Eoghan Blyth

Eoghan Blyth

☽ The Tower isn't always bad ☾ ᴄᴀʀᴛᴏᴍᴀɴᴄᴇʀ XVIII
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 13 1/2 Inch Sturdy Aspen Wand with Boomslang venom Core
06/51 (12)


The summer night, the fading light
The perfect place, the perfect time
To take you somewhere we both want to go
A starry drive in mid july



Theme // Biography // Aesthetic // Relationships

Lyrics from song by Anson Seabra
Dividers and bio coding by me & Clairey
Wand from fantasybynumbers.ca/gallery
Last updated date 28/02/25


The birds they sang a melody
My heart was keeping time and we
Were dancing on the edge of something new
Slow at first but still it seems

Eoghan Teàrlach Blyth
June 16th 2051
Helsinki, Finland
Hogwarts NZ
Pale Blue
Seeing Somebody
Too young
None (yet)
Hopeful Seer
Scarlet Blyth
Imogen Blyth
None (yet)
Lilith Ilves, Tori de Lacey



Curly 13 1/2 Inch Sturdy Aspen Wand with Boomslang venom Core




I miss home. I knew I would, but now that I'm here it's even more obvious that I need to do well so that I may leave with dignity when I walk back out those doors, knowing my time here was not wasted. The people seem decent enough, some more frustrating than others but that's to be expected. Right now seven years seems like an awfully long time to be apart from my family though, and I just hope that it will have been worth it.

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Full Name
Eoghan Teàrlach Blyth

Name Etymology
Eoghan - An irish name meaning born of the yew, or youth
Teàrlach - Gaelic name meaning strong or free man
Blyth - Scottish name meaning a happy or cheerful person

Eoghan - "oh-un"
Teàrlach - "tchar-lakh"
Blyth - "bl-eye-th"

Oh - Sometimes used by those who know him
Cheiri - His sisters nickname for him. Cheiri is a type of wallflower, and Eoghan is the quiet observer of the pair
Antares - Lilith's nickname for him, after her favourite star
Yew - Tori's name for him

Legal Name Changes

Thoughts on his name
Eoghan neither likes nor dislikes his name, although he would have preferred a Finnish surname given he grew up in Finland and has no connections to those in Scotland, especially after his mother left them. That being said, he doesn't care enough to change it at the moment.

Eoghan is right handed




Date of Birth
June 16th 2051

Helsinki, Finland. his mother gave birth to the twins in her mothers hometown where she staying with her.

Eoghan is finnish

Blood Status
There is not enough information about his father to know what blood type he is. Everyone that Eoghan is aware of in his family are muggles and his twin sister also shows no sign of magical ability. It was only Eoghan that does and therefore it's assumed his father was magical, although they're not sure in what sense.

Area of Residence
Hogwarts New Zealand

Previous Areas of Residence
Eoghan has lived in Helsinki, Finland, for his whole life. although his mother and maternal grandparents are from the united kingdom, he's never visited.

Eoghan speaks English with his sister and grandmother while at home, and can get around his life in Finland with it too. That being said, he has also picked up Finnish as a second language, given that he's often exposed to it and others who speak it, and the language reminds him of home.

His accent is that of Finland



Schools Attended
Hogwarts New Zealand: 2062 - present
Finnish Primary School: 2058 - 2062
Finnish Pre-school: 2057-2058
Finnish Daycare: 2053 - 2057

Hogwarts House

Ravenclaw - Eoghan didn't think much of being in Ravenclaw when he was first sorted, and still doesn't really understand the logic behind being separated into houses based on personality, however he has to admit he's now glad he is in this house because it means he can spent more time with Lilith.

There was only so much you could find out from reading. Sometimes you had to experience something for yourself first hand if you wanted to really understand it. Eoghan stood close to Tori, the girl that had (much to Eoghan's discontent) gathered a party in his carriage on the way to the castle. She'd also hauled him into the boat as they'd crossed the lake, and now that he was stood in the Great Hall, he hoped he'd finally get the chance to move away from her and her little entourage. He supposed the only good thing was that he could watch the other students and see what they did, not that Eoghan was necessarily going to follow them, but they would answer his questions before he had to make a point to ask them.

He didn't really understand why the students were put into different houses. They were all here for one main purpose, weren't they? It wasn't as though different houses had different benefits, and the idea that he was to be loyal to those in his house purely because they shared the same colour robes was absurd. He watched and waited as the other students sat on a stool, while the talking hat decided what the best place would be for them, as though it knew him better than Eoghan knew himself.

