Rion is eight, EIGHT!!!!

Rion Pendleton

at my weakest, i've never been more strong
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Straight 13 1/2 Inch Whippy Walnut Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
04/2047 (15)
Sorry, I just still can't get over it =))

Anyway I'd love to RP this girl a little bit before school. She's the daughter of Saveli Pendleton and Reuben Lagowski and is living in the UK currently but would make semi-frequent visits to NZ as her granddad (Monty) has a house there as well.

She's highly curious, will poke anything to see what it does, often without considering the consequences. She'll break a thing to see how it's made before realising she can't put it back together. Her lack of patience and difficulty concentrating on one thing for a long time is probably her biggest obstacle currently. She's less fiery than her older sister Ainmere, but still has a temper when she's wronged and struggles with not getting her own way.

I'd looove for her to make a friend before she goes to Hogwarts! If you have someone her age who's going to go to HNZ, and who lives in NZ or the UK, please please hit me up :wub: thank you!!!

(Open to other ideas too :3)
Oooh, I have a couple of chars around her age in NZ!

Thistle Carnahan is 9 and she's a chaotic nightmare (affectionate) of a kid, usually covered in mud and/or bugs, and very eager to tell everyone around her entirely made up stories with a completely straight face. I dunno if it's something you're interested in, but Thistle's in Niffler Scouts, which could be a good way for them to meet if it seems like something Rion would be interested in?

Lucy Holland is 6 and she's extremely curious and rambunctious, always up to fun and mischief. She's the youngest of the Holland sisters so Monty would have some connections to her family already in terms of playdates getting set up?
Hi Rowan!!! Thank you for posting! :party:

Ooh ooh I love both of these ideas! I did look at the scouts and for a second I put a button in Rion's sig but then I realised she doesn't live in NZ right now so I'm not sure if she could be part of it D: (I imagine she will move to NZ before she goes to HNZ though). I feel like Thistle and Rion would encourage each other in all the worst ways =))

Could Rion take part at all even though she doesn't live there full time?

Bwahaha Rion would encourage Lucy as well :r but in terms of getting playdates set up, how do you think that could happen? I forget how well Monty knows the Holland family (I have a sieve brain sorry), but if you have any ideas how a playdate could come about I'd be so down for them too :3
Hiya!!! I have a couple of characters to offer to you too! Hehe!

I haven't really made the character yet, but I do in fact have a future student who's going at the same time as Rion. Her name is Scarlett Marshall - I haven't done anything with her, but I'm happy to plan something between them in the future sometime before they go to Hogwarts?

I also have Marley Pattinson, whose a year younger than Rion. She has recently been adopted and has moved to New Zealand from America. Marley is quite energetic and is learning so much about the muggle world, as she has been growing up in a magical orphanage for most of her life. She is always up for an adventure, even if it may cause her some trouble, which she doesn't mind hehe!

Let me know what you think! :wub:
Hi Rowan!!! Thank you for posting! :party:

Ooh ooh I love both of these ideas! I did look at the scouts and for a second I put a button in Rion's sig but then I realised she doesn't live in NZ right now so I'm not sure if she could be part of it D: (I imagine she will move to NZ before she goes to HNZ though). I feel like Thistle and Rion would encourage each other in all the worst ways =))

Could Rion take part at all even though she doesn't live there full time?

Bwahaha Rion would encourage Lucy as well :r but in terms of getting playdates set up, how do you think that could happen? I forget how well Monty knows the Holland family (I have a sieve brain sorry), but if you have any ideas how a playdate could come about I'd be so down for them too :3
Do not stress about sieve brain I too live the sieve brain life x_x

I defo think the scout group would be welcoming to Rion, even if she's not in NZ full time. When I was in scouts my group covered quite a broad region (read: we were in the middle of nowhere) and there were a lot of people in the group who lived too far out to come every week. So I imagine if you wanted her to be a member who just attends while she's visiting Monty that wouldn't be an issue at all!

