Open The Stands

Reeve Buchanan

Well-Known Member
OOCOut of Character:
Here is where you can roleplay your character(s) reacting to games.

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Daiki knew he was unlikely to ever play quidditch, but he knew he could support the house team easily at the games. he arrived at the stands and went to the hufflepuff section. he had worn his hufflepuff scarf, but hadn't done much more to kit himself out. he found a bench with an empty spot and sat down, looking out at the game which was soon about to start.
Winnie knew it would be important to go along to games. Not just because Quidditch was a popular thing, so she needed to be able to hold her own in conversation with it and also because she did actually like the spot, even if she didn't actually play it. The slytherin didn't support either team, so didn't think it matter who won, so she just sat randomly and looked out as players began arriving.
Magne had once again this year, considered trying out for quidditch, but just hadn't fel like he would be good enough at it yet to really merit it. But he came of course to the first game. it was an interesting game he was sure, though not one with Ravenclaw, so he knew he'd support any of the other teams. He just liked watching it and it gave him something else to do. He tried to see if he could spot any friends to sit with.
Apolline was very excited to see Gryffindor play, she hoped they would win, it would be good for the team to win. She reached the stands and went to the Gryffindor section. She had her gryffindor banner and red paint on her cheeks, just ready to loudly support her house team. "Go Gryffindor!" she shouted as she took a spot in amongst other Gryffindor supporters.
Enoch didn't have much to do, he had planned to study and do some homework, but the quidditch game was on, and in the end, he'd ended up at the stands. He found a spot to sit and watch the game, not speaking to anyone or necessarily picking a side, but just watching it, yawning slightly as he waited for this to get started. if he'd been smarter he might've brought a book to read as he waited, but he just stared off into space instead.
Savannah didn't need to be at this game, but she did want to see how the other seekers were fairing. She wanted to know what her competition would be like. She was one of the more senior seekers, so it just made sense for her to seek out and see how others were doing. She wouldn't spy on practices though. She had no affiliations with either house and just sat down where she could find a spot. Savannah wasn't sure who of the two teams here would actually end up winning.
Emmanuel had always loved going to quidditch matches, and even the ones where Ravenclaw weren't playing. Though he preferred the ones when they were. Emmanuel arrived at the game, and wondered if he should sit somewhere specific so as to not make it seem like the head boy favoured one team over another (though he did, it just wasn't either of these teams). He went to the gryffindor stands to see if he could see Kyon or maybe Senna, just any of his friends who he could then sit with.
Well, Conan hadn't thought that he'd be watching a Quidditch game in Hogwarts again, but here he was. He had kids in all four houses, so it was kind of difficult now to figure out who to cheer for. It was easier when he was in school, where he cheered for Gryffindor as long as the match wasn't against Hufflepuff because house pride! But he was proud of all of his kids even if Ro and Eli weren't playing for their house teams. He'd settled for putting himself in the Gryffindor stands with small Gryffindor and Hufflepuff flags that he'd made himself. He'll just have to rotate around all four sections throughout the year.
Audrey once again had mixed feelings when it came to this game. She didn't have so much of a personal stake, but Teddy was one of her best friends so of course she wanted him to do well when it wasn't against her. By the same token, Oz was her family, much as neither of them were especially close. So, if he could get around Teddy and score, that would be pretty good too.
Despite not being on the team herself, Ten was very excited to be supporting Gryffindor in the first match of the year. She'd dressed in her Gryffindor merch and even tried her best to paint a little lion on one of her cheeks although she had to admit it looked more like an angry sun. Two of her friends were on the team, and she cheered loudly when she spotted Teddy and Veronica getting ready with the rest of the team, which must have been deafening considering her usual tone was loud enough as it was. She did hope Veronica got a chance to play, and while she knew it meant one of the other Chasers would have to be knocked out for that to happen, she still had her hopes up.

@Teddy Pirrip @Veronica Walden-Cade
Perhaps Felix hoped that his sister would be distracted enough by the game to worry about his presence, but the first year headed to the stands feeling somewhat of a traitor. He wanted Gryffindor to win of course, although there was a tiny piece of him too that hoped Hufflepuff would take the match. It was Jonah's first game, and he wanted to see his new friend do well. His eyes looked up toward the Muggle Studies professor, glad that he wasn't the only one who seemed to be conflicted. Alternate or not, he wanted Jonah's first game to go well, and taking a seat by himself he waited to see how things would play out between the two houses.

@Jonah Edogawa
Emery only went to Quidditch games when Raawhiti played, and he definitely pretended not to pay attention to the game, though it was hard not to. Emery still thought Quidditch was stupid and overrated, but he also quietly enjoyed watching his boyfriend play. He’d never tell him, but Raawhiti looked very impressive. He watched from the stands as he gave the Gryffindors an undoubtedly aggressive speech, then grabbed a big book and opened it. He didn’t want to look like he enjoyed being here. He started to read, figuring it was safe to look at the book until the match actually started.
Leah wasn't thrilled with how the matches lined up this year. She obviously had to support her house but she also wanted to cheer for Chase too. He had been working so hard, and she had been trying to help him. If Hufflepuff won today would it be her fault her house lost? She knew getting too involved with quidditch might put her in this position but she hadn't expected it to give her a stomach ache. Which was almost made worse when she spotted Savannah. It wasn't uncommon to watch other teams play but somehow Leah still felt blind sided. She walked around the stands for a while before gathering the courage to shuffle down the row. "Mind if I join you?" she asked trying to sound casual. @Savannah Walters
Rose hadn't even managed to sit down with her dad when she suddenly realised that everyone was cheering. She looked around to note that apparently, in the two seconds she'd taken her eyes off of the game to adjust her robes, she had apparently missed the Hufflepuff seeker, the head of Heta Omega if she remembered the line up correctly, catching the snitch. Well, that was just the game sometimes. You couldn't always predict where the snitch was going to show up, or how fast one of the seekers was going to catch it, but even in game terms, that had been a ridiculously fast game.