As his name was called (and Victoria had been placed into her house), Eoghan stepped forward suppressing a sigh. He didn't want to be on display, gawked at by a hall full of children. He pondered whether or not it would be a good thing for people to know his name, to one day recognize him as he walked down the street. Of course, he'd only want to be known for his skills, something he hoped would carry him and his sister far in their future. He waited for the hat to tell him where he was supposed to belong, although deep down Eoghan knew he didn't belong anywhere here at all.

"You have a lot of ambition, and a lot of intelligence. These two things will get you far, though where these will get you placed, that's what I have to decide…Actually, I see…Ravenclaw,"

Favourite Class
Potions - He finds this class the most interesting, and the most useful as he thinks he could do a lot of good with potions he's created.

Least Favourite Class
Flying - Eoghan doesn't feel particularly secure up in the area and disliked this class during this first year, although will sometimes practice Quidditch with his friends.
Charms - He also struggles a lot with Charms, but this is mostly because he doesn't respect the professor. He finds Professor Mallory different to trust since she kept bringing her baby into classes, and he wouldn't be comfortable performing spells around a newborn.

To be discovered

Learned Credentials
We shall see, although Eoghan would love to learn one day how to be a seer, and use his love for divination for more than just Tarot Cards.

Current Job
NA - Student

Plans for the future
Eoghan doesn't know what he wants to do yet, but he would love to work with Tarot Cards and Divination while being able to live amongst muggles.


Patronus memory



Curly 13 1/2 inch sturdy aspen wand with boomslang venom core




Physical Condition
Fit and healthy unless he's had a run in with an unwell classmate, or has his stomach turned upside down by Professor Noel's jinxes.


Eoghan is short sighted but currently refuses to admit it.

Cow's milk protein allergy. Consuming such would keep him out of classes for a few days.



Relationship Status
Seeing somebody

Assumed heterosexual - he is emotionally involved with Lilith Ilves however is too young to consider the majority of their relationship elements

Immediate Family
Scarlet Blyth - Mother
Imogen Blyth - Twin sister
Eilidh Blyth - Grandmother

No pets of his own

Eoghan is Scottish on his mothers side, and Finnish on his fathers
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Basic Appearance
Eoghan is taller than most his age, and relatively slim. He has natural dark blonde hair although he bleaches this to a platinum blonde (as does his sister Imogen) as they prefer it this shade. He has incredibly pale blue eyes, and light ivory skin. Since coming to Hogwarts, Eoghan likes to dress in the same way as a lot of classical authors he reads about, and his style would be considered to be that of an old soul or somewhat traditional.

Resemblance to Parents
Although he doesn't know who his father is, there are some traits and feature he definitely got from his mother. This include his eye colour and his overall build. in terms of personality traits, Eoghan isn't really like anyone else in his family and he often feels like the odd one out when he's around his sister and grandmother. That being said he hasn't seen his mother since he was 2 years old, so maybe his perception would be different if he were to meet her now.

Hairstyle and Type
Aside from dying his hair, the only thing Eoghan will really do is make sure it's combed and neat. He likes to keep it a few inches long so that it has a little movement, but he wouldn't want to grow it long as it would get in the way. despite bleaching it, Eoghan's hair is soft, smooth and straight.

Eoghan has very pale blue eyes, similar to stars.

Eoghan's teeth are pretty straight and he's had little problems with them over the years.

Outfit Aesthetic




Describe your character in five words
Diligent - Eoghan works hard and is committed to doing his best, whether that in his lessons and learning something new, or doing something he has told someone he would.
Stoic - He is not usually one to be overly expressive, especially around those he doesn't know very well. He keeps his emotions for the most part under wraps, and it's very rare to ever see him outwardly angry, sad or laughing. He prefers to keep his emotions to himself because he feels like any signs of vulnerability will be used against him later.
Loyal - Although there are not many people Eoghan considers himself loyal to, those he are he would do anything for. His main priority is his sister Imogen who is a muggle that he had to leave at home. He is working hard at Hogwarts so that one day he will be able to support both of them and provide a life from them away from their grandmother.
Focused - Eoghan is often seen reading or working while at school, and usually has very little time for anything else. Although he has tried to branch out into other areas that will push him out of his comfort zone such as being a part of the Student Defense Association and writing for the Hogwarts Monthly, he tries very hard to keep a balance in his life and doesn't want to forget the reason he's at school in the first place.
Reserved - This is very apparent in group settings. Eoghan will likely be considered to be the quiet one in a group, because he's hesitant to put his thoughts out there again in case they're used against him later. He is more likely to be found as the observer in the group, although will be happy to talk to those he trusts in a more private scenario.