As far as Thistle & Rion whether you wanna go the scouts route or not, I def agree they would bring out the worst in each other in the best way >:3c I'm definitely keen for them to hang out!

For Lucy and Rion, I feel like Monty must be at least vaguely familiar with the Hollands, I'm sure they've met at some point but I share your sieve brain @_@ James is a part-time Herbologist though, so he could easily be one of Monty's professional suppliers for potion stuff?
Hiya!!! I have a couple of characters to offer to you too! Hehe!

I haven't really made the character yet, but I do in fact have a future student who's going at the same time as Rion. Her name is Scarlett Marshall - I haven't done anything with her, but I'm happy to plan something between them in the future sometime before they go to Hogwarts?

I also have Marley Pattinson, whose a year younger than Rion. She has recently been adopted and has moved to New Zealand from America. Marley is quite energetic and is learning so much about the muggle world, as she has been growing up in a magical orphanage for most of her life. She is always up for an adventure, even if it may cause her some trouble, which she doesn't mind hehe!

Let me know what you think! :wub:
Yaaay hi Maria!! <3 Ooh what is Scarlett like, do you know yet? I'd love for Rion to have a friend in her year when she gets to Hogwarts!! It'd be so exciting. And I'd love to RP them beforehand. Where does she live? ^_^

Oohh Marley sounds like a very interesting character - Rion is familiar with both the magical and muggle world, since her family have adopted the best bits of both :lol: so maybe Rion could be a sort of bridge between them? If she lives in NZ now, would she go to the parks or the wildlife sanctuary occasionally perhaps? I could always start something there if you wanted!!

Do not stress about sieve brain I too live the sieve brain life x_x

I defo think the scout group would be welcoming to Rion, even if she's not in NZ full time. When I was in scouts my group covered quite a broad region (read: we were in the middle of nowhere) and there were a lot of people in the group who lived too far out to come every week. So I imagine if you wanted her to be a member who just attends while she's visiting Monty that wouldn't be an issue at all!

As far as Thistle & Rion whether you wanna go the scouts route or not, I def agree they would bring out the worst in each other in the best way >:3c I'm definitely keen for them to hang out!

For Lucy and Rion, I feel like Monty must be at least vaguely familiar with the Hollands, I'm sure they've met at some point but I share your sieve brain @_@ James is a part-time Herbologist though, so he could easily be one of Monty's professional suppliers for potion stuff?

Puahaha glad I'm not alone ;-;
Oh that's amazing!! In that case yes yes definitely, let's RP them >;D I sadly was never a part of the scouts here in the UK, so I'm googling activities over here =)) I'm not sure if any of them would even apply to the magical scouts though. I guess they should do something outdoorsy to bring out the worst best in them!! Do you have any ideas you've been wanting to RP??

Waha yes I'm sure they know of each other, but I wasn't sure how well. I like that idea! I forgot about this for a second but Monty is also a private tutor (including for kids before they go to Hogwarts) so a way he could know a family is through tutoring, if that's something Lucy might have?? ^_^ And then maybe that's how the playdate gets arranged? Lemme know what you think!
Puahaha glad I'm not alone ;-;
Oh that's amazing!! In that case yes yes definitely, let's RP them >;D I sadly was never a part of the scouts here in the UK, so I'm googling activities over here =)) I'm not sure if any of them would even apply to the magical scouts though. I guess they should do something outdoorsy to bring out the worst best in them!! Do you have any ideas you've been wanting to RP??

Waha yes I'm sure they know of each other, but I wasn't sure how well. I like that idea! I forgot about this for a second but Monty is also a private tutor (including for kids before they go to Hogwarts) so a way he could know a family is through tutoring, if that's something Lucy might have?? ^_^ And then maybe that's how the playdate gets arranged? Lemme know what you think!
Aaah we could do a random craft activity thing, or if you don't mind a wee wait, I've been planning to start a lil open marshmallow bonfire thread for the younger scouts once the semester's underway?

