Y42 S1 Hufflepuff House Meeting

Professor Landon Carter

herbology 1-4 | laid-back | father of 4 girls
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 9 1/2 Inch Sturdy Alder Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
Landon was feeling a lot happier this semester, and so when he thought about this year's meeting, he decided to lay off on it for a little until he was able to plan something very special for his students. He wanted a change from the previous years to make it a little more interesting and exciting for them, and hopefully they would all be as happy as himself by the end of it. The spring weather had not been so kind to him lately, but finally there was a sunny day ahead, and so Landon made sure to put up some flyers around the common room, instructing the students to meet him outside where he had everything set up for them.

The professor had set up this year's meeting on the great lawn with several large black and yellow picnic blankets spread out on the grass, each with its own picnic basket in the middle. Landon had taken a trip to Honeydukes during the break and had filled up many of the picnic baskets with sweets he had brought. There was also a picnic basket that contained less sugary snacks for those who didn't have such a sweet tooth, but he was sure that wouldn't be a problem. He had a couple of board games on the picnic blankets too, including some muggle games such as Jenga and checkers for those who knew how to play. A drinks station had also been set up to the side in case anyone felt a little parched, and there were many selections to choose from. Landon sat down on his own picnic blanket as he waited for his students to arrive. When they started approaching, he beamed. "Please, take a seat on one of the picnic blankets and feel free to help yourself to the snacks inside the basket or a drink at the drinks station!" he exclaimed, hoping they would all enjoy the change of scenery.

OOCOut of Character:
There are 3 types of picnic baskets. Feel free to choose whichever one you like or mix them up! Below is a list of everything Landon has put together.

Cinnamon Balls
Sherbert Lemons

Ham and Cheese Sandwiches
Vanilla Scones
Chocolate Cupcakes

Bertie Botts Every Flavour Beans
Cockroach Clusters
Jelly Slugs
Chocolate Frogs

Pumpkin Juice
Iced chocolate
Cranberry Punch
Lemon Water
Eugene had thought coming outside for a picnic was a great way to start the semester. There was so much that he needed to do, but it would be nice to go outside and enjoy the winter sunshine. The Hufflepuff prefect got outside and was one of the first to arrive at the place. Eugene had of course brought his guitar, since they'd be outside enjoying a picnic, he knew it would be pleasant to play some music during it. He hadn't brought his camera, since he didn't want to make students feel uncomfortable. He glanced about and thought this was all very cool. Eugene walked over to the head of the house, a broad smile on his features. ”Need a hand at all?” Eugene asked in case there was more to get.
@Professor Landon Carter
Leonardo arrived at where he'd read the Hufflepuff House meeting would be. He never knew how to act around the professors at this school. They were just all so much nicer than he ever expected them to be. The head of house was supposed to be both a professor and a parent to some degree; in both of those circumstances, he couldn't imagine his father or grandfather throwing any kind of elaborate picnic just to welcome new students. There was food, drinks and seemingly games. Leonardo didn't know what to do. He just stood awkwardly at the edge of it all, trying to think of how exactly he should act in this situation.
Gregory had never been in a school house before, he knew they existed, but his last school had been far too small to justify them. So the idea that he had a house that he would be able to friends with lots of people was superb. He liked that. It helped that he wasn't stuck with Cassius in his house. He hadn't known what the house would be like until he'd been sorted, but there had been a fear that he'd end up sharing a sleep space with him. But it wasn't, Gregory just had to do his best to avoid him. He reached the great lawn, immediately spotting some snacks, he sat in front of a Picnic basket two and got himself from that a chocolate cupcake. Being in a school house was great fun.
Molly was happy to be back at school. She pretty much preferred it over being at home right now. The Hufflepuff girl had always enjoyed house meetings. She liked meeting new housemates as well as catching up with her housemate. Molly skipped happily down to the great lawn where the house meeting was being held, when she arrived, she gasped in amazement, loving the idea that they were having a picnic. She giggled and waved excitedly to the professor and noticed only a few people had arrived. Molly looked around to see that there weren't many familiar faces around, though she did notice a younger Hufflepuff boy and decided to join him at the second picnic basket and sat down on the picnic basket. "Hi! I'm Molly, what's your name?" Molly says enthusiastically with a big smile and wave.

