Last Game You Played

I just bought Tekken 8 as an early Christmas present to myself because they're adding one of my favourite characters ever to it. Clive Rosfield :wub:

Also I've been playing Infinity Nikki. It is very cute and a timesink. :lol: To go with the fact that you can now get Animal Crossing Pocket Camp complete edition for like $10 my productivity is gooooone.

(Also I played Dragon Age: The Veilguard and it...definitely is a game that was released this year.)
Ooo sounds awesome, Camilla! I might have to get my hands on Animal Crossing Pocket Camp....

I've actually just started Dragon Age: Origins for the first time! It went on sale and I was like, yep I'll grab that and Dragon Age 2 and give them a whirl since I know people who really love the games. Plus it's been a while since I've started an RPG so I'm looking forward to getting into it.
So, someone put Club Penguin back online and I have recently been playing it (mostly for the cart surfer) but now I am trying to earn all the stamps.
I actually replayed Dragon Age: Origins and 2, I'd replayed Inquisition recently but carried my save through this time and got about halfway through so that's been fun...

...but Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii came out yesterday so I'm kind of hooked on that right now. It's exactly what I expected and yet somehow more of a sad character study than I thought given the premise of, you know, pirate yakuza in Hawaii. Also if anything happens to Noah and Goro I will not be okay.
Ooo, I've always wanted to play a Yakuza game but never got around to it, I hear they're fun.

I've been deep into Persona 5 for the first time (my first Persona game too) and loving it dearly but I just started Hades for the first time as well yesterday! I'm pretty terrible at it but hey I'm getting better so there's that.
It's always the sims for me, even wen it's not xD
I will always recommend Yakuza 0 cause it's a good starting point and usually super cheap too. :lol:

Persona 5 is really good and I love Hades, such a good way to lose a few hours with "one more run...". Hades 2 had an update, I haven't quite got my head around the combat in it yet (I miss my bow) but I'm hoping I get my head around it in time.
I'm currently playing a lot of Rimworld; I just made a new colony that included Faye and I, and Faye is quickly becoming the colony VIP cause she's constantly out here saving everyone's lives while the rest of us are just chilling =))
I'm currently playing a lot of Rimworld; I just made a new colony that included Faye and I, and Faye is quickly becoming the colony VIP cause she's constantly out here saving everyone's lives while the rest of us are just chilling =))
One could say I be saving ya life everywhere! I am the light of your life truly :teehee:

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