Y38 Graduation Guests

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Katherine Alicastell

Former Headmistress
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Divorced (Heterosexual)
Sexual Orientation
Straight 9 ½ Inch Rigid Chestnut Wand with Unicorn Tail Hair Core
October 1988 (67)
OOCOut of Character:
Here is the area for invited guests, staff, professors and prefects to post while at the graduation. Please be reminded that you are also invited to start separate RPs that take place after the graduation ceremony has concluded.
Being back in the Great Hall brought back a lot of memories, but all Katy's attention was on her cousin today. She could not be prouder of Elliot, seeing him standing up on the stage in front of everyone. She'd always considered herself his number one fan since they were kids, but it was still gratifying to see that school had agreed enough to make him head boy. She could imagine the level of nerves he felt about the speech though, so she made a point to be obnoxious as possible as he stepped up to speak, hooting and clapping loudly before settling down to hear him speak, grinning ear to ear.

Once he and the head girl was finished, Katy watched as Elliot was one of the first to walk to get his diploma, making sure to make a tonne of noise again as he did so. She just hoped Elliot knew it was al sincere cheering, not just to make him feel embarrassed. She also cheered when she spotted Kace, Lily, and Lars, glad there were still a few Hogwarts kids around she could remember from her exchange year. She couldn't wait for the ceremony to be over so she could grab her cousin and his friends for a proper congratulation.
Graduations were always a bittersweet affair, but this year was a particularly difficult one. As much as every teacher liked to think they didn't have favourites, it wasn't much of a secret that that wasn't true. And Selene had been one of Kahurangi's favourites almost since she had started at Hogwarts, her enthusiasm for Ancient Runes before it had even been a subject that she was allowed to take endearing her easily. It would be a sad thing, not seeing the girl at house meetings or in class anymore. That said, she was by no means the only student Kahurangi was sad to be losing either, and she felt a pang of loss as Elliot took the stage for his speech as well. Time seemed to pass so fast these days, and as she rocked Hinemoa gently in her arms, it struck her how relatively short the time was before she would be here again, watching her daughter graduate. She held Hinemoa slightly tighter and held back the urge to cry as she watched the speeches, trying to center herself in the moment. Yes, one day she would be watching Hinemoa's graduation, but that day was a long ways off. Right now Hinemoa slept quietly in her arms, and she was watching yet another class of students she had taught take their first steps out into the world as adults. She watched both speeches and the following ceremony with her heart filled with pride, no doubt that this class of young people would go on to do great things.
Evelyn couldn't believe this day had finally come. Lily was graduating. She was going to be off to college soon, off to be a baker. Her little girl. Evelyn was usually a serious person, but she was fighting to keep her tears in check today. She found her way to their seats, tempted to hold Corbin's hand but trying to keep a stoic front up. She let out a shaky breath as Elliot started his speech- he had always been such a nice boy. She couldn't help but wipe a tear away as Lily crosses the stage. Her baby was crying. Evelyn wasn't surprised. She clapped for her daughter, proud of her success and eager for what else Lily's life may hold in store.
Charlotte had been waiting for this day for a while, but probably not for as long as Sophie had. The woman hadn’t set foot inside the castle for a long while now, however everything still seemed exactly the same. The Great Hall had its usual high ceiling, and it was just like every other graduation ceremony that the former Slytherin had been to. She entered the hall alone and took a seat, smiling at her uncle as she spotted him sitting amongst the other professors. The ceremony was quick to begin and the head people stood up to say their speeches. It had seemed like such a long time ago that Charlotte was in that exact position. It had been nerve wracking, but she was proud of herself for getting so far, and she hoped Sophie felt the same way about that too. She applauded as Sophie quickly collected her diploma. She loved her favourite cousin, and even if she wasn’t proud of herself, Charlotte was definitely proud of her.
Landon had attended many graduation ceremonies during his time as a professor at Hogwarts, but he couldn’t help but feel this one would be one of the most important. He had two people very close to his heart graduating today and he couldn’t be more proud of both of them. Sophie had gone through a lot during her time at school, and had conquered a lot for someone her age, and Landon was looking forward to finally seeing her collect the diploma that was so rightfully hers. Lauren was also in a similar boat, and the man had a very warm heart for the students who pushed on when things were tough, as that was a very good lesson for the future and meant that they could take on anything.

As Landon spotted Charlotte among the guests, he beamed at her, before then listening as the ceremony began. The Head People seemed rather confident giving their speeches. Landon was very proud of Elliot for everything he had done at Hogwarts, and had lots of respect for Selene as she was Sophie’s best friend. He wouldn’t have picked a better pair of people to represent the graduating class of 2054.

