another one added to the list

Samantha Jacobs

55' grad 🎓 | biggest heart ❤️ olivander's asst.
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Fir Wand 14 1/8" Essence Of Sphinx Remains
24 (06/2037)
hello everyone! i hope you all are doing well!! here i am with yet another pd lol! i know I've replied to a lot already, but i thought it would be fun to add my characters here just in case any of you guys had any other ideas you might wanna share! I'll be posting my students and a few unsorted characters here, but if there are any other characters that arent displayed here but you want to roleplay with, please don't hesitant to discuss with me! i don't mind hearing what sort of ideas you may have!!


Nolan Burke
7th Year | Prefect

Molly Burke
6th Year

Abigail Payne
5th Year | Prefect
Nolan is finally in his last year at Hogwarts and cannot wait for what's to come. Though he is a bit unsure of what he would like to do once he leaves Hogwarts. During the break, his parents had announced that they have gone through a divorce while he and his siblings were at school. While Nolan is relieved that his parents are finally divorced, he is a little sad about it all and blames himself for it a little.

Since this is Nolan's last year at Hogwarts, I need literally anything and everything for this boy!!

NEEDS: Development with current friends or classmates, friends, romance!! (males) - whether it be long-term, short-term, a fling or final, anything is good for me! Musical threads would be fun too!!
Molly is now in her sixth year at Hogwarts and she couldn't be more excited about it. Molly isn't disappointed anymore that she wasn't selected as a prefect and has moved on from it. However, during the school break, her parents announced that while she and her brothers were at school, her parents had gotten divorced, she and her brothers didn't know until they started their breaks. While she has noticed there has been a strain between her parents for a while and is glad that they don't need to deal with that now, she is devastated. Her parents looked at each other with love once, and she always wanted the love her parents shared with each other.

Molly is still her usual bubbly and giggly self, nothing has really changed, but she is defiantly devastated by her parent's divorce.

NEEDS: Development with current friends or classmates, friends, drama of any sort, anything!!
Abigail is honestly shocked that she had been selected as a prefect. She didn't think she would be selected as a prefect, but she is not complaining about it. She cannot wait for the opportunities that being a prefect would hold! I've neglected Abby for a bit so I am pretty much keen on anything for her!! I think some romance would be nice, like a crush or something! Abby doesn't have many friends, so I am happy for her to make some more friends and whatnot.

NEEDS: Development with current friends or classmates, friends, drama, romance (Male or Females) - Not looking for a final at the moment but wouldn't hurt to discuss or something!

Joshua Lynch
4th Year

Conan Burke
3rd Year
Josh is a sport fanatic and chaotic as ever. Josh is now getting used to the idea of magic, but he's always happy to learn something new about the magical world. However, Josh is starting to realize that his friendships with his muggle friends aren't what they used to be and have changed a lot. While he is loving the magical world, he does miss the muggle world at times and is finding it harder and harder not to talk about the magical world with his muggle friends.

Josh is still trying out for the Quidditch team, even though he has been an alternate for a while. He does in fact love sports. Josh is also very loud, and chaotic and loves to pull jokes and pranks.

NEEDS: Development on current friends and classmates, not so much on the romance side just yet, but crushes would be interesting!! Quidditch-related threads would be cool and some prank threads too - but pretty much anything for this kid!!
Conan is the younger brother of Nolan and Molly. Out of his whole siblings, he's definitely the most disappointed and saddest out of them all. He's confused about it all. While he sort of understood why everything was happening, he still is sad about it and misses his parents being together. His dad has decided to move out of the house and the house is very different from what it used to be.

Conan still collects his shells as he has been for the last couple of years. He takes pride in his shell collection. Conan loves the outdoors and loves exploring the grounds of Hogwarts as well as climbing the trees. His favourite places at Hogwarts are the lake and the great lawn. He could stay out there for as long as he wanted to.

NEEDS: Development with current friends and classmates, friends, nothing in the romance department yet, but i don't mind having any sort of discussions about it.

Eliza Reynolds
2nd Year

Marley Pattinson
1st Year
Eliza! Man oh man she's one of the ones I've neglected pretty badly but I would love to do more with her! She's pretty adventurous and loves to explore! She is really into her comic books and is a complete geek. She is a half-blood that grew up with a muggle father so she's still getting used to the muggle world.

NEEDS: Friends, drama, anything really!! she's been poorly neglected so im really up for anything with her!
MARLEY!! My first year! I've had her on the site for a while now and I'm so happy she is finally in Hogwarts this year!! Marley was adopted by Killian Taylor (Jess' character) a few years back. She grew up in a magical orphanage, but all of it was a blur so she can't really remember the magical side of it all. So she cannot wait to learn and explore Hogwarts this year!