@Gregory Friend
Nolan had liked house meetings, though there were times when he'd like to avoid them as they were sometimes boring. But the idea of avoiding them was a bit hard now that he was a Prefect and had to hold responsibility. Nolan quickly made his way down to the great lawn where the meeting was held. He was sort of impressed with the idea of a picnic. He noticed his friend was having a conversation with the head of house and didn't want to interrupt, so he just waved to his friend a little, before making his way further to where everything was scattered. He decided to take a seat on the picnic blanket with the third picnic baskey.
Lizzie was always nervous when it came to social events like this, even if it was just her house. There were still a lot of people around. Interacting with people as well as making friends had always made Lizzie a little nervous. The girl slowly yet shyly made her way down towards the great lawn where the house meeting was taking place. She liked that it was outside. She much preferred the outdoors to being stuck inside. She didn't recognise any familiar faces yet, so she nervously and shyly made her way to the picnic blanket that had the first picnic basket.
Renata thought this was nice, rather than a quick meeting after the ceremony. Professor Carter was pretty thoughtful. The games looked a bit confusing - she thought she vaguely knew of them from old muggle tv shows and movies, but she didn't have the slightest idea of how to play them. She saw Eugene talking to the professor and wanted to join, but figured he might have prefect things to keep him busy, so instead she got herself an iced chocolate and sat down near a younger girl at the first basket. She gave her a smile and took a couple of toffees, stretching her legs out in front of her. "You're in second year, right?" Renata asked the girl, hoping not to startle her. "Welcome back!"

@Elizabeth Rogers
Socializing was exhausting, thought Aine. It didn't help that she was unapologetically awful at it. And now Professor Carter had put on a big event as a welcome back meeting and Aine wanted to be social, but she also wanted to quietly eat in a corner and not be disturbed. Weirdly, she didn't actually know too many Hufflepuffs beyond being sort of acquaintances almost reaching friends with the rest of the third years. And Jordie, though he seemed to think she needed his help more than she actually did. She was fine. She politely apologized as she grabbed an assortment of items trom the second basket, a drink, and then headed back to the edge of the area, awkwardly biting a sandwich around her holding everything else. "Honestly," she started, after swallowing a bite. "Stuffing your face is the best way to pretend you know what you're doing at a social event," she smirked, not expecting a response from the older boy as she took a sip of her drink.

@Leonardo Orr
Rose loved these house meetings and Rose walked to the great lawn were the meeting was supposed to be held. She wasn't the first to arrive and Rose sat down with Edgar next to her. She didn't spot any of her friends, but she knew some people since they were prefects or she had seen them in the WPC. Rose grabbed a sandwich and waited for her friends to come and join her. She smiled and decided to set up the Jenga tower to play a game with.
Leonardo glanced at the Hufflepuff next to him. She was younger, a couple of years, but not much. He hadn't interacted with her much, though. He watched as she ate her food and then glanced back at the baskets with the good. Leonardo shook his head slightly, ”Okay,” but he didn't move, just remained awkwardly standing there, half hoping that Felix or Harmony would be there. ”What's good?” he asked in reference to what was in the baskets.
@Aine Thompson
Gregory glanced at the girl who'd sat next to him. He smiled at her, she was older than him, by a couple of years, but she seemed excited. He waved back, conscious of the bright pink band-aid on his hand from his fall after quidditch. "I'm Gregory," He replied. He had a muffin in his hand and took a bite of it. "There are muffins in this basket," he told her, though she was probably able to see that.
@Molly Burke
Aine ducked her head a little. She was getting used to speaking her mind more, but it wasn't necessarily a good thing. She wasn't that good at conversation, though she tried. It just wasn't a thing she was used to doing so much. And people never liked her being upfront, though with all her hormonal imbalance it was harder to not just blurt things out. "Sorry. I keep just, saying things, and remembering after that I shouldn't," she awkwardly apologized, looking over the assorted people. "Um, depends whether you're big into lollies or not. If you go for the toffees, you can get away with not talking to weirdo third years that don't shut up when they get nervous. Though sandwiches are good, too."

