Fresh New Plots!

Professor Samantha Jacobs

arithmancy 5-7 🧩 | ‘55 grad 🎓
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
bi) (ren
Fir Wand 14 1/8" Essence Of Sphinx Remains
26 (06/2037)
Hey all!! Back at it again to make some plots for the upcoming year! I know I had made one not too long ago but I ended up not responding to that one, so I just decided to start from scratch again and make a new one! I'm absolutely ready to start making some plots and whatnot!! I may be slow with the plot starting or just wait a while to start with threads as i'm still overseas but just thought to start and get things under way in a way I guess lol!

Joshua Lynch - 7th Year, Chaser and Sport Crazy

Joshua is in his final year at Hogwarts. He's having a mixture of feelings being at Hogwarts. He's still having a wee bit of a struggle with having that balance of the muggle world and the magical world. Josh is now in that stage with his muggle friends where he isn't very close to them anymore. They feel like strangers at this point. Josh is really into anything sports-related and can be soft-headed at times. Josh doesn't know what he wants to do once he leaves Hogwarts if he' being honest, and is slightly lost in that area. He doesn't have many friends at Hogwarts, so I would like for him to have a few friends. Him being a sort of mentor would be funny to see. No romantic plots are needed!


Conan Burke - 6th Year, Shell Collector

Conan has entered his sixth year at Hogwarts, which he honestly is surprised by. The boy is still in his shell collection. Conan would be seen on the lake's shore practically all the time trying to find new shells that need to be added into his shell collection. He is always happy to do some sort of show and tell with his shells. Always happy to answer questions about the shells as well. He doesn't have many friends, so I'd love for him to make some sort of friends or have more threads with friends he already has. No romantic threads at this stage!


Eliza Reynolds - 5th Year, Geek and Comic Fanatic

Eliza is a fifth year and I've barely done anything with her (Mostly because my muse for her isn't the best but I'm always up to try something) Eliza is very much into anything that's sci-fi or comic book-related. She's very geeky and loves superheroes as well. I would love for her to have some friends since she barely has any. She's grown up mostly in the muggle world with her muggle father, though since her maternal grandmother is a witch and lives with them, Eliza had a sense of the magical world before she went to Hogwarts, though she much prefers the muggle world. Open for any sort of romantic plots!


Marley Owens-Lee - 4th Year, Beater, Artsy

Marley is in her fourth year at Hogwarts and is enjoying every minute of it. She is in the Hufflepuff Quidditch team as a beater. Marley is very artsy and loves to create and paint things. I would love for her to do more threads with her current friends as well as make some new friends. Quidditch or art-related threads would be fun! But I'm pretty open to pretty much anything for her. Troublesome and adventure-like pranks would be fun too hehe! Open to any sort of romantic threads! Would like for her to explore crushes and whatnot hehe! Pretty much open to anything for Marley!


Fiona Burke - 3rd Year, Loves Adventure and Quidditch

Fiona Burke is the youngest Burke and is coming up into her third year at Hogwarts. So far she is enjoying it but doesn't have many friends at the moment, so I'd love for her to make more friends. Fiona is very imaginative and loves to go on any sort of adventure. Fiona also likes Quidditch but was disappointed that she hadn't made it on the team last year. She will definitely try out again this year. I'm pretty much open to anything for Fiona! Romantic plots aren't necessary for her at the moment but a small silly crush thing would be funny hehe!


Thomas Fitzgerald - 2nd Year, Introverted and Plant + Animal Enthusiast

Thomas Fitzgerald is in his second year at Hogwarts and is still having some trouble fitting in and finding his place at school. He hardly has any friends, which bothers him a little. Thomas is really into anything plant and animal-related. He keeps to himself a lot so someone has to come to him in order for him to talk. Thomas is always to be found in the outdoors somewhere, though his happy place at school is the school gardens. I'm pretty much open to anything for Thomas, as I haven't really done anything much for him at the moment. No romantic plots are needed!

