Last Game You Played

I've been playing a lot of the game Prey, I am awful at it, but I like it.
I'm playing Life is Strange: Before the Storm at the moment ^_^
Batman: The Enemy Within
Not video game:

But I played Life (the Haunted Mansion version) last night. Something about going through the After-life in a Doom Buggy is so much more appealing than normal life xD
I just got Skyrim again - so that. :tut:
Either the controls on the Switch suck compared to the PS3, or I'm really bad at it now. I don't remember dying this often when I played before. @_@
I downloaded the mobile animal crossing's fun, but it's just a typical mobile game in the form of animal crossing.
Oh, I forgot I'd been mucking about with Nimbatus (which just has a super early demo available but is on Kickstarter and seems fun ^_^ ).
Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp is currently ruining my life.
Destiny 2 but currently waiting for another Resident Evil 7 DLC in like 5 hours
I just finished Detroit: Become Human and it got me right in the feels
I’ve just restarted playing Borderlands for the third time =)) so good

Steven: I have that on going right now but not quite finished it :cry:
Dream Piano
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban for the Gameboy Advance
I played Mobile Legends again. And Homescapes. Again.
Uncharted and Lara Croft. I prefer Lara graphics, but uncharted realistic storyline
Taiko no Tatsujin

My daughter loves to play this xD
Ooh I had fun with the last Taiko no Tatsujin on the switch, it's good fun.

I've been mostly jumping between Monster Hunter: Rise and Fire Emblem: Three Hopes at the moment. did one route in FE then went to hunt monsters for a bit until I needed a break from that and so on :lol:

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