2051 - 2062
Eoghan and his twin sister Imogen were born to Scarlet Blyth in Finland in June 2051. Scarlet Blyth had been living in the country for almost a year when she fell pregnant with the twins, and decided to remain in the country to raise them. Although Scarlet originated from Scotland, her mother Eilidh Blyth had moved from Scotland to Finland back in 2042 in the hopes of a better life, with better education and healthcare than could have been provided in the UK. Scarlet had been a struggling waitress while living in Scotland, and followed in her mothers footsteps, joining her in Helinski in 2050. Eoghan's father is unknown as while he had a short relationship with Scarlet, she hasn't told anyone who he is. Scarlet had had a rough time throughout pregnancy, and Eoghan's father left the picture just a few weeks after finding out she was expecting.
Despite having high hopes that a life in Finland would be what scarlet wanted, having twins affected scarlet more than she initially realised. When Eoghan and Imogen were four months old, they were already being taken care of more by their grandmother Eilidh than they were Scarlet, who'd decided to move back to Scotland as the move to a new country had been too much of a change too quickly on the young mother. Although Scarlet wrote to her family once a month for the first few weeks, this habit quickly fell away and as a result, Eoghan hasn't heard from his mother on more than two occasions since (as of 2063). It was assumed that Scarlet wasn't fit to have children and had no interest in raising a family of her own, so moved back to Scotland to continue her own life, leaving her children with her mother and the reasoning that they would be "better off" there.
As the twins grew older, it was clear that Imogen was the chattier of the pair whereas Eoghan was always much quieter and ready to observe. Imogen is quick to befriend strangers, and seems to know how to talk her way in and out of a situation but Eoghan will prefer to think things through carefully. Where Eoghan is hard to get to know but is kind and considerate when someone gets to know him, Imogen wears her heart on her sleeve but will sometimes come across as manipulative and bitter. Eoghan believes that this is because they've had a childhood unlike most others, and Imogen holds a grudge on their mom for leaving them in Finland. Eoghan has no interest in having a relationship with Scarlet but will accept the situation for what it is.
Eilidh Blyth was always a very strict guardian to Scarlet and this was no different when raising the twins. Although she came from very little money, Eilidh did what she could to at least give the children safety of a home. She hadn't planned to raise anymore children after her own had grown up and moved out of her house, and raising more children had come as a surprise. Eilidh also has very traditional values that she tries to instill into the children, and isn't against using what she has at her disposal as a means of punishing behaviors she deemed inappropriate.
As the years went on, Eoghan would try to give the impression that he had more money and therefore more opportunity than he really did. He was often the victim of teasing at his primary schools because he couldn't keep up with things that the other children had, and he often felt left behind surrounded by his peers. Although he wasn't necessarily a shy child and in fact Eoghan had a few good friends at school, he found it difficult to feel as though he could be himself. He learned quite early on that by reading many of the classic novels and literature he could learn what it meant to have experiences that he would never live through himself, and to teach himself words and vocabulary that would make him sound as though he wasn't in reality, living in a run down apartment with his strict grandmother. Although Eoghan would never say he was ungrateful, he has struggled growing up and knows that he wants more for himself when he's an adult.
In the block of flats in which the Blyth's lived, there were a few other children too that the twins befriended over the years. By the time Eoghan was seven, his best friend was that of an older boy called Eetu who six years older than him. Eetu was very much considered the "leader" of the children on their block and would often give them missions to complete in order to earn respect and occasionally, money. Eoghan liked the way that Eetu would use his special skills in reading to sound more eloquent and would often send Eoghan to speak to family and children in the area to convince them to do whatever it was Eetu had in mind. However things took a turn for the worse when Eoghan was nine, and Imogen at this point had learned that Eoghan was earning a little bit of pocket money on the side doing odd jobs for their neighboring kid. Eoghan had trusted Eetu enough to open up to him about his life, interests and family however the older boy would later use this against him. The twins were now being asked to do more dangerous odd jobs that they weren't really comfortable doing, however when they tried to back out, claiming they no longer needed the money, Eetu refused to let them go. After some time Eetu eventually began to tell other children about Eoghan and Imogen's childhood, how their mother had left, their fears, stories that they'd shared while believing they could trust their friend, and many things they'd said about others in their group. Eetu managed to turn Eoghan's friends against him until the only person that still liked him was his sister as punishment for no longer helping with his errands.
Eoghan knew that Imogen was the only person that he could really rely on, because she was the only person that believed him and supported him. Many false truths and rumours were spread about both twins in the months after they'd removed themselves from Eetu's gang, which made their lives more difficult. Most of his other friends had also been manipulated into believing Eetu's lies or others who no longer wanted to associate with them.
When Eoghan received his letter for Hogwarts, he thought it was some kind of prank to make him look even more stupid. It was Imogen however who convinced him he needed to check it properly, as well as convincing him to attend when he discovered he was magical. Although he felt guilty for leaving Imogen in their living situation at home Eoghan vowed to her that he would do everything he could while at Hogwarts to make sure that by the time he graduated he would be able to do something to get them out of their lives with their grandmother and into a situation where they could both be happy.
Eoghan has struggled with making friends and trusting anyone since his friendship with Eetu. He believes that anyone who knows about him too deeply can use this information against him when it suits them, and even those who claim to be a friend can easily turn against him when they find out things about him they either don't like or don't agree with. By the time he left for Hogwarts, he felt as though he didn't want to make friends and risk putting either himself or his sister into another dangerous situation, and that his sister is relying on him to get them out of their home life.