Memory Lane

Patricia Styx

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
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Ash Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Tail Hair of a Male Unicorn | Willow Wand 12 3/4" Essence of Gold Dust

As another Birthday comes rolling around we find ourselves talking about years gone-by. So we want to give you the chance for you all to share your time on here for the rest of us to read and reminisce, laugh, cry, whatever the case may be, with you.

Feel free to share any fond memories you have from your time here, be them cringe-worthy n00b moments (which we’ve all had, admit it :r ), a favourite memory, a proud moment, a sad memory...basically anything goes.

So come share your trip down memory lane with us all, be it a single memory or your whole time here on HNZ, we look forward to reading them all.
One of the earliest memories I have from HNZ, is back in 2009 when Libby and a few others had a game of Dares. Included events were being forced to sing in the Great Hall and to sit out on the Quidditch hoops xD If I can find the link I will add it, but I've always loved topics that have an element of spontaneity :r

Heheh I love to laugh at the fact that I said Riley Sparkles actually had sparkly hair from a "charm that one of her great(x4) grandfather had put on him, by his spouse that liked everything glitter. It passed down the family line, and Riley just so happened to receive the 'glitter' gene." :r
And the fact that I wrote in a very bright orange! :lol:
My favourite cringy 2009 memory is firstie Maria Madison (yes the counsellor) throwing one of her roommates down a flight of stairs because she was mad about being in Hufflepuff :lol:

I also used to google translate all of Kyle's posts into French........ hooooboy
I remember the Skype night that ended with Patricia being Kalif’s long lost daughter. And also how Aleyha and Theodore came to be. Aleyha literally attacking Sam Prince, being expelled. Merlin I have so many.
There was a time way back in the day where Aeon and Libby went into the Forbidden Forest with Luxen during the holiday period. Luxen crucio'd a centaur just casually and Aeon got shot with an arrow. I think he also shot another arrow out of the air with a spell? He had fantastic aim and reflexes for an injured eleven year old boy apparently :r
I remember the absolutely cringey over-dramatic teen drama me and my friends wrote (badly) when I first joined HNZ. Also, in that period, a very involved conversation about it during maths class which ended in whispering 'intimate candle-lit dinner gone wrong' into a friend's ear.

We used to be so impatient during school that we'd write RPs out on paper so we didn't have to wait for the other person to be at a computer and able to reply.
I used to keep a notebook with replies to then later type out, lists of RPs to start, bio info, etc. I didn't have a computer at home when I first joined HNZ, so was only able to reply when I was at school. I may try to find the notebook this weekend and post a photo. It feels like something I'd have kept. xD
I remember when Georgiana became a Prefect for the Gryffindor House like it was a few weeks ago. She was my first student, Kayden transferred out to Salem(cough doesn't really exist but oh well it does now on the site xD ) and I was sooooo happy and surprised about it!
I found this while searching through New Pictures the other day. I think I was 13 xD


*Sobs quietly*
Bruin's Kissing Booth.
Oh my goodness. I have so many cringe-worthy the insane "tricks" Kiera used to do on her broom.... or this thread....or this one.
At least once a year, I bring up the dolls we used to have as our character playbys to staff.

Anyone else spend far too long trying to get yours just right? :teehee:
Lyra Potter said:
like the insane "tricks" Kiera used to do on her broom
To this day I still remember those from tryouts specifically =))
Two cringy words: Rainbow Text

like every sentence was another color, you guys who let me do this? How was I not banned???
Professor Cyndi Kingsley said:
At least once a year, I bring up the dolls we used to have as our character playbys to staff.

Anyone else spend far too long trying to get yours just right? :teehee:
Revisited this recently.. forgot how long it took to load each and every page.. then to accidentally close it and have to start from page 1 again :glare:
I never used the dolls and I feel like I missed out D:
Professor Monty Pendleton said:
I never used the dolls and I feel like I missed out D:
I think I made Kyle the first year pictures were used in the yearbook instead of dolls, so I missed out too :( My previous RP forum experience was mostly on sites where people pixelled their own dolls by hand though so I spent a lot of time on character dolls in the way-back-when xD
Guiliana Johnson said:
Two cringy words: Rainbow Text

like every sentence was another color, you guys who let me do this? How was I not banned???

My whole HNZ experienced has been one big cringe. No matter how much I try, my ics are just ass*s. =))

I should've stopped at Link. :r
Professor Cyndi Kingsley said:
At least once a year, I bring up the dolls we used to have as our character playbys to staff.

Anyone else spend far too long trying to get yours just right? :teehee:
I still love doing wee dress up games like that xD

But I can't for the life of me find the site that everyone used for their dolls so I feel I can never get it right if I do it again :lol:

*goes searching again*
Omg I found it xD *wastes many hours*


If anyone wants to have a go to relive old memories or wasn't here for the golden days heres the link:
Oh dear. xD

I remember when Cyndi Weasley lost a bet to Estrella and needed to wear a Ravenclaw jersey for a day. That was a fun RP. :p
Professor Cyndi Kingsley said:
Oh dear. xD

I remember when Cyndi Weasley lost a bet to Estrella and needed to wear a Ravenclaw jersey for a day. That was a fun RP. :p
We need more students bets with ridiculous forfeits :r

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