Marley is pretty much open to anything and is always up for a challenge. She is loyal and protective over her friends and will pretty much do anything for them.

NEEDS: Friends, any sort of drama, exploring the castle threads, mischievous threads, anything!!
I also have Xiuying Huang, who is a 7th year and is the Ravenclaw Quidditch Captain and is a 7th year!

Fiona Burke
Unsorted | Y45

Mercury Ascot
Unsorted | Y46
Fiona is the youngest of the Burke gang and she will be sorted into Hogwarts next year!! I'm pretty much open to anything for her! I would love for her to make a few friends before she heads to Hogwarts. Fiona doesn't really know what to think about her parent's divorce. She sorta is at a loss at the moment.

Fiona is a tomboy, the complete opposite of her sister. Fiona loves sports and is excited to try out for the Quidditch team in a couple of years! She loves the outdoors like her brother Conan. I'm pretty much up for anything for Fiona so I'm all ears!
Mercury isn't being sorted until Y46 but I'm keen to do something with Mercury before he heads to Hogwarts. I would love for him to make a couple of friends before he heads to Hogwarts. Mercury is the younger brother of Jupiter Ascot (Charlie's character). He's heard his brother talk about Hogwarts and he's pretty jealous at the fact that his brother is at a cool castle while he is stuck at home.

Mercury is a bookworm but can be quite shy when you first meet him. He isn't very talkative at first. He also loves science and also likes Astronomy as that's what he and his brother grew up with.
I also have a character that i will be sorting in Y47, but I just need to sort and think of a few things before creating the character and whatnot, so keep an eye out hehe!

and that's pretty much everything!! if you have any questions about anything, pls don't hesitate to reach out!! I cant wait to plot with you all!!
Gwen and Molly are overdue for some drama. I feel like this is the year Gwen is finally done pretending to be so super nice, so maybe they can clash if Molly dares to stand up to her :r

For Abigail I could offer Isadora as a friend, they're in the same year and she's just returned to Hogwarts. I can also offer her for a (brief) romance or crush.
Eliza x Ruby!

I can imagine these two being friends! They're in the same house and year, so probably already know each other - Ruby didn't get into any adventures last year, so I'd be happy for her to get into some this year with Eliza if you like! ^_^

I'd also be happy to try Marley and Emmy together and see how they work! I imagine they'd be friends hehe.
Imma swoop in here and say Fiona x Summer because I feel like that could be interesting. Summer's very much a girly girl so Fiona being a tomboy might make for some funny interactions. Plus, throwing upcoming firsties together always seems like a good idea :teehee:
Gwen and Molly are overdue for some drama. I feel like this is the year Gwen is finally done pretending to be so super nice, so maybe they can clash if Molly dares to stand up to her :r

For Abigail I could offer Isadora as a friend, they're in the same year and she's just returned to Hogwarts. I can also offer her for a (brief) romance or crush.
Hi Daphne!!

Gwen x Molly - Omg yes - We spoke about them having some drama, but we haven't gotten that far (that's my fault, oops!!) Molly will defs be confused at first, but she'll stand her ground a lil haha - But yes to the drama between these two!!

Isadora x Abigail - I'd be keen for them to be friends and see how they interact, and then maybe we can go from there and see the romance/crush aspect a little later?

Eliza x Ruby!

I can imagine these two being friends! They're in the same house and year, so probably already know each other - Ruby didn't get into any adventures last year, so I'd be happy for her to get into some this year with Eliza if you like! ^_^

I'd also be happy to try Marley and Emmy together and see how they work! I imagine they'd be friends hehe.
Hi Donna!!

Eliza x Ruby - This would be awesome!! I've neglected Eliza a lot so I'm keen to do anything! Is there in particular adventures that Ruby had in mind or wanted to do?

Marley x Emmy - I love putting firsties together and seeing where they go! So I'll be keen for that!!

Imma swoop in here and say Fiona x Summer because I feel like that could be interesting. Summer's very much a girly girl so Fiona being a tomboy might make for some funny interactions. Plus, throwing upcoming firsties together always seems like a good idea :teehee:

Oh!! I think this would be an interesting mix! Fiona has a girly girl older sister so she'll be able to stand her bahaha but yes totally keen!!

Did you wanna do something with them now? Or a little later?


I'm here.

Molly and Maisie, we've discussed a friendship with them a few times but we haven't built it up much.

Abigail and Evie are roommates, I think we talked about them being buddies, maybe more.

