What are you watching?

I am watching more of Brooklyn Nine-Nine because the person I'm dogsitting for has a streaming service that has all the seasons I haven't seen. I'm surprised by how much I enjoy it tbh.
Okay, so I now am watching The Lord of the Rings for the first time (I know, I know). I watched The Fellowship of the Ring last night and am now watching The Two Towers.

I will add that I tried to watch the first movie a few times over the years, mostly with an ex-boyfriend who tried to have me watch the extended edition of the already 3 hour movie. Watching it on my own has definitely made me interested in reading the books, though.

EDIT: Grima very much reminds me of the Child Catcher from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang from those who have seen both movies.
God chitty chitty bang bang - that child catcher creeped me the HECK OUT when i was a kid
I've been really getting into Taskmaster lately. :lol: S2 of the Australian version is on and it's pretty good, not as good as the original of course which I've mostly been watching clips of but finally have access to full episodes.
I've been really getting into Taskmaster lately. :lol: S2 of the Australian version is on and it's pretty good, not as good as the original of course which I've mostly been watching clips of but finally have access to full episodes.
I started watching that through random YouTube Shorts (I think just the British version), and it's so funny!
I've been watching 911 and getting really into it (thanks Kris)
911 is SO GOOD
I know right I started I think this month and I'm now on season 5 :r
that you watched it in a month? I think thats a Daphne fault
I never got to finish watching it (thanks breakup) but in honour of David Lynch's passing I have just bought the box set of Twin Peaks so I can rewatch/finish watching it.
rewatching supernatural! I used to really be into it in my teens (Dean girl thru and thru!) And like end of last year I started to watch it again because i never got to finish it and i love it, reconnecting with my teen love and comfort show is nice! Think I started about a month ago and I am now 7 eps into season 6 :r
rewatching supernatural! I used to really be into it in my teens (Dean girl thru and thru!) And like end of last year I started to watch it again because i never got to finish it and i love it, reconnecting with my teen love and comfort show is nice! Think I started about a month ago and I am now 7 eps into season 6 :r
I am on S9 E15 but have paused because of it being the end of some classes for me. But I used to be into it and then I stopped watching in college. I'm now at a point where it's all new to me though! There's some crazy stuff that happens lol
Lost is such a wild ride. What season are you on?

It is, I first was like how can there be six seasons. But I'm almost at the end of the second season. And it's so many questionmarks so wants me to get on with it quickly haha.
I'm rewatching Handmaid's Tale - the new season is coming in like April I think so I felt it was time.
I recently started watching South Korea ''Get married to my husband recently.'' A very interesting series, at least I'm liking it so far.

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