Apparition 2

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Irene Finch

Head of the Dept of Magical Transportation
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Knotted 14 Inch Rigid Spruce Wand with Doxy Wing Core
Irene stood in her Ministry robes looking as poised as ever as she awaited the sixth years' arrival. Today, they'd finally get some practice in. She knew that some students had experience with side-along apparition, but doing it alone was a very different experience. They'd soon find that out for themselves. It was one thing to go along for the ride, and quite another thing to be the person who had to remember the 3 Ds and execute them perfectly.

"Let's go. You don't have all day and neither do I." Irene Finch urged the students forward impatiently as the first student walked tentatively through the open Great Hall doors. She took roll as they entered, shutting the doors from the distraction of younger students who wanted to see what was happening. "You don't need to be on top of each other. Space yourselves out!" she stated, exasperation in her tone. Irene gave her wand a small flourish and a large wooden hoop appeared in front of each student, falling into place before them.

Looking around at their faces, Irene stared at each student for the briefest of moments, making judgments about their ability to succeed at the task before them. She had been doing this long enough that she was rarely wrong. "Alright, let us begin. Today, you will make your first attempts at apparating" she declared, her hands on her hips as she walked around. "Before we begin, however, can someone remind us of the three Ds?" she pointed to a student and nodded her head as they responded.

"Excellent" she stated. "Now that you've all been reminded of the three Ds, it is time to put them into practice. For your safety, one of your school nurses is here" she nodded towards the corner where the nurse was stationed. "If you splinch yourself, please remain in your spot and the nurse or I will come to you. No sense bleeding all over the place" she stated with a small shake of her head, not even thinking about how startling that sentence might seem to a muggleborn. She didn't explain splinching either. Sooner rather than later, she was sure they'd learn if they didn't already know. "Begin. I will be walking around."
Points will be given to the student who answers the question. RP the lesson.
If you'd like your character to splinch themselves, please PM me first.
School nurse welcome!
Rose found the apparation lessons pretty scary, she had heard stories of people splitting in two or leaving behind fingers. She walked into the great hall and exhaled deeply, taking a spot with plenty enough space around her. Rose didn't know what to do and she looked around to see anyone else that wasn't looking too good. She did know the answer to the question and Rose answered it as soon as she was picked. ''The three D's are destination, determination and deliberation.'' Rose said.

She wasn't ready for apparating herself. She was glad that a school nurse was there to make sure the harm was limited to minor damage. Rose wasn't ready to go to the opposite side of the room. So she opted to go a step forward. Rose focused on the spot she had picked to apparate to. She closed her eyes and remembered the three D's. She felt sick and a feeling of getting pulled through a rather tide tube. When she opened her eyes she had indeed moved. It did cost a lot of energy from her. When she looked at Edgar she noticed he was missing two big leaves. She had splinched herself, but Edgar had taken the force. She stroked his little leaves and felt sorry for the plant.
Liusaidh arrived at the great hall ready for this next apparition class. She wanted to do well, or manage it at all. The teen walked into the hall as the rest of her year group did and was immediately getting a space for herself. Before the professor had even told them to spread out. It didn’t take long for everyone to get into position and the professor was reminding them about the three ds, or well was getting a student to, and then they were allowed to finally get started. Liusaidh glanced at the hoop in front of her. She stretched a little, and focused on it. Looking at the hoop in front of her.

Liusaidh felt confident about her ability to do this. Sure the woman had said that blood status had nothing to do with this, but she felt like her knowledge of seeing it, watching other people do it, would enable her to be able to do it with some ease. She cleared her mind - not a particularly difficult task - and then focused, She knew where she wanted to go and was determined. Nothing happened for a while, too long a while in her opinion and then she felt herself be tugged and she was able to apparate. She had thankfully left none of her behind. She wasn’t able to practice again, with the lesson being wrapped up but she’d managed it once, she’d definitely be able to easily do it again.
Flynn was both parts eager and a little nervous about the next apparation lesson, even if he was dying to try it out already and actually get in some practice. He shifted from foot to foot as he listened to the boring woman from before, not needing a stupid reminder. It was only three things to remember, it was not like anyone was going to forget that unless they were an idiot. Instead, he just waited until they were actually allowed to try for themselves, taking a deep breath as he pushed himself away from the wall he had been slouching against to get started.