Kyon and Joshua are also roommates, we should do more with then.

Conan and Airen is a new thought, but they could be friends? Airen is a fun artist I need to do more with.

And for Marley, maybe one with Killian and Marley or Marley and Kyon?

A few non offered thoughts:

Ren and Sam, where are we with them?

Then Stefan and Sarah, we should do more with them as well.

I'll reply to your reply here on the new pd!! But anyways!!

Molly x Maisie - That's right!! I briefly remember discussing them, and I'd love for them to be friends for sure. Molly loves having a lot of friends haha! What sort of interests is Maisie into?

Abigail x Evie - Yesss! I think we can keep them at buddies for now and then see where it goes from there? What are Evie's interests? Did you have any sort of thread ideas we could do with them?

Kyon x Josh - These two would be perfect as friends! I know they can be quite sporty and stuff, so maybe we can do a sport related thread between these two maybe?

Conan x Airen - Ooooo!! Conan still loves collecting shells and stuff - But we can defs give these two a try and see what happens? I'm not too sure at the moment what sort of thread we could do?

Marley x Killian/Kyon - Yes!! I'm always keen to do something with Marley! Maybe we could do a letter thread with Marley and Killian? Marley for sure would always be sending letters to Killian! With Marley and Kyon, im not too sure yet, but maybe he could give her a tour around the school and show her the coolest spots maybe?

Wanted to add here as well that im always keen for Marley and Amodeus threads as well!!

Your other thoughts:

Ren x Sam - I'm not too sure at the moment - I think we started a thread and then life got to busy for me to reply, so im really sorry about that!! But I reckon we need to discuss them a little more!

Stefan x Sarah - Oh yes!! We only really did those one or two threads and never got anywhere after that, so im keen to do more with them!!

I'll reply to your reply here on the new pd!! But anyways!!

Molly x Maisie - That's right!! I briefly remember discussing them, and I'd love for them to be friends for sure. Molly loves having a lot of friends haha! What sort of interests is Maisie into?

Abigail x Evie - Yesss! I think we can keep them at buddies for now and then see where it goes from there? What are Evie's interests? Did you have any sort of thread ideas we could do with them?

Kyon x Josh - These two would be perfect as friends! I know they can be quite sporty and stuff, so maybe we can do a sport related thread between these two maybe?

Conan x Airen - Ooooo!! Conan still loves collecting shells and stuff - But we can defs give these two a try and see what happens? I'm not too sure at the moment what sort of thread we could do?

Marley x Killian/Kyon - Yes!! I'm always keen to do something with Marley! Maybe we could do a letter thread with Marley and Killian? Marley for sure would always be sending letters to Killian! With Marley and Kyon, im not too sure yet, but maybe he could give her a tour around the school and show her the coolest spots maybe?

Wanted to add here as well that im always keen for Marley and Amodeus threads as well!!

Your other thoughts:

Ren x Sam - I'm not too sure at the moment - I think we started a thread and then life got to busy for me to reply, so im really sorry about that!! But I reckon we need to discuss them a little more!

Stefan x Sarah - Oh yes!! We only really did those one or two threads and never got anywhere after that, so im keen to do more with them!!
Lol i'm sorryyyy i just opened everything XD

Maisie is super into crystals and like the old school witchy vibes- grimoires, black cats, cauldrons, things like that.

We could have another dorm thread with Evie and Abby? Honestly I'm still developing Evie.

Maybe Kyon and Joshua could kick around a soccer ball or something?

Why not have Conan hang out at the lake looking for shells? She'd totally help him!

Kyon would definitely show her around, and Killian would love to get a letter.

We've got one going on with Marley and Amodeus and Teddy, but you know that we could basically always have them doing something.

Sam and Ren: Maybe we could check the last thread and see if its something we should continue or where we can go from there?

Stefan and Sarah: They could def be fun, maybe he takes her on a little getaway?
Lol i'm sorryyyy i just opened everything XD

Maisie is super into crystals and like the old school witchy vibes- grimoires, black cats, cauldrons, things like that.

We could have another dorm thread with Evie and Abby? Honestly I'm still developing Evie.

Maybe Kyon and Joshua could kick around a soccer ball or something?

Why not have Conan hang out at the lake looking for shells? She'd totally help him!

Kyon would definitely show her around, and Killian would love to get a letter.

We've got one going on with Marley and Amodeus and Teddy, but you know that we could basically always have them doing something.

Sam and Ren: Maybe we could check the last thread and see if its something we should continue or where we can go from there?

Stefan and Sarah: They could def be fun, maybe he takes her on a little getaway?
Haha! Its no worries!!