Sophie Shepherd - 1st Year, Sporty and Social

Sophie is new to my clan of hnz students! She's very social and loves sports! She loves anything sports-related and is always up for some troublesome fun! She loves to do pranks! Would love for her to have some sort of group of friends that would like to prank maybe. She is a muggleborn so she is very new to the muggle world. However, she is glad to experience the magical world with her twin brother, Theodore (roleplayed by Jess S) so she's happy to have her brother with her. She's very into sports, so she'll definitely tryout for the quidditch team when she can. Sophie has a good relationship with her brother and dad, but not so much with her mum. But Sophie will try her best academically to make her mum proud. I'm pretty open to anything for Sophie here!

And those are all the characters I have for you! If there are any characters that aren't on here that you would like to roleplay with, lemme know and we can try and sort something out! But for now, I'd like to focus more on the students! But I am happy to do some stuff with non-student characters as well! Happy Plotting!!

(Always happy to make new characters too if you need a sibling or family member for any of your characters as well!)
I obviously don't need to mention this but Josh x Sen ♥️

Eliza x Chase: I know we put those two together once and not much happened in the thread but I do think their shared interest in comics could make them friend (or more) material still?

Marley x Chase: up for anything quidditch related if you want

Fiona x Summer: I know it's not exactly a 'friendship' like what you might be looking for but it might be fun to explore their whole frenemy situation a bit more (or for Fiona to just continue not particularly liking Summer which would make the list of people who might be a bit tense around Summer bigger than she might realise)

I come to you with a few things;

1) Gregory and Conan - Gregory lost most of hearing in the tail end of the previous year, and hasn't been telling people about it, so would be happy to do something, where gregory runs into conan and like blanks him etc.

2) Fraser Fergusson for a couple of things - a) Fraser as a crush for Fiona - he's on the quidditch team so maybe it's from that.
b) as a romantic potential partner - so could be for either Eliza or Marley - Marley would be the accio connection and the quidditch, maybe they're chatting and start to get to know each other a little better.
Or eliza they're in the same house and year so they have that connection.

3) Fiona and Apolline - i feel like they should be friends, they're both 3rd year gryffindors.

If any of this takes your fancy let me know, i'm open and also content if none of it does or if you want to chat things over more romance wise, just shoot me a message.
Alrighty! Here we go. Just two because I'm trying to limit it a bit.

Marley x Lucy - I just like these guys. Maybe they go cloud-gazing or something similarly really chill? They choose a nice day and just go to the lawn and find pictures in clouds. I just feel like something kind of soft lol.

Fiona x Aroha - Not a new friendship but these guys should definitely spend more time together! Maybe they practice together to prepare for trying out for quidditch? Aroha would be supportive, even though they're technically going up against each other. That or a simple 'hey what'd you do in the break' sort of catch up.

Thomas and Camille were cute and I'm guessing they could hang out again. She has trouble with fitting in as well so perhaps if they find eachother in that they be miserable together. xD
I obviously don't need to mention this but Josh x Sen ♥️

Eliza x Chase: I know we put those two together once and not much happened in the thread but I do think their shared interest in comics could make them friend (or more) material still?

Marley x Chase: up for anything quidditch related if you want

Fiona x Summer: I know it's not exactly a 'friendship' like what you might be looking for but it might be fun to explore their whole frenemy situation a bit more (or for Fiona to just continue not particularly liking Summer which would make the list of people who might be a bit tense around Summer bigger than she might realise)

ofc!! we'd defs need to do some stuff!! <3

Eliza x Chase - Yes absolutely! I know the threads they've done run quite short, but I'd defs like to do something and see where that goes, who knows, could be something more, but i'd be keen to see what happens for sure! Defs keen on the more part too hehe!

Marley x Chase - Yessssss would love some quidditch related threads for Marley, so I'd defs be keen for that!

Fiona x Summer - I remember us talking about the frenemies between the two and I'd defs would like to continue that for them! I'd love to explore more of that for sure!

I'm pretty much up for all three hahaha! How would you like to split it up?


I come to you with a few things;

1) Gregory and Conan - Gregory lost most of hearing in the tail end of the previous year, and hasn't been telling people about it, so would be happy to do something, where gregory runs into conan and like blanks him etc.