Eoghan has a very closed off personality to those he especially doesn't know very well. He doesn't trust anyone until they've proved themselves, and often believes that those closest to him could also betray him. Once someone gets to know him however he will feel more relaxed, let them know why he is the way that he is, and he will support them as much as he can. He is very aware that some people don't like him, but he doesn't take issue with this because it just means they're more likely to keep their distance anyway. He can be very nervous of rumours circling about him, and it has taken a lot of work on his behalf for him to trust that his friends at Hogwarts won't leave him because of a fake story that someone's made up about him.

Interests or Hobbies
Eoghan didn't have many hobbies growing up because he didn't have many opportunities to try new things. He has however had a go at watercolor painting as a child, although by his own admission he was never very good. Eoghan grew up reading a lot of books, usually at the local library, and took pride in the classic novels that would showcase a life of grandeur, something he believes he will never have. Eoghan thinks that if he can present himself as someone who comes from a background of wealth, others will be more likely to not use him for their own gain, and that perhaps he is someone that shouldn't be crossed.

Once he joined Hogwarts, Eoghan found a love of Tarot card readings, not just because he thought the subject was interesting and the cards pretty to look at, but also because he liked trying to find meaning and interpretation in a situation that he may not have otherwise thought about. He likes to offer readings to others too, because even if someone doesn't specifically believe that the cards have any magical powers, it still gives food for thought about a problem that someone may have not considered.


  • Ambitious: Eoghan knows what he wants and there is very little that will get in his way from achieving his goals.
  • Loyalty: For his friends there's nothing he wouldn't do to protect and support them.
  • Intelligence: While he often reads, Eoghan is also good with his emotional intelligence and presenting his thoughts in a logical manner.
  • Cold: Eoghan can be very cold toward people he doesn't know or trust, and quick to dismiss them.
  • Untrusting: Someone may consider Eoghan to be their friend, but he likely won't reciprocate this unless he's told them of his childhood.
  • Blunt: At times, Eoghan will say things directly which may upset some people around him.
Values and Driving Force
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2051 - 2062
Eoghan and his twin sister Imogen were born to Scarlet Blyth in Finland in June 2051. Scarlet Blyth had been living in the country for almost a year when she fell pregnant with the twins, and decided to remain in the country to raise them. Although Scarlet originated from Scotland, her mother Eilidh Blyth had moved from Scotland to Finland back in 2042 in the hopes of a better life, with better education and healthcare than could have been provided in the UK. Scarlet had been a struggling waitress while living in Scotland, and followed in her mothers footsteps, joining her in Helinski in 2050. Eoghan's father is unknown as while he had a short relationship with Scarlet, she hasn't told anyone who he is. Scarlet had had a rough time throughout pregnancy, and Eoghan's father left the picture just a few weeks after finding out she was expecting.

Despite having high hopes that a life in Finland would be what scarlet wanted, having twins affected scarlet more than she initially realised. When Eoghan and Imogen were four months old, they were already being taken care of more by their grandmother Eilidh than they were Scarlet, who'd decided to move back to Scotland as the move to a new country had been too much of a change too quickly on the young mother. Although Scarlet wrote to her family once a month for the first few weeks, this habit quickly fell away and as a result, Eoghan hasn't heard from his mother on more than two occasions since (as of 2063). It was assumed that Scarlet wasn't fit to have children and had no interest in raising a family of her own, so moved back to Scotland to continue her own life, leaving her children with her mother and the reasoning that they would be "better off" there.

As the twins grew older, it was clear that Imogen was the chattier of the pair whereas Eoghan was always much quieter and ready to observe. Imogen is quick to befriend strangers, and seems to know how to talk her way in and out of a situation but Eoghan will prefer to think things through carefully. Where Eoghan is hard to get to know but is kind and considerate when someone gets to know him, Imogen wears her heart on her sleeve but will sometimes come across as manipulative and bitter. Eoghan believes that this is because they've had a childhood unlike most others, and Imogen holds a grudge on their mom for leaving them in Finland. Eoghan has no interest in having a relationship with Scarlet but will accept the situation for what it is.