Oooh, tutoring is a good idea! I feel like if anything Lucy might have just started tutoring, James quit his job to stay home with her, so he's been handling most of her preschool education stuff so far, but maybe with her being primary school age he might have sought Monty out for a bit of extra help? & then through that fun playdate times yess
Yaaay hi Maria!! <3 Ooh what is Scarlett like, do you know yet? I'd love for Rion to have a friend in her year when she gets to Hogwarts!! It'd be so exciting. And I'd love to RP them beforehand. Where does she live? ^_^

Oohh Marley sounds like a very interesting character - Rion is familiar with both the magical and muggle world, since her family have adopted the best bits of both :lol: so maybe Rion could be a sort of bridge between them? If she lives in NZ now, would she go to the parks or the wildlife sanctuary occasionally perhaps? I could always start something there if you wanted!!
Yay great! Hehehe!

I'm not exactly sureeeee, butttttt, I have bits and pieces of ideas for her. I know she'll be living in the UK for now, but her family will be moving to NZ a little later once she settled into Hogwarts. Scarlett is on the musical side of things, and is always happy to get up to mischief, so that maybe something? hehe!

Yay! I think that would be interesting between Marley and Rion! Marley would most likely be found in the park. But if you could, that would be amazing! :D
Aaah we could do a random craft activity thing, or if you don't mind a wee wait, I've been planning to start a lil open marshmallow bonfire thread for the younger scouts once the semester's underway?

Oooh, tutoring is a good idea! I feel like if anything Lucy might have just started tutoring, James quit his job to stay home with her, so he's been handling most of her preschool education stuff so far, but maybe with her being primary school age he might have sought Monty out for a bit of extra help? & then through that fun playdate times yess
Oh yes let's do that!!! A group thread sounds super fun :D I'll watch out for it ee, thank you

Ooh yep that makes sense!! Monty teaches a lot of magical kids who don't go to primary school, helps them with English/Math/some basic magical history, like builds them up a solid foundation for going to Hogwarts :3 he would definitely be more than happy to help James

So when you say playdate, are you thinking Rion goes to Lucy's, or vice versa, or they go out somewhere? Maybe James/Monty organise something for them to sit and do quietly and they just wander off around the house? :r

Yay great! Hehehe!

I'm not exactly sureeeee, butttttt, I have bits and pieces of ideas for her. I know she'll be living in the UK for now, but her family will be moving to NZ a little later once she settled into Hogwarts. Scarlett is on the musical side of things, and is always happy to get up to mischief, so that maybe something? hehe!

Yay! I think that would be interesting between Marley and Rion! Marley would most likely be found in the park. But if you could, that would be amazing! :D

Ooh interesting, I don't think Rion will be musical at all, she'd probably love people who are musical though!! :D Them both living in the UK is a big plus hmmh, Rion lives on a farm with her parents, so if Scarlett's parents might visit a farm for any reason they could meet each other then?

Sweeett :3 no problem I'll get to it ASAP!!
Oh yes let's do that!!! A group thread sounds super fun :D I'll watch out for it ee, thank you

Ooh yep that makes sense!! Monty teaches a lot of magical kids who don't go to primary school, helps them with English/Math/some basic magical history, like builds them up a solid foundation for going to Hogwarts :3 he would definitely be more than happy to help James

So when you say playdate, are you thinking Rion goes to Lucy's, or vice versa, or they go out somewhere? Maybe James/Monty organise something for them to sit and do quietly and they just wander off around the house?
Yay!! I'll try remember to drop you a message when I start the group thread too :D

And yesss that sounds perfect! James never had any kind of muggle education so he'd def appreciate the help there.

As far as the playdate I was imagining some sort of someone visits someone else's house and the kids hang out there, but yesss I love the idea of them ignoring a planned activity and going on a rampage about their own business (while Monty and James are having a cuppa and a polite chat about the properties of alihotsy, completely oblivious :r )
Yay!! I'll try remember to drop you a message when I start the group thread too :D

And yesss that sounds perfect! James never had any kind of muggle education so he'd def appreciate the help there.