Molly x Maisie - Oooo! That sounds cool! Molly has a cat of her own, but not a black cat lols! Molly would be interested in the crystals, so maybe they could bond over that? As well as maybe getting to know each other and stuff like that maybe?

Evie x Abby - A dorm thread sounds good to me!

Conan x Aire - Yes!! Sounds good to me!!

Kyon x Josh - Josh would love to kick a ball around! As much as he likes quidditch he defs misses the muggle sports

Marley x Kyon/Killian - Yay that sounds great!!

Sam x Ren/Stefan x Sarah - We can defs talk about these to pairs over discord!! I'm sure there will some stuff to discuss about these pairs!!

That brings us to six school student pairings!! What would you like to do? Did you wanna spread them out or do them all? I don't mind either one, just don't want to overwhelm you either! I can start three and you can start three?
i'm cool with whatever you're up to! pick your three and i'll start the rest then
Hmmmm lets seeeeeee, I can start something for Marley & Killian, Abby & Evie annnndddddddd Conan & Aire? @Amodeus Jones

edit: sorry! i forgot to tag you! so im not sure if you saw it or not lols! i apologise if you already have seen this msg!
Last edited:
i didn't, lol, thank you. I'll add the others to my list!
I'll reply here, as if I won't just reply to your open threads xD

anyway, specifics, so Callie and Marley, I think they could be good friends, and would love to develop them out a little, maybe with a thread just two of them, maybe finding out about house-elves?

Conan and Gregory - Conan is the one of like three proper friends Gregory has and would love to hang out with him. They could hang out anyway, Gregory loves Conan's shell collection so could do something with that?

Molly and Leo - Leo has had some experience around families failing apart - though in a completely different sense. I can offer him s someone to talk to - he probably isn't the best at it, but he's the sort to always listen.

Finally - Maybe some Rosie and Abby? I was going to your open thread with her, where Rosie can congratulate her on the prefect badge (she's very proud of her best friend).
I'll reply here, as if I won't just reply to your open threads xD

anyway, specifics, so Callie and Marley, I think they could be good friends, and would love to develop them out a little, maybe with a thread just two of them, maybe finding out about house-elves?

Conan and Gregory - Conan is the one of like three proper friends Gregory has and would love to hang out with him. They could hang out anyway, Gregory loves Conan's shell collection so could do something with that?

Molly and Leo - Leo has had some experience around families failing apart - though in a completely different sense. I can offer him s someone to talk to - he probably isn't the best at it, but he's the sort to always listen.

Finally - Maybe some Rosie and Abby? I was going to your open thread with her, where Rosie can congratulate her on the prefect badge (she's very proud of her best friend).
Hahaha! That's all goods hehe! Funnily enough, I was going to reply to your pd xD

Callie x Marley - Yes! I reckon they'd be good friends too. All of that sounds good to me! I think them figuring about the magical world and all would be a cool concept so starting with the house-elves would be great!

Conan x Gregory - Conan enjoys spending time with Gregory! He's glad that Gregory likes his shell collection and will probably give him another shell or two since he just has toon many lol! But yes for these two!

Leo x Molly - Oh I think this would be great - Molly would consider him as a friend (she considers everyone she meets to be her friend lol!) It might take her a bit to open up about it, but she'll be happy to have someone to listen to her haha

Rosie x Abby - Yes sounds good! I'm happy to do that

Aside from Rosie jumping into the open thread with Abby, what threads did you want to start? I can start whatever is left over :D Or were there other open threads that you wanted to jump into? :)
Hahaha! That's all goods hehe! Funnily enough, I was going to reply to your pd xD

Callie x Marley - Yes! I reckon they'd be good friends too. All of that sounds good to me! I think them figuring about the magical world and all would be a cool concept so starting with the house-elves would be great!

Conan x Gregory - Conan enjoys spending time with Gregory! He's glad that Gregory likes his shell collection and will probably give him another shell or two since he just has toon many lol! But yes for these two!

Leo x Molly - Oh I think this would be great - Molly would consider him as a friend (she considers everyone she meets to be her friend lol!) It might take her a bit to open up about it, but she'll be happy to have someone to listen to her haha

Rosie x Abby - Yes sounds good! I'm happy to do that

Aside from Rosie jumping into the open thread with Abby, what threads did you want to start? I can start whatever is left over :D Or were there other open threads that you wanted to jump into? :)
yes to all of this.

I was thinking about adding gregory to your open conan thread at the lakefront student lounge, so can do those replies.