It was then that the Headmistress began calling out everyone’s names. Sophie collected her diploma before Lauren, and he clapped hard for her as she quickly walked on and off the stage. Not soon after, it was Lauren’s turn, and Landon clapped hard for her too. He had to admit that he was very fond of this year’s graduating class, and he would definitely miss them. He hoped that they would have bright and happy futures ahead of them all.
Graduation was one of Cyndi's favorite events to attend, the culmination of seven year's worth of efforts from the students. The professor took her seat with her colleagues, smiling, nodding, or waving at them depending on her relationship with them. The ceremony itself was comfortably similar to events of the past, the speeches speaking about the future and lessons learned. The Head Boy and Girl making the words their own in their own eloquent way. She clapped as each one finished. Then it was time for each student to walk across the stage. She clapped for each one, clapping a little harder for her Gryffindors. It would be hard to see them go, but she was eager to see what they would do out there in the real world.
Emily couldn't believe that her little boy was graduating. She dragged Jayce into the hall, watching a few kids speak before the others were called up for their diplomas. She pouted, annoyed suddenly that there were so many kids before her Jazzy. She caught his girlfriends eye and winked playfully, smiling when Jasper was finally called. Feeling emotional, she let out a loud cheer, clapping for her youngest child and her only son. She reached over, her hand searching for Jayces'. She already knew Jasper would act no-nonsense and go to start his internship at the company next week. She leaned over, wanting to cuddle her husband. @Jayce Michaels
Poppy knew the only reason she was allowed at graduation was because she was a prefect but she was grateful for the opportunity. She arrived not long before the ceremony started and took a seat towards the back. She hadn't expected to be emotional as the Headmistress began to speak and she felt her chest grow tight. Time suddenly felt very fast and she knew it wouldn't be long before it would be her turn to walk across the stage. It also didn't help that she had grown quite fond of some of the seventh years graduating either. Lars was one of the first people she ever spoke to at this school and while Iris, and Emma, were still around she would miss him. And after the past few years as Assistant Editor she had grown quite close to Nell as well. The prospect of taking over the monthly all by herself next year was terrifying but she had to trust the older Ravenclaw's judgement and believe she could do it. Poppy clapped after Elliot and Selene's speeches and was proud of them too.
Yvonne could hardly believe how quickly her first full year as a professor had gone. She wondered if all years would fly by in a blur of study guides and exams. But that was a thought that could wait and instead she focused on the excitement and nerves in the room as she watched all of the seventh years fidget as they waited to be released into the real world. Yvonne listened contently to the speeches of both the Head Boy and Girl, and was quietly pleased to have had both of them in her class this past semester. Next year she would have seventh years she had taught her first semester as a professor and she found the thought reassuring and daunting at the same time. She made sure to clap for all the students as they received their diplomas, and while her hands hurt by the end of the list of names she was happy to know no one went uncheered for.
Well, this was it. Their youngest kid was graduating, going off into the world. Except, he wasn’t going that far. Jayce had reminded Jasper again and again that he didn’t need to work for the family company if he didn’t want to. He didn’t want to rob his only son of his dreams, after all. But Jasper had seemed dead set on taking charge of the business, and Jayce wasn’t going to stand in his way. He clapped for the students as they received their diplomas, and cheered as Jasper took to the stage. Jayce squeeze Emily’s hand reassuringly. They had raised three really great kids together. Now, it was on to the next adventure for the two of them. @Emily Michaels
After such a long run of watching her kids graduate nearly one after the other, Maria welcomed a comparatively quiet graduation ceremony. That wasn't to say she wasn't a little emotional to see another class of students leaving Hogwarts to begin their lives as adults, but at least for once, none of those young adults were her own, and Finn's own graduation was a long way off yet. She listened to the Head People speak, thinking they each had poignant points to make, and clapped for both of them when they were done, clapping for the graduates in turn as they took their diplomas and began their journeys into the adult world, armed with all the knowledge and experience Hogwarts had to offer.
Connor had never been to a graduation ceremony before, and had no idea what to expect from the proceedings. Graduation had long felt like a strange mystery only for the eyes of those ready to begin their adult lives outside Hogwarts, something Connor was far too young to be privy to. But now here he was, heart aching slightly at the thought that his own turn on that stage was only two short years away. He listened to the Head People's speeches and applauded them both, trying hard not to think about what Hogwarts was going to be like without Elliot. He admired the older boy perhaps a little more than was entirely normal for a mentor, though he was well aware Elliot was in love with his cousin, and it would be silly to think he would ever be interested anyway. Still, it was going to be strange not having the older boy around anymore, along with the rest of the seventh year class. He clapped as his now former schoolmates took the stage and accepted their diplomas, wondering what kind of person he would be when his own turn came.
It felt surreal being back in Hogwarts on graduation day as a guest. And yet, here she was. Arinna had received a note from her boyfriend @Jasper Michaels inviting her to his graduation. She entered the hall and took her seat just behind other families already seated there. Shortly, the ceremony started with the usual messages from the headmistress and the head people. The graduates then climbed the stage one by one. She could not stop smiling as her boyfriend's turn came. She gave him a small wave once their eyes met.
Misha didn't always go to graduation ceremonies, but in the last few years he had and this one...well, this one was important. He hadn't even known about his daughter till she'd turned up at the school and now, seven years later she was graduating. Misha couldn't really believe it. He hadn't been there for the beginning but he'd really watched her grow into the wonderful and kind young woman that she was. He knew no matter what she did or who with she would excel but he would miss seeing her every day. He had grown quite used to her company, to having lunch every other day, or catching up over coffee or helping her with charms. He spotted her in the crowd and gave an encouraging smile and wave. He watched as her instead of the head people, listening vaguely but unable to tear his gaze away from her. He watched her cheer and cross the stage and just felt so proud of her. Proud of all the students but very specifically her. He didn't know what he was going to do with some of his lunches now, but he was pleased to have gotten a chance to have lunch with her at all.
Daintree had never come to a Hogwarts graduation before and really until he'd found out prefects could go along, he had assumed the only one he would attend was his own. But he sat amongst other prefects looking to the front of the great hall. He was curious, wanting to see how it might differ, how people might approach it differently to muggle ones. He listened to the head people, silently hoping that whoever it might be for his year that it just hopefully wasn't Simon. He didn't particular understand why some of the students were teary after all, it wasn't that sad and it was just a mundane part of education. Who wouldn't be glad to get away from school, to have their own place, their own room and not some dorm with five other people. Daintree applauded politely for the students but he was rather pleased when it was over.
Ajaccio felt his graduation was still a long way away. He wasn't going to mind leaving school when it came, he knew that, but it did mean he would have to decide what he'd done with his life. What path he would let himself go down but there was still plenty plenty time. or that was what he kept telling himself. The ravenclaw prefect looked towards the students graduating as Elliot took to the stage. He nodded at the words finding them nice, good. He hadn't known the older boy well, but that didn't stop him feeling the message of his words. The same with Selene too. She ws someone he was more familiar with but not well. He applauded for both, cheering loudly for them and then all of the students that crossed the stage. He'd miss at least some of them.
Salem was feeling very important being one of the younger students invited to graduation, though it was a bit hard to see past some of the taller people in front of her to the stage. She was always impressed how different places could look if you took out all the regular furniture and people, trying not to get too distracted looking around the hall as the head people spoke. They all seemed so grown up it was funny to think Salem would eventually get there. Though, if she had her way, she'd manage to skip out of school early and travel again with her parents, but it was seeming more and more like that wasn't an option. At least being here had meant she got to spend time with Tyler, and even if he was a grump, he was still her cousin and she loved him. He was her grump