@Leonardo Orr
Margo wasn't sure what to make of the new location for the house meeting. She was glad to be spending some time outside when the weather was finally starting to turn but she didn't like feeling so open and exposed around so many people she didn't know. Well she knew them all a little, they were in the same house after all. But it felt very different being out here on the great lawn compared to relative security of the common room. She wished she had made more friends with her housemates and figured this wouldn't be the worst place to try. Eventually she settled on sitting by one of the picnic baskets and pulled out a vanilla scone to snack on while she waited for more people to join in.
Felix had been excited about having their house meeting on the lawn instead of the common room. He wondered why they had never done this before. But his excitement didn't stop him from being a little late and he scanned the crowd, trying to figure out where he wanted to go. He smiled and waved at Molly but decided to head towards his roommate instead. "Hey Leooo." he said and pat his friend on the shoulder before glancing at the girl who had spoken to him. "Oh they have sandwiches?" he asked excitedly. "What kind?" Felix would be lying he said the most exciting part of a picnic wasn't the food. @Leonardo Orr @Aine Thompson
Tilly was trying to wrap her head around the fact that this was her last year at the school. Between NEWTs and the Quidditch season, she had plenty to look forward to. While she had an idea of what she wanted to do, she still hadn't fully decided. Smiling at the setup Professor Carter had prepared for them on the Great Lawn, she gravitated towards one of her best friends. Plopping down next to Rosemarie with a ham and cheese sandwich in her hand, Tilly said, "So this is it, yeah?"

@Rosemarie Chatwin
Essie was a little curious when she found out that the year's annual meeting was being held on the Great Lawn. She wondered what on earth the professor had in store for them. What was so wrong with the common room? As Essie noticed the picnic blankets and baskets, she smiled a little, suddenly wondering why she hadn't expected it. Of course the professor wanted them to get some fresh air. The teen looked around for her friends, and when she found them she made her way over to them and sat down. She took a chocolate cupcake from the basket. "Hey girls, how were your breaks?" she asked, wanting nothing more than to chat with them.
@Rosemarie Chatwin @Tilly Drage
Ezra had heard from a few of his classmates that their heads of houses had held house meetings early in the semester, he wondered when that was going to happen for Hufflepuff. When the announcement came, Ezra was pretty excited. It was held outside and apparently would be a picnic. Hufflepuff was definitely a good house. Once he arrived on the lawn for the meeting, Ezra grinned. There were picnic blankets and baskets full of treats, as well as games. He was a little sad his best friend wasn't here, but he'd just have to tell Dorian about this later. Ezra spotted Gregory and headed to him even though he saw an older girl had also joined him. He grinned and sat down. "Hey Gregory." He nodded at the girl in greeting. "Hi." He said, before looking into the picnic basket. "Neat!" He said, grabbing a chocolate cupcake from the basket and taking a big bite. "Are meetings always like this?" He asked the girl.

@Gregory Friend @Molly Burke
Molly smiled when the younger boy introduced himself. "Nice to meet you, Gregory!" Molly said with a giggle and nod. The Hufflepuff girl noticed something pink on the boy's hand but decided not to say anything as she didn't want to scare the boy off. She gasped excitedly when he mentioned about the muffins, and decided to dig into the basket to grab a muffin. She was about to ask Gregory a question when a younger boy decided to join them. "Hello! I'm Molly, what's your name?" Molly said excitedly to the boy. She shrugged a little at the boy's question. "Oh! Not often, since I've been here. Usually, they're in the common room. But there was one time where we had one at night and there was a bomb fire" Molly says with a small smile and shrug, as she tried to think about the past house meeting.

@Gregory Friend @Ezra Ito
Gregory was glad when Ezra appeared. Though it was nice to talk to the older girl he was reassured by a dorm mate and friend being about. He gave a little wave to his friend. "Hey Ezra," Gregory greeted warmly. He equally had the same question about if this was normal, and the girl answered. This wasn't the normal thing they did but it had happened or something like it had happened a few times. "That's cool," Gregory said.
@Ezra Ito @Molly Burke

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