Closed Big Plans and Little Attention Spans

Monty Pendleton

💡 Inventor | Guardian 💡
OOC First Name
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Straight 9 1/2 Inch Rigid Walnut Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
1/1999 (61)
Monty talked about his grandchildren often - more often, perhaps, than anybody really wanted to hear. He couldn't help it. They were such a joy to him, and he so delighted in their visiting, that it was difficult to imagine that someone wouldn't want to know that Rion had joined the Niffler Scouts, or that Ainmere had taken up painting. So when James Holland had suggested he bring the girls over to play one afternoon, he had jumped on the phone immediately to ask Saveli if she minded. She wouldn't, she said - it would be good for them to meet some of the children they might go to Hogwarts with - but she needed Ainmere home for a doctor's appointment, so Rion would have to go by herself.

The Holland's house was quite beautiful. Monty had visited several times already, both on potions business and to help tutor James's youngest daughter Lucy, but he always took a moment to appreciate the garden as he approached the front door. When he reached it he knocked and gave Rion's hand a squeeze that he hoped telepathically conveyed I love you, but please don't break anything I can't fix.

((Feel free to godmod any amount of time passing any time you want!!))
Lucy loved being a kid and spending her time running around having fun with Dad, but the older she got, the more she felt like she was ready to go to Hogwarts. Lucy knew she wasn't old enough yet, but she was really quite grown up already she thought, and if she went to Hogwarts she could get a wand and learn the spells her sisters knew, just like they had. It made sense. Dad didn't agree with her unfortunately, but Lucy was at least old enough to start tutoring. The man Dad had hired to teach her was a funny man, not serious and boring like she thought teachers would be, and if this was what Hogwarts was like she was only more keen to go.

Lucy had been surprised when Dad had told her that Mr. Pendleton was bringing a friend for her to play with, but it was the best kind of surprise. Lucy loved having friends over to play, and if Mr. Pendleton had a daughter her age maybe they could be friends, and go to Hogwarts together! So she had welcomed the girl into the house, quickly taking Dad's suggestion that she how Rion around. She wished it was nice enough to play in the garden, but the weather was horrible and cold today, so Lucy had led her upstairs instead, showing Rion her room with all her toys proudly. "I've got lots of toys, so we could play anything you like! I've even got muggle toys too, I got them for my birthday."
Rion slipped off her shoes and hurried up the stairs after Lucy. At the top she suddenly stopped, still holding onto the banister. She was sinking. The carpet was so spongy, she could actually feel it squishing between her toes. She wriggled them into the pile with each step, developing a strange, wobbly gait as she followed Lucy into her bedroom.

"Wow." Correction - this wasn't a bedroom. This was heaven. Rion hadn't imagined it possible one girl could have so many toys. If it were her room, she would never have left it, not in a million years! She belly-flopped onto the bed and rolled over, giggling. "Um - have you got any ponies? Or Lego?" she asked, thinking of the models in Grandpa Monty's cabinet. He'd bought her a set last Christmas, but it was nowhere near as complicated or impressive; she'd finished it in an hour and barely looked at the instructions. "I'll play with anything!"
Lucy giggled as Rion flopped onto the bed, following her immediately and dropping onto it herself with a loud 'FWOOF'. She looked up when Rion asked about toys. "Yeah!" She said in delight, scrambling off the bed immediately. "This is my ponies and dolls and things." She explained, opening a box where she kept all of her dolls and ponies and other little plastic creatures. "And I've got a box of legos, Charlie gave me them for Christmas." She explained, scrambling over to the wardrobe and digging out the box of legos, still half assembled into pieces of the robot she and Phoebe had pulled off an ice cream heist with.
What Rion wouldn't have done to own even a tenth of Lucy's toys! She slid off the bed and knelt down on the carpet, picking up a Lego robot torso. "Let's make a stable for the ponies," she said. "Can I take this apart?"
Lucy was a little sad at the thought of losing her robot, but it had done its job valiantly. "Yeah, my sister and I built that." She explained, reaching down to pick up the legs and begin breaking them up too. "The horses could live in the stables, but then they find out it's a robot stables and they have to fight it!"
"Do you still have the rest?" Rion asked, digging around in the box and finding what could have been a broken arm. She set both pieces of the robot on the carpet. It would be a shame to disassemble it. "OK, you put him back together, and I'll do the stable. Can you do a robot voice? I can, listen. I - am - a - robot. I - will - delete - all - the - po - nies." Rion laughed, grabbing a handful of multi-coloured bricks. Now you do one."

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