common feeling. When he opened his eyes again, he was located close to the X, but not on it yet. He would have to try again. Fenton got back in line again. He continued to try getting closer each time. On the last attempt, he was able to get right on the X. He was rather pleased with himself. The lesson was over almost right after that. Fenton left the Great Hall, hoping all those attempts would work to his advantage when he took the exam.
Estella had been keeping on top of everything, which was a really good thing. The Hogwarts Monthly had proven to be tough, and even though she still had so much more to do before everything was finalized and published, she was confident that she would be able to get it done in time. Better yet, people were submitting articles early which really made her job easier. The teen still had classes to attend however, and so she packed everything that she needed into her backpack before heading out to them.

Estella made her way to the Great Hall for her last apparition lesson. It was going to be a tough one but Estella just kept reassuring herself that it would go fine as she followed her classmates inside. She gathered around as the instructor told them what to do. The way she said it made it sound easy, but it definitely wasn't. When they were told to begin, Estella took a deep breath and tried her best to concentrate. All she had to do was think of the Three D's and imagine herself moving over to the 'X'. She closed her eyes, trying to block out all negative thoughts so she could just get this right. She repeated the three D's over and over in her head but felt like she was getting nowhere. However, when she opened her eyes again, she beamed as she realised she had made it. Somehow she had made it to the 'X' without splinching herself. With a wide smile on her face, Estella exited the Great Hall when dismissed.
Aubrey couldn't decide if her year was disappointing or hopeful. She tried to brush her things aside, wanting to just focus on the lesson. She walked over to the end of the line, glancing at Estella and Sawyer and wondering where that was, her eyes darting over to Harper and offering her a small smile. When it was finally her turn, Aubrey took a moment to clear her mind, taking a few deep breaths. She shut her eyes, thinking of what she wanted to do, before the tug on her stomach lurched her forward. She stumbled on the landing, and when she opened her eyes she was standing in the right place. She probably stumbled into it, but hopefully that still counted. Smiling, she left the room with a few others, her mind drifting back to her things.
Tara was having a great year. She was debating skipping seventh year completely, but she wasn't sure either of her brothers, her mothers, or Stan would appreciate it. She was debating the pros and cons as she walked down to class. She'd thought about skipping this, too, but had decided it would be better to behave. Apparition was something she was confident and now comfortable with. She stepped up when it was her turn, apparated exactly where she wanted. Smirking, she walked out and headed outside.
After their previous lesson, Brooke was feeling far more in control of her Apparition progress. Not that she had ever fully doubted she'd be able to manage it, but after last year she was finding nothing was totally certain with her school performance these days.

Today it seemed they were getting into more practice before their exam, ideally focusing on accuracy, something that Brooke was admittedly still struggling with. The instructor advised them to line and Brooke tried not to sigh as she ended up much further back in the line than she was would like. Surely there was a more efficient way to do this, though she supposed the pressure of an audience might help some people perform much better (or worse).

Watching and waiting for her turn, Brooke idly watched as Delilah stepped up, impressed to see her friend land on the mark accurately, at least until Delilah cried out, the nurse rushing suddenly forward. She stood on her tiptoes as Delilah was rushed out, no doubt hurt, and Brooke chewed on her lip, wondering just how badly... The thought lingered on her mind as Brooke stepped up to take her own turn, staring at the X for a moment. She wasn't scared of a repeat, she was confident in that, but the lingering concern for Delilah was distracting enough that when Brooke finally managed to apparate, she found herself annoyingly off target by a full metre, gritting her teeth and brushing her hair over her shoulder before moving to line back up for another go. She needed to focus now and then she could worry about Delilah later.
Sawyer wasn't feeling great about apparition. He knew they had a whole full lesson's worth of practice again today but he'd choked last time and he couldn't help but feel that the instructor's comment about those who'd failed last time felt rather pointed. To add insult to injury, apparently they were all going one by one today so Sawyer was going to have an audience to his struggles. Great.

They all lined up and Sawyer lingered as far back as he dared to give himself some time as his classmates took their turns first. He knew he should be paying more attention, but Sawyer was too busy psyching himself out about his own upcoming turn until there was a commotion near the front of the line. Sawyer's stomach sunk when he saw Delilah was the one who'd cried out, stomach flipping at the sight of blood as she was hurried from the room. How they were expected to just carry on after that, Sawyer had no idea, rubbing sweaty palms on his leg as he stepped up for his own turn awhile later. At least he supposed he couldn't do any worse than Delilah, a thought that wasn't as comforting as he hoped. He tried to clear his mind, staring at the X then trying to shut his eyes and see it in his head. He felt a heady feeling, a weird sort of spinning and sinking and he stumbled forward, surprised to find he had moved like half a metre forward. Not a rousing success, but it was progress he supposed, shuffling awkwardly to the back of the line, hoping the lesson would end before he had to go again.
Ares was very confident in his abilities after the previous apparition lesson. He knew he had the natural talent to apparate, as he thought that after all he was quite a very good wizard. He entered the Great Hall, wondering what the Ministry lady had in store for them. She instructed everyone to line up next to her, which he did, more than ready to try and apparate to the complete other side of the room where the X was. It took him some time to focus, especially since a lot of eyes were on him, and it made him a little nervous. Eventually however, Ares managed to do it, and he smirked to himself, happy that he was excelling at this class.
Tilly knew today’s Apparition lesson would be tougher than just placing herself into a wooden hoop. There would need to be more distance, more deliberation, or determination, or both. She wanted to do well. The Hufflepuff tried to shake off the nagging feeling that no matter how hard she practiced here, she would never be ready for the real world. What if she splinched off her arm while Apparating between the shops and her parent's house? No nurse would be waiting at the destination to rescue her.

Standing in line behind her classmates, Tilly impatiently waited for her turn. It seemed to take longer than last time, but that was because she couldn’t jump into it right away. Tilly did her best to maintain her enthusiasm as she watched the other students go before her. Her head snapped when she heard someone cry out in pain- when she realized Delilah had hurt herself, she tried not to stare. Tilly swallowed hard. As much as she empathized with the Ravenclaw, that would not be her. It couldn’t be. She was going to show the rest of her peers that she could Apparate with all of her body parts intact.

When it was Tilly’s turn, she pushed all thoughts of splinching and showing off away. She needed to do this with the destination in mind and nothing else. The Hufflepuff felt a force not unlike gravity pull her towards the spot. Tilly almost shouted out when she realized she was standing on the red X. Not wanting to gloat, she quickly moved away and got back in line. For a student who was lucky to maintain passing marks, at least she was good at something that didn’t involve Quidditch.
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