"Yay Tyler!" Salem called, sticking her hand up to wave as he crossed the stage and hoping he could see her over every one else's heads. She'd realized belatedly that this marked the end of their time at school together and resolving to give him a huge hug as soon as the ceremony was over.
Oscar had no idea what he was doing here. Well, that wasn't true, he knew entirely why he was here, to see his own child graduate. Perhaps no idea why he was here. And distantly, how he was here either. It had all been a bit of a whirlwind since the owl had dropped off the invitation. At first Oscar had been too scared to open it, aware he and Elliot hadn't spoken in months since their argument over Miles, but the owl seemed intent on getting an answer from Oscar soon and he didn't want to keep a terrifying bird of prey waiting. It was almost a relief when the note was a formal invitation to the graduation and nothing more, it gave him more time to think of how on Earth he was going to talk to his son.

Now, Oscar could only look around the large hall in awe, wondering how many, if any, of the other parents and guests here were normal people like him. Some were dressed slightly more normal, others in the more outlandish manner he'd come to associate with witches and wizards. He at least recognized the school's headmistress, and the burst of pride at seeing Elliot step forward to address the school was enough to break through even the strongest of Oscar's horrible nerves. Objectively, he'd known Elliot was the head boy and been proud of it, but it was different actually seeing him in action, speaking so well and sounding like an actual grown up. It was enough to push Oscar back into that familiar crisis realizing Elliot was an adult now, finished with school and everything as he walked up to get his diploma, but Oscar still made sure to clap proudly with everyone else, even is his hands felt numb.
It was surreal, being back at Hogwarts after a year. The year had gone by quickly, though Alice had missed being around Elliot a lot. She knew today would be strange for him, and she hoped she could talk to him soon. But he had a speech to give first. Alice hoped he wasn't too nervous.