As far as the playdate I was imagining some sort of someone visits someone else's house and the kids hang out there, but yesss I love the idea of them ignoring a planned activity and going on a rampage about their own business (while Monty and James are having a cuppa and a polite chat about the properties of alihotsy, completely oblivious :r )
Amazing thank you!!

HAHA yes that is exactly what I imagined =)) since Monty would go to James's house for the tutoring, maybe we can set it there? Could you give me a quick description of the house and then I'm happy to start it if you'd like? :claire:
Ooh interesting, I don't think Rion will be musical at all, she'd probably love people who are musical though!! :D Them both living in the UK is a big plus hmmh, Rion lives on a farm with her parents, so if Scarlett's parents might visit a farm for any reason they could meet each other then?

Sweeett :3 no problem I'll get to it ASAP!!
That's okay, hehe! Oh! That could be interesting! I imagine that maybe Scarlett would be visiting her grandparents maybe since her grandparents also live on a farm, which could maybe be down the road from Rion's parent's farm? And maybe the grandparents could visit, along with Scarlett? - Though I am a bit unsure of what they could visit for =))

And yay! Thank you! Appreciate it heaps! hehe
Sounds perfect! The Hollands live in a pretty big house in Dunedin, with a large garden and a few greenhouses. It's pretty upscale but not like. a Mansion, just a house that's big enough that they were able to get by having 5 kids living there at one point. Nothing super flashy, just a Nice House
That's okay, hehe! Oh! That could be interesting! I imagine that maybe Scarlett would be visiting her grandparents maybe since her grandparents also live on a farm, which could maybe be down the road from Rion's parent's farm? And maybe the grandparents could visit, along with Scarlett? - Though I am a bit unsure of what they could visit for =))

And yay! Thank you! Appreciate it heaps! hehe
Ooh yes! Well maybe they're buying some more animals for their own farm, or some saplings, anything really :3 let me know if/when you decide to make Scarlett! We don't have to do it right away but I'd be keen once you've made her ^_^

Here you go!! :claire:
Sounds perfect! The Hollands live in a pretty big house in Dunedin, with a large garden and a few greenhouses. It's pretty upscale but not like. a Mansion, just a house that's big enough that they were able to get by having 5 kids living there at one point. Nothing super flashy, just a Nice House
Perfect thank you! :party: I'll get it startedd
@Ainsley Lynch
I started with Monty, hope that's all right, but feel free to godmod as I've said in the post!! :D
Hey Claire!

Finally making my firsties way too far in advance comes in handy! I have Leah Thorne whos just about to turn 9 years old and is currently located in the UK. She's from an old money/magical family and has been raised with out hearing the word 'no' that often, but that hasn't stopped her from constantly trying to push the limits anyways. She'll be going to HNZ but won't really be in New Zealand before then. But if you want to do something with them I'd be happy to get to use her a bit before she gets sorted in 2 more years lol.
I have only 9 month Theo Romonov, but he is right now a little to small xD
I can't way see how he will be grown up
Hey Claire!

Finally making my firsties way too far in advance comes in handy! I have Leah Thorne whos just about to turn 9 years old and is currently located in the UK. She's from an old money/magical family and has been raised with out hearing the word 'no' that often, but that hasn't stopped her from constantly trying to push the limits anyways. She'll be going to HNZ but won't really be in New Zealand before then. But if you want to do something with them I'd be happy to get to use her a bit before she gets sorted in 2 more years lol.
Hi Kadi!! :party:

Ooohh there could be a fun dynamic between Leah and Rion I think!! Rion has grown up on a farm, her parents don't have a ton of money (especially on the Lagowski side) and she doesn't expect to get expensive things. With that said she does visit Monty who has a huge old house full of interesting things =)) and I think she really enjoys feeling rich and fancy when she's there. So I feel like she'd LOVE hanging out with Leah (as shallow as that might be to begin with puahaha)

Do you think it's possible they'd know each other already through their parents? They seem like they live in pretty different worlds :lol:

This is kind of out there, but would her family ever go camping? I remember going as a kid and there would be other kids at the campsite in super fancy tents =)) maybe there's some wizarding event going on so people are camping, and Rion goes to hang out in Leah's fancier tent?