2) Fraser Fergusson for a couple of things - a) Fraser as a crush for Fiona - he's on the quidditch team so maybe it's from that.
b) as a romantic potential partner - so could be for either Eliza or Marley - Marley would be the accio connection and the quidditch, maybe they're chatting and start to get to know each other a little better.
Or eliza they're in the same house and year so they have that connection.

3) Fiona and Apolline - i feel like they should be friends, they're both 3rd year gryffindors.

If any of this takes your fancy let me know, i'm open and also content if none of it does or if you want to chat things over more romance wise, just shoot me a message.

Gregory x Conan - 100% yes for this!!!!!!! I love their threads together, so I'd defs be up for that!

Marley x Fraser - Ooooh! I'd like to see where this would go! I'd defs be keen for a romantic potential for these two! I think them both being in quidditch and accio helps a lot and i enjoyed that small thread they had together a bit ago, even though it didn't really last that long - But I'd defs be keen for a romantic potential for these two and see where this goes!

Apolline x Fiona - Oh yes! Would be keen for this! Fiona needs more friends so I think she'd appreciate that heaps!

I'm pretty much keen for these three pairs, unless there were any pairs that you weren't really keen on? How did you wanna split these up?

Alrighty! Here we go. Just two because I'm trying to limit it a bit.

Marley x Lucy - I just like these guys. Maybe they go cloud-gazing or something similarly really chill? They choose a nice day and just go to the lawn and find pictures in clouds. I just feel like something kind of soft lol.

Fiona x Aroha - Not a new friendship but these guys should definitely spend more time together! Maybe they practice together to prepare for trying out for quidditch? Aroha would be supportive, even though they're technically going up against each other. That or a simple 'hey what'd you do in the break' sort of catch up.
Sarah! Hello!

Marley x Lucy - I absolutely love their friendship and the threads they end up having together, i always enjoy that!! Cloud-gazing sounds good to me!!!

Aroha x Fiona - Oh absolutely! More threads between these two for sure!!! A quidditch thread between these two sounds great!

Thats two! Did you wanna start one and I start the other?


Thomas and Camille were cute and I'm guessing they could hang out again. She has trouble with fitting in as well so perhaps if they find eachother in that they be miserable together. xD
Hi Jamie!!!

Oh yes!!! I like these two!! Would defs be keen to put them in a thread again together and see what happens!!!
I'm here!

Josh/Kyon- Roomies/besties, final year. Could be fun! Kyons also started dating emmanuel, so that could be fun too.
Conan/Airen- they've hung out before, maybe they could again? could be friends.
Eliza/airen- airen and her could be potential besties. they could make comic books together?
marley and amodeus- need i say more?
Fiona/Caius- he's super friendly, and a bit of a cutie. they could be buddies? potential crush for a minute?
thomas/tanith- we mentioned before they clung to each other, so maybe some more threads?
sophie/teo- twins need to fight. he's going to call her a nerd for being a ravenclaw.

Gregory x Conan - 100% yes for this!!!!!!! I love their threads together, so I'd defs be up for that!

Marley x Fraser - Ooooh! I'd like to see where this would go! I'd defs be keen for a romantic potential for these two! I think them both being in quidditch and accio helps a lot and i enjoyed that small thread they had together a bit ago, even though it didn't really last that long - But I'd defs be keen for a romantic potential for these two and see where this goes!

Apolline x Fiona - Oh yes! Would be keen for this! Fiona needs more friends so I think she'd appreciate that heaps!

I'm pretty much keen for these three pairs, unless there were any pairs that you weren't really keen on? How did you wanna split these up?

Yes to all of these! I'm happy to start the Fraser and Marley one (probably in accio) and the Gregory and Conan one (at the lake front), if you wanna do Apolline and Fiona?
Hey Maria!

I have a couple of first years for Sophie but I would like to particularly point out Elijah Edogawa and Rose Edogawa who I think might be more suited to her vibe. Elijah is also in Ravenclaw and also really interested in his academics so he could totally play her field in that regard, it would be fun for him to develop a bit of an academic rival if we want to work on that?