Eilidh Blyth was always a very strict guardian to Scarlet and this was no different when raising the twins. Although she came from very little money, Eilidh did what she could to at least give the children safety of a home. She hadn't planned to raise anymore children after her own had grown up and moved out of her house, and raising more children had come as a surprise. Eilidh also has very traditional values that she tries to instill into the children, and isn't against using what she has at her disposal as a means of punishing behaviors she deemed inappropriate.

As the years went on, Eoghan would try to give the impression that he had more money and therefore more opportunity than he really did. He was often the victim of teasing at his primary schools because he couldn't keep up with things that the other children had, and he often felt left behind surrounded by his peers. Although he wasn't necessarily a shy child and in fact Eoghan had a few good friends at school, he found it difficult to feel as though he could be himself. He learned quite early on that by reading many of the classic novels and literature he could learn what it meant to have experiences that he would never live through himself, and to teach himself words and vocabulary that would make him sound as though he wasn't in reality, living in a run down apartment with his strict grandmother. Although Eoghan would never say he was ungrateful, he has struggled growing up and knows that he wants more for himself when he's an adult.

In the block of flats in which the Blyth's lived, there were a few other children too that the twins befriended over the years. By the time Eoghan was seven, his best friend was that of an older boy called Eetu who six years older than him. Eetu was very much considered the "leader" of the children on their block and would often give them missions to complete in order to earn respect and occasionally, money. Eoghan liked the way that Eetu would use his special skills in reading to sound more eloquent and would often send Eoghan to speak to family and children in the area to convince them to do whatever it was Eetu had in mind. However things took a turn for the worse when Eoghan was nine, and Imogen at this point had learned that Eoghan was earning a little bit of pocket money on the side doing odd jobs for their neighboring kid. Eoghan had trusted Eetu enough to open up to him about his life, interests and family however the older boy would later use this against him. The twins were now being asked to do more dangerous odd jobs that they weren't really comfortable doing, however when they tried to back out, claiming they no longer needed the money, Eetu refused to let them go. After some time Eetu eventually began to tell other children about Eoghan and Imogen's childhood, how their mother had left, their fears, stories that they'd shared while believing they could trust their friend, and many things they'd said about others in their group. Eetu managed to turn Eoghan's friends against him until the only person that still liked him was his sister as punishment for no longer helping with his errands.

Eoghan knew that Imogen was the only person that he could really rely on, because she was the only person that believed him and supported him. Many false truths and rumours were spread about both twins in the months after they'd removed themselves from Eetu's gang, which made their lives more difficult. Most of his other friends had also been manipulated into believing Eetu's lies or others who no longer wanted to associate with them.

When Eoghan received his letter for Hogwarts, he thought it was some kind of prank to make him look even more stupid. It was Imogen however who convinced him he needed to check it properly, as well as convincing him to attend when he discovered he was magical. Although he felt guilty for leaving Imogen in their living situation at home Eoghan vowed to her that he would do everything he could while at Hogwarts to make sure that by the time he graduated he would be able to do something to get them out of their lives with their grandmother and into a situation where they could both be happy.

Eoghan has struggled with making friends and trusting anyone since his friendship with Eetu. He believes that anyone who knows about him too deeply can use this information against him when it suits them, and even those who claim to be a friend can easily turn against him when they find out things about him they either don't like or don't agree with. By the time he left for Hogwarts, he felt as though he didn't want to make friends and risk putting either himself or his sister into another dangerous situation, and that his sister is relying on him to get them out of their home life.
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YEAR 2062 - 2063 (FIRST YEAR)
  • Met Victoria de Lacey, William Potter-Cade and Susie Lagowski on the train
  • Started at Hogwarts
  • Got sorted into RAVENCLAW
  • Met Elijah Edogawa and Vikram Bakshi on the first night
  • Went on a first-year tour, met Rose Edogawa + others
  • Met Cal Greenleaf and Ondine Physwick after abandoning the tour
  • Attended Ravenclaw house meeting
  • Signed up to the SDA
  • Met Demi Zephyr and Lilith Ilves during a chess game, making an enemy of the former
  • Discovers he has Thalassophobia after falling into the lake
  • Argued + made up with Lilith during the first week
  • Introduces Lilith to Cal, Tori and William
  • Met Sayuri Edogawa in the dueling chamber
  • Does a Tarot Card reading for his friendship with Lilith and believes the cards are telling him their friendship is strong, but to be careful as "it's not all as it seems"
  • Lilith becomes his official best friend after telling her about his upbringing
  • Attends his first SDA event, and works with Tori on their stance and posture
  • Is dragged to the halloween feast by Lilith, and discovers he's uncomfortable around the theatrics
  • Supports Ravenclaw in the Ravenclaw vs Slytherin quidditch game
  • After spending a few weeks running with Tori, he realises that she is also becoming a friend
  • Lilith kisses him in the student lounge (first kiss)
  • Attends truth or dare study session hosted by Tori. Generally avoids most of the drama, but dislikes Lumos Walden-Cade for daring William to kiss Lilith.
  • Left truth or dare and followed after Tori and Susie. Decides that Tori is his friend after she thinks highly enough of him to quiz him on a subject that he hasn't even taken yet.