Or if you have any suggestions feel free to shoooot

By the way I also asked Cole if she'd like to join with Ainmere and she said she would!! (on Tuesday at the earliest). Would that be okay with you? :D I'm pretty sure Ainmere would be in Leah's year

I have only 9 month Theo Romonov, but he is right now a little to small xD
I can't way see how he will be grown up

Aawhh xD it seems like they take forever to grow up and then all of a sudden WHAM they're on the train to Hogwarts :cry:
Hi! I have a couple of options for you.

I have Dominic Owens-Lee who just turned 8. He's very friendly, dependant on others, and will put others before himself. I think they could get along well as Dominic is very tolerant, and may even encourage Rion to pull things apart and make a mess.

I also have Violet Owens-Rosemary whose mother I believe went to school with Ruben. She is turning 7 in a couple of months, so a little bit younger, but they can still be friends! She's very bossy and demanding however, and may find Rion's interests to be a little weird, but I'm interested to see what could happen if we put these two together.
Hi Kadi!! :party:

Ooohh there could be a fun dynamic between Leah and Rion I think!! Rion has grown up on a farm, her parents don't have a ton of money (especially on the Lagowski side) and she doesn't expect to get expensive things. With that said she does visit Monty who has a huge old house full of interesting things =)) and I think she really enjoys feeling rich and fancy when she's there. So I feel like she'd LOVE hanging out with Leah (as shallow as that might be to begin with puahaha)

Do you think it's possible they'd know each other already through their parents? They seem like they live in pretty different worlds :lol:

This is kind of out there, but would her family ever go camping? I remember going as a kid and there would be other kids at the campsite in super fancy tents =)) maybe there's some wizarding event going on so people are camping, and Rion goes to hang out in Leah's fancier tent?

Or if you have any suggestions feel free to shoooot

By the way I also asked Cole if she'd like to join with Ainmere and she said she would!! (on Tuesday at the earliest). Would that be okay with you? :D I'm pretty sure Ainmere would be in Leah's year
Leah comes from old money on both sides of her family so she is very used to a fancy life but would be very interested in seeing how other people live. If she ever ended up on the farm she would probably find everything so novel and quaint lol. But she wouldn't mind showing off her house either if it means she has a partner in crime.

Camping could work, but what about some quidditch match and Leah sneaks away from her family's box seat or whatever and they run into each other??

And I'm totally down for Cole to join! The more the merrier. And for clarity she's going to be sorted Y42.
Hi! I have a couple of options for you.

I have Dominic Owens-Lee who just turned 8. He's very friendly, dependant on others, and will put others before himself. I think they could get along well as Dominic is very tolerant, and may even encourage Rion to pull things apart and make a mess.

I also have Violet Owens-Rosemary whose mother I believe went to school with Ruben. She is turning 7 in a couple of months, so a little bit younger, but they can still be friends! She's very bossy and demanding however, and may find Rion's interests to be a little weird, but I'm interested to see what could happen if we put these two together.

Hiii Kaye!! Ooh Rion is very independent in comparison, I wonder how she’d get on with Dominic! Where does he live? I’d love to do a RP with them!! :3

OH is that Charlotte’s daughter?! We could say she and Reuben kept in touch!!! Reuben would always be happy to have Violet around to play with the girls, maybe Rion could show her around the farm for a RP? :D If she’s bossy Rion might clash with her but I would love to see how that pans out xD like maybe Reuben invites her over cus he’s keen for Rion to have lots of friends and Rion’s like ughh but goes with it to be polite? Or maybe they’ll get on great!! Who knows :3

Leah comes from old money on both sides of her family so she is very used to a fancy life but would be very interested in seeing how other people live. If she ever ended up on the farm she would probably find everything so novel and quaint lol. But she wouldn't mind showing off her house either if it means she has a partner in crime.

