Y46 Graduation Ceremony: Guests

Professor Matt Alcott-Ward

Somehow in charge | Laid back | Friendly
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Bi (Kyle)
3/2007 (55)
OOCOut of Character:

Here is the area for invited guests, staff, professors and prefects to post while at the graduation. Please be reminded that you are also invited to start separate RPs that take place after the graduation ceremony has concluded.
Emmanuel Okoye was very sad that Aine and others in her year would be graduating. He had really come to get to know and appreciate the year above him. He was glad that as a prefect, he was allowed to go to the graduations of others. He took a seat amongst other prefects and was looking up at the head master as things got started. Emmanuel smiled at the speeches given, thinking both were very in keeping with who each of them was. Emmanuel stood up to applaud them both when they were finished, thinking that both deserved a standing ovation, even if he was the only one to do so. Emmanuel cheered for all of the graduating students, standing up to applaud for the ones he knew best.
Somewhat surprisingly, Savannah didn't think that going to the graduation ceremony of other students was that much a waste of her time. Instead she was quite happy for it. She was keen to see the graduating class, and keen to see what was said at these things. It was one thing to read about it and another to really see it. The ravenclaw prefect listened along to what was said, but she thought it still a little cliched. But, then again, Savannah was sure it was easier to give a speech of cliches than it was to be truly original. The teen politely applauded for the graduating students, rolling her eyes at the pregnant one.
Being back at Hogwarts was odd, but there was no way he would miss his sisters' graduation. It helped too that he'd been away for a bit, spending time with his girlfriend rather than with his parents. he was in the loop (knowing about the baby) but hadn't spoken or seen his sister since finding out. Branson was excited to be an uncle, he had enjoyed being a cousin to Uncle Ty's kids, and this would be no different. He didn't know the students speaking, at least, he couldn't remember them well, but applauded, they spoke well. Branson cheered loudly as his sister's crossed the stage, very proud of them both for graduating.
Professor Minnie Calida didn't need to come to graduations, but knowing that at her own, she hadn't had anyone to applaud for her, she knew it was right to come along, to applaud loudly for each student, in case they had no one else. She took a spot and listened as the head master and the head students spoke. She didn't know either of them, the proxy of her role meaning that she wasn't that aware of who the older students were. But they spoke nicely. it was sweet. She didn't know any of the graduating students but applauded loudly for all of them.
Stefan Archer felt odd. It had been years, decades since his own graduation, and it was odd that now his youngest girls, his baby girls were graduates themselves. Odder still that he was about to be a grandfather. He had been worried for Rosie when she'd told him, but knew he'd support her no matter what. She was his baby, and even with her own baby, that wouldn't change anything. Did he wish she had waited fractionally longer, sure, but it didn't matter now. He sat down in the great hall with his son and listened to the speeches given. He was proud of all his children, it was hard to not be when they were all such wonderful people. He applauded and cheered for his girls as they crossed the stage, happy they were almost able to do it together. It felt crazy that he had come so far, that his family had come so far and would continue in the next generation - if he was still at hogwarts for his grandchild's first graduation he knew that would be the sign to retire.
Professor Kingsley sat at what would be the final graduation she would attend as the Gryffindor Head of House. She was grateful for her time and eager to applaud and congratulate the members of Gryffindor House as well as the other students. Clapping as each speech came to a close, the woman was happy she'd chosen to attend. It was a joy for her to watch the faces of each student, the excitement of youth and what hope they had for the future written on their faces and how they carried themselves.
It had been a year since Sky had been sitting in this hall on the day of her own graduation. it had been a bitter sweet day for her leaving the school, and everyone in it behind and entering the adult world. She had grown a lot over the last year working hard, working at the lolly shop, and also taking some music lessons and any other job she could get her hands on, baby sitting? sure. waitressing? absolutely,
but this year she was back a bouquet of Lillies in one hand and the final bag of sweets from honey dukes. she had been sending a small bag to her girlfriend practically every week this year but today Ngawaiata was graduating. and soon they would be off on an adventure. she found herself a seat among parents and siblings, professors and prefects and she saw the graduates come in and waved as she saw ngawaiata. and some of her other friends. soon the ceremony had begone and she listeened to Aines speech chuckling at the jokes and then at Mondays nodding along to his points. then it was time for the graduates to graduate. She clapped each of them but especially her friends. and when Ngawaiata Martin was called she cheered. All too soon, but not soon enough the ceremony was over. she got up and made her way through the crowd congratulating people as she passed them as she went to find and celebrate with her girlfriend.

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