🐘 White Elephant 🐘

Professor Elvera Le Fey

Seer, Mother of twins, Divination 3-4
OOC First Name
Oak 14 3/4" with an Essence of Raven Feather core.
53 (11/2009)
Hello and welcome to the white elephant. 🐘
also known as dirty Santa, the white elephant is a game of surprises and stealing. where people sign up and can unwrap a prize or they can steal someone else's prize.
if you want to see it in action here are a few white elephants from the past
2023, 2022, 2021

1. Player #1 will select a gift from the pool and 'open it.' Once I see your post with your number, I'll announce your present.

2. A) Starting with player #2 and after, each player will have a choice: You can either steal a previous player's opened gift or choose an unwrapped gift from the pool. If you choose to steal a gift, you must announce the person you are stealing from and their gift:
Code:I am stealing ____________ from _____________.
This will help me to better keep track of parcels and please @ the person you are stealing so they know it is their turn

If a player chooses to steal your gift, you may choose a new gift from the unwrapped pool or from any player other than the one who just stole your gift (ex. Player 4(Cyndi) steals Player 1 (Nick's) gift. Nick must choose either a new unwrapped gift or she can steal a gift from Player 2 (Emzies) or 3 (Marijke)... x (you). Nick cannot steal back his gift from Cyndi in this turn).

3. After every player has had a turn, Player #1 will have the opportunity to steal a gift if they so choose. And, of course, if you have your gift stolen, then you can choose to steal another gift. Once someone decides to not steal a gift, the game is officially over and prizes will be rewarded.

1) Prizes are only valid for up to one year (depending on the prize). so as of this post any unclaimed prizes from last years white elephant have been forfeit.
2) this event is an OOC event which means one sign up per role-player not per account. - please sign up with the account you would like prizes awarded to.
3) This site is open to all site members except admins (sorry Nick, Cyndi, and Emzies)
4) there are only 10 spots on the event. if more than 10 people sign up participants will be chosen by random number generator, if fewer than 10 people sign up there will be a spare box (or more)
sign ups close on 23rd May. (Australian time)
5) I will @ you when it is your turn to open. and the person who steals off you will @ you. you will have 24 hours to make your move otherwise you will either forfeit your go (In the case it is you turn to choose to open) or you will get a random gift assigned to you (If your gift was stolen)

thank you to Cyndi who has hosted the event in the past, and credit to her for the information on gameplay
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1. Teddy Pirrip
  1. Teddy Pirrip
  2. Ainsley Lynch

[*][COLOR=rgb(178, 34, 34)]Teddy Pirrip[/COLOR]
[*][class=shopkeepers]Ainsley Lynch[/class]
  1. Teddy Pirrip
  2. Ainsley Lynch
  3. Archie Renner

[*][COLOR=rgb(178, 34, 34)]Teddy Pirrip[/COLOR]
[*][class=shopkeepers]Ainsley Lynch[/class]
[*][COLOR=rgb(204, 0, 102)]Archie Renner[/COLOR]
  1. Teddy Pirrip
  2. Ainsley Lynch
  3. Archie Renner
  4. Aine Thompson

[*][COLOR=rgb(178, 34, 34)]Teddy Pirrip[/COLOR]
[*][class=shopkeepers]Ainsley Lynch[/class]
[*][COLOR=rgb(204, 0, 102)]Archie Renner[/COLOR]
[*][COLOR=rgb(141, 73, 109)][I]Aine Thompson[/I][/COLOR][/LIST]
  1. Teddy Pirrip
  2. Ainsley Lynch
  3. Archie Renner
  4. Aine Thompson
  5. Professor Landon Carter

[*][COLOR=rgb(178, 34, 34)]Teddy Pirrip[/COLOR]
[*][class=shopkeepers]Ainsley Lynch[/class]
[*][COLOR=rgb(204, 0, 102)]Archie Renner[/COLOR]
[*][COLOR=rgb(141, 73, 109)][I]Aine Thompson[/I][/COLOR]
[*][class=professors]Professor Landon Carter[/class]
  1. Teddy Pirrip
  2. Ainsley Lynch
  3. Archie Renner
  4. Aine Thompson
  5. Professor Landon Carter
  6. Amber Chou Wilson