Camping could work, but what about some quidditch match and Leah sneaks away from her family's box seat or whatever and they run into each other??

And I'm totally down for Cole to join! The more the merrier. And for clarity she's going to be sorted Y42.

Hehehe, she'd be welcome to visit the farm as well!!!

Oh yeah, I love the quidditch match idea! :3 Would you like to start it or shall I? I'm very happy to, but I have a feeling Saveli and Reuben would be keeping a watchful eye on the girls, so they would probably just be sitting there
but maybe there's a free seat next to them! Just let me know what’s easier for you ^_^
Yaay sweet, I’ll link her to the topic when we’ve started it, I am so excited!!
I’m 99% sure Ainmere is y42 as well, she won’t be sorted next year but the year after! And then Rion is y43
So I have two options for you:

Cressida Holland (Y43; age 8)

Krissy is the younger Holland twin. Her mother is Irene who is a library staff and Jacob who is a Quidditch coach. She is the girly girl between the two and loves all things girly. Dresses, ribbons, and dolls. She is also a reader like her mother but not really a fan of the wizarding sport. She supports it especially when his father’s team plays but that support does not extend to her playing in a team.

Angel Gates (Y44; age 7 )

Angel is the older Gates twin of Harpies Keeper Danielle Gates and fashion blogger Damien Gates. She is the youngest in the bunch so far. She has Airen as her younger twin. Both are chill and friendly but would love to RP her more to discover who she really is. So far, what I discover about her is she loves to draw especially chalk art. She would ask for street chalk and just draw beautiful pictures on the pavement at the playground.
Ooh yes! Well maybe they're buying some more animals for their own farm, or some saplings, anything really :3 let me know if/when you decide to make Scarlett! We don't have to do it right away but I'd be keen once you've made her ^_^
Sounds good to me! And I'll send you a message sometime when I've created her and we can do something then hehe! And thanks! I'll get to replying onto that thread hehe!
So I have two options for you:

Cressida Holland (Y43; age 8)

Krissy is the younger Holland twin. Her mother is Irene who is a library staff and Jacob who is a Quidditch coach. She is the girly girl between the two and loves all things girly. Dresses, ribbons, and dolls. She is also a reader like her mother but not really a fan of the wizarding sport. She supports it especially when his father’s team plays but that support does not extend to her playing in a team.

Angel Gates (Y44; age 7 )

Angel is the older Gates twin of Harpies Keeper Danielle Gates and fashion blogger Damien Gates. She is the youngest in the bunch so far. She has Airen as her younger twin. Both are chill and friendly but would love to RP her more to discover who she really is. So far, what I discover about her is she loves to draw especially chalk art. She would ask for street chalk and just draw beautiful pictures on the pavement at the playground.
Hiya Arle!! Thanks so much for posting :D
I'd love Rion to meet Cressida, they'll be in the same year which is great!!! I honestly don't know what Rion's opinion is on dolls and dresses and that sort of thing, she probably likes them, not obsessed but would like to have some of her own. Maybe they could meet at some sort of crafts fair? Maybeeeeeee there's a raffle to win this beautiful doll and we can use a generator to see who wins it and go from there? :r (I am pulling these ideas out of my rear, man xD)

As for Angel, if @Marley Pattinson doesn't mind (and feel free to say no), maybe she could join our topic in Tākarokaro Park once we've posted a few times? I don't know about Marley but I could personally see Rion trampling all over Angel's chalk art without realising it, it could be interesting to see how everyone reacts to that? :3
Let me know what you guys think!!

Also thank you so so much everyone for posting <33 I'm still down for more plots but I think I'm gonna be at my thread capacity once all these get going hehe, so please do reach out or post still but I might have to stagger any more plots over the next IC year!!
Appreciate you all :claire:

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