He felt pretty confident as he concentrated, trying hard to focus on the spot he wanted to go. For a moment he felt like he was doing something wrong, but then there was a rather horrible feeling of being pulled through a tight space. He stumbled a little as he came out of it, feeling quite disorientated for a moment and he blinked a looked around. Well, he was definitely standing in a different spot than before and he didn't feel like he had hurt himself. Though, looking down it seem as though he had managed to leave quite a few buttons off his shirt behind. Annoying, but he was sure he just needed a little more practice that was it.
As instructed, Harper had brought nothing with her to the Great Hall. She'd also dressed as simply as possible, emptying her pockets and ditching the hair ties, friendship bracelet and watch that she normally wore on her left wrist. Ms. Finch hadn't explained why she had told them to carry as little as possible, but Harper assumed that the more you carried, the more you had to take with you as you apparated.

Harper had been in the Great Hall for just moments before Ms. Finch started shouting orders to them. With a sheepish look, she took a couple steps away from her friends, whom she had been standing next to. They went over the three D's, and Harper was glad she'd remembered all of them. Ms. Finch then drew their attention to the nurse standing in the corner. She didn't explain what splinching was, but Harper was already familiar with the term, thanks to Transfiguration. It had been unpleasant enough when Professor Styx had explained it in the context of vanishing an animal. Harper didn't want to think about what would happen if a human splinched themselves, though judging by the nurse's presence, she assumed it wasn't pretty.

It was finally time to practice. Harper focused on the hoop in front of her. Destination, determination, deliberation. She stared at the spot in the middle of the hoop, took a deep breath, twisted on the spot — and remained in place. Okay, so that hadn't worked. Harper turned to face the hoop once more and tried again. And again. And again. Even though she'd taken notes during the lecture and read up on apparition before the class, she still felt like she was grasping at straws. This was a type of magic unlike any she'd experienced. Unlike some of her classmates, she'd never done side-along apparition, and she simply had nothing to serve as a frame of reference.

Finally, with just a few minutes left in the class, Harper managed to disapparate. The very air around her seemed to compress, threatening to suffocate her. Just as the sensation started to grow unbearable, the pressure suddenly lifted, and Harper clutched her stomach as she stumbled to her knees. She had thought traveling by portkey was bad, but this was far worse. Once the wave of nausea had passed, Harper looked around. She hadn't landed on her feet, but she was in the middle of the hoop, and she was pretty sure she hadn't splinched or left anything behind. That still counted as a success, right?
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Delilah paced in front of the great hall doors a few times before finally going inside. She wasn’t one to skip class but she had been considering it. She hadn’t slept well the night before and had tried to calm herself by doing some reading on apparition but the section on splinching made her stomach hurt. But it wasn’t impossible. Hundreds if not thousands of witches and wizards probably apparated each day. Delilah took her place with the rest of the class as Ms. Finch started the lesson. She looked at the hoop that had appeared in front of her and her nerves started to come back full force. She had been so distracted she hadn’t noticed Ms. Finch asked a question until Rosemarie answered it. The instructor's comments about splinching as a real possibility made the blood drain from her face. With a quick shake of her head Delilah focused on the task at hand. The three D’s, destination, determination, and deliberation. With a deep breath she focused on the hoop and tried to clear her mind. When she felt ready she made the jump. For a moment it felt like all the air and everything else inside her was being squeezed until a moment later she was in the center of the hoop. She gasped for air and quickly tried to feel if she was in pain. But she felt fine, only a little off balance. That was when she turned around and realized she had left her shoe behind.
Penny had been practicing as much as she could in a castle that did not allow apparation within the walls.
She had thought about how she might magic herself into a new location and what it would feel like to do so successfully. When it came to their first try, she observed some classmates then tried herself. Reassured that a nurse was at hand if this went horribly wrong, Penny took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Imagining being stood within the hoop in front of her. Nothing happened at first but Penny kept her focus, reciting the 3 D's. Destination - inside the hoop. Determination - Penny was going to move there. Deliberation - She thought of nothing else.

She felt her body tighten, knowing immediately that she had started to apparate. It was as if being squeezed through a narrow tube, uncomfortable but not painful. It was sickening but Penny did not loose focus until the tightening eased. She opened her eyes, looking around at her new surroundings. She was indeed inside the hoop and did not appear to be splinched. She had done it. She jumped excitedly on the spot, "That was fantastic." She'd have done it again if there was time.
Apparition was not something that Emmaline could practice outside of the class, which definitely made her super nervous. She liked to be able to practice, to prepare. This was something that the young Gryffindor simply could not do. Apparition only could occur during this class with the limits taken off the Great Hall. She could, however, read up all about the subject. The young girl had done just that, reading every book she could get her hands on about the subject. Of course, reading about the splinching was rather terrible, but it was good to know that there were consequences if done incorrectly. That made it all more important to focus in the classroom when she could.