@Professor Conan Edogawa
Savannah glanced at Leah as the girl joined her. She watched her for a moment before nodding. "Sure," she said, and then she focused on the game ahead. She was very surprised when it appeared to be over in a blink, clearly the hufflepuff seeker was one to look out for. "Better luck to gryffindor next time," she said to Leah.
@Leah Thorne
Since Conan had seated himself in the Gryffindor stands in the last game, he thought that this time he should sit with his Ravenclaw son for the Ravenclaw games while cheering for his Slytherin daughter who would apparently be playing as an alternate seeker. Which was weird. Not his daughter playing. But his daughter playing as a seeker. He could have sworn she was a chaser, but he wouldn't dare pester Sayuri if she'd just decided to change her mind. For now, he was sitting calmly in the Ravenclaw stands, with his small Ravenclaw flag and a slightly larger Slytherin one - both he made himself.

@Elijah Edogawa
Even though Demi had tried out for the team and been rejected this year, didn't mean she wouldn't be trying again in the future nor would she miss out on the opportunity to support her house and those that had made it. She knew competition had been fierce, and as a first-year she'd been aware it was unlikely she'd have been approved, besides at least this way she got to watch a real Quidditch game so that next year she'd been even more prepared.

Every single piece of Ravenclaw merch she could find, Demi was wearing it, even down to the bright blue sunglasses that were now resting on the end of her nose. "Go Go Ravenclaw!" she was shouting from her place in the stands, hoping that the team could hear her over the rest of the crowd. She had no attachment to Slytherin in the slightest and as far as Demi was concerned, that team could be well and truly crushed. "You can do it!" she yelled, clapping as the game began.
On the premise that Eoghan and Lilith were open to experiences beyond those they were most comfortable with, he'd asked her whether she would have liked to join him to watch the Quidditch game between their house and the snakes. Eoghan wasn't a fan of flying, Quidditch, nor felt particularly loyal to his house, but watching the school play their game might have been one of the very things he would regret not watching if he never made the effort to come to see it.

He sat quietly, dressed in his jeans and a black sweater as he observed the others who came out to watch the show. He wasn't sure how safe a sport like this would be, not when there were professionals who ended up in the hospital due to their injuries, but the professors wouldn't let their students be hit by the bludger, would they?

@Lilith Ilves
Morrie hadn’t shown up to see Slytherin win or lose as she didn't care about that. Her only reason for being there was to cheer on Vanity if nobody else bothered. But, truth be told, it was Ignitus she was really interested in watching, especially now that he didn't have her around to bail him out when he's bludgered out of the game.

Sitting in the Slytherin stands, Morrie erupted into hysterical laughter when Ignitus was hit by a bludger just minutes into the match. “Oh, that's priceless! What a complete loser!” she cackled, thoroughly enjoying the game so far.
Going to a Quidditch match wasn't in the top 5 list of things Lilith was excited to do, but they had spoken about experiencing things even if they weren't the most comfortable option. So there she was, sitting on the stands as the wind howled and students were smacking things around. The scene before her was quite overwhelming and she had hard time focusing. As a Ravenclaw girl smacked a bludger and it hit a Slytherin her mouth fell open. That must have hurt, she thought to herself. "Ah that looked, brutal." She whispered to Eoghan next to her, but clapped her hands.

@Eoghan Blyth
Cyrus felt a little bittersweet as he settled in the stands to watch the game. He knew he had tried his best at tryouts, but it still felt a little painful that he had been rejected. He knew he could try again next year, and he probably would. Maybe he'd try a different position. He had grabbed a small notebook to take notes, hoping to get some inspiration out of this match if nothing else. He looked up as the girl next to him started shouting, he recognized her vaguely. "You tried out too, right?" He asked her in between her shouts. Then a gasp went through the stands as the Slytherin seeker was immediately hit. "She's good." He said, looking at Lucy.

@Demi Zephyr
It took Demi a second to realise it was her that was being spoken to by the boy beside her, but after a moment she turned her head to see one of the other students that had been there that day of the tryouts. "I sure did!" she grinned at him, figuring that since he was here and not there, he hadn't made it onto the team either. Her brown eyes dropped to the notebook in his hands, something Demi hadn't thought many people would bring to a sports match, "What are you writing?" she asked. Her attention snapped back to the match when she heard the crowd gasp, wincing a little as one of the Slytherin members got pelted no more than a few seconds after the game had begun. "Yeah, she is." she agreed, watching Lucy continue her search for another bludger. "Take him out!" she suddenly shouted again, hoping that the older girl would do it again.

@Cyrus Thorne
Cyrus nodded. "What position did you try for?" He asked, as he couldn't remember. She looked young, so he guessed she was a first year. Cyrus glanced down at his notebook, the page was empty so far. "Nothing yet. Just thinking I might get inspired by the match." He admitted a little sheepishly. It was always slightly awkward when people asked about his writing. He winced slightly when she suddenly shouted again, but he understood that it was part of the game. "I think Ravenclaw is going to win." He said. "They have the more experienced seeker."

@Demi Zephyr

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