Rose Edogawa: she's also very much into sports so I could see them bonding over quidditch (or perhaps not being allowed to try out in their first year?) because she's a muggle born and might not know much about quidditch depending on how you want that to go, Rose would be only too happy to bring her up to speed. Her entire family are quidditch players. Her siblings and cousin are all on the Tengu's and her mother is the coach, so they know their fair share about the sport and Rose would be willing to give her any pointers if she needs them.
ofc!! we'd defs need to do some stuff!! <3

Eliza x Chase - Yes absolutely! I know the threads they've done run quite short, but I'd defs like to do something and see where that goes, who knows, could be something more, but i'd be keen to see what happens for sure! Defs keen on the more part too hehe!

Marley x Chase - Yessssss would love some quidditch related threads for Marley, so I'd defs be keen for that!

Fiona x Summer - I remember us talking about the frenemies between the two and I'd defs would like to continue that for them! I'd love to explore more of that for sure!

I'm pretty much up for all three hahaha! How would you like to split it up?

That all sounds goooood. 👀 I could do Marley x Chase and Fiona x Summer? Might hit you up about some ideas for those but will put them on the list!
Yes to all of these! I'm happy to start the Fraser and Marley one (probably in accio) and the Gregory and Conan one (at the lake front), if you wanna do Apolline and Fiona?
Sounds good! I’ll send you the link once i get something up :)

I'm here!

Josh/Kyon- Roomies/besties, final year. Could be fun! Kyons also started dating emmanuel, so that could be fun too.
Conan/Airen- they've hung out before, maybe they could again? could be friends.
Eliza/airen- airen and her could be potential besties. they could make comic books together?
marley and amodeus- need i say more?
Fiona/Caius- he's super friendly, and a bit of a cutie. they could be buddies? potential crush for a minute?
thomas/tanith- we mentioned before they clung to each other, so maybe some more threads?
sophie/teo- twins need to fight. he's going to call her a nerd for being a ravenclaw.
Josh x Kyon - Yesss i remember us discussing a thread for these two, so i’ll defs be keen for these two!

Conan/Eliza x Airen - I’m keen for either pair! Either pair sounds good to me - maybe we can focus on one for now and then do another pair a little later? I don’t mind what pair we do!

Marley x Amodeus - Always keen for this pair! it’s an absolute yes for me!!

Fiona x Caius - Oooo! I’d like to put them in a thread together and see what happens - Fiona is a bit rowdy so we shall see hehe but yes for a thread together between these two and see what happens!

Thomas x Tanith - Yes absolutely!

Sophie x Teo - Ooooh I like that - i’d be keen for that too!

Hey Maria!

I have a couple of first years for Sophie but I would like to particularly point out Elijah Edogawa and Rose Edogawa who I think might be more suited to her vibe. Elijah is also in Ravenclaw and also really interested in his academics so he could totally play her field in that regard, it would be fun for him to develop a bit of an academic rival if we want to work on that?

Rose Edogawa: she's also very much into sports so I could see them bonding over quidditch (or perhaps not being allowed to try out in their first year?) because she's a muggle born and might not know much about quidditch depending on how you want that to go, Rose would be only too happy to bring her up to speed. Her entire family are quidditch players. Her siblings and cousin are all on the Tengu's and her mother is the coach, so they know their fair share about the sport and Rose would be willing to give her any pointers if she needs them.
Hi Zazz!

I’m keen for both for sophie! if you are up for that? otherwise i’m happy to do one first and do another later if you much prefer doing that then all in one go - i honestly don’t mind!

elijah x sophie - an academic rival between those two sound interesting and i’m interested in the at sure!

rose x sophie - sophie defs will have an interest in quidditch, but she’ll defs need an understanding of what it is and stuff so for someone to explain it to her would be great! i defs see her trying out for the ravenclaw team in the future!
That all sounds goooood. 👀 I could do Marley x Chase and Fiona x Summer? Might hit you up about some ideas for those but will put them on the list!
yes! sounds good to me! i can do the rest :) yeah defs! hit me up with anything you have in mind!
Hi Zazz!