Emmaline, with all this in mind, entered the Great Hall. She joined her fellow sixth years. She could tell that the professor today was rather impatient. She wondered why. Yet she was not silly enough to ask. Instead she listened to the ministry worker's words. She spaced out from her fellow classmates as a hoop appeared in front of her. Although this seemed basic, Emmaline knew it would simply not be that easy. The question was posed about the three D's. Emmaline raised her hand, only to put it back down as another student answered instead of her. At least, she had known the answer. Repeating the three D's in her mind a few more times, Emmaline listened to the ministry worker explain what they would be doing today, actually practicing.

This was nervous-making for sure. But Emmaline knew she had to try eventually. She focused on the first D, destination. The destination was inside the wooden hoop in front of her. Emmaline focused on the hood, visualized it as she would in transfiguration. She focused on the hoop, having the image clear in her mind. That was just the first step. The second D was the determination. Emmaline was determined. It was definitely there already. She was very determined in every aspect of her life. Next, the third step, deliberation. This was it.

Emmaline closed her eyes and focused on all three of the D's. She visualized it the best that she could, feeling a sinking feeling in her stomach, almost as if she was taking a portkey, but a little better. It was definitely an odd sensation. It was a few moments before Emmaline opened up her eyes. She was still in the same spot, well kind of. She had moved a centimeter if that. Relax and try again She thought to herself.

It took awhile of concentration. She had worked so hard to focus and visualize where she wanted to go. Her determination grew with each passing minute. Finally, on her last attempt, Emmaline closed her eyes tight and felt that same sensation again, almost as if she was being squeezed and moved at the same time. This feeling made her feel rather sick to be honest. She waited a moment before opening her eyes. She had done it. She was inside the wooden hoop. She was thrilled, even if she was holding down the feeling of getting sick to her stomach. It was a success, but certainly did not make her feel great. Maybe she would get used to the feeling.

Making sure that the ministry worker saw that she had done it, made it into the wooden hoop, Emmaline decided that was enough trying for today. She didn't think her stomach could handle it. She smiled slightly, holding her stomach as she left the Great Hall. Apparition was no joke. Would she ever not feel sick to her stomach using magical travel?
Sutton was thrilled that she was going to be able to practice apparition today. It was something she had been looking forward to ever since the first lesson. She, of course, was not able to practice this before, but the ministry worker had told them that today would be the day. Almost skipping, Sutton entered the Great Hall ready for the lesson. She stood beside her classmates, obviously a bit too close as the ministry worker told them to space out almost instantly. Sutton did so, keeping a good distance from the people she was next to.

A hoop appeared in front of her, a wooden hoop. She looked down at the hoop, knowing that this would be the task today. Of course, it wasn't as imaginative as she would have wanted, like appariating to a forest or onto a boat in the ocean, but this was just the first step. Sutton closed her eyes as she thought about the three D's that they had discussed the first lesson. She focused as hard as she could, her eyes shut tight.

Nothing happened for a long while. She had not moved an inch, every time she opened her eyes she was slightly disappointed. This certainly wasn't story-making. Just standing there with her eyes closed a hoop in front of her. If I want to be the hero of my own story, I need to do this. Heroes always go through trials as they are learning a new skill She thought giving herself her own prep talk. Sutton continued to try.

Finally, like it was almost a dream. Sutton felt her stomach tighten. She felt like she was being pushed through a water slide, fast and tight. She almost fell over as she experienced this sensation. But what she opened her eyes, she found her feet in the hood, not quite firmly. She felt dizzy. but she was in the hoop. Grounding herself she let out a loud laugh. She had done it. Looking around, she noticed many of her other fellow students had done it as well. Now that was thrilling.

Sutton was almost disappointed that this was the only thing she would be able to try today. But she had done it, at least once. That was something. That was story-making. The young blonde girl could not wipe the smile off her face as she left the great hall.
Fenton could not wait to apparate. He rushed to the Great Hall, getting to the class just on time. He had taken his spot next to a few classmates when Miss Finch told them to move away from people, give people space. The young Gryffindor boy ignored her tone as he moved apart from his other students. He had enough space. A wooden hood appeared in front of him. Fenton was ready to go. He listened to the slight review before he began to practice. This was certainly harder than he would have expected. He tried to remember the three D's as the lesson went on.