[*][COLOR=rgb(178, 34, 34)]Teddy Pirrip[/COLOR]
[*][class=shopkeepers]Ainsley Lynch[/class]
[*][COLOR=rgb(204, 0, 102)]Archie Renner[/COLOR]
[*][COLOR=rgb(141, 73, 109)][I]Aine Thompson[/I][/COLOR]
[*][class=professors]Professor Landon Carter[/class]
[*][class=shopkeepers]Amber Chou Wilson[/class]
24 hours left to sign up. who is up for some awesome prizes?
  1. Teddy Pirrip
  2. Ainsley Lynch
  3. Archie Renner
  4. Aine Thompson
  5. Professor Landon Carter
  6. Amber Chou Wilson
  7. Harper Alston

[*][COLOR=rgb(178, 34, 34)]Teddy Pirrip[/COLOR]
[*][class=shopkeepers]Ainsley Lynch[/class]
[*][COLOR=rgb(204, 0, 102)]Archie Renner[/COLOR]
[*][COLOR=rgb(141, 73, 109)][I]Aine Thompson[/I][/COLOR]
[*][class=professors]Professor Landon Carter[/class]
[*][class=shopkeepers]Amber Chou Wilson[/class]
[*][class=auror]Harper Alston[/class][/LIST]
sign ups are now closed. I will send everyone a DM tomorrow with their position and then the game will be underway.
ahem *puts on gameshow host voice*

Good morning Viewers and contestants.
Welcome to The White Elephant. The game show where everyone wins and no prize is guaranteed.

Today we have seven lucky contestants fighting it out to win one of ten special prizes. Each contestant gets a turn to pick a prize. However it isn't that easy. Just because you picked a prize doesn't mean that it is yours for good. and if you see something you really like you can steal it to make it your own.
So let's see what prize will get people going like parrahnas. and which prizes will be saved until next time.

Here in front of me I have the ten prizes each beautifully wrapped by our elves hiding in the wings.
Which one is drawing your attention? the sparkly gold, the stripy white, the pretty pink box or maybe something different? it is up to you? Ana you are first. what prize do you pick?

@Harper Alston you have 24 hours to pick your prize.

Help pick the next halloween costume winners@Aine Thompson
Express app processing for 1 app@Professor Landon Carter
Pick pairings and locations for roleplay roulette@Archie Renner
The white elephant trophy@Aine Thompson
@Teddy Pirrip
the chance to help pick a site compeition@Amber Chou Wilson
A hand written letter@Harper Alston
Your name in a fun colour@Ainsley Lynch
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All righty you picked gift seven. the mysterious dark package with the gold ribbon. Congratulations you have in your possession a hand written letter from me saying just how awesome you are. good luck reading my hand writing.
next to the picking podium we have Camilla. will it be the blue, the gold the purple or another mystery box?
@Aine Thompson
Oooh, I'll open 4 please!
They say pretty in pink and isn’t that a pretty present.
Inside we have the much sought after white elephant trophy. 🏆 congratulations.

Welcome up out contestant 3, Rowan. Are you going to upwrap a new present or are we goig to start with the stealing?

@Ainsley Lynch
Gimme number 10 please!!
Congratulations under that fabulous purple bow is your usher name in the colour of your choice (excluding any pre-existing group colours) choose wisely.

Someone else who needs to choose wisely is contestant four. it is your turn to come up to the podium. What colour are you picking to inwrap? Blue pink purple gold yellow green stripes? Or is it time for a steal? Up to you Daphne.

@Amber Chou Wilson
How balanced. our middle participant picks our muddle box. under the guided gold exteria is the chance to help decide a site competition. congratulations.
wow this is a quick game. where is the time going we are up to participant 5. there is still a lot of cool prizes on the table, and a lot of cool prizes to pick from. so Anna what are you going to pick?

@Archie Renner
I pick box number 3!! :D
Number 3 it is. Did you know three is my lucky number. Your prize is to help pick pairings and locations for role play roulette. I hope you get all wins on that wheel and no third wheels.

Only two contestants to go and five prizes to pick from. And what great prizes they are. Now I invite up participant number 6. it is your turn to go, so verity, open or steal. Your choice.

@Teddy Pirrip
I'd like to steal the white elephant trophy from @Aine Thompson please!
And there we have it spectators. our first steal of the game. so Camilla Are you going to steal something else or open something new?
Well then! :lol: I think I'll open something new, might as well see more of what's on the table. Continue the pink theme and pick box #1!
And she chooses the number one box. The pole present as you might say. You are now in possession of helping to pick the next Halloween costume contest winners. Spooooky.
And now we invite our final contestant, our contestant 7, Kaye up to the podium. Are you having the last pick from the shelf or has something else caught your eye?

@Professor Landon Carter

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