Do what you must - Hogwarts Express (Tori, William + Susie) - fin
Did there have to be so many stairs? - Ravenclaw boys dorm (Elijah + Vikram)
First years castle tour - Entrance hall (lots of first years + Prof Marigold)
Welcome back - Ravenclaw common room (Ravenclaws)
A different type of reading - Courtyard (Cal + Ondine)
Y47 club fair - Courtyard (Various)
A cozy bunch - Ravenclaw common room (Demi + Lilith) - fin
Bring it raining down - Lakefront (Lilith) - fin
And so we meet again - Ravenclaw common room (Lillith) - fin
If three is a crowd, what's five? - Library (Lilith, Tori, William, Cal)
Struggles of first year - Duelling chamber (Sayuri)
New territory - Ravenclaw boys dorms (Lilith) - fin
Learn how to duel sda event - Duelling chamber (Tori + various)
Only yes for an answer - Halloween feast y47 (Lilith)
The stands - The stands (various)
Finding new paths - Great lawn (Tori)
How things change - Student lounge (Lilith) - fin
Truth or dare - Student lounge (Demi, Felix, Lumos, Tori, William, Nox, Esme, Keira, Eurydice, Jonah, Lilith, Amory, Susie, Ondine)
Aftershocks - Library (Susie, Tori, Lilith)
Enough is enough - Ravenclaw common room (Lilith)



Potions - O
Transfiguration - E
Astronomy - E
Herbology - E
Flying - E
History of Magic - P
Defense Against the Dark Arts - P
Charms - P




Student Defense Association - Member


When Eoghan first arrived on the Hogwarts Express, he was not impressed by those he was about to spend the next seven years with. They were annoying and not people Eoghan thought he was ever going to get along with. Once he arrived at school and was sorted in Ravenclaw, he fell into a good routine with his lessons and classes, although he did struggle getting to grips with some of them and their professors.

Around October he was introduced to Lilith, who became the first person Eoghan felt like he could call a friend after she rescued him from the lake. Although during that particular afternoon he didn't appreciate her getting involved, he came to apologise and they later settled their differences. Over the year they got very close and in the spring Eoghan realised he had feelings for her, although he did his best to ignore this. Once again focused on his classes, he got through his exams at the end of the year with little drama.

Eoghan also surprised himself by talking to people that he initially thought he would have avoided, including Susie whom had annoyed him on the Hogwarts Express, Rose, Sayuri, Tori and a number of other classmates in their year. For the most part he kept the students at arms length, however Tori became someone that the Ravenclaw opened up to about his past, and also became someone he could call a friend.

Although Eoghan feels like he could have worked harder in his first year, he is proud of himself for the balance he's had in his social life and completing homework. By the end of the year he was still unsure whether he will be good enough to take care of his sister Imogen when he's older, but vowed that during his second year he would be even more focused on his studies.

