Open The Stands

"I tried for Keeper!" Demi told the older boy, "I think Beater would be fun too, but at least as a Keeper you're less likely to be hit yourself," she said, looking up at him, "you?" He hadn't written anything in his notebook yet, although Demi wasn't sure what he meant by inspired. "What kind of things do you write about?" she pushed, wondering if she should be taking notes too about how the players were working together so that maybe she could prove to the future captain she'd be good enough to join. "Do they?" Demi hadn't noticed the boy wince at her sudden volume but now turned to watch as the Ravenclaw seeker continued to hunt for the snitch. "Isn't that the SDA leader?" she asked, vaguely recognising her from the club fair.

@Cyrus Thorne
There were a bunch of Ravenclaws out in force today, but as his dad came to sit with him (he didn't know why he wasn't in the Slytherin section of the group) he made some room for him to sit, but didn't say anything. He did take the flag his dad had, and settled in to watch the game, his mouth then dropping in shock when the Slytherin Seeker almost immediately nabbed the snitch. Well, sometimes that was just how the game went he supposed. Disappointing though. And when his dad had sat with Gryffindor, they had lost as well. Was he a jinx? He turned to look at his dad and frowned.

@Professor Conan Edogawa
Cyrus nodded as she told him she had tried for keeper, smiling slightly as he answered. "Well, I tried for chaser, but I was thinking keeper might be fun." He admitted. Beater seemed too aggressive and seeker was just... a lot of pressure. "I write about just about everything. I write poems." He admitted, not sure if it was a smart thing to say. It was true, though. He nodded at her question. "Savannah has been on the team for a few years, she's older. The Slytherin seeker is in my year- second." He said. But then, a gasp went through the crowd as Ignatius surged forward. He grabbed the snitch and held it up. Cyrus raised his eyebrows. "Well, I stand corrected." He said, disappointed.

@Demi Zephyr
Demi wondered whether next year she'd have someone else competing for the position she wanted as the older boy said he would have found Keeper fun, too. If she did, well maybe she would have just gone for Chaser instead, it wasn't as though she minded going fast through the air either, in fact, she loved it. "Oh, that's cool," Demi didn't think she knew anyone else who wrote poems, and she hadn't read a lot but the ones she had always seemed to say so much while saying very little. "If you do write one about Quidditch, I'd like to see it!" she grinned at him, before turning back towards the match. Savannah, the boy had said, seemed to have a lot more experience than the second year, however, no sooner as he'd said that the second year caught the snitch. "Really, is that it? Is it over?" Glancing between the match and the second year stood next to her.

@Cyrus Thorne

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