Open Hufflepuff Practice Y36 S1

Flying on, Connor pulled his broom up short in a hurry as another player shot past him lightning fast. What was...? Oh. It was hard to make out through the rain, but he realised after a moment of watching that Elliot had managed to catch the snitch already! He clapped one wet hand against his bat, the sound almost entirely drowned out by the rain, then turned away and went back to practicing, looking to try and figure out where the bludgers were.
As he watched the snitch zip off across the pitch, Elliot was still grateful for the impervius charms to help keep him at least somewhat dry, even if their effectiveness was well beyond their limits now. He shook his head to try and get some of his wet hair off his face as he resumed circling the pitch, planning on giving the snitch a little head start but at all surprised to find he'd completely lost it in the rain.
Abian had a hard time figuring out what was happening with everyone else, the rain preventing him from really seeing much. He was using all his focus on keeping his grip on the quaffle as he flew up to the hoops. He tried to score, but Ilija blocked his attempt.
Elliot was starting to get cold as he circled the pitch, flexing his fingers where they were wrapped around his broom to keep the circulation going. He'd completely lost sight of the snitch now, but tried to hold onto his early catch as encouragement to keep going.
Lauren continued but this weather was terrible it wasn't making thing easier. But she noticed Elliot catching the snitch and that was good so fast and pretty amazing in this weather. Lauren hoped that she could feel better soon if she would do anything good, not being an failure. But so far she saw not much.
Elliot continued circling, watching the chasers for a moment as Ilija threw the quaffle back into play. It was hard enough for him catching the snitch he knew, but he didn't envy the other positions having to deal with a wet quaffle or beaters bat right now either.
Amy caught the Quaffle as it was thrown back into play and it nearly slipped out of her hands. Readjusting her grip, she flew around, looking out for someone to pass to. The rain wasn't making it easy to see who was who, so she waited until someone was flying next to her for a time before passing it to them. It wasn't a great throw, since the Quaffle mostly just slipped out of her hands instead of being thrown, but she hoped they had caught it.
Elliot had been zoning out some and was surprised when the snitch buzzed past his ear. Roused into action, he shot after it, disappointed when it took a sharp turn and he lost track of it again.
It was hard to see what was happening around her, but she was ecstatic that Elliot made it known that he had caught the snitch. That was fantastic, especially since he had seen it in such horrific weather. Chasing after a bludger, Analei whacked it towards Elliot, both hoping he'd dodge it, and that it would hit him, but the bludger made it's own choice and, annoyingly, her shot missed Elliot and hit @Arvel Ayers instead.

[ooc =
Your action (hit) was successful!
...but the bludger went off course, and you hit another player, instead!
Ilija was half watching Elliot as the seeker went for the snitch, barely getting enough time to block Abians shot. The Keeper managed to grab it tightly with both hands, not wanting to be the player to drop the ball, before throwing it back out to Amy.
Abian smiled as Amy passed the quaffle to him again. He flew on with it, then passed it back to her. "Try to score!" He encouraged her.
Usually, Elliot liked to get some height to help get a good view of the pitch, but it didn't feel like that was helping him today. He was just considering dropping down a bit lower to search when he heard the definite hit of a bludger, ducking on instinct, but relieved when it hadn't managed to make its way over to him.
Lauren was a bit grumpy. But also impatient. So far she missed she could not see a thing. The blonde thought she saw a bludger but yet again not an hit. She moved on trying to seek Elliot in case she needed to protect a bit.
Elliot was grateful when he spotted Lauren flying nearby, not entirely trusting his own reflexes to spot the snitch in the rain, let alone an incoming bludger. The rain seemed to muffle everything with white noise, and Elliot felt like he couldn't hear his own thoughts very well, and especially not the incoming noise of a bludger as they circled the pitch.
Amy grinned as Abian threw the Quaffle back to her. Trying to focus on the hoops through the rain, she flew past and threw the Quaffle. Missed."Bummer," she muttered, flying off again. She wasn't sure if it was the rain or if she was rusty, but she could normally do better than that.
More and more water was starting to trickle under Elliot's collar which was making it very hard to focus. Pressing on, he tried to see if there was any movement of the snitch around center field.
Analei felt bad that her bludger had hit Arvel, but she knew he'd forgive her eventually. Analei continued to fly around in the rain, hoping to see another bludger to hit.
Scanning the field around the middle of the pitch, Elliot dropped down some, checking to see if the snitch was somewhere near the ground. His heart lept when he spotted it again, hovering a few feet from the muddy grass. Shooting off after it, Elliot felt his shoes skimming the wet grass as he took off after it, twisting up as the snitch gained some altitude. His hair was plastered to his face with rain, but Elliot let out a triumphant noise as his hands closed around the snitch again, slumping relieved on his broom in victory before he let the snitch go again. He only hoped he could play this well in the actual game.
Giving the snitch a decent head start, Elliot spent a few moments catching his breath and flexing his cold and tired fingers for a bit before taking off again. The sting of rain was still unpleasant, but it was starting to fade into the background as practice continued on.
Analei hit the bludger that flew towards her, aiming for Ilija this time. However, it swung off course and hit Elliot. Analei groaned, wishing her aim was better.
Ilija's eyes widened as he realised Analei tried to hit a bludger in his direction. No, surely that was a mistake. It veered off though and ended up collided with Elliot, as as glad as he was that he didn't get hit, he did feel for the boy who had been doing so well for them. At this rate they would have needed to team up with bats of their own perhaps. Ilija adjusted his position, trying not to get himself too worried.
Arvel didn't see the bludger - or who had hit it - until it slammed into his forearm. Rockets of pain shot right up his shoulder, and for a few seconds he couldn't move his wrist. Once the initial agony subsided, he shot forward caught the quaffle as it came back out to play. He wasn't sure he would be able to aim with his dominant arm injured, so he tossed it back to @Amy Jewel, who could have used the practice more than him anyway.
Elliot was just shifting to start searching again when he felt something collide with his leg. Wincing and clutching his broom to keep his balance, Elliot let out a hiss as the bludger carried on its way. He supposed it was his own fault getting too focused on the snitch, he'd need to be on his guard during the game with Slytherin, but the hit still stung and Elliot felt like his entire body had heated up from the impact.
Amy wasn't sure if she should try to score again or pass it on, but she felt good about it this time. With a firmer grip on the Quaffle, she aimed and threw with all of her might. When it went through the hoop, she grinned widely. If she could score in the rain, surely she could score in a game with nice weather.
Lauren was getting frustrated and tried the best she could to see a thing. She than saw a bludger close and perhaps had flew closer to Elliot but he was quicker and had found the snitch again. But he was hit by Analei. Lauren though tried to hit the bludger in the direction of Amy but instead it went off course and she managed to hit her fellow beater Analei. Lauren was actually glad she hit something but looked in the direction of Analei for a moment. But a small smirk on her face that she at least hit something.
@Analei Louw

OOCOut of Character:

Your action (hit) was successful!
...but the bludger went off course, and you hit another player

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