I’m keen for both for sophie! if you are up for that? otherwise i’m happy to do one first and do another later if you much prefer doing that then all in one go - i honestly don’t mind!

elijah x sophie - an academic rival between those two sound interesting and i’m interested in the at sure!

rose x sophie - sophie defs will have an interest in quidditch, but she’ll defs need an understanding of what it is and stuff so for someone to explain it to her would be great! i defs see her trying out for the ravenclaw team in the future!
I'm so keen for both, no worries at all! I can start one if you start the other? So perhaps if I start the girls potentially talking about quidditch (since quidditch trials are on right now so maybe they could be watching?) and we can just pretend school has started even though its not even classes yet xD
I'm so keen for both, no worries at all! I can start one if you start the other? So perhaps if I start the girls potentially talking about quidditch (since quidditch trials are on right now so maybe they could be watching?) and we can just pretend school has started even though its not even classes yet xD
Sounds good! I can start the other one if you’d like! :)
Josh x Kyon - Yesss i remember us discussing a thread for these two, so i’ll defs be keen for these two!

Conan/Eliza x Airen - I’m keen for either pair! Either pair sounds good to me - maybe we can focus on one for now and then do another pair a little later? I don’t mind what pair we do!

Marley x Amodeus - Always keen for this pair! it’s an absolute yes for me!!

Fiona x Caius - Oooo! I’d like to put them in a thread together and see what happens - Fiona is a bit rowdy so we shall see hehe but yes for a thread together between these two and see what happens!

Thomas x Tanith - Yes absolutely!

Sophie x Teo - Ooooh I like that - i’d be keen for that too!

thats seven, do we want to do three/four this semester and the rest next semester?
thats seven, do we want to do three/four this semester and the rest next semester?
three for now sounds good and then we can totally do the rest next semester! which ones did you have in mind that you’d like to do this semester? :)
three for now sounds good and then we can totally do the rest next semester! which ones did you have in mind that you’d like to do this semester? :)
Eliza x Airen
Thomas x Tanith
Sophie x Teo

sound good?
Hi Jamie!!!

Oh yes!!! I like these two!! Would defs be keen to put them in a thread again together and see what happens!!!

Ok cool an idea where they would meet up? I kind of have a list to start, so I don't know if you can put it on yours? It can wait ofcourse an bit if you like.
Ok cool an idea where they would meet up? I kind of have a list to start, so I don't know if you can put it on yours? It can wait ofcourse a bit if you like.
sure thing! i can start something! :)
Sarah! Hello!

Marley x Lucy - I absolutely love their friendship and the threads they end up having together, i always enjoy that!! Cloud-gazing sounds good to me!!!

Aroha x Fiona - Oh absolutely! More threads between these two for sure!!! A quidditch thread between these two sounds great!

Thats two! Did you wanna start one and I start the other?
I can start the Fiona x Aroha one if you want to start the other!
sounds good!
how did u wanna split it up? like what ones did u wanna start?

Thomas x Tanith - I could start?
Sophie x Teo - Do you want to start?
Eliza x Airen- Do you want this one as well?
Hey Maria, I waited to respond to this PD until I knew if my transfer was approved and she was!

I could offer Alicia as a friend for Eliza, they're roommates now! Or we can at least see how they get along?
I can recommend Eliza & Christian can try to be friends if and maybe something more develops.
Sophie & Rhea - both are in the same house and both maybe friends.
Hey Maria, I waited to respond to this PD until I knew if my transfer was approved and she was!

I could offer Alicia as a friend for Eliza, they're roommates now! Or we can at least see how they get along?
Hi! Oooo yes that would be good! Did you wanna start something or would you like me to?

I can recommend Eliza & Christian can try to be friends if and maybe something more develops.
Sophie & Rhea - both are in the same house and both maybe friends.

Ooo! I'd be keen on both! Did you wanna start one and I can start the other?
Thomas x Tanith - I could start?
Sophie x Teo - Do you want to start?
Eliza x Airen- Do you want this one as well?
Sounds good! Would it be okay if you could start the Eliza and Airen one? If not that's totally okay, I can do that one too

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