He closed his eyes and focused. Fenton continued to focus, only moving a few inches once. He was certainly struggling at this. Fenton continued to try. He wanted to get this right. It took a lot of effort but finally he felt that odd feeling in his stomach. He felt like his insides were twisting. When he opened his eyes again he was inside of the wooden hoop in front of him. He had apparated for the first time.

Fenton did not have time to practice more, but he had managed it at least once. The students were soon dismissed. Fenton was so happy he had managed it at least once, but he would definitely require more practice to get it on the first attempt next time.
Aubrey wasn't worried about her appartion class. Sure, she knew it was going to be hard. But she was absolutely going to be able to do that. She walked down to class, hoping her melancholy over Nikko leaving wasn't going to affect her work. She took a moment once they were set to work, stretching and trying to clear her head. She spent the class practicing, making a little bit of progress. She managed to apparate by the time class ended, but only a little bit forward, nowhere near where she needed to. She blew her hair out of her eyes and walked out of class, thinking over how she'd done and deliberating on how she could do better.
Tara was excited for her apparition class. She wanted to be able to apparate, finally. She was an independent sort of girl, and this was definitely her sort of thing. She strolled into class, bursting with overconfidence. She was bouncing on her feet until they were set loose. She stopped, taking several deep breaths to calm herself. She focused, feeling an odd twisting of her stomach. She jerked forward, and opened her eyes as she stumbled and rolled across the floor. She giggled. That was exciting! She sat up, checking herself over. Her hair was a little shorter, but she seemed to be in one piece. Pleased, she hopped up, continuing to practice until they were dismissed.
It was time for the second lesson of apparition, and Ivy was sure they would be trying to actually apparate today. She had remembered not to put anything in her pockets, she hoped it would help her today. She had also gone over the three Ds a lot over the past few weeks, usually revising a bit during meals. Ivy headed to the great hall and head inside as Miss Finch ushered them all inside. Ivy found a spot by herself, and jumped a bit when a hoop suddenly appeared in front of her. It was pretty clear what it was for, though. Ivy raised her hand to answer the question but was beaten to it. That was alright. The teacher told them a bit more, including what to do if you splinched yourself. Ivy grimaced, she hoped that wouldn't happen to anyone. How embarrassing. Then it was time to start. Ivy tried her very best to focus on her hoop and not look at anyone else. She did notice when Flynn managed it and tried to be happy for him, though she was mostly frustrated he had gotten it before her. Thankfully, before the lesson was over, Ivy had managed to move. She hadn't landed in the hoop the first time, but the second time she did manage that. She was pretty happy with that outcome, though she wished she could practice between lessons.
Marlow entered the Great Hall. She had not been able to actually attempt to apparate in the previous lesson, but now she was going to actually give it a try. Soon she would be able to use apparition to go anywhere in the world. If she needed a sunset, she could go across the country to find the perfect one. Her art was so going to improve with this new skill. If only she could master it. The young Slytherin had hope though. Three D's to remember didn't seem to hard.

She took her spot in the Great Hall. The professor added hoops in front of each of the students and basically just told them to get to work. No long lectures. Nothing. She was happy about that. Getting right to work. Marlow thought about the three D's as she focused on the hoop in front of her. It took awhile and way more concentration than she imagined, but eventually she was able to appear in the hoop with a rather tight feeling in her stomach and in her head. She felt dizzy. She tried to ground herself in the hood, the room stopped spinning soon enough. She had done it. The happiness filled it. Sure it was only a little distance away. But she had done it. When they were allowed to go, Marlow left the Great Hall. Just one more lesson to master this.
Estella entered the Great Hall for her second apparition lesson, looking forward to what it would bring. She was still a little nervous however, despite repeating the three D's over and over in her head since their last lesson. She had memorised them now and really hoped it was going to help her. She gathered around as the lady spoke to them, listening carefully to what she had to say. They were going to try apparating today and Estella felt some butterflies at the thought of it. She waited for her classmates to start having a go at it before trying it herself.