For the other two, maybe if you start the leo and molly one and I can start the callie and marley one. I'll maybe set the callie and marley one in the great hall to begin with where they can like 'discuss and then go to the kitchen' if that suits?
yes to all of this.

I was thinking about adding gregory to your open conan thread at the lakefront, so can do those replies.

For the other two, maybe if you start the leo and molly one and I can start the callie and marley one. I'll maybe set the callie and marley one in the great hall to begin with where they can like 'discuss and then go to the kitchen' if that suits?
Yes, sounds good to me! :D Ill start something for leo and molly when i can and send you a link! :D


@Amber Chou Wilson - Sorry, I forgot to ask in the original reply, but did you wanna start one thread and I can start the other? I'm happy to start any!
Gwen x Molly - Omg yes - We spoke about them having some drama, but we haven't gotten that far (that's my fault, oops!!) Molly will defs be confused at first, but she'll stand her ground a lil haha - But yes to the drama between these two!!

Isadora x Abigail - I'd be keen for them to be friends and see how they interact, and then maybe we can go from there and see the romance/crush aspect a little later?
Sure! I was going to do a Isadora thread in the dorm anyway, so I can start that and make it open after Abigail if you can do the other one?
Oh!! I think this would be an interesting mix! Fiona has a girly girl older sister so she'll be able to stand her bahaha but yes totally keen!!

Did you wanna do something with them now? Or a little later?
Yasssss. I'll put them on the list for a bit later so we can get the other ones with the current students started first :wub:
For Maisie and Molly!

For Josh/Kyon

For kyon/marley

@Amodeus Jones here are the threads!

Killian x Marley:

Abby x Evie:

Conan x Aire:

Lemme know if there is anything you want me to change!
@Amber Chou Wilson here is the thread for gwen and molly!! lemme know if you need me to change anything at all!

Somehow I've not replied to this but I know I've looked at it many times. Anyway, I got some options for you to choose from!
  • For Mercury: I can offer Saturday Weeks for friendship. She's a muggle-born, probably not sure if she is going to HNZ or not, but like Mercury, wants to be in the castle and learn magic like her siblings! She is also going to be sorted Y46!
  • For Fiona: I have 2 sortings in Y45, so I have Osiris Vale, who loves fire a bit too much. He doesn't like princess-types, so I feel like they would get along. I also have Jean Lancaster-Snow, son of Lucien Snow and Esme Lancaster. I imagine he will love quidditch since his older half-brother plays as an alternate Slytherin seeker, and his dad plays professional as a chaser.
  • For Abigail: I can offer Monday for friendship or maybe a crush that never pans out (he finds out things a little late because he's a bit oblivious). Both are prefects as well so there's that?
  • For Joshua: I see chaotic and offer Chaos, who is a Gryffindor in his year. He is a bit like a statue, so feel free to get Joshua to loosen him up, or even prank him! Chaos also loves Quidditch, but he is not allowed to play it.
  • For Marley: I can offer Artemis, Hufflepuff firstie, for a friend! Artie is new to magic, and wants to be friends with anyone. If you want more mischievousness threads, I can offer Dante Styx. He is currently acting out and needs someone to be bad with.
And those are the options I have!
Hi Maria! I'm here to toss Celia at you :p (Though if none of these pairings sound fun, that's totally fine since I know she's not everyone's cup of tea)

Molly and Celia - You said you wanted drama, and Celia is very good at inventing drama out of nothing. I don't think Celia's ever had anything personal against Molly aside from maybe thinking she's a bit immature, but she's currently decided all the former Elite Sisterhood members are her enemies, so there's that. (I think Molly was part of the sorority?) We could also maybe do something Gwen-related. Celia and Gwen do not like each other, and it looks like Gwen and Molly are about to have drama, so maybe there's something there to poke at. Celia is not above using Molly to hurt Gwen if she can.

Nolan and Celia - They're classmates and it's their last year, so it could be fun if they interact a bit before they graduate. They could run into each other in the arts room? Celia's occasionally there to work on sewing projects. She might complain about his music though. There's also just general seventh year plots like NEWT revision or classes (maybe something divination-related?). Could also do something prefect-related (I saw that he was not a fan of her in the meeting haha)

Xiuying and Celia - I know we'd talked a bit about doing something Quidditch-related with them last year, and I'd still be down for that if you want. I actually think Celia's going to be a little less intense about Quidditch this year, but they can still fight over practice times or something. Or she can just be her normal judgmental self and make some passive aggressive, snarky comments about Ravenclaw.

...I feel like most of those ideas are so negative oops. So no worries if you're not interested. Just figured I'd toss them out there! ^_^

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