Herc's very first painting. 5 years ago, Herc would have been 6 already!
I thought to do another one this year when I found spare paint! He's 11 now!
Last year (2021) I did 'lick art' with him, I put the paint on the canvas, gladwrapped it, and put peanut butter on the top. He licked it all off and this was the result! (His pawprint on the bottom is his signature hehe)
This was today's artwork. You can tell he's over it

The first one we did with the dogs at work, so I brought a paper home and did one with Hercules too - it's also lick art. And then some more paw prints. I know my error was not taking a proper bucket out with me to wash his feet which is why I ended up with pawprints all over the pavement outside. They looked much better out there than on this paper