When it was her turn, Estella just imagined herself over where she needed to be. She closed her eyes, opening them to see if it had worked. Unfortunately it took a couple of goes before she managed to get anywhere, but she had done it. She admittedly felt a little dizzy afterwards but it was a start, even though she didn't manage to get very far. She thanked the lady before heading out.
Sawyer hoped he didn’t look too sweaty as he filed in for their next apparition lesson. He’d foregone his robes this time, wary of the instructors warning that they’d want less weight for their first actual attempt at apparition.

He tried to focus on her instructions and not on the nervous feeling in his gut, reminding himself that he had a perfectly serviceable broom and fireplace if this all really went tits up but even he could acknowledge not being able to apparate would be a severe impact to his freedom over the holidays.

After spending a few moments repeating the three D’s under his breath, Sawyer moved on to simple staring at the hoop in front of him. If anyone asked, he was Deliberating, definitely not stalling, Sawyer figured, shooting a few glances around the hall when he heard the popping sound that he figured must be someone actually managing some movement and trying not to psych himself out. Unfortunately, it was still wickedly hard to focus and no matter how much Sawyer stared at the hoop in front of him, he didn’t feel any closer to making anything happen. Hoping no one else had noticed he rather convincing statue impression for the whole lesson, Sawyer was keen to skirt out of the hall as their time elapsed, hoping fervently he’d have some sort of breakthrough before their upcoming exams.
While it was one extra thing on her plate this semester, Brooke was still keen to actually get into practical practice for apparition with today’s lesson. It was a branch of magic not quite like a lot of other magic, though she did fancy herself decent enough at Transfiguration that she felt she understood the theory. And today should could hopefully work out the practical application of it.

She listened as the ministry instructor moved straight into the lesson, pleased at her expedience as she quickly arranged the students before explaining today’s task. It was simple enough and Brooke tried not to let herself be distracted by those around her as she went through her three D’s. Destination was easy, she thought, staring intently at the spot in the middle of the hoop with enough intensity she could practically see it burnt into her eyelids. Determination she also had in spades, so all that was left was deliberation, which Brooke spent the rest of her time on, focusing intently on moving herself to the space in the hoop in her mind. With a tight exhale, she felt the shift, a tug and a feeling like she was being squeezed tight before she opened her eyes with a gasp, stumbling slightly as the floor seemed to shift slightly and she nearly tripped over the hoop now right in front of her. She laughed in delight, quietly peeved she wasn’t inside of the hoop but deciding she had plenty of time to get it right. Spending the remainder of the lesson, Brooke worked mostly on her aim, finding it became easier and easier though she sourly noted she’d only made it into the hoop a handful of times before the lesson was over.
Ares made his way to the Great Hall, hoping to finally learn something this lesson. He found his own space within the hall and was more than ready to begin the task. He was Determined to Deliberately get to his Destination, and that was how he remembered the Three D's as he stood there, trying his best to apparate. It took a bit of focus and patience, but eventually Ares had done it and he smirked at himself, glad to get it before some others. At the end of the lesson he thanked the Ministry lady before heading out.
Since Irene Finch had recommended bringing as little as possible to the next Apparition lesson, Tilly decided to leave her shoulder bag in her dorm. She walked down to the Great Hall with just the clothes on her back, shoes on her feet, and wand in her pocket. Tilly arrived after a large crowd of other sixth years had already filed in. She spaced herself away from her peers, moving a few meters over when the instructor scolded the group for standing too close together. Tilly was not going to mess around in a class she’d paid hard-earned galleons for.

The Hufflepuff took a deep breath as she stared down the wooden hoop that fell onto the ground in front of her. She could do this, she knew it. Squeezing her eyes shut, Tilly tried to will herself there. Nothing happened. Rolling her shoulders and cracking her neck, she repeated the three Ds silently to herself in her head. Destination, determination, deliberation. She needed to somehow get herself to the hoop without walking or jumping there. Ignoring the students around her, she focused on herself. This was the only way she was going to earn her license and become a full-fledged adult.

Tilly absolutely hated the disembodied feeling as she apparated for the first time. She found herself in the hoop, wobbling and almost losing her balance. Still, she managed to stand upright. It was amazing she’d managed to keep her breakfast. Perhaps it would get better with practice.

No matter how many times Tilly moved herself from her spot on the stone floor to the hoop, it still felt awful, like her guts were being churned in a cauldron. However, she managed to Apparate with some grace by the end of the lesson period. She wondered how far of a distance they would be allowed to travel next time.
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