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YEAR 2063 - 2064 (SECOND YEAR)
  • Spends a lot of his time recently studying with Tori.
  • Attends the start of year feast
  • Asks to speak to Lilith privately where they both reveal that they want to be with one another and make things official. They choose however to keep this to themselves and not tell other students because they probably wouldn't understand.
  • Meets Rose in the conglomerates arts room while trying to make a gift for Lilith.
  • Joined the hogwarts monthly team
  • Is introduced to Lili's new pet cat Kuu, who at first Eoghan doesn't really like but soon believes she will bring them closer as a couple
  • After Lilith makes the ravenclaw quidditch team, Eoghan offers to practice with her
  • Attends the halloween feast as jack frost
  • Heads along to Susie's writing group and feels somewhat out of depth in a large group. Officially meets Cyrus Thorne and Miranda Dawes but feels out of depth after Lilith reads a poem to the group about him
  • Speaks to Tori about how uncomfortable he felt when Lilith read out the poem, and is caught hugging Tori by Demi (who tells Lili a few days later via profile post)
  • Meets Callie Cartwright learning muggle subjects and decides to join her, as it's important to him not to fall behind on things like maths, too.
  • Is confronted by Lilith while with Tori, about a rumour Demi spread about the friends
  • Supports Ravenclaw during the Ravenclaw vs Hufflepuff quidditch game, hoping Lilith does well as an alt seeker and that Susie doesn't try to knock her off her broom
  • Leads Lilith up to the north tower the night of yule ball, so that they can spend some time together just the two of them.
  • Watches the next Quidditch game so that he can write about it for Hogwarts Monthly
  • Participates in another game of Truth or Dare, this time hosted by Demi. Eoghan tells the group that he and Lilith are officially a couple, and asks Demi to leave them alone.
  • Delivers a rose to Finley, Felix's first year cousin, and is forced to make sure he's delivering the rose to the right person.
  • Delivers a pink rose to Lilith, and believes that Jonah might have a thing for his girlfriend.
  • Meets June Davenport, developing a tiny crush on the sixth year and asks her about being a prefect.
  • Meets Lilith down by the lakefront, where he tells her for the first time that he loves her.
  • Attends the Valentines Dance with Lilith, where he finds out Kuu did a poo on Demi's bed, but the pair have returned to civil ground.
  • Questions Elijah about whether he believes Jonah might have a crush on his girlfriend
  • Hosts a Tarot reading event in the student lounge, giving a reading to Teddy Pirrip
  • Attends the SDA's duelling tournaments, supporting his friends and dueling Imogen Styx-Cade
  • Wins against Imogen Styx-Cade, and duels Maggie Grey.
  • Is invited to the lakefront by Tori, where she tells the group some devastating news
  • Has an allergic reaction in the Great Hall
  • Overhears Eury tell some other Hufflepuff's she thinks Susie could be dead after she fainted in Herbology.


Running hot - Great hall (Tori, Susie, Lilith, Felix, Eurydice, Esme)
Y48 start of year feast - Great Hall
Start as you mean to go on - Courtyard (Lilith)
Feeling out of place - Conglomorated arts room (Rose)
Y48 club fair - Courtyard
Newest member of the family - Ravenclaw boys dorm (Lilith)
The things we do - Quidditch pitch (Lilith)
Not so scary together - Halloween feast (Lilith)
The writing circle - The great lawn (Susie, Lilith, Tori, Cyrus, Miranda)
Now you know - The kitchens (Tori)
Sunday studying - Library (Callie)
Two birds - Student lounge (Tori, Lilith)
The stands - The stands (Various)
Ball of our own - North tower (Lilith)
The Stands - The stands (Various)
Truth or dare#2 - Student lounge (Demi, Felix, Lilith, Lumos, Nox, Esme, Amory, Eurydice, Tori, Jasper, Jonah, William)
🌹 Perfect recipe for tea - Seventh floor corridor (Finley)
🌹 Just a yellow - Hufflepuff house table (Sofi)
🌹 For you - Ravenclaw common room (Ruth)
🌹 Time better spent with others - Third year boys dorm (Magne)
🌹 Less is better - Fifth floor corridor (Jonah)
🌹 My girlfriend has an admirer - Great Hall (Lilith)
🌹 Rather not be here - Dungeons (June)
🌹 Perfect for your house - Hufflepuff house table (Marley)
🌹 Point the way - Ravenclaw house table (Violet)
What better day - Lakefront (Lilith)
Midnight Thoughts - On route to common room (Lilith)
Friend or foe - Ravenclaw boys dorm (Elijah)
Find out your future - Student lounge (Teddy)
💥 Dueling match#18 - Dueling Tournament (Against Imogen - WON)
💥 Dueling match#20 - Dueling Tournament (Supporting Tori)
💥 Dueling match#19 - Dueling Tournament (Supporting Lili)
💥 Dueling Match#34 - Dueling Tournament (Against Maggie)
Ultimate Decisions - Lakefront (Tori, Lilith, Rose, Felix, Susie)
Oopsie - Ravenclaw house table
After Susie! - Great Lawn (Jonah, Eury, Primrose)


Potions - X
Transfiguration - X
Astronomy - X
Herbology - X
Charms - O
Defense Against the Dark Arts - O
History of Magic - O
Maths - X
Science - X
English - X
Finnish - X
History - X
Geography - X



Student Defense Association - Member
Hogwarts Monthly - Intern


To be written at the end of the year

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