Alice was sitting near Elliot's cousin, who she only knew vaguely but who seemed nice. She listened as Professor Alicastell spoke to them, reminded strongly of her own graduation only a year ago. Then it was time for Elliot's speech, and Alice couldn't help the proud smile that formed on her face. He was doing great, and she remembered how absolutely terrifying it had been to be up on that stage in front of everyone. Alice applauded loudly, and then listened to the Head Girl's speech, which was also very good. Then she watched as the graduates went to receive their diplomas. It didn't take very long for Elliot to be called up, and Alice cheered for him. She was happy she would get to spend more time with him again now.
The moment Fleur stepped into the Great Hall, she felt like a student again. It had been a few years since she had graduated, but she immediately felt at home again at Hogwarts. She almost wished she could sneak off to the Gryffindor common room for a quick look at her old dorm. But she knew she wouldn't be able to get away with that. Besides, she didn't want to miss Lars' graduation.

Fleur sat with her sisters, shooting Blake a smile. It was very nice of Lars' boyfriend to invite her so Lars could invite all three of his sisters. She then spotted Katy and beamed at her, waving. She had hoped to see her here, with Elliot graduating too. The actual ceremony started, and Fleur quickly focused on the headmistress as she spoke to them. It wasn't long before it was Elliot's turn, and Fleur felt a quick flash of gratitude towards Alicastell for not making Lars head boy instead. She knew her brother had grown a lot over the last few years, but she still didn't think he would be ready to speak to a crowd like this without possibly fainting. Elliot did a good job, and Fleur grinned and clapped. Then the head girl spoke, who Fleur was less familiar with. But she also clapped for her speech, which was nice as well. But Fleur was glad when they got to the part of the ceremony where the graduates received their diplomas. She cheered for her brother as he walked across the stage. She couldn't wait to hug him and mess up his hair after this.
Emma had been pretty curious about what graduation would be like when Fleur had graduated. But it turned out to be pretty boring, if she was honest. At least she was prepared for disappointment this time. She was of course pretty sad Lars was graduating, but she didn't think it would really hit home for her until they headed to Hogwarts next year without him. She was pretty sure Lars was going to be fine, anyway. He seemed a lot happier lately.

Emma was kicking her feet slightly as she listened to the Headmistress and then listened to Lars' ex-boyfriend and the Head Girl give their speeches. They were nice, but Emma did have some trouble paying attention to it all. She was glad when that was all over and done with, cheering for Lars, his boyfriend, and his friends as they all accepted their diploma. Emma was trying very hard not to think about how quickly it would be her up there. She was going to start her sixth year soon, after all.
Iris was feeling rather melancholy. She had gotten used to living in Ravenclaw Tower with Lars and knew she would definitely miss him. She was proud of him, but couldn't help being mostly sad about him leaving her behind.

It was nice to see Fleur again, though, and Iris leaned against her sister a bit as she listened to the speeches. It all washed over her a little, her gaze fixed on Lars. She wondered how Rose felt about Lily graduating. Iris thought maybe she felt similarly to how she was feeling now. She still cheered and clapped for Lars when it was his turn, but on the inside, she felt like she could cry. At least she had always been good at hiding that.
It had been many years now since April's graduation, which made it strange to be back here. Especially when she remembered it was now her little cousin who was graduating, though he had grown up a lot over the past years. April was glad to see her dad, as she didn't get to see him as often as she liked. She had also dragged along her aunt Amy and was sitting next to her, enjoying some small talk until the ceremony began. Professor Alicastell was very much the same as ever, seeming completely unfazed by anything. April could remember how she had cartwheeled at her own graduation, she remembered it with a fond smile. The ceremony went by quickly, April clapped for the Head Boy (who she remembered fondly as the seeker who had taken on the role after her) and the Head Girl (who she didn't really know). But she was glad when the actual ceremony started. It took ages for Clifton to be called, but when he finally crossed the stage April cheered for him loudly, feeling proud of her cousin.
Amy had no nostalgia for Hogwarts, not having been a student here, but it was pretty nice to get to see the place her brother worked. She was happy for Clifton and proud of him for graduating, and also simply enjoyed being here with her niece and brother. The speeches weren't very interesting to Amy. It all pretty much boiled down to the same thing. But she clapped and cheered for Clifton as he went up to get his diploma, unable to help laughing a bit as he almost tripped. He was so much like